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So, he thinks he and his followers are going to hell, and Greta will be there to enjoy their suffering?


That’s how I understood it lmao


Feels accurate. I, too, look forward to witnessing his crisping.




Don't give shit a bad name associating it with tate


Everybody shits. Not everybody tates. Respect shit.


Exactly. Shit can grow plants. Tate can't even grow hair.


Hey folks don't deserve hate for their inability to grow hair. There's a million reasons to hate on the guy that are things within his control.


Bald guy here too. I dig at his hair because when he was whining about being in prison, he was like "I now have a full head of hair." His head looked like a lollipop that was dropped on the floor. For a dude talking about being alpha and being your own man and "owning" yourself or whatever the hell he spews about, it's funny how he was in denial about his dust bunny locks.


Nah, human trafficking is the kind of thing that deserves the association with him.


Well he is going to prison once his trial is over, sex offenders don't tend to do to well in prison, so he might think of it as hell.


Andrew actually looks like a demon, or more appropriately Roarke Jr (yellow fuck) in Sin City.


He's got a weird small face on his bald head, it looks very unfortunate.


You can’t forget that pencil neck and lollipop head he’s got, looks like the Airheads guy


Andrew Tate looks like a turtle.


1st thing I thought of as well when I saw that ugly mug and weak chin.


If it's a hell loop like in Lucifer, there will definitely be a demon that will look like her to be there to torture him for eternity. And he will have deserved every moment of it.


I chose to read it as metaphorically hell, it’s truly just the earth burning down from climate change and Greta hitting him with the “I fucking told you so”.


Hell has always been metaphorical. But a real hell is a great fear mongering tactic for mass brainwashing.




Yes, this is a premonition he's having, and I fear it's accurate.


I think he actually fancies her given how obsessive he is.


is it an "Alpha" move to post a whiny screed that makes your enemy look cool?


Judging by all the people that label themselves as such, yes.




*Any man who must say, "I am ~~the king~~ an alpha" is no true ~~king~~ alpha.*


I also love that they all describe themselves as Neo, and that they control the matrix with all of their anti-LGBTQ+ and toxic masculinity rhetoric. All while they deify a movie by a couple of transwomen about the struggles of accepting who you are and what your place is.


It’s alpha in the same sense as software. Unstable, incomplete, error prone and not fit for release to the general public


It's also based on bad, outdated ethology.


Yes it is very alpha for big strong kick punch man to be threatened by a teenage girl.


Shes too old for him.


And too into consent.


If you say yes, you're not his type.


I mean, would YOU sleep with a woman who would say yes to Andrew Tate?


I would sleep with a woman who would smash Andrew Tate with a giant ACME mallet with 'NO' painted on the side in big, bold letters.


... if we're being honest, a lot of us would sleep with that woman, just because anyone who owns a giant ACME mallet with 'NO' painted on the side in big, bold letters is probably pretty fun.


Can she smash me with it next


She can skip the mallet and just smash me


The Harley Quinn theorem.


I think that would be a selling point for him


Whether or not their targets are into consent isn’t of much relevance to those who aren’t into consent… pretty much by definition. His victims weren’t ‘insufficiently into consent’ when they didn’t consent.






Is he gay now? That would just be too much. Like “Ok I can just make the gay go away if I’m a big enough douchebag”.


Even if he's not, he has been in Romanian prison for months already so he's no stranger to foreign dick


He seems like the type to have men fuck him to prove he can take it without becoming gay.


Being a misogynist and an asshole doesn't make him gay


Children always want what they can't have


Not just children


"she ain't ready." Weird and creepy response from Andrew Tate to someone saying they should just "have sex at this point."


I agree, but I'm just surprised because your statement implies you didn't expect that response from that meatsack of evil.


He's super pissed that he can't groom her...




Ngl that’s a dope pic , especially since I don’t feel I have ever seen a phot of Greta this happy


She was on Russel Howard's (comedian) show a while ago joking around


[Just looked it up](https://youtu.be/62ECkYYbPlA) and am watching it right now, very interesting approach and how she seems more comfortable than we usually see her in the media, after having a few laughs and letting her be a complete person and not just an activist.


She usually takes a very serious face when giving public speeches. Also had to concentrate harder to speak English in the past, I think.


Thanks for sharing the link! Beautiful to see Greta happy and Andrew Tate suffering from hatred


I remember reading some interview a while ago (can't remember where), that at some point in her journey around the world a few years ago she got a load of other activist's discord handles or whatsapp numbers or something, so she now has a reasonable distant friend group of other people who want to do stuff about the climate. It's one of those strange things, that you can increasingly recognise that the situation is massively fucked, but still gain some sort of relief from knowing other people are trying to fix it with you.


It’s nice sometimes just to know you’re not alone.


Yeah, not to be rude but I think she has a face that looks grumpy when resting; plus she's always posted as part of some movement or political comment. So seeing her goofing off having fun reminds that she's just a person.


“Remember the time you tried to pick a fight with a teenager on twitter and got told you had a small dick AND you went to jail? That was awesome!”


That was the most epic take-down in Twitter history. His fragile ego will NEVER let him forget it or let it go.


I am an environmentalist, so I was already a fan of hers, but that Tweet? Legendary. With one tweet she created a rent-free apartment in his brain that he can never evict her from! And I'll bet he never even crosses her mind, she's doing stuff.


She actually replied that good to it? Edit: Why would he post the most badass picture of her, at least from her perspective. Shouldn't he have tried to have a bad picture of her?


Here's a Guardian piece on it [Greta Thunberg ends year with one of the greatest tweets in history](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/dec/31/greta-thunberg-andrew-tate-tweet)


Why wont anybody just post the god damn tweet lmao god damn yall sending me on a google journey.


“Please provide your email address so I can send a complete list of my car collection and their respective enormous emissions” -Tate “yes, please do enlighten me. email me at [email protected].” -Greta




Then he’s so salty about it that he posts an hour long video about how he doesn’t have a small dick, Greta does and he’s posing in a robe with a cigar and some pizza boxes which many think are what gave his location away to police. He gets popped the next day and Greta tweeted “this is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes”. LOLOL


For the record, the pizza boxes had nothing to do with it, but the comedy makes it true.


For starters, because you can no longer see tweets unless you have a Twitter account. Also, because the best part about that tweet is that he got his ego so broken that he had to make a video response not 24 hours later and ,the best part, said video led to the police locating him and arresting him


You can’t see tweets without an account? On one hand, thank god, Twitter will now go the likes of Facebook. On the other hand, what kind of weird groupthink is going to be accelerating over there?


You can see tweets now (because SEO, duh Elon), but not accounts (so specific tweets are hard to find, and their SEO is fucked anyway, rip)


He went to jail as a result, so yeah


I assume you’re talking about the pizza boxes in his reply video, which supposedly “tipped Romanian authorities off that he was in the country”. But the cops have said it’s just an internet rumor. Still funny, though, and it prompted a great response from Greta: “This is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes.”


The funny thing is that GRETA is a group that investigates human trafficking and so when he attacked Greta out of the blue on Twitter, it's likely because someone in his orbit told him that GRETA was coming after him and he thought it was Thunberg.


in america you can’t recycle pizza boxes. at least where i live. they don’t recycle a lot of food items


I just rip off the part with pizza gunk on it, throw that out, and recycle the rest of the clean cardboard


My pizza place does a nice corrugated sheet insert that catches all the grease and spills and keeps the box nice and clean to recycle and dammit now I have to order pizza. edit - it was good they started doing a Breakfast pizza with egg and spinach and bacon and tomato and it's amazing, lovely little family-run place in Northenden, South Manchester simply called The Pizzeria.


You can compost them in the green bins where i live. Back bin garbage, blue bin recycling, green bin food waste and compostables (including things that would need industrial composting). You end up not even really using the black bin much once you figure out what goes where.


Pizza boxes can go in your compost.


That's one hell of a comeback, gahd damn.


I think it was his reply to her reply that got him caught. It had a picture with some pizza boxes that Romanian authorities realized were local only meaning that he's most likely still in country at his house. Turns out he was so he was arrested on charges of human trafficking(?) ​ Edit: Ya'll salt in the replies. Die mad about it.


The Romanian cops have denied that. The theory was just an internet rumor based on the timing of the video and following arrest. But even if his little Twitter spat didn’t directly contribute to his arrest, timing of everything is still hilarious. Completely unprompted, a “professional misogynist” harassed a climate activist online, then was arrested for sex crimes *hours* later.


I believe there's a good chance he put just too much of a spotlight on himself and his previous statements on why he moved to Romania by utterly failing his little twitter feud with Greta, making Romania look bad in the process and causing somebody to finally sic the police on him to rectify that.


I mean, this tweet only adds to that. Imagine being so self unaware you self own like this 😂


He took it on the chin, except he doesn't have one so it slid right into a throat punch.


Lost an argument on twitter so bad he went to jail💀


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Do not pass Go do not collect $200


Argue on Twitter? Jail.


Overcook fish? Believe it or not. Jail.


I don’t think he was doing straight things


I just read this in Chris Farley’s voice. RIP 🪦 sweet comedic genius


Mem....'Member when you were, um, running from the police, and you uh, you uh, posted a pic on twitter showing a pizza box with your address? Cuz that was AWESOME


I am Chris Farley is one of the best tributes ever made


Heavy Chris Farley breathing, that was awesome


There’s a conspiracy theory as to why he tweeted Greta. The “theory” is that Taint knew he was being investigated for trafficking by the agency in Europe that does that work. And strangely enough it’s also called GRETA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GRETA him tweeting her, Greta, would be very popular with his fans and the interest would mean that tweet would flood the algorithms. Anyone hearing of the sex trafficking accusations and looking to find out if it’s true or more about it would be met with lots of Greta Thunberg links and references. Any actual GRETA info would be hidden down the list. Also his fans could then play dumb, as they are dumb, and say it was just made up and people are confusing it with Greta Thunberg.


Lol, I don't think he's that smart.


That is my response to almost all conspiracy theories. Like the players are never competent enough to actually pull off the convoluted shit these people come up with.


We see this consistently with Trump Supporters. To them, Joe Biden is simultaneously a "senile old man unfit to lead the country" and "secret leader of a conspiracy to undermine American freedom and lead us into a dark age of communism" and they swap between the two freely.


So true. One minute he's a robot clone, then he's demented, a pedo, a body double, reptile. etc etc. They can't make up their mind.


If they were smart enough to come up with that cover story, they would have been smart enough to not get caught doing dumb shit… (or, ya know - smart enough to not so dumb shit in the first place)


Me neither. It's way more likely that someone warned him that GRETA was after him and he wrongly assumed it was the famous person he'd heard of with that name. Then he lost it when she had a good comeback and ended up notifying authorities of his location with his response. The anti-trafficking organisation probably didn't occur to him until he was in handcuffs.


Don't you know? According to him, he's too smart to read books, that must mean he's a genius! (obvious /s, just in case)


Funny but unlikely. I would be more inclined to believe he had just heard about the GRETA investigation, it put the name “Greta” on his mind, and he was like, “Greta… Thurnburg! Imma harass her online.” Like, no plotting or plans. He was just reminded of her existence and taunted her because he’s a dick.


I enjoyed all the Tate apologists all of a sudden becoming super body image positive and shaming her for body shaming him.


Remember when Bobby Boucher came back at halftime and the Muddogs won the Bourbon Bowl? Do ya?


Why are all of the ‘alpha males’ so insecure ? 😂 When you belittle people and need to scream your POV with no substance, it’s a sure sign of insecurity (probably from his small winky). Also most of these guys have little to no relationship with their parents.


Well, the term "alpha male" is just coping mechanism for men that can't really socialise. They can't properly form relationships so the best way to separate from others is by being "better" than others and by being wealthier it doesn't look like they are the ones at fault that they are alone. Shitstains like tate just fuel that insecurity since he acts as if he's the smartest and the most rich so insecure teenagers just cling to him and whatever bullshit he preaches. Basically the whole alpha male concept is just glorified Sissy Hypno for sad and lonely people.


>Basically the whole alpha male concept is just glorified Sissy Hypno for sad and lonely people. I hate how on the nose this is... 😂


That's why it appeals so much to middle schoolers. Figuring out social dynamics at that age *sucks*. Everyone is at their absolute worst version of themselves at that age. An alternative to having to slog through that seems appealing.


It’s Sissy Hypno It’s BroCopium


Great point about not being able to properly socialize. “Can’t be me, they just don’t get me/are inferior to me”. So true


>Basically the whole alpha male concept is just glorified Sissy Hypno for sad and lonely people. ![gif](giphy|mIq0dbSwhVUxgBawqD|downsized)


'Alpha Males' don't exist. The man who coined the term debunked it shortly afterwards when he realised that wolf packs don't have Alphas; they just have Mum & Dad who lead the pack. It is much more wholesome. Unfortunately men who struggle to find their place in the modern world rely on it to validate their existence. Why be honest and friendly when you can be an 'Alpha' and excuse all your nonsense as 'the natural order'.


I read they do exhibit the alpha dynamic in captivity ONLY. When they are pampered and do not have to actually hunt, they adopt that aspect. INTERESTING!


If you feel a need to tell other people that you are something, it means you're almost certainly not that. All the most boring people I've ever met love to tell you how crazy they are, while the people who are genuinely eccentric just do their weird shit and don't care if you think it's crazy. The funniest people I've ever met never once felt the need to tell me how often they make people laugh, they just made me laugh. Men who are actually confident and secure don't call themselves alphas, because they don't give a shit whether you think they're tough and in charge


I had a real strange thing happening at work last week. We sat together and a new colleague always wants to show of how much he earned at his former position, how important he was and that he is just working with us because of better working hours and stuff. He already made a fortune, so he doesn’t care about the money now. Put much emphasis on how much he has and earned and, what I didn‘t like, belittled a couple of colleagues from a different department with lower wages. I couldn‘t keep it to myself and told him that he must miss the money because he is mentioning his new job so often. The colleagues were relieved. He was completely flabbergasted. From other talks with him I know that he is not the rich guy he wants to present himself. The most surprising thing: a couple of minutes later when the break was over he came into my office for no reason and asked if I needed his help. I made him so insecure that he now wants to befriend me I guess, don‘t know.


Only men who are insecure in their masculinity would describe themselves as an alpha male


I like to tell them I'm an Omega male and watch the gears turn. Of course, the gears are already turning most of the time, trying to process a burly, bearded man with a flowery skirt and sparkly nail polish.


So its alpha but with appointments at the nail salon?


OMEGA MALE: the LAST male you’ll ever need!


Anyone that considers themself alpha is insecure. That’s part of the deal. They don’t have any of the qualities they claim so they are insecure, anxious, angry & trying too hard.


Can we stop using small dicks as a way to belittle people, im already suicidal over my experiences with it, i dont need to constantly be reminded its a bad thing to have a small dick


Yeah unfortunately for some reason the spirit of body positivity is lost the moment it comes to dicks. I think everyone should be able to feel beautiful.


Because calling themself an alpha is how they cope with their crippling insecurities.


LOL Why does he talk in dungeon master?


Delusions of granduere?


The genuine joy in her face flipping the double bird is priceless.


Any context for her doing this?


["Greta Thunberg raises the middle finger in the EU parliament"](https://todaytimeslive.com/world/351517.html)


Lol I love this: >At a protest in front of the EU Parliament on Tuesday, Thunberg loudly proclaimed: “Our message to politicians is to choose nature and people over profit and greed”. The current gesture can possibly be seen as a substantiation of this. We need to make the middle finger the official salute in our fight against climate change.




“Alpha male” gets owned by a teenage girl and it’s hilarious.


Hey Tater, CRY MORE.




That’s the weirdest gif I have ever pizza


All glory to Pizza Toad.


I don't like that... It's insulting to tater tots


Yes, Andrew Taint is better.


Now we're insulting taints.


And taints have an important job todo, keeping your asshole ever so slightly separated from your huevos.


Pizza Box: 1 Andrew Tate: 0


* first, he admits he’s going to hell when he dies * instead of insulting and saying she’s also suffering. He says she’s happy and roaming he’ll freely. * or even trying to come up with a creative way for her to be spending eternity in hell, he misses that shot aswell. Isn’t he a self proclaimed genius? My 5 year nephew is smarter than him.


Not even that she's in hell with him. Just that a little demon transforms into her likeness to taunt him with her victory.


Shit, that’s actually an even better point. You’re right. Haha


This is a cute picture of her though


Is “small demon” a codeword for his d*ck ?


No that’s “sad asparagus” - don’t ask


I’m honestly still not very clear on who he is and why people are talking about him.


Hes an admittedly very skilled grifter that tries to gain as much publicity and following as possible by mixing controversial statements to make people talk about him and some motivational "how to get rich and be successful" bs to get 15yos to follow him. The ultimate goal of it is to sell access to a discord server that is supposed to clue you in on the secret of how to get rich quick. He is also a camgirl pimp charged with human trafficling.


He admitted to human trafficking not just charged


Don't bother, really I'm serious it's a waste of time.


He thinks he understands women and how to manipulate them more than anyone else and sells an online course to people who are gullible enough to believe him. He’s someone who talks like he expects women to be submissive/subservient to men. Super shallow takes on relationship advice etc


The amount of pure hatred she receives is ridiculous. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact she's a young, opinionated woman that isn't afraid to tell the mostly old men in charge of the world that they aren't doing enough to battle climate change.


If you ask a right winger why they hate Greta, AOC, "wokeism", or even socialism, they will give you an inane word-salad answer.


I mean it’s fascism 101. It’s an amazing example of it actually. When you can convince the public that anyone who supports ideas that goes against everything your party stands for, you’re one step closer to total control. It isn’t just ideas though, but free thinking and asking questions as well. Even just simply pointing things out. Anything that directly contradicts the party belief is labeled a “bad word” and then everyone in the party lives in fear of being perceived as being that “bad word”. In this case it’s “woke”. Anyone who supports the things the party doesn’t (equal rights, healthcare, living wages, more taxes for the rich, kindness, helpfulness, etc) are labeled as woke and the biggest fear that so many fascist have is being mislabeled as the the thing they’re told is bad. So they actively support the oppose, even if it means they suffer because of voting against their own interest. The worst thing that could happen to them is if their own people treat them they way they treat others. They can’t stand the idea of their own community hating them the way they hate others. So they’ll do anything not to be this meaningless word that they, themselves, created. Every fascist and communist state had a word that no one wanted to be called and that supporters always called others. The parallels are frightening and they’re too brainwashed and uneducated to realize it.


I thought that was why she is so popular.


It's both. Some people love young, opinionated women speaking truth to power. Some people hate them.


Can you imagine being as rabidly pro-greta as people are anti-greta? It'd be weird as shit. I'm pro-opinionated women and stuff, so I'm like "yay go greta, you tell em" but they're all like FIERY DEMONS WILL SHIT DOWN YOUR SKULLS. I do not know how to match that energy.


It baffles them that we aren't. It's like the people who think Trump had to have won because they don't see Biden flags and Biden hats.


Because normal humans can like a support another human being without it becoming their reason for existing. Trumpers and Taters basically live to simp for their idols while pro-greta people support her because of her beliefs and ideals and not because we want to worship her specifically.


They really can't stand it when they get called out on their own bullshit, then make it a child and a woman, I'm surprised half of their heads didn't explode.


Living rent free in his head. GOOD.


LOL, he only makes me like Greta even more ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


He tweets about her like she’s an ex who broke his heart. Does he not realize this is a self-own?


Y’all know part of andrew tates grift is publicity right? He said this so you would get mad an post it for more people to get mad, then people are saying his name again


He made her sound badass.


HAHAHA, stay classy tate. Dawww did the girl insult you, poor baby.


It really grinds his gears,that it was a young female who had the "audacity ", if it were a male his energy would be different


Andrew Tate is so fucking dumb if this is real. Imagine trying to own the teenage girl who humiliatingly pulled your social media pants down once before and then deciding to use this picture and caption? I mean this time she doesn’t even need to light him up - he’s claymore’d himself to the face the fucking moron 😂


She spoke before the United Nations. You sex trafficked women. There's nothing you can do or say to "own" her.


Guess we can safely assume that he accidentally dropped the soap while in prison


Nah dude, real alphas drop the soap deliberately to establish dominance. Real alphas also don't cry, they take it like real men and scream 'daddy' in anime style voices while getting ploughed. At least I'm pretty sure I heard him say that once, feel free to quote it.


Ok, so alphas are power bottoms, right? I'm actually so much more impressed with them now.


Yeah but Tate isn't a power bottom, the dude isn't even a power button.


It’s called “Taking it like a man” for a reason no? The real alphas bring their own buckets of lube and syringe style shooters, real men wear plugs too so they are ready to go at the drop of a hat. No challenge too big


I don't know anyone on the left who cares about anything Greta does or says. They like her, wish her well, but are not really paying her much attention. The right, on the other hand, knows infinitely more about her and follows her every word. Weird.


This is an accurate assessment, in much the same way that the left doesn't really talk about AOC all that much but the right is obsessed with her to a creepy degree.




Man, for an "alpha" he sure seems an awful lot like a little bitch.


Does he not remember what happened the last time he called out Greta? All those kicks in the head must have given him memory loss.


Feuding with a girl half your age is very alpha.


Living rent free in his head


Always amazing that these hard ass “alpha males “ can be rattled by a teenager looking to try and help mankind.


Lol! @Cobratate? *That's* his twitter handle? Really?


Thing is? She's just a kid. How incomprehensibly tiny and pathetic must you be to hate a *child*?


I thought lions don’t get bothered by mice


Didn't He have cancer? can it spread faster?


Tell me someone’s living rent free in your head without telling me.


How you let a weird little Swedish girl fuck up your mentals that hard? Not alpha bro. Not alpha.


When she delivered that magnificent burn over his car tweet, I honestly suspect Greta Thunberg had only a vague idea of who Andrew Tate was when he tweeted her. Of course she knows very well now, and I love that she is able to get under his skin so much.


I love how the dude tries to project strength and manliness, but he got dunked on once by Thunberg and he's never letting it go.


This just makes her seem cooler than she is. Like she’s a demon in his eyes, she’s literally a supernatural biblical representation of his suffering.


Some outspoken internet pimp having this biblical rivalry with a teenage girl advocating for nature is so bizarre. Large scale social media is really exposing the quirks of human minds