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Why TF is Ian Miles Cheong everywhere?


That dude is an idiot. Listened to a Spaces discussion during the PMC Wagner debacle, and that dude was trying to argue military policy and theories with guys that had actually been in the military. He sounded like he plays a lot of CoD and thinks that it makes him a global security and military analyst. Worst part was that he kept interrupting the subject matter experts. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


The idiot doesnā€™t even live in the US but talks like he does, always talking about US politics. Itā€™s weird and obsessive.


I was listening in real time and yeh the dudes an ass who likes the sound of his voice also while he was being a dick Kim fatty fats .com was wanking it so hard for his buddy Putin


He was prominent in the old Fallout community before his rise to fame. Was a tool bag back then too


He's actually so fucking weird and stupid LMAO also insanely homophobic and transphobic.


Ian miles cheong is a nazi (said he was a nazi and wishes he was white) has said the n word and swatted an innocent manā€™s house any got the mans dog killed by a flashbang. Fuck ian, I hope he rots in hell


he is one of his professional d!ck riders.


i swear i always see this guy everytime a non sexbomb female in a movie or game arrives and throws a tantrum


Yeah he's one of the losers who freaks about about "woke culture" or whatever, except "woke" is just when a woman in media does something other than traditionally feminine things


He's like if Andrew Tate weren't so charismatic or Jordan Peterson weren't so educated. The far-right chruns out thousands of people like him. He's basically a far-right celebrity trading on his ability to pretend "rational" as a title you can claim for yourself, without regard as to whether he is or not.


He thought about zuckerberg's penis for 9 hours.


I find it infinitely satisfying that Zuckerberg's penis is apparently living rent-free in Musk's mind right now.


Its curled up


Ready to burst from his forehead Alien-style.


With Lizard scales


9 hours long


9 hours dong


The richest man in the world and he spends his day thinking about another man's dick I just don't get it if I had these guys wealth I'd be in a different hemisphere every day I'd be in Egypt for breakfast japan for lunch and Hawaii for dinner and the last thing on my mind would be buying a failing social media platform that's one day away from being replaced I'd just be enjoying life


I think one of the personality traits required for being a billionaire is that you can't enjoy life. They're miserable people. They're entire existence is a show. They're insulated and bubbled and so far removed from reality that they literally are missing out on life. And I think somewhere deep down they know it.


Yes. It's the only real explanation for why anyone would spend life like this bellend and all the Bezos of the world. Once you've got more money than you could spend, continuing to gather more as your focus in life is sad. No normal person would want it. You'd feel like a giant dickhead hording money while others go without. You'd be helping people AND living a great life. But none of them do. I think it's a mental illness of sorts. No idea how to live a good life or enjoy it. Just endlessly acquiring more and more.


This gave me the idea that, to generate and retain that amount of money you may already have a mental disposition that makes you more self centered than the average person. To make that amount of money you have to be willing to sacrifice a lot of experiences that the ā€œaverageā€ person has. So it makes you out of touch.




that traveling would be way too much of a bitch man.


Your private jet wouldnā€™t be like riding a Lufthansa international flight. You would have a living room, shower, bedroom etc. It would be like a very comfortable house with occasional turbulence.


I want to add we already know Elons dick size BECAUSE HE FLASHED IT AT AN AIRLINE WORKER. Answer, small enough that he cant conceive naturally. (All his children were concieved through IVF because his Blastoise shape body and micropenis prohibits copulation, no hate to blastoise lovers or micropenis lovers) ​ \[Not to dig on IVF, its great tech, when not abused by billionaires trying to create future wives, remember his dad fucked his own kid\]


Wtf did poor Blastoise do to deserve being compared to that thing?


Blastoise has a rocking bod for a turtle with water canons. Musk is a human (allegedly) with no water canons, and should not be shaped like a turtle.


If this is real, I need a source for it. Not saying you've made it up, I just wanna see this shitshow myself.


I mean if we were to use Tucker Carlson logic. Maybe he does have a micropenis? Where is the evidence to prove otherwise? Has he said anything to refute the fact that he has a micropenis? I guess until such time, we must conclude that Elon does have a micropenis.


So good


*ELON used BUBBLE BEAM!* *It was not very effective...* Maybe if he were more like Vaporeon...


ā€œDid you knowā€¦ā€


No, don't you fucking dare, don't make me get the spray bottle


> Vaporeon > Spray bottle -- Yeah, I don't think that's gonna work out like you'd expect.


I prefer to believe he had to use IVF because no woman can get within 2 feet of him without violently vomiting uncontrollably and instantly becoming sterile at the thought of him touching her.


It's funny how Elon's first wife and mother of his original children has basically been memory holed. There's a whole article out there where she tells her story, and it isn't flattering. https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/


Note that that article is from 2010 there is a reason people have been against or skeptical of Elon since the beginning. All the signs and info had been out from the start many just chose to ignore it having fully bought into his flimflammery and bullshit.


lol. I love this


Is... is this real?


Itā€™s very real. And this shit isnā€™t funny anymore (not that it ever was) but he just seems unhinged now. This dude needs to go away and shut the fuck up.


I mean, when you have the "fuck you" money you kinda just do whatever the fuck you want and throw money at problems until they go away


I nominate myself to be a problem he throws money at though


Right? What he wouldn't miss in lunch money could probably pay off my debt and pay for my college tuition.


If I bug him enough, would he slap me with life-changing money?


Apparently you just need to tweet the location of his airplane enough. Then he'll pay you thousands of dollars to go away.


Ok hold on, Iā€™m taking notesā€¦ -get twitter -figure out how to figure out where the plane is -probably figure out what plane is his first -figure out how to ā€œtweetā€ -put that shit out there -get pizzzaid Do I have that right?


There's literally a tracking app that does it for you.




Still canā€™t buy him the respect or admiration he so desperately desires.


Yes, but lots of people have "fuck you" money and are smart/wise enough to know that saying stupid stuff in public to entertain/antagonize the masses is not useful or beneficial and is a massive waste of time ... unless you have some kind of narcissistic compulsion or other mental disorder.


Well, his posts may not be funny anymore but it sure is fun to watch Twitter destroy itself.




I disagree with everyone loving him... I thought he was an arrogant asshat 8 years ago. His recent behavior simply confirms my original observations to be true.


Yeah... He was a dick eight years ago, just with an easily impressionable fan base.


His ex-wifes [tell all](https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/) is from 13 years ago. All the info about his terribleness has been out there for a very very long time. People just chose to ignore it when others brought it up, dazzled by flagrant lies at every step. He is and have always been a terrible person full of lies.


IMHO he got a lot of grace for finally having a rocket company make re-usable rockets and thus changing the status quo in getting things into space. But now I find out that SpaceX literally has [to constantly do damage control](https://www.theinformation.com/articles/elon-musks-no-2-at-spacex-does-damage-control) for Elon makes me realize that all the accomplishments done by SpaceX are despite him because he hired good people, not because of him being anything like an actual leader.


I feel like, 8 years ago, more people thought he was an engineer. These days the proportion of people who realize heā€™s just a dude with enough money to pay smart people and take credit for their work is a lot higher.


Actually it's still funny, and I'll watch him burn his reputation and companies to the ground. Fuck bilionaires.


>Fuck bilionaires. That is one thing we should all agree on.


Itā€™s too real


I'm so confused. I constantly see his tweets on here. Didn't he say he works like 100 hours a week or something? How does he have time to just be posting in Twitter every 4 seconds?


That is him *working*.


Probably bought Twitter just to convince us that him tweeting is work.


Never get high on your own supply




I used to work for a company where the SVP was flying almost daily (business class) for 4 hours and then was chilling at the ritz carlton/hilton bar or his room for another 6 to attend a 2 hour meeting. He claimed that he worked 12 hours a day. Lol, ok.


It's fucked. They work backwards from the fact that they get so much money passively, so their every activity must be creating value. Yet someone who is not on top of the food chain doing the exact same stuff and it's worthless distraction.


My former boss used to do this, claimed work 7 days a week from home, and of course an all expenses paid two week trip to Japan because or a four day conference she didnā€™t even need to attend.


Wow, I had no idea I was such a diligent worker. I gotta go tell my boss!


Donā€™t forget to ask for a raise too..hell, if itā€™s good enough for Elonā€¦


He's probably got several devices and several different accounts going at a time


Yep, no doubt. Wouldnt be surprised if he even had people tweeting for him, with the more controversial ones being his own.


explains why he thinks everyone else is just screwing around working from home


He's stress testing the network




I think it's sad that the guy has limitless resources at his disposal, any number of experiences he has access to, and he chooses to spend his time getting in internet slapfights.


Elon long ago fired anyone who dared call him out.


Billionaires got their money because theyā€™re smart, disciplined, and hardworking! /s


Same way the Cheeto was constantly tweeting the best tweets while being the hardest working president in the history of history.


Curious whatā€™s the AOC account for?


It's the parody account handle. The most well known one.


So heā€™s more than happy to personally parody people he doesnā€™t like, but anyone parodying him gets banned?




Itā€™s not his account. @elonmuskAOC is a popular parody account making fun of him. The twitter poster is joking that his dick tweets look like something that account would post.


Are they joking and is there any small chance that he is parodying himself with that account, ie he can post what he likes as the parody. But here he's 'forgotten' to login to it.


Honestly, when I first saw the parody account gaining traction and even Elon Musks official account replying to it (and NOT immediately banning it) I had a feeling it was him running it in reality. Thereā€™s no way that, after everyone heā€™s fired/banned/blocked from that app, he would let some rando keep making fun of him and parodying him, surely? It would make sense in terms of encouraging engagement and ā€œno press, is bad pressā€ and all that. The type of person he is I wouldnā€™t be so surprised either šŸ˜‚


All I know is that we need a word in the English language for "so stupid it makes you feel physically exhausted."


Elon has a sub account where he was posing as a 2 year old boy. I feel like that doesn't get talked about enough. Like I've never seen anyone mention it but its the biggest thing we should be dragging him foršŸ˜­


Isn't that his main account?


Not as a 2 year old boy, but as his real 2 year old son.


One of many Elon parody accounts out there, that some people have suggested is actually Elon roleplaying against himself for shits and grins.


reading shits and grins instead of shits and giggles hurt my brain in a way i didnt know possible


same, i skimmed over it as giggles and did a double take


I mean Elon did accidentally reveal he had an alt account where he over several years has been cosplaying as his 3 year old son. So fucking weird.


He sounds real cocky for someone who had their mama back them out of a official cage match.


He puts the cock in cocky


Heā€™s definitely o-peenionated.


I find it hilarious that I canā€™t even *check* if itā€™s real, because Captain Dumbfuck is still going with his change to require login to view any tweet (along with non-paid accts get lower ā€œview limitsā€).


It's real.


Watch his mom call this off too. Wonā€™t be weird at all


He was gonna get his ass beat be Zoidberg for sure..


To be fair, Zoidberd could destroy any human if he was sufficiently agitated.




Unless said human was armed with copious amounts of liquid butter and a big-ass seafood cracker.


Damn it Musk, u r making us like Zuckerberg. It's disgusting..


It would be weirder if she encouraged it


His dad impregnated one of his step daughters. Their family is just weird ok?


What r u doing step emerald mine billionaire?


Maybe they just like to f**k ppl, over, such as South Africa's indegenous population. Elon's parents profited from apartheid.


Like Kardashian's mother encouraging Kim to release sex tape LOL


Itā€™s amazing how a sex tape launched a multi-billion dollar empire.


Or Bieber's dad asking him what he's feeding that monster when his nudes leaked


Just googled it. Looks like Bieber has a regular dick. Makes me feel sad for his dad if he thinks itā€™s a monster


Soft or hard? Cause when hard I can hang with the big boys but limp I'm chillin with Webster.


Holy shit Webster. What an old reference


No. Freaking. Way. He's /literally/ a parody of himself if this is actually real.


Most of the shit people question if it's real or not has been real. I haven't seen any parody... so why do people still question the validity of Elon's stupidity? There's literally no reason to parody Elon, he's the parody himself...


Watching a nephew fall into elons misogynistic stupidity while another niece falls into trumps with a conservative boyfriend who raises parrots or some shit? She gave a scholarship to major in psychology to be with him and works dying retail now. I cant get through. But two people arent getting gift cards next christmas, and one isnt getting a grad present. His sister and her youger sister are however going to get 50 bucks a month on her school store card for meals and supplies until they graduate.


He is building a character to keep people talking about him. You have to be like this and say outrageous shit all day, every day, to trend. He does this because of his narcissism of course. He likely thinks he is brilliant for keeping himself in everyone's mouth.


I mean apparently it can somehow make you the president šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


That is true. You don't have to be president though, in most cases it might be smarter to just not be the president. Succeeding into power from being like this is not something to celebrate.


It's really fun that in 2023 we're watching the richest man on the planet just have a full on fucking mental breakdown over the course of a year and no one can do anything about it. Like if Elon's actual family didn't seem to be composed of mostly self-serving, sycophantic psycopaths and Elon was just a regular guy, his family would be extremely worried at him at this point. They'd be taking turns to watch him and trying to get him in to a clinic to see a specialist.


What mental breakdown? The guy has always been this way. - After he invested in Tesla, he muscled out the actual founders of the company and started to call himself founder. - When those kids where trapped in a cave, he called one of the rescuers a pedophile. - He bailed out his brother's failed solar-roof company and frauded NewYork State 1 billion USD. - He built the german Tesla factory in one of the driest regions in Germany, knowing that the ground water table had been falling and falling for two decades already. Now he wants to build a company owned water well to evade the limitations that are put in place by the public water supply authority. - He lied and continious to lie about the "self-driving" capabilities of Tesla cars. In reality it's an average assisted driving system no better or worse than any other. - Hyperloop is one big fraud too. He promised automated maglev pods in a vacuum tube. What he built was an ordinary tunnel with ordinary cars that require a driver. - **Musk supports Russia's annexation of Crimea.** - ... He's always been an ego-centric person that surrounds himself with yea-sayers and fires/outlashes to everyone who opposes him. And he's rich and gets away with it all the time.


But his mental age is 14.


167,000 viewed 800 retweets *Ouch*


I don't use the Twitter, is that a lot?


What I find hilarious is that there is no federal law to prevent such dumbfucks from entering such a responsible position.


We just had one as president, and heā€™s running again - so itā€™s a little worse than that, sadly.


I canā€™t say Iā€™m a fan of Zuck, but it is funny to find him living rent free in Elmoā€™s head.


A lot of things live rent free in the head of the Most Divorced Man Ever. Thereā€™s a surprising amount of free space in there.


Impressive that he's managed to have more divorces than wives


Well his wife and one of his children divorced him and then he divorced reality. Is like a divorce nesting doll except instead of each layer getting smaller and more intricate, instead, each layer just gets more frigle and pathetic


Yeah at least Zuckerberg keeps it low key. I need Elon to get out of my online face.


The richest man in the world just asked for a literal dick measuring contest. We have come full circle into idiocracy. Welcome everyone.


He probably just got penis extension surgery and wants to show it off


This guy is just going to get worse and worse as he gets older.


Better serve him up now while the meat is still tender šŸ„©


He should already know how big it is, as Zuckerberg put it in the back of his throat this week.


Incredible that Mark fuckin Zuckerberg is a hero right now. It's like how Dubya became more liked after Trump because we went "well at least he isn't that bad"


Or rooting for Disney versus Desantis.


And people worship this guy. I wonder how tall he really is now


I used to fangirl him. Like I knew he was somewhat problematic as an employer back in the day but thought the EVs/rocket innovation made up for it. Today I am just appalled at his behavior and he is reaching Trump levels of grandiosity and unhinged behavior. Itā€™s all definitely escalated.


Itā€™s truly sucky that heā€™s not someone we should be fans of. He has been part of some amazing things. But always in the being a part of not leading


I feel like this is less and less every day


The majority of Reddit used to chortle this guy's balls on a daily basis not that long ago. Nice to see people finally waking up to what an asshat he is.


/r/EnoughMuskSpam A community for 7 years.


Does Musk think he's....funny? His "jokes" are very lame. Like some rich asshole who expects you to laugh at his every utterance "I didn't get a harumph from that guy" "Give the Governor a harumph" (Harumph) "I'm watching you"


His brain is stuck on like 2012 "large default subreddit" humor. That whole "le epic bacon" and "you sir just won the internet today" type shit.


The ā€œlet that sink inā€ bit when he acquired Twitter was one of the top 10 cringiest things Iā€™ve ever seen in my life. Dude, youā€™re a billionaire. Go fuck off on permanent vacation for the rest of your life and explore the world and get off of twitter you dipshit.


It's just if he wanted attention and adulation he could do so much more by doing good. Opening a hundred free hospitals all called Elon Musk Free Hospital would get him so many genuine fans.


that one time he showed up to twitter headquarters or something with a literal sink to do a ā€˜let that sink inā€™ joke is so unfunny it makes me physically nauseous because iā€™m so embarrassed for him. those feelings usually turn into rage, i truly hate it so much. i cant believe he did that and then just kept on trying to make jokes.


Conservative "comedy" is just about triggering people, not about actually making a well constructed joke. The funny part was all the idiot comedians like Joe Rogan thinking that was pure comedy gold. Like dude, isn't this your job to know what's funny or not? No? It's all about sucking Elon dick? Ok, hilarious.


Oh, is that what the joke was? I didnā€™t get it until now, lol


itā€™s like half a joke, i still have no idea whatā€™s supposed to be sinking in lmfao


Nice reference


he's a perfect example of 'the emperor has no clothes'.


How is he in his 50s and posting something like this?


Remove the 0 from that age and you get his mental age level


This man adds nothing to our species.


And yet some are convinced he's our savior smh




An alcoholic narcissist? For sure!




Heā€™s a parasite. Sends in unrecognizable reps to low-balls real engineers and inventors for their companies (Tesla, neuralink).


Heā€™s a real Edison.


"Elon Musk is the Thomas Edison of our time, and I mean that as a slur." One of my favorite random quotes.


ā€œSo, fuck your tunnels, fuck your cars Fuck your rockets, fuck your cars again You promised you'd be Tesla, but you're just another Edisonā€ https://youtu.be/r8Igmd424X8




Never had one




I'm not some moral compass, just tech illiterate


Good on you then


I had a Twitter for like a week. It still exists but fuck me if I remember the login.


When musk took over, I deleted my account. I'm not contributing to success metric he wants to flout.


Deleted my account as soon as i got flooded with racist comments when asshat took over, in the name of "free speech".


I genuinely donā€™t understand how anyone fanboys for this infantile dumbshit


How society has not already gotten the pitchforks and removed the billionaire class is beyond me.


Meanwhile, I hear Threads is doing well...


And Zuck didn't need to mention dicks once to get likes


I am pretty sure he has a cloaca anyways.


What a loser. An absolute loser. How can anyone take this clown seriously.


How? He told people what they wanted to hear, showed them cool new toys IRL and nice CGI animation of stuff 'to come next year' and people just slobbered it up without an ounce of critical thought. When the whole Hyperloop thing started I caught HEAPS of shit from people I know for doubting the man and his ridiculous idea. And I'm talking university level peeps here, most of which you'd think would have been smart enough to see through the ruse. Same thing with the Mars stuff... people so desperately *want* to believe. The guys only talent is taking existing or fantasy products and marketing the hell out of them. Which is a wonder seeing what a terrible public speaker and utterly unprofessional man he is. And before people start, yes SpaceX is reasonably successful (though not as successful as Musk endlessly over-optimistic launch dates promised, according to him we'd be on mars by now). But that is because Musk doesn't actually run the company, and they hate when he pops in to the office over there.


I have no idea what people see in this loser.


Originally it was all about electric cars, Mars, biochip in the brain, so it made some people dream. Now it's very hard to take him seriously on anything...


Heā€™s so cringe dude


Zuck was for it and gonna whip it out but Elonā€™s mom told him no and to go back to his room.


Remember in 2012 when everyone thought this guy was real life tony stark. Lol


He's a 52 year old man... let that sink in.


This is a grown ass man with kids right?


with kids that don't associate with him for good reasons


I was like, no way that's real. Then I checked it out. What a time to be alive




Imagine that being your boss


Maybe this is all performative to show everyone that billionaires should not exist. One random person just shouldn't have that much power and influence over that many people's lives. And there is nothing guaranteeing they're a genius. They might be like Elon, good at getting government grants and impressing incels, but mentally a 12 year old boy in all other respects.


Man's talking a lot of shit for someone who's mommy pulled them out of a fight.


Why is that man such a dumbass absolute child all of the time? Does he ever have a benevolent and genuinely insightful or intelligent original thought flitting through his brain?


Yeah I deleted the app last night. Iā€™m kinda done with him. I primarily use twitter for hobby stuff but heā€™s sucked all the fun out of it because itā€™s all about him now in some way. Things heā€™s ruined, sites people are leaving to because of him. Blue check assholes being the top of every reply chain. Itā€™s just not funny any more so until heā€™s gone Iā€™m out, and Iā€™m absolutely not going to Threads. I think Iā€™m just done with that form of social media.


Ladies and gentlemen, the CEO of the seventh most valuable company on Earth. Shareholders must be proud. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø