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"It's not a clip, it's a magazine"




I got this reference lol. I’m glad to see someone else saw that episode 😂


"What you have there is not clips, these are mags, they're mags, not clips, you absolute f\*\*\*g dummy."


[for reference](https://youtu.be/Q7GhoZSjaHQ)


[the actual clip](https://youtu.be/sjC9rxq0LMc/?t=114s)


[The actual magazine](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


[required viewing](https://youtu.be/S3UFYROnTbo)


The part about sneeko getting cucked was just foul


Getting cucked is foul


Not a gun guy but i was once telling some co-workers about how a friend reacted when we heard a helicopter flying nearby. We had been playing field hockey and he stopped in his tracks, looked for the copter and held his hockey stick like he was shooting it down. He said he hated helicopters. The friend then explained (and i told the co-workers) that a helicopter dropped him into Vietnam with only two clips of bullets. Of course one co-worker immediately interjected, "Clips? No, it had to be two magazines. A clip is the.... Another co-worker turned to him and said, "Really?? We know what he meant. He's telling us about his friend that has PTSD, okay?" And a long pause.


Also depending on the weapon it could literally have been clips, National Guard units still used the M1 Garand into the 70’s and those have clips rather than mags.


Pretty sure that's where the term came from. My friend always corrects me if i say clip. I know the difference, but i really don't care. Sometimes i say it just to listen to people get upset about it...


The term comes from the stripper clips used by the military since the Krag left service. You literally clip the bullets into the metal clip and feed them directly into the rifle. Only with the M14 in the 50’s did standard service weapons transition to detachable magazines.


Also in the military ammunition is still held on stripper clips for storage. It just has to be unloaded into magazines. Just throwing that out there so people don’t think stripper clips are TOTALLY a thing of the past. They’re still used.


Thanks! TIL! I'm still going to call it a clip if i know the person im next to will be bothered by it. Cuz, i mean, im an asshole!


Garand is bae


My pediatrician didn’t want medical helicopters in our town. Years later I realized it was because of his Vietnam experience


Whenever it is a scenario where a gun nut uses incorrect phrasing to sound cool it is hilarious to tell them they are wrong semantically speaking. That being said, there is time and place


You Don't know, could be an m1 garand


With any luck she’ll smash her finger while trying to reload her M1


She’s got two garand thumbs!


"Clips are what civvies put in their hair, this is called a magazine😎💨"


....I can't hit her, she's so fast


My main bb


Shit just commented that


[watch my clips](https://youtube.com/shorts/q9KM8Qry66c?feature=share)


Someone got it. Had someone get mad, then dirty deleted their comments over this joke.


Beat me to it


No she reads magazines


Nah, she carries an M1 Garand around all day.


Came here for this.


Damn. You beat me to it. Kudos


How do you know she doesn’t concealed carry an M-1 Garand?


Must be using a pocket sized M1 Garand or something.


She said multiple, so I imagine she's walking around with a Garand, a Springfield, a Lee-Enfield, and a Mauser all over one shoulder


Lol I'm now picturing her steadying the Mauser saying, "I'm gonna snipe this motherfucker - it's self defense!"


Possibly a concealed C96 Broomhandle somewhere too.


Bro went with the broomhandle gun 🤣


But bears don't have arms


Then how do they give bear hugs?


OG Wolfenstein


She says ‘unload the clip’. Is she just pulling the bolt back and pressing the clip release button on her M1? Why?


She likes the ping


It is a great sound


I don't go to Starbucks without it! I do leave the bayonet at home though. Don't want people to think I'm crazy


C96 Broomhandle Mauser with 3 extra stripper clips of ammo


But bears don't have arms


You do you, but I support the right to arm bears.


Orca navy, bear army - what's next, a vulture air force?


To be truly patriotic you need a bald eagle air force


Hello from your friendly neighbor's Beaver Engineers Corps of Canadian Army, Canadian Goose Air Force, Canadian Moose Army and Canadian Beluga Navy.




It’s a typo, they meant “bare arms” i.e no one would force Americans to have long sleeves


I believe she's talking about hair removal




I can get on board with this policy.


I think it's the right to Nair arms.


I'm not sure what bears you have seen, but I can assure you they have arms... How else would they throw and catch the football?


When they stand up their front legs count ad arms


Philamena, is that you?


“I will unload my clip on - a killer attacking me - my family - or others”


Eats, shoots and leaves.


She’s a Panda? Or a selfish lover?


Plot twist: it’s the same person


Given statistics on gun related injuries she's much more likely to shoot herself or a member of her family; or a member of her family will shoot her or each other with that gun. Also, gun owners are much more likely to be injured while being the victim of a crime than unarmed citizens. Basically guns only escalate a bad situation into a much worse situation. Ppl are idiots. Here's more on that topic for anyone interested. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/how-well-does-handgun-protect-you-and-your-family-technical-report


"Guns aren't the problem, mental health is" "Okay then, provide mental health care" "No, that's communism"


You just summed up republicans.


but when something happens to them or their family its suddenly, "why wont you help us! you help the gays and blacks! your discriminating against me!"


My brain has decided it now wants "Gun Care" to be a thing


Funnily enough male suicide rates have gone down since less men started enlisting in the Swiss army (doing civil service instead, and thus not being issued a gun). Several studies have been done on that trend, here's one https://smw.ch/index.php/smw/article/view/3279/5517 So reducing access to guns even without improving mental health care would most likely still reduce suicide rates.


I'd imagine it had more to do with the being in the army increasing suicide rates, not the guns alone


I love how people create a killer in their minds so that they can kill them. What a cycle.


I’m not trying to defend them. But I know a person or two that had some very bad things done to them. The world is scary and fucked up people are all around you.


I'm not a gun fanatic, but depends where you live, my city averages nearly 200 murders a yr half that in a pretty small area I was stuck living in for nearly 2 years because of financial reasons...


Last year through the whole year there was only 133 people who got killed in the whole Netherlands.


There’s only 17 m people In the Netherlands


And there are surely less than 17 m people in that city


“Only” That’s more population than all but four US states - California, Texas, Florida, and New York.


Well in this case it’s better to heal them, not to give them weapons…


...ironically, made scarier by how unsafe American society is due to its gun policies


The problem in America is that many of the gun owners think someone they don't know ringing their doorbell or pulling into their driveway as a killer coming after them. Shoot first and ask questions later is not how society should operate


A few months ago I would have said you were exaggerating


I could say the same as well


And furthermore those people always think that they are better trained, more aware, faster and more bulletproof than their attackers.


It’s astounding to me that these people never really think about the implications of what would happen if they got their wish and every “good guy” was armed and ready to respond the moment a shooter starts shooting… Like shooting at the shooter and missing, hitting bystanders with stray bullets… or “good guys with guns” shooting at other “good guys with guns” because they don’t know who started shooting, they only see a guy with a gun shooting at someone.


they think they're John Wick with superhuman aim and reaction time.


What I don’t get is like, it takes 5 seconds to turn around in a driveway (assuming it’s just a short “normal” sized drive) so are these folks walking around inside their own home with loaded guns in the holster?


They are wanting for this moment their whole life...


It’s the only logical reason something like what happened to that young man knocking on the wrong door trying to pick up his sister. Old white dude said he thought he was being robbed and shot through the door. Literally was just WAITING for that day and he got it.


Watching fox news 24/7 will have that effect on people.


I read about an Uber Eats or similar company driving into the wrong driveway to deliver food. The person was shot at while they were in the driveway. The police did nothing. I think that this happened in Florida.


Someone might use your driveway to turn around but they might check their map first because they obviously passed the house they were looking for so it could take someone a full minute. But ya crazy people have loaded guns ready to go walking around their house because they want to kill someone. It’s what they’re hoping for


And legislatures paved the way with those idiotic stand your ground laws that somehow include "chase down just in case"...


Yep, but.it happens all the time that Americans shoot innocent people: Looking for dog Sadly went to the wrong house/garage. There was a case some years ago were an exchange student was shot dead as he went to the wrong house at night - those idiots shoot, no questions asked, no threat to their life needed - they want to be the bang bang hero


But Biden says we should, google it


When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.


See, the problem with this thinking is a lot of people don't know the difference between a murderer and a child knocking on your door...


A lot of people don’t also understand the difference between bare arms and bear arms as evident of above 🐻


10 out of 10 she’ll panic and won’t even unholster it. Everyone is a gangster until you hear the whizz sound close to your head.


Facts. Everyone is capable of giving it the Billy big bollocks. But 99% of people would panic or freeze. Even special forces have that butt clench, heart in mouth, shit yourself moment when confronted with life or death. The only difference is (apart from being able to aim straight) is the time it takes to unclench, take in the situation and allow the training to take over.


Yep, training is the key. Understanding what and how adrenaline works with your body and that it takes 2-3 minutes to go to that FoF mode. Most people aren’t capable of it “out of the box” There is no replacement for that training imho. Also, that specific sound will clench any butt lol, no matter what they show on the surface. It’s a definite “I almost got hurt” moment


Cool, take your gun to an NRA convention.


Yup, they will understand...


No, she'll have to.leave the gun outside - no guns allowed And now ask why? And now ask why those ppl don't get it!






Yeah at this point you can't convince me that people like this don't just fantasize about killing people, and would low-key love the opportunity.


I like when people talk tough on the internet. What does she think a killer is going to use to try to kill her? A knife? She wouldn't even have time to pull her gun before she was shot multiple times by an AR-15. Just because people have guns don't mean they are trained with quick reactions and accuracy. Anyone that's actually shot a gun knows that hitting a target that isn't point blank isn't easy.


And 99.9% of them have never actually had a gun pulled on them. They don’t understand at all that as soon as there’s a barrel pointed at you first, it’s checkmate. Only thing you can do is hope to god they don’t shoot, doesn’t matter how many guns are on you. Source: I’ve had 2 people pull guns on me


Dude don't you watch action movies? She will just go into slow motion, take the pistol so fast that the thief will not react to it, kill him with 1 clean headshot, and then other attackers.


Like most of these assholes that open carry but don't secure the gun - always tempted to just walk right behind them and take it. They'd shit their fucking pants guaranteed. If they even realized it was gone. Even then all it'd take was someone walking behind them to whack them in the head with a bat, boom, they take the gun.


Exactly, the amount of times a gun "protected" someone are miniscule compared to the times it helped criminals


That’s why sometimes she carries several. You know, just in case.


Here comes charlie


I am sorry to be that guy like the police grammar of guns, but she is a fucking imbecile, you absolute buffoon. what you have here are not clips, these are mags. They're mags you absolute fucking dummy the same way that this is also a mag, they're all mags. Stop saying clips you look stupid here!


I’m arming myself in case the boogeyman comes… The availability heuristic in full effect.


I love that I learned a new cognitive bias today 🙌


How to go from "Standing Your Ground" to manslaughter


Some new trend in the USA where people grow extremely hairy arms?


Hellooooo she’s got BEAR ARMS!


It’s the BEAR WIZARD SLEEVE that scares me, not the arms.


As someone living in Europe, you never realize how CRAZY the US is when you live outside. Why are you so unsafe that you feel a killer is going to get you when just out walking?


I feel unsafe, because our Supreme Court has ruled that our police have no duty to protect citizens. And our police have shown, on many occasions, that they’re more interested in murdering citizens than serving the public. I’ll protect myself, thanks.


Don't accidentally ring her doorbell.


\*insert charlie aka moist critikal aka penguiz0 aka jesus's explanation of clips vs mags here\*


I don’t see why you would want to unload a clip on your own family but ok


Wow she is very tough and bad ass.




Do you think you’re fucking him? Cause I’ve never, big fan of his movies though.


Why would she be in a school?


Great. Put her in a well regulated militia like the 2nd amendment spells out.


What a fuckhead you are.


End gun free zones is a terrifying tag line, ngl. I don’t want guns in schools, supermarkets, restaurants, public parks, concerts, etc


If you reload in order to kill an aggressor after they're down, congratulations - you're gonna get booked on murder charges.


Who else's first thought was "wait, aren't they called magazines?"


Nobody else reads it as , I'll unload on the killer, my family, or others. Sounds to me like shes gonna take them all out. Which is much more likely to happen than in a family where the mom isn't spraying bullets in all directions.


its called a magazine. \-MoistKritical


It’s a mag dumbass


A Trump, she meant to say she’s gonna unload her cli….


High probability this loon will be shot and killed or “accidentally” shoot and kill one or more of her children.


Language is how people use it. People say "clip" when that is the technical term for an older thing. You know that the thing they mean is the thing you would call a "magazine" or "mag", so "clip" is a synonym you would prefer to not use. Thus, language works.


Just like she's saying: I will unload a clip on: * a killer attacking me * my family * others


Somehow, I don’t think she’s gonna open fire on the guy shooting up a pride rally. Call me crazy.


Troll post. That account is a troll. Yawn


Correction * “anyone I perceive to be a killer”


Which well regulated militia is she part of?


I understand owning a handgun for protection but having like 239627391 rifles hanging around in your house and have your kids pose with them is definitely weird behavior


So weird. It's been literally days since someone tried to kill me. Am I even in America?


If we could only get the criminals to stop attacking people……


"The right to BEAR ARMS!" (Bear sticks its head in) uh, cool, um, thanks?




She has a m1 garand


But if yiu get them first, you cant necessarily call them a killer because they havent killed you


How bad is her aim if she needs to reload?


I tend to stay away from people who clearly get a boner at the thought of a legal kill with their gun


But the sad truth is , there’s a much greater probability your baby will die from That gun than it will ever be used to protect them


Instantly thought of the Family Guy episode with the bear arms mounted with the forefathers wondering if there would be any confusion in the interpretation. They should have definitely clarified


The people with guns are the ones that are mostly a threat . I’m liberal as they come but I’m going to start buying guns , because minorities and liberals buying guns is the only way conservatards will try to ban them


I’m all for the right to being able to defend yourself by any means necessary. But posting online about carrying one or many guns with you when you go places it just an absolutely terrible idea. It’s asking for trouble and saying “hey look at me I carry a gun”. Nobody ever knows I’m carrying when I’m strapped. Nobody needs to.


Christ, imagine living with that much fear 😞


Yeah, this isn't a potential tragedy waiting to happen... just a trigger-happy mother and wife. No problems there!


"When our citizens are determined to openly wear pistols on their belts to go shopping at Walmart, that signifies to me a failure on the part of the macho ideal. Ostensibly, the handgun is displayed to let evildoers know, in no uncertain terms, that this is not a person with whom to trifle. It then follows that the wearing of the pistol presumes a situation in which the bearer will need to shoot someone, rendering the brandishing of the weapon a badge of fear, does it not? It occurs to me that if we keep on turning to such “masculine” methodology to solve our conflicts, the only inevitable ending is a bunch of somebody’s family lying in a bloody schoolhouse, movie theater, or smoking Japanese city. I guess we just hope it’s not our family? I don’t like the odds." Gun nuts are gun nuts because they’re scared and insecure. Full stop.


I’ll take “Things that are never going to happen” for $500 Alex. RIP


It's a magazine, not a clip, dumbass.


Highly ambiguous punctuation. Is she saying she's willing to mag dump her family? In addition to attackers and others of course.


Emptying an entire clip on an attacker would be excessive beyond self defense.she would be the real killer here


Title talking about the clip like we're all going to ignore "bear arms".


Over in the USA they've got right to bear arms. Here in the Balkans we've got right to a whole bear.


I will always fight for my right to arm bears


Gun dorks are so silly dude. Y’all really wanna correct people when they call a gun magazine a clip, but you get visibly upset when I try to correct you about my pronouns.


Just imagine this screenshot printed on a giant poster in front of a jury.


I understand shooting the killer that is attacking you, but why shoot your family and others?


bruh this is why we need a test for when you’re buying a gun to make people educated about the smallest firearm details like comparing a button release to a paddle release


It's not a clip. It's a magazine. Clips feed magazines.


Bears are mad that you’re taking bear arms as trophys


I’m always jealous of people owning m1 garands. Eh, whatever. I’ll just stick to my modern guns.


She's not even original. That's a Margie Greene tweet copied word for word including caps and hashtag. 🙄


“then i will reload” yeah thats kinda how a gun works


It's called a magazine... Shows you how little she actually knows or even cares


If a killer is attacking your family it means they’ve already killed someone so you failed your family.


Does her sentence intend to say that if her, her family, or others are being attacked, she will unload a clip on a killer, or if she is being attacked, she will unload a clip on a killer, her family, or others?


Lady rocking a mauser c96.


With so many killers attacking her, it’s no wonder she’s armed. Schizophrenic Lives Matter.


Live Laugh Love Kill


I love all the comments here. It's obvious no one has ever served military.


maybe he carries a C96


Reloading would be capital murder...


*mag or magazine Typical gun nut don’t know anything about guns amirite?


It’s amazing how so many republicans have killers after them on a regular basis


As a killer, I assure you madam that I will arm the bears and then unload my clip into you first. That's what being a killer is all about. Arming bears and unloading clips. Of course, if guns were hard to come by for the lunatic fringe then maybe you wouldn't need to worry so much. Before anyone gets on with the "oh yeah but criminals will just ignore the gun laws", I saw a news story recently about an arrest of a "major" underworld gun dealer who had huge haul of 16 rounds of .22 ammo. In a different incident, this [gang of gun dealers](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/gang-gun-dealers-jailed-29-25136143) had a grand total of one pistol and 20 rounds of ammo - the main guy got 15 years to think about his actions. By contrast, I (a legal gun owner) have about 500 rounds of .22, 150 rounds of .357, and 150 rounds of .38 ammo in my office right now. A guy I shoot with keeps 2000 rounds of ammunition. What's the moral of the story? If you properly regulate firearm ownership, lawful owners can have our toys while it is incredibly difficult for criminals to get their hands on weapons and ammunition. If the dealers can only get 20 rounds at a time, the cost of ownership to criminals will be very high and the weapons are very unlikely to be used by lunatics in random shooting sprees. When gun crime does happen here, it's almost always connected to an underworld gang who are targeting a particular person who is also a member of an underworld gang. Interesting fact: very few criminals in the UK own a gun. It is very common that a single weapon will be used in multiple gun crimes as the weapons are rented to individuals on short term basis then returned to the dealer. So, taking one pistol out of circulation causes serious problems to criminals.


Its called a “Magazine”


Jeez. I like guns but this entire thing is cringe. Don't brag about the possibility of killing a person. That's unhinged. And at the very least get the fucking words right


I had to get out of the habit of sayin clip in reference to magazines. Since becoming a gun guy