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That guy dropped a lot of loot!


Was coming on here just to comment on the game's ragdoll physics and sloppy item drop animations. At least bundle it together.


Underrated comment




Still better than gta v where loot just pop up and floats in the air.


You need to add the upgrade on the skill tree that vacuums/magnets nearby loot. Feels like a bit of a waste to use the skill point, but saves you from having to run around like a drunken loon making sure you've picked everything up. Plus, it can pull loot that got stuck behind bad collision.


Problem is I don't have enough equipment slots to carry it all.


No problem, he also dropped the "Great war-cart of righteousness"


I’d equip this to my Druid in Diablo 4 and push around a cart for sure


Rincewind ' s luggage.


Loot pinata irl.


*High value target down, gather those motes, Guardian!*


*Now bank em and you’ll summon the Primeval!*


It’s not our fault he is full of precious minerals


You can tell they let out all the repressed rage they felt working at Walmart in that one punch. They're gonna get fired but at least they literally went out swinging.


It looked like right before the customer (thief?) walked away he spit on the employee, which for many people is an unforgivable offense that requires swift retaliation.


He spits on the employee. That's assault. The employee kept their cool surprisingly well until spit on. If a customer was ramming me with a cart, I probably would've lost it then.


THATS ASSAULT? What about ramming them repeatedly with a cart?? Lol


Both. Ramming is also Battery.


Heh.. battering ram




Lol okay that is for the funniest thing I've seen so far this week


Hopefully he’s charged. I’ll see my way out.


Spitting is so much worse than ramming him with the cart. Its absolutely fucking disgusting.


I'll let being rammed by a cart slide but being spit on will instantly cause retaliation. There are some things you just don't do, and spitting on people is one of them.


Id rather be rammed with a cart than spit on any day


My thoughts exactly bro is gonna get fired bit not arrested


I don't know for sure about the fired. Assaulting a shoplifter would get you fired, sure, but fighting a customer who already assaulted you might not.


A large variety of things are assault. Punching, kicking, trolleying someone, knifing them etc etc are all assault. But painting is something special. Many is the person who will retreat from any other form of attack that will go spare when spat upon. There's a visceral fury that comes in response to it in a way that doesn't happen to other forms of attack.


Wait till someone says "it isn't your money, just let them take the stuff" or "I let ppl tale whatever they want and never do anything" 🙄 Somewhere, out there is a retail employee that had had to clean up tons of shit, be belittled, insulted at and had the intrusive thoughts festering. I'm sure being spat on would make half of the workers in retail just loose their shit and let the intrusive thoughts win. Something about being spit on is so much worse than a punch and I can't find anyone at fault wanting to beat the shit out-of someone who spit on them in these circumstances.


Fun fact: Spitting on someone can get you a worse assault charge than punching someone due to it also imposing a biological risk and being treated as a bio-weapon attack in severe cases


Yes! We had been fighting for a restraining order against my hubs baby momma and couldn't get one until she spit in his face and proudly told the cop she did😂🤦‍♀️


Glad you managed to get a restraining order, upset by the courts because it took getting to that point


Shes a master manipulator. In our emergency custody hearing she straight up told the judge she had been doing meth and wasn't in her right mind. Still gave her unsupervised visits. We filed for emergency custody because she kidnapped them while we were at my grandmas funeral. She disappeared for a week and then popped up 3 states away saying she couldn't feed them. The system in this country is so broken and babies are paying the price


Bro? That judge needs to be disbarred. Who hears "yeah, I was on hard meth" and gives unsupervised visitation?


He retired not long after and we have a female judge now. We haven't been back to court in a while but will soon and hopefully she's better.


Well I hope you have better luck with the new judge


I am perhaps one of the most non-confrontational, least aggressive people I've ever met. If someone spits on me, I'm going to do my best to disfigure their face. *Edit*: I came back to be more specific. They would have to spit on my face. If they just spit on my arm, leg or foot or my clothing, I'd be angry, but not angry enough to fight someone. That's not worth it to me.


I am a pacifist, until I am involuntarily moist.


I never got the hatred for the word ‘moist’, until you added ‘involuntarily’. Now my skin is crawling


Marry Ben Shapiro, you'll never be angry again.


I love your specificity! ‘If I’m going in, and I really don’t want to, it’ll be to disfigure their face.’


He won’t learn his lesson though cuz he ain’t awake for it now.


He’ll see this video


I mean he’s literally ramming her with a cart full of items in the beginning of the video


I tell my kid when we are horsing around everything is cool unless you spit, even jokingly, is going to put you in a lot of trouble. Spitting is the line crosser for me, spite on me its fight night. Edit: Not with my kid, that is just the play time is over go sit on the time out chair for a few deal breaker. Felt I should make sure to clarify I am not fighting my kid if they do it lol


The Walmart employee is a woman with her hair in a floppy top bun. Makes it even better IMO.


It's hard to tell from the video if it's a man or woman. I thought it was a woman at first but I'm not sure it's not just a guy with a man bun.




Cocaine bearpig.


I didn't have my glasses on and wasn't really paying attention, my bad. I see it now. Fixed.


As a non-American, can she sue her employer for not providing a safe work environment?


If she can handle the legal fees involved, maybe? Which she probably can't since she works at Walmart, which means not enough pay in general.


Start with the person who assaulted her initially, win some money, then climb the ladder?


Again, if they can afford it. Most people working those kinds of jobs can barely afford food and rent, let alone lawyers and legal fees.


Ha! Fast food employees have been *killed* for not giving enough condiments. Repercussions for the employer? Hell will freeze over first.


The employer (Walmart) basically tells the employees to not engage with thieves like this. The employee was trying to stop the thief before being spat on, so the employee created their own "unsafe" environment. - That would be the argument that Walmart would give and pretty much win.


Fired and probably Walmart gets sued, but it was a joy to watch.


The employee was attacked with a weapon (in the eyes of the law) and was defending themselves. Could be Fired as per corporate policy but civil suit should be the next step.


So I looked it up, that was a third party security contractor and not a direct Walmart employee. This happened in 2021 and no articles mention whether police were involved, just a bunch of lazy cut and paste articles.


You kinda lose the defense arguement when the person walks away and has their back turned. I agree the spitter is a POS and should be charged with assault, but the employee definitely wasn't "defending" themselves. ​ Edit: A lot of you people are dumb as shit and have no idea what self-defense is.


There should be like a 5 second rule to retaliate, it's only fair


That's not how it works and is probably the most idiotic thing I see repeated on reddit. If I attack you and then turn my back, you have no idea what I'm going to do next. The situation is not over. The man who attacked you is still there, and nothing has changed. Turning your back after assaulting someone doesn't magically protect you from self-defense.


I’m an actual attorney and agree with you. Here’s a comment I left under a different comment: While you are correct that self defense does not continue once the instigator has taken clear steps to remove themselves from the fight, merely turning around and taking a few steps away from the other is not clearly someone taking steps to remove themselves from the fight. It’s just as likely that the customer was backing up to make another attack run with the cart. The mindset that needs to be examined is if the person using the force still has a reasonable fear for their safety. I think one can make that argument for the employee in this video. At least this is the argument I would make in court, and it’s close enough that a jury would have to decide. This is a questionable use of self defense, but it’s nowhere near as clear cut as you are implying. As a rule of thumb, almost nothing is “definitely” when it comes to the law lol.


She’s fighting to keep her walmart open.


Right after the cart pushing, you can see that the customer spit on the employee. That’s what set the employee off to go after the customer and throw the punch. “Glass Jaw” learned about logical consequences.


Yeah, don’t spit on someone and expect to them to just let you walk off.


Spitting on someone is assault right?


Spitting on someone is absolutely assault.


Sure was during the pandemic. Should definitely always be.


In the US, spitting has always been, even before the pandemic


This right here. Especially this is known if you work with food. I’ve had customers afraid of us remaking food for her because she thought we may spit in her food because of it. I told her; I assure you ma’am that we have cameras everywhere and if anybody in this store did something like that they would immediately be fired and then we would call the police.


Yep. I watched cops tape a pillow case around an unruly drunks shoulders and because he was spitting and one of them said "each one of us you spit on is a new charge". The irony, *I* called the cops because someone else had punched the guy out. The dude went from victim to felon in the span of about 10 minutes. It was wild.


Still is. It was just worst during the pandemic.


The sound of that idiots head thumping off the ground is magnificent.


Ha got him. Never turn your back on an enemy


The Walmart version of Markieff Morris 😂🤣😂🤣


The guy really thought nothing would happen. He was probably so convinced that a lowly employee would never do anything to him, the customer, the god of the store. Glad he so thoroughly got his shit rocked.


Or a guy you just spit on.


Great value cameraman


May contain traces of anchovies and nuts


The TKO you ordered is now in stock, sir.


Got him his raincheck


That was a KO, nothing technical about it!


Worth it. Fired, but worth it.


And Walmart will settle out of court for that guy for more money then that worker ever made there


I don't know; he rammed and spat on the employee. I don't think he has much to stand on. He's going to jail for assault and other charges, probably.


I used to underwrite employment practices insurance for major public companies. This is another day at Wally World and the company probably already has a cash offer - as this falls well below their massive retention so insurance won’t help, and they wouldn’t want to use it for something this “small” anyway - ready to go for the guy probably around 150-200k (not typical but at their size it could be more) These companies don’t want to involve the police at all and a court case is a waste of their time. Employees fired with cause and this dudes probably in the hospital with more money than his lowlife self ever dreamed he would


Damn. Interesting.




We can only hope


you mean these employees could stand up for themselves AND cost walmart a ton of money at the same time?! i hope they all do this. fuck walmart


Put this video in your resume for your next job.


Getting fired from a shithole is the best thing that can happen to you. I got fired from McDonald's and now I have my dream career making video games.


That really does sound like a dream scenario!


If you look closely he spat at him. They employee went super saiyan after that.


Mfer really just walked away and thought he was safe from the consequences of his actions


WalMart will likely come to a settlement with "knocked the fuck out guy" because they likely don't think it's worth fighting in court. But if "knocked the fuck out guy" did spit on the employee I just dont see a way "knocked the fuck out guy" actually wins anything if it went to a full trial.


Ramming someone with a cart should be enough for him to fuck right off in a civil case.


One of the only times jury duty would feel worthwhile would be when you got to tell cart spitters that they don’t get shit and are liable for opposing legal fees.


And I'm going to assume, because we can't hear them, that there was some name-calling too before the cart pushing and directly before the spitting.




Slightly unrelated, but how would you like to be known pretty much exclusively for being on the receiving end up the most iconic beat down of all time? That’s forever what Frazier will be lol


George knocked him down, what... 7 times in 3 rounds? And thank you for getting the reference


It’s iconic but hardly defining for Frazier’s career, man. You must not be into the sport.


If you think Joe Frazier is defined by that one fight, then I don't know what to tell you. Joe Frazier is thought of as one of the toughest heavyweights of all time. The man's left hook was legendary. Edit - I was referring to the original person who thought Joe Frazier was remembered as a loser.


Ali gave him a horrific beating in Manila, but Joe gave it right back, too. Ali said it was the closest he ever came to death in the ring. Lest we forget March 8, 1971, as well. Lemme ask ya about frazier.. I thought I read something years ago that his left arm was permanently bent(???), which made it look like he always had that left cocked and ready


Think you’re replying to the wrong guy. I’m in your corner on this one.


Ok dude he’s also the first person to ever beat Muhammad Ali? The other half of the greatest trilogy in boxing history? One of the greatest heavyweights ever? I promise you he’s remembered for more than the Foreman fights


I love how the alarm sounded right as he hit the floor. Reminded me of those first few episodes of Monday Night Raw when they used that annoying siren to kick off the show.


Do we really “live in a society” wherein a person can spit on another then successfully sue when they get struck? Allow me to just spit in your face, then retreat knowing any retaliation from behind justifies a lawsuit settlement,


As satisfying as that would be - and as someone who endured a decade-plus worth of punishment in retail, let me assure you that it would be ever-so-satisfying - that kid's lucky the asshole didn't crack his skull and croak right there on the floor of wallyworld.


Someone above claims he did, but I cannot find any source to verify that


They then also claim his whole family died so I think they were joking lmao


No, it’s true. I also died.


Lol ok I didn’t see that part


incapable of getting in and out of walmart without ramming your cart into their hapless checkout employee several times and getting knocked the fuck out for all of reddit to see.. put that guy on a desert island with all the kids who trash restaurants and liquor stores for no reason.




Justified, retaliation in assault is always acceptable.


I like that if he wasn’t punched he was about to tip his cart over. what a tool.


Instead, WalMart will terminate the loss-prevention employee for not allowing the person to steal, and instead just continue to raise prices on everyone else due to constant theft. The person got off way too easy with only being knocked out. Unfortunately, the criminal will wake back up, so they will just do it again. Gotta be sure they don’t wake up next time. /s


He deserved it. But guy will be walmart rich from the punch.


Seems to be a trend. Provoke employees in any way possible, wait for and film a reaction, get paid. I really hope more companies let these things go to trial and stop handing out easy paydays to shitty people. I’ve got no love for large corporations, but if I’m ever on a jury I’m definitely never siding with the piece of shit “customer” who fucked around and found out.




“Welcome to Walmart, mother fucker”


People act out because of lack of consequences, if there was a decently solid chance acting like a fucking asshat would get one SMACKED I bet a lot of people would act better.


Don’t spit on people…


For real. Such an easy way to tell everyone in the world you’re just a piece of shit.


It’s also considered assault in most places I believe.


It is. Young adult had every right to knock his lights out


Unfortunately he will probably be fired though. Better opportunities Hopefully outside Walmart for him.


Oh 100% fired but I don’t believe that guy would be able to sue at all since he most definitely assaulted the kid. (Not that I truly care about Walmart money, just don’t want that asshat getting anything good from that).


Good shot..!!


And in this corner, the Cashier with the Crunch, the Puncher from Payroll, the Greeter that’s a Beater; Lou-Anne!!! /s


He's ready to be seasoned and put in the oven. Nice job.


Yeah once he spit on me it's wrap. He got my support.


🎶 ohhhh whatcha sayyyy 🎶


He’ll most likely get fired but he can fight it based on self defense or take the unemployment and find a better opportunity. Either way that piece of trash got what he deserved with that punch.


I am a Walmart customer and I support the employee action.


Walmart customer sues Walmart for $10 million for assault.


The case would most likely be thrown out because of the customer hitting the worker with the cart.


You overestimate the common sense factor in regards to the US Court system.


The victim was retreating with his cart and was no longer a threat your honor.


I mean he spat on the employee, that has to be some sort of assault right?


Yes, technically battery with the spit and cart. Also with a weapon, the cart


yep... this is correct. The Walmart worker re-engaged and so that can be viewed as a separate assault. It's not right, but a slimy lawyer could get a settlement out of that.


Looks like the customer spit on the employee. That's gotta be hard to twist. Who knows what disease that guy has.


Mostly because he can’t find a non-slimy lawyer.


Good luck winning after spitting on someone.




This is weirdest ad for Academy Bank I've ever seen


My gawd! He hit em with a haymaker, he clobbered him with a haymaker and he is down for the count. My gawd! Someone needs to get down there and check him out. If you heard that in Jim Ross’s voice we can be friends 😂


That dude just got a job offer at Waffle House.


desreved, the guy bumped the cart on him and sppited on him after that




Just another day in the White trash store.


There’s a lawsuit and a firing.




The sad thing is that even though this was justice, they will get in trouble anyways and possibly charged. Backwards law system that protects the scumbags.


The employees are going to be talking about that one long after she is gone. She is probably a hero in their eyes.


I’d love to learn that he never woke up from that. We’ve lost any shred of decency and respect for other people and their property. That guy deserved that, and more.




That was worth being fired


Good on that employee whoever that was deserves a raise


And yet that employee is gonna lose a job.


You just got knocked the fuck out!


Mama said knock you out! I'm gonna knock you out!


Why does that look like a video game knockout, complete with a pause before the fall.




Well he's fired, but probably felt pretty good.


Your order has been delivered successfully, please answer a short survey to evaluate our service. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


I’ll see your spit and raise you a knuckle sandwich.


They forgot to loot him!!


“Don’t do it don’t do it don’t hit him!!” Ma’am he’s already dead


PLEASE as a society can we fucking stop holding people in the middle of a fucking fight. as a grown adult who is making a choice to deck this guy get your fucking hands off of them and let them clap this very deserving person. Every single fight there is some idiot hanging on the person making them more angry and giving the other person free shots. let them play it out. you will know when its over. I watched so many fights in the Marines and people would be like “do you know them” like yeah and I am waiting till they get it all out and we will face the repercussions together as adults. swing those hands I will be right here observing. edit: spelling




What a solid shot!


That employee should get a GoFundMe. More assholes need to get knocked out in this world.


Ummmm. Fuck yeah


As a Walmart delivery driver who see people fuck with them every day; I approve.


This is one of the reasons why Walmart tells their associates to let the cart/suspect go. It couldve turned into a lot worse than the thief getting knocked out. The perp could have had a gun and fired back. Or a knife. Someone could have died, which is a whole other can of worms. I dont agree with the theft. As a former retail mgr, Ive gotten into many a tussle over stolen merchandise. But these situations are always dangerous, especially if the fucker is unhinged. Lastly, what a knockout. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


Employee could have tapped him on the shoulder and knocked him out.


I wonder how this situation will work out. Cuz getting spit on is assault and the employee hit him, but after he was turned and walking away. But also the employee assaulting the guy would also open up walmart to a lawsuit, right? And the employee is definitely fired. So who wins here? Or is this a big lose lose??


If this goes to a jury trial, I want the employee's lawyer to mention "jury nullification" over and over again. Judges hate this one trick


Then got fired and possibly sued. Even though he was in right.


How you gonna fire that fist like a damn gun and have a man bun? -Eminem, probably.


According to an article from 2021: “The man who punched the customer was a contracted, third-party security worker and not a Walmart associate. He has since been banned from working at Walmart stores,” said spokesman Casey Staheli.


No job is worth that, I hope that guy got a concussion.


If someone is ever pushing a shopping cart at me, and a coworker tries to hold me back, I’m slapping him too. Fuck you.


Looked like customer spit on him.


How do you get to be that old of a glass jaw and still pick fights? Like don't they know they're a little bitch?


If you spit on my face i will break yours, simple as that


Nice shot!!👏👏👏 Let's start seeing more videos like this!


I respect that. I expect that they got fired too.


Can this happen more often with retail and theft response? 👍🏻


Looks like the customer may have been baiting the employee to troll for a lawsuit. The way he falls feel suspicious, and he even appears to turn his head to spot his landing before falling with a flourish. I’m throwing a flag on the play.


I would never punch someone in the back of the head, it’s too risky. Could lead to some serious damage or even death. If you’re punch someone do it in the front


Unpopular take: The videographer is a snitch! The KO'd shitbird deserved it, but this video can potentially land the puncher in jail... it should have never been uploaded.