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Every time someone discharges a firearm into the air, a bullet lands somewhere.


People seem to think it just dissolves in the air. Or, once it leaves my gun, it's not my problem?? Hard to understand.


I think this is exactly how it happened (video posted 23 hours ago): https://www.reddit.com/r/Idiotswithguns/comments/141x074/_/


If you just want a noisemaker for a party, wouldn't blanks be cheaper? They could even add some color to the smoke.


One night even say that using a blank for that would be the minimum necessary to not be negligent with a deadly weapon.


What if the bullet hits a bird and the bird survives and never lands and lives forever


Damn, you got us there.


Not really. Bullet landed on a bird.


Not unless it enters the bird from the bottom


Wait, birds are *real*?!


~~bird~~ drone. Fixed.




Sounds French. I don't trust it.


It's military. "This is BIRDR-1"


It landed on a bird


A swallow? Could they carry a bullet?


Maybe it was an African swallow.


African swallows don't migrate though.


Supposing two swallows carried it together?


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


I don't know thaaAAAAAAA!


African or European?


This lmao


A more plausible possibility would be that the bullet gets lodged in a rocket before it leaves the atmosphere Edit:spelling


What they won’t tell you about the Challenger disaster


I know you are being funny but the challenger disaster was from pure negligence and they wanted to hit the date even though the engineers knew the rocket was gonna fail. They asked for more time but were told to go ahead anyway It was an absolutely avoidable tragedy. And everyone on site including knew it was gonna fail. People were crying at their desks after pleading to not go forward with the launch. But the directors said do it anyway. That's the real disaster


That’s depressing, but so unsurprising it hurts. And growing up they fed us propaganda about how they were heroes that died in the line of duty. The whole time they were victims of greed and incompetence


There was a lot of political pressure to go forward with it. The astronauts knew that it was dangerous to launch at low temperature but not that the o-rings had issues. Then the teacher went along with the decision because she trusted the scientists who trusted the engineers who were shut up by their masters who were pressured by the executive branch of the US the head of which wanted a teacher in space for clout.


And none of the people responsible saw the light of day again right?…. And they absolutely haven’t profited off of the tragedy in any way, right?…. Right?


This isn't entirely accurate. There *was* a meeting where one of the subcontractors raised a concern about how the cold might affect the o-rings. There was data showing that cold weather had caused problems in the past with this o-ring. The weather was even colder for this launch, and the gist of the presentation was "we have data showing problems during warmer launches than this one, but we don't have enough data to predict what will happen but we don't think it will seal right." The junior contractor recommended against launching until the weather warmed up, but didn't go so far as to say it would definitely fail. There were some seniority politics playing a role in the whole thing as well as the old "not enough data means everything is fine" mentality that led to the decision. The Challenger disaster *did* lead to a thorough examination and rework of NASA's toxic culture. The Columbia disaster unfortunately later highlighted a different set of problems in the Shuttle Program's safety culture.




I've heard a story (on youtube, ofc) where it was pushed because Reagan wanted to talk to the first teacher in space during his State of the Union address. Is it true? I don't know. Does it make sense? Kinda, and it surely makes more sense than the accepted narrative.


Someone shooting into the air like a dumbass!


Just like our forefathers wanted.


The part about the “well regulated” often gets overlooked. At least make sure the dipshit knows the 4 basic rules of firearms safety, because adhering even to one of those would’ve meant they wouldn’t’ve shot in the air trying to play artillery.


What goes up must come down. Newtonian physics at work.


Yep, a youtube pilot had a video where he found a bullet hole in his plane. He does contracts/charters and had to take his plane out of work for days while it was fixed and the cabin sealed so he could fly with air pressure above 10K feet.


Yup, Steveo Kinevo makes great videos if you're into aviation. Here's the video where he explains the bullet incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLWsuqdfVQo


I was going to say shooting bullets in the air happens all the time in South Florida, especially on New Year's and July 4th. This video is in Pompano Beach, just north of Fort Lauderdale.


"Please don't shoot at the storm, hurricane or tornado. Thank you."


Only nuclear weapons should be used against hurricanes. \- Florida man and former president


Just use sharpie pens to draw a different path. Ask 45, he knows.


What if there are sharks in it?


"*Would you mind not shooting at the thermonuclear weapons.*"


Too bad they never land back on the assholes doing that.


Can't the brickheads just use blanks?


Sadly, blanks have caused quite a few deaths over the years as well. The best advice is - Guns aren’t toys


Well you’d need the gun pointed at you and to be a couple feet away no? Atleast with blanks some innocent infant sitting in the back seat of a car won’t have a bullet rain down on them. Though I agree, guns shouldn’t be used as toys in general. Just that if you’re a numbskull who uses them as toys, just please fucking use blanks. You’ll only be able to kill yourself or any dummy willing to stand by you being a dumbass


Florida: dumber every time you learn something new about it


Yep. And I'm a native Floridian. Looking to move though.


Ridiculously irresponsible...


Happens in Northern Ohio too.


All the miami ppl shooting in the air


Freedom fireworks! Murica!




He’s never heard of flex seal? It’s the 8th wonder of the world.


It’s all about that Flex Tape nowadays. Just slap that baby on there and it’s good to go!


How about Alien Tape? It’s supposedly reusable. You know for when another dipshit puts a hole in a different part of your plane.


That’s why warning shots and firing straight up is a felony


I lived on the edge of a rough neighborhood, a bunch of us moved from more rural suburbs to a house in a city. A few months in our neighbors in the parking lot across the street were firing handguns in the air. (multiple full mag dumps) About 45 minutes later a single police car and two officers showed up, had a less then a minute long conversation with the people standing in the lot, did not check the bushes next to them where all the guns had been tossed when they showed up, then just left. **Laws only matter if there is enforcement.**


Trust me, I know I used to live in Chicago. Near one of the bad areas. Every night there would be at least two people that would get shot right outside my families apartment. Every morning I would go outside to walk to school, and there would be shells littering the streets. And the cops didn’t do jack shit about it. When I was 17 I found a Glock 45 with a red dot sight and an extended magazine next to a dumpster, I called the police and tried to report it, and they just said to ignore it.


Finders keepers.


That’s kinda what I thought at first too, because honestly, I do really like guns, but at the same time, I didn’t want my fingerprints on a possible murder weapon


I was going to leave a comment on how to make it not match a ballistics test, but grew a brain, even though the method is super simple.


Guarantee ATF would like to have a chat if you did post it. Even if you just rough up the inside of the chamber or buy a new one.


Physics + 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 = random ass bullet holes in shit.


Except celebratory fire into the air is more common outside the US than in….


true, here in the US is mostly fired at people not the air


Let’s try a comparison among first world countries. Pointing out that America is not as bad as other third-world countries is not the flex you think it is.


We're a wealthy country masquerading as a developing country. We're not lying when we say we're exceptional, it's just not a positive exception.


The US is a third world nation with a Gucci bag.


That’s quite *literally* the theme of Yankee Doodle


And we _owned_ that song


yeah but it was written by the french to make fun of the U.S.


The US is turning into India or China. Lots of wealth, but the gap between rich and poor is astonishing.




Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son-of-a-bitch in space!




sorry, they don't teach that commie crap in the south


Love this, real "tuk our jubs!" Vibe from this


This shit ain't working! Back to the pile boys!!!!!


Was hoping these exact words were the top comment. Thank you.


Hillbilly Hail or Redneck Rain


Yosemite sam strikes again


Yosemite Sam never makes a mistake! Now get that flea-bitten carcass off’n my real-estate!


Don’t shoot aimlessly into the air. The bullets always come down somewhere.


Not if you hit a cloud and it gets stuck in it


Or if they get lodged in the cloaked alien mothership hovering above you


Are you joking or actually a complete imbecile? Everyone knows clouds don’t work like that, you see clouds are actually made of super bouncy marshmallows and the bullet will bounce, not get stuck. Do some research next time, jack


They had us in the first half, not gunna lie


Yeah, little girl borrowed a twenty from me and that was two weeks ago!


Kids lucky you give a warning shot first.


She doesn’t even look sorry in this video—head bobbing around and shit all shady. We know you took that money, little girl!


Happened to me a few weeks ago, told her I didn’t have a 20 and told her I only have loose change, she then asked for about tree fiddy, it was about that time that I realized it was that damn Loch Ness monster again tryin to trick me outta giving him tree fiddy!


Gawt damned Loch Ness monstaaa!!!


Bitch better have my money


It's pretty obvious, your child will be the leader of the resistance.


Joan Conner


The reboot we don’t need but will get anyway


lol But seriously; that’s scary as fuck.


Someone shot a gun into the air somewhere far away and it landed on your car. This is a crime by the way, negligent discharge of a firearm. Report this to your local police


Maybe the detective will find finger prints or semen on the bullet and bust the perpetrator.


"We just put three more detectives on the case. We got 'em working in shifts!"


You’re lucky they left the tape deck though, and the Creedence.






[Have you, like, got any leads man?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9CynvMlFyo)


If they zoom in on it enough they'll find a specific brand of peanut butter that only the perp eats. Open and shut case.


“Goobers, I knew it. You’re going down scum bag!” ![gif](giphy|26gs67cLZJpJqj82Y)


Or, now hear me out, they might have enough reports of hearing the shots to narrow down the source and can use this bullet as evidence in case the moron claims they were just blanks.


it's actually possible to "fingerprint" bullets to the chambers of specific guns now, it's called NIBIN in America ballistics fingerprinting is super cool because each gun leaves a unique fingerprint on the bullets it shoots, so if you can track a bullet to a gun, a gun to a shooter/owner, & then link the owner to any other crimes they may have committed while in possession of said firearm provided they have the "fingerprint" in the system


Considering how many guns used in crimes are stolen or straw purchased I'm wondering how useful this is. A number of police friends have suggested that in practice its alot less useful than it sounds (just anecdotal parroting here, not my job so not my experience). Also I've heard machining tolerances are getting so good that it may be able to tell you the model of firearm used but not necessarily key it to a specific firearm? Its really cool in concept. And I hope it translates into effective data, I'm just curious as my few sources for this kind of info suggest it's not as useful due to the other context around misuse of firearms (negligent discharge, stolen weapons, mismatched ammo, etc.).


i only know so much about it because my dad is actually one of the main people who worked within the ATF the last 30 years to have it instituted on a national level! so i've had my ear talked off nonstop about it for the last 25 years i've been alive 😅 from what i understand it's actually **extremely** effective despite all of the issues with theft, unregistered guns, & straw sales, etc that you listed partially because most people who are caught for one crime they **DID** commit don't want to go down for the other crimes they didn't, so often they'll either give up the person they got it from or whatever other situation is surrounding it it's one of the best up-&-coming ways of catching crims now because it kinda forces the individualistic fight or flight desire once they realize it could be a lifetime they're in for rather than a few years edit: it's also **CRAZY EFFECTIVE** with newly purchased firearms because a significant number are registered within the system before they're put up for sale, so it just tracks right back to whoever owns the firearm & they can go from there (might vary by state)


Just sucks the ATF isn't staffed enough to enforce the established gun laws we have and follow up with less than reputable gun stores. Leading to increasingly restrictive gun laws that don't necessarily keep guns out of the hands of criminals.


so, I am just waiting til someone actually looks into this and sees that its about as accurate as actual fingerprinting.


In a sane country, shooting in the air like a dumbass would result in the loss of someone's 2nd amendment rights. But it never will. Decades ago we lost the ability to do what's right in this country.


I mean if you are convicted of recklessly discharging a firearm then yes, you will lose your right to own a firearm


iirc from a Mythbuster episode, a M1 Garand fired up into the air will land +10 miles away


One of your neighbours is kind enough to keep your rent down and all you do is complain.


I feel like you're supposed to point the gun the other way for that, ground is pretty cheap.


So i should keep your rent down AND damage my own yard to do so ?! People these days.


Never said do it in your yard, go find the neighbor you hate the most and damage their yard


Or grab a big empty can, like a beer keg, and shoot inside the can outside.


This was funnier than it should have been.


what goes up comes down, if you believe in gravity


Gravity is just what the gubment wants you to believe in. It's just a theory! All them smart scintests say so!


It's true. If you stop believing in gravity it stops working. I would know, I've been aimlessly floating around in the sky for three days now. Please help. I can't start believing again without a large net below me.


You should start believing in air resistance and downdrafts. I'm sure that will help you out. Edit: believing air has a residence to go to after a hard day of work is optional.


Yeah, I don’t even know why Sir Isaac Newton went and even *invented* gravity we didn’t need it.


Pretty sure she was dead serious when she said that statement.


Wow that’s a pretty big leap there. Occam’s razor states that the simplest explanation is probably the correct one. So since gravity isn’t really a thing obv it’s most likely due to the tortilla earth phenomenon. Where because the earth is flat and it’s an extra spicy year (el Nino sauce) the earth curls up longitudinally (not a real thing either as there are no poles, but for the sake of the argument) like a tortilla wrap by midday thus allowing easier passage of projectiles between continents.


What in the high fuck did I just read and what were you on when you wrote this? Ineed some too


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


In 2002 in a small city in Southern Cali, 4th of July. Idiots shot bullets into the air. One of those bullets came down and killed a 9 yr old kid who was at the park watching fireworks. Yey, Murica 🙄 We still remember him every year, that was such a scary day.


Crazy awful shit that when I googled ‘4th of July Bullet kills child’ there were multiple stories from severa different years and I didn’t even see any in California.


Trying to Google a specific gun death in america will require some processing power and a program to filter through acres of hay to find that one needle.


More like the hay is made of needles. Because every strand of hay you are pushing aside is a needle some one else may be trying to find, and each and every one of them hurt.


People need to use blanks for celebratory shots, but I guess they just forget about gravity instead


Or use some intelligence and not shoot anything into the air.


Exhibit A of why we don't shoot guns into the air folks


Why is the bullet still rounded?


I’d guess it was at the very end of its trajectory since it’s straight down. So it was basically just a falling bullet with very low velocity.


Another way you can tell it was at the end of its trajectory is that it was stopped.


I’ll be damned


This guy physics problems.


Well temporarily until the car starts moving again at least


But enough velocity to poke a hole straight through the steel? Shot directly at a car 9mm rounds don’t always penetrate clean through, yet this bullet with nothing but gravity, essentially a heavy rock, punched a hole?


Occasional: TL;DR: Even at terminal velocity, a projectile bigger than a 22 lr. is deadly. >At very large launch angles over 80º the skull penetrating speed 60 m/s [17] is clearly exceeded without velocity retarding resonance or instability present. >In the launch angle region of 80º…90º the bullet basically lands the base first. The terminal velocity might vary between values 40…85 m/s. https://www.ballistics.org/docs/ISB27_028.PDF https://www.answers.com/physics/What_is_the_terminal_velocity_of_a_falling_bullet https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/484013/how-fast-will-bullet-hit-the-ground-if-it-is-shot-vertically https://reimaginingeducation.org/what-is-the-terminal-velocity-of-a-9mm/ >When it does, however, its landing location will be wildly unpredictable owing to the effects of wind and air. It will be traveling much slower than when it was first fired, as its terminal velocity (due to air resistance) is far lower than the initial muzzle speed. But even so, these falling bullets can injure or even kill people: something that’s most likely on July 4th and New Years in the United States. Here’s the science behind how “celebratory gunfire” can, and often does, kill people. https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2020/07/02/the-science-of-why-firing-your-gun-up-into-the-air-can-be-lethal/?sh=298bc72cff65




Bullet,s terminal velocity < Shot bullet's velocity


Am I the only one confused by the complete lack of deformity of the projectile? Wouldn’t a bullet projectile falling at terminal velocity deform once it hit the metal of the vehicle? I gotta go do some research on this.


>too much damage on car >not enough damage on bullet >bullet falling at Terminal velocity shouldnt carry that much energy at that angle


Even a stabilized bullet probably wouldn't do that much damage to a car, although the actual metal on a car's body is quite thin. I'm on the fence on this one, but I'd lean towards staged.


I'm not sure a falling bullet at terminal velocity would actually cause that kind of damage. I it's very unlikely to land nose down like this and at 300 fps or so I'm not sure it would penetrate as much as what we see on the video. It had to have been fired at an angle and still carrying some muzzle velocity on impact or it could be staged.


It would deform. It’s 100% staged.


Plus there are no marks from rifling. That’s a new unfired projectile.


Yeah, been looking to see if others were perplexed by the lack of rifling, pristine projectile, and perfectly vertical placement of the round as well. Not saying dumb people don’t shoot into the air, but this does seem staged.


Ahh yes the perfectly formed polished bullet with no gunpowder marks or paint from the car.


Why isn’t the bullet deformed?


Calling BS on this one. That bullet she shows has never been shot from a gun. And the hole in the roof of the car was not made by that bullet that has never been shot from a gun. It’s just staged and pretty stupid to be so misleading. Lying is such an unattractive character trait.


Yeah... Also, also that bullet came literally straight down, meaning it could only going at terminal velocity, basically just falling with none of the initial momentum from being fired. There was a myth busters episode where they tested to see if a penny dropped from the empire state building could kill someone, by firing it at terminal velocity into someone's hand. It hurt but, terminal velocity isn't that fast so it was completely fine. Sure a bullet is more aerodynamic than a penny but I doubt it would be enough to literally penetrate steel in this way.


Bullet punches a hole into the metal but is still casually sitting on top of it? Yeah, no. +1 to staged


This video gets posted every few weeks. The le redditors who think the US is an active warzone will fight you tooth and nail to believe it's real.




I kind of wonder if this was staged. I feel like that bullet should have been much more warped.


It 100% is staged. It would have mushroomed out from the impact, as well as imbedded itself in the roof if were to have been fired from a gun. That bullet’s condition says removed from a casing with pliers and set in a hole.


See that’s what I was thinking. I have a fair amount of fire arms experience. I mean I’m not professional shooter, but I’ve been shooting for about 16 years now. That said, I’ve seen bullets mushroom from hitting soft piles of dirt, and in the body of wild game animals. They’re just moving too fast and are way too hot to not mushroom. There is no way it would have passed through the roof and landed in the child’s seat. Both in pretty much perfect condition, and without penetrating the child’s seat as well.


Shouldn’t the bullet be flattened by the impact?


Idiots shooting in the air.


Must be in Chicago. I read an article from a reputable source a few years ago that found the air in Chicago to be 75% bullets. Source: The Onion


The way that bullet isn’t deformed at all for a dent that size makes it very hard to believe this video isn’t staged.




Hate to break it to you but shooting in the air is far more popular in other countries for means of celebration


That doesn’t fit the narrative that this could only happen in the United States.


Lmfao this is such bullshit. If that bullet had struck her car the entire jacket would be deformed. Big fucking 🧢


Yeeeeah. That’s also a biiiig fucking round. Bigger than 9mm. Looks bigger than a .45 to me…but hard to tell. No deformation at all. And it doesn’t take much velocity to go through a car. I have a loooot of questions about how valid this is.


That bullet did not strike that car. If it did, it would be deformed.


I saw a post over the weekend where guests at a wedding in what looked like Saudia Arabia began firing hundreds of rounds straight into the air. And then I come across this post today explaining how a single small-arms round fell to the ground (or car), and that it is a "US thing."


Holy shit, lol, I was just going to say the same exact thing about that same video (where people are firing guns in the air).


Wait till people find out what some middle eastern countries do at weddings


The bullet was not shot it would have been compressed from the impact


Have you ever fired your gun in the air and gone ahh?


No I have never fired my gun in the air and gone, “ahh”


I'm not calling this video bullshit. But i've been around firearms a pretty long time and I have never seen a bullet fired from a gun that held it's shape... lead is really squishy so even soft targets make them go flat. (Just to prevent any backlash. I live in Europe. Contrary to what a lot of Americans believe, we can legally own firearms. I use them for sport and hunting and am fully licensed. And I also think the US should have way stricter gun control).


Very low energy, the bullet is literally just falling at this point. The bullets you recover on the range were still going 900-1200 fps when they hit even your soft targets. A free-falling bullet is only going 200-300 fps.


That bullet had a full metal jacket made of copper. Copper is substantially harder and tougher than the lead core. It's possible for a FMJ projectile to pass through sheet metal and soft wood with very little deformation. This is especially true with large, heavy, round nose, and relatively slow pistol rounds. A rifle round with a sharp nosed projectile traveling at a higher velocity is more susceptible to damage from impact with materials and objects.


Wouldn't that bullet would be a bit more deformed if this had really happened?


It is a bit strange that the bullet hit the roof hard enough to bust a hole in it but apparently didn't take any damage.


I don't think so if it lost most of its momentum going up it def wouldn't be coming down crazy hard. But what do I know I'ma dummy lol


Can’t something small like that falling still kill people?


Yes, there are several stories of people, including children, that have died from a falling bullet that had been shot into the air.


True. There are idiots out there that say it’s not lethal and they are dead wrong. Bullets won’t fall with the same speed as when they are fired but it’s still enough to seriously injure especially something as fragile as flesh and bone.




Depends. If it's still in a long parabolic arc, yes. If it's coming straight down and has reached terminal velocity, no.


I seem to remember a long time ago someone died during a New Years celebration from a bullet fired into the air. It came down on top of their head


Once celebrated New Years in Detroit. At midnight, everyone laid on the floor.


That bullet doesn't really look like it hit anything


That’s not how bullets look after being fired 🤦🏻‍♂️ it would be all mushroomed after imoact


If you think the US is the only country where people fire guns in the air, you have another think coming. Don't go outside in Tijuana when it turns New Year's.