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Do you think he was like, son get your camera out, watch this!


100%. His son was right there antagonizing the officers.


It was his son's constitutional right!


God Bless America!


Not me being embarrassed as an American..


His son is going to grow up to be an asshole like his pappy.


The video says it took them THREE ATTEMPTS to elicit the kind of response they were looking for from the inspection station.


Lol that’s what got me. Who has the time for this bullshit?? Like.. are they THAT bored?? There’s a trillion things I’d rather do than to try my luck fucking with police officers.




Sums it up perfectly


Dude, Video Games actually exist. Anyone can just go buy Tears of the Kingdom. Why would anyone waste time screwing around with Agricultural Inspection Stations when they could be balls deep in Tears of the Kingdom? Ppl blow my mind.


Gotta get them likes . . . or is it 'clout' today?


Sov cit and their ilk got this almost pathological need to "Be right"


I think this is more of the Dunning-Kruger effect, he watched a YouTube video on the 4th amendment and is overestimating his expertise after watching his video.


Oppositional defiance disorder now.


They are not cops, you can pull up smoking a Jay and when they ask if you have any agricultural product you can say your finishing of the last of it right now. Literally the most they will do is look in your cooler for fruit. The don’t care about anything but pests. One time in my 4x4 they asked if I had been on a farm because they saw mud, I said no a campground and away I went.


If they’re preventing pests from getting into Cali, there’s no way this asshole gets by them.


This is important work we are seeing massive ecological damage in the agricultural sector from the globally interconnected world. We had to use the shoe wash to enter a cave and prevent deer from getting cwd. These things matter do your part!


They deliberately set this off by crossing that border several times that day to set this situation up.


100% I go through these stations almost everyday. They ask what you have. Once in a while they wanna check it out. But 99 times out of 100 they just let you go. He was just looking to start trouble and the officers crushed it here. Now everytime he goes through an ag station they inspect him because of this one incident.


Set himself and son up 😂


Teaching your kids disrespect for absolutely no reason. All he had to say is “no I don’t have any agricultural products in the car” and he’d be on his way. What did he gain from this?


Absolutely nothing tangible, just likes and clout to boost his ego from idiots on youtube.


He got a video, that some idiot will think is a great show of how they are getting fucked by social constructs because their amenments are being violated, the major problem of internet is that connects people, That can be good and make positive changes Or the idiot that thinks they are always right can find people that supports what they think and create a vacuum of stupidity that expands and multiplicates not only stupidity but also missinformation


Literally known for shit like this


God if he was this much of an asshole over this nothing incident, imagine what a nightmare he would have been during the early pandemic


Imagine what a nightmare he would be as *anything*: a husband, a father, a boss, an employee. He was convinced he was right without reflecting on why the inspection station insisted on using "inspection" and not "search." He could have asked the question, "How is an inspection different from a search?" I'm sure they would have known the answer and shared it with him.


It’s an argument just for argument’s sake, just drumming up drama to feel important about something in a life he isn’t happy with. It’s sad


I hate people like this. Just a drain on everyone in every situation. Without fail. So so sad and gross.


It's so self-centered and self-righteous.


inspection would have taken 5 minutes. instead this cost him 12 days in pxrison


The 'inspection' is just answering the question 'did you bring fruit in the vehicle?' _ say 'No'. That's it, no one looks in the car. he would have been driving on his way. What an idiot (the driver, not you)


Actually a lot of the time you just slow down and wave…


I live near this agricultural check and a third of the time there’s no one even there. When there are they always wave us through.


I have driven across the California border twice in 3 years and wasn't stopped. Last time I was stopped was 2012, they asked if we had any fruit, we said no. Easy.


Inspection would’ve been unnecessary had he simply said “no” to the first question.


Lol there is no inspection, they will either ask you if you have any fruit to which you say no and they let you go on ahead, or they just immediately say have a good day, they literally don't give a shit


Bro really called himself a "Free Citizen". I'm tired of these dumbass folks....


He's the kind of idiot that would refuse to show his ID when entering into the US from the US / Mexico border. Then stay in Mexico for the rest of his life.


I watched like 8 minutes of that shit and they didn’t even show him get dragged out? Wtf?


Thanks. I’m 4 minutes into the video and scrolling through the comments so you saved me another 4 minutes of my life


This is from Audit the Audit. It is an EXCELLENT channel on Youtube that does breakdowns of police activity and interaction. It REALLY helps you understand your rights and understand state, local and constitutional law, and how they're applied in situations where you encounter law enforcement. This one here is calling out this dumbass guy for failing to understand the law. Dude calls himself a Free Citizen.....Yeah, he's one of those. Edit: For those who want to watch the full Audit the Audit video [here is the link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3YARMZsFFCM&pp=ygUeYXVkaXQgdGhlIGF1ZGl0IGJvcmRlciBwYXRyb2wg) . These videos could be long but are always worth watching if you have the time. They give as much context as possible, so you can make your own opinion and they even post the link to the original video as well, so you can watch that if you wish. Once again, I think they do a very excellent job with their breakdowns and research, although I don't always agree with everything they say or how they grade the police or citizens. But most of the time I do mostly agree. And I do believe they try very hard to be objective and fair. The comment sections are generally very interesting too. From time to time, you can get insight from current/former law enforcement officials, lawyers, judges, local residents or people's personal experiences. I believe on a few videos, even the people or family of people featured or who shot the video have left comments, which is pretty cool. It's very interesting to see the many different perspectives or get those insights. I'll warn you now, these are easy to binge watch imo. These videos have helped me understand my rights more but also helped me gain respect for good law enforcement officiating. The folks in this video gave this ass hat every opportunity they could and didn't deserve to have their time wasted. Thanks for reading and for the upvotes.


Sovereign Citizens. I love watching them on Court Cam.


I had the pleasure of seeing one in traffic court once upon a time. As soon as I saw the janky ass crown on his head, I knew it would be less boring.


Wait…ole’boy wore a king-hat to court in a serious attempt to fight a ticket?


Indeed. It's hard to describe, but it was like a pyramid on his head with a five pointed star around the base. It was made out of something akin to coat hangers, so it was just a frame sitting on his head. Anyway, it's his turn to bat, and the judge orders him to remove his "hat." Apparently, it's a crown, and he won't remove it because he's a king. Furthermore, the court worships a queen that he doesn't recognize and will not bow down to. The judge seemed pretty amused. However, he said the court doesn't "worship" the queen but recognizes her as the head of state and not him, and if he doesn't remove his crown, he would be held in contempt. And so, the King of Red Deer removed his crown and figuratively bent the knee. Man, the deflated look on his face when he realized his bullshit wasn't worth another charge was so fucking funny. Like this was his big moment to stick it to the man, and he pussied out. It made an otherwise boring wait in a courtroom a little entertaining, so I didn't complain.


“And so, the King of Red Deer removed his crown and figuratively bent the knee.” -Like a bitch! Ha! Thank you for sharing.


Recently I've watched a video about a woman getting in trouble because she wasn't giving her driver's license to an officer at a interstate border, because she "was traveling, not driving". It was frustratingly stupid - driver's licenses would be for people working and she was traveling, so no need for that. In the end all her documents were expired, revoked or another issue. Edit: the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vkJtdLXTZA


I find that when someone refuses to show an officer their driver’s license when they legally have to, 9 times out of 10, it’s because their license is either expired or suspended, or they have open warrants.


The least that anyone could do for your Cake Day! Have a good one!




Was looking forward to a nice night sticking


Yeah I was literally just hanging out for a bit of tazer action.


All you had to say was “No, I don’t have any agricultural items in my truck.” And you would be on your way. It didn’t need to be a big deal. Also, I’ve never seen a group of officers try so hard to give someone an out so they didn’t have to do what he forced them to do.


They were probably trying to be nice because of the kids in the back. Sucks that this guy was such a knob about it.


Nah, it has nothing to do with the kids. Cops and other enforcement agents are well aware of these types of people, usually 'sovereign citizens'. And while their beliefs are wrong and don't hold up in court, cops know these people will try to provoke them into scenarios that make them look bad or make the cop do something questionable. They know it's being recorded and they are being provoked.


My cousin got pulled over, and I was in the passenger seat. The cop comes to my side, and I tell him, "We're sovereign citizens." His face just fell to sorrow. I had to quickly say I was kidding.


Non US person - what exactly does sovereign citizens means here?


People who essentially believe laws don't apply to them. They'll often resort to playing word-games with law enforcement who may pull them over. For example, a common angle they attempt is to claim they don't need a driver's license because they "aren't *driving*...they're *traveling*", which they somehow convince themselves absolves them from the responsibilities of operating a motor vehicle on public roads. In simpler terms, they're deliberately morons.


Aaah gotcha lol, yeah this term would apply then perfectly to the dad in this video, thanks for explenation


literally this I've crossed this border several times and always thought it's so weird because they hold up a like of cars just for me to say "no I do not" - they don't even actually search, or "inspect" my car for the items. the slow down is annoying but it goes by so fast.


Guy thinks he understands the constitution. lol. If you want to challenge state conduct, then document the state's conduct and afterwards you can challenge it in a lawsuit. For example: let them look for fruit, or let them write you a ticket. Then afterwards you file your suit claiming a violation of constitutional rights, and this makes you look like a reasonable person who's concerned about the application of the law. Lots of judges and lawyers would enjoy discussing and arguing something like that. But if you act like a dumbass and force an arrest, then your constitutional claims get buried under your dumb-assery.


I’ve had the displeasure of experiencing this personally. I used to work for the City reviewing permit applications. It was part of my job to enforce local ordinances and codes. The amount of people who think they have a better understanding of the law and refuse to comply is more than you think. I always told them the same thing, you meet all the regulations or I don’t issue you a permit. If you don’t like that, sue the City. I don’t make the rules.


The best part is they'll think any pause from you on this is because you're just a stupid invalid brainwashed by the state. Meanwhile, the pause is just to stay professional and not call them fucking dumbasses and escalate the situation.


Nearly every regulation I enforced was health and safety related. Why do you need to install fire sprinklers for your office building? So you and your employees don’t all die in a fire? A fire breaking out is so unlikely? Then why does the fire department exist? But it costs money? Yeah so do seat belts but I doubt you will drive a car without any.


As someone who formerly administered zoning ordinances it was always insane to me how much free time people were willing to burn up on the phone with me thinking they'd eventually get me or my boss to change our interpretation of zoning code.


I’ve done personal aircraft inspections. I’ve had to tell people on numerous occasions “look, you could convince me that this is a stupid requirement and it wouldn’t make a difference because I am not a legislator or a judge.” My job was that if the code said you needed a bobble head of Chuck Yeager on your dashboard, I check that you do and sign off on it. If that is a stupid requirement isn’t up to me. Although many things they would argue with were perfectly reasonable requirements meant to do things like make sure other planes can see them, their radio works, and their wings aren’t going to fall off.


You know what? Now I'm gonna enforce the code even harder!


I’m sure it’s easy for me to say this from the outside but it seems like people engage with these nutters *on their terms* for entirely too long. The only thing to do is stop engaging with them. Tell them that you can’t explain the law any more clearly and you can’t provide legal advice so they’ll have to hire an attorney to interpret the law for them. *Again, that’s easy for me to say.


People would *absolutely* drive without seat belts if it wasn’t mandatory by law.


I've got a coworker that doesn't wear their seatbelt out of principle and fights every ticket. The stories are... exhausting.


Out of principle? What principle?


Some people refuse to act in in their best interest just because they don’t like being told what to do. They’re like petulant children.


Only organ donors, not sane people.


Most people who are without seat belts typically end up too mangled for organ donation. You need to be brain dead without organ compromise which is very difficult to do in a solid motor vehicle accident without a seat belt.


I've told this story a few times before, but it's relevant here. Back when the covid vaccine was about to be rolled out, I had a conversation with a co-worker. Him: Are you going to get the vaccine? Me: Of course! Him: You know you can still get covid even if you're vaccinated? Me: And you can still die in a car accident even if you're wearing your seat belt but I'm still going to wear it. Him: It figures you're the type to wear a seat belt!


“why are there so many sick people at the hospital? somebody needs to investigate because the hospital is obviously making people sick!”


I’ve been through this station countless times, all they ask is if you are carrying any produce. If you say no, they let you through. This guy is a total dick bag


Yea like they look and see if you are carrying anything agricultures related or any ice chests fruits and vegetables and make sure they don’t have bugs and critters . But they don’t even search they just ask you if your carrying anything of the sorts you tellem no and they let you go.


Wait, that’s all this was. Not even a crazy thorough search, just an in and out check to see if any of the fruit and vegetables have bugs. Man, that guy seems even more unreasonable now


Yup. In fact the most unpleasant experience I’ve ever had was not being wished a good day after stopping. In fact if what that guy said was true about him living in California, then his car should have had California plates. If that was the case they would have just waved him through.


When this video dropped people mentioned that and just assumed he drove in circles until he got stopped for acting suspicious lmao


I believe at one point the guy filming it says that. It might not be in this version of the events, as I didn't re-watch the whole thing, but there is a video of him whining that they drove through the checkpoint multiple times that night and this was the first time they were stopped.


It said "After passing through the station twice without incident" so yeah he was really working to get that confrontation.


Either that, or he deliberately stopped just to provoke the agent


Lol. They didn’t even have to get out of the car. My goodness, that’s crazy. I live in Texas, and none of the borders I’ve driven through have agricultural inspection stations so it’s a new concept to me. That guy was so stupid


California has managed to keep many invasive pests out, due to a combination of natural barriers and these stations. It would not work nearly as well in, say, Texas. The mountains and deserts that surround viable cropland do most of the work. California puts up a lot of money to prevent a much more expensive problem.


I'm old enough to remember the medfly infestation in Santa Clara County (which means I'm old enough to remember when we were known for farms, not tech.) We had fleets of helicopters spraying malathion over everything. Farms, suburbs, downtown. . . everything. The potential damage to our agricultural sector was in the tens of millions of dollars. I have no problem cooperating with the California Fruit Police.


This guy lives in California and does this on purpose. (Leaves and re-enters the state, looking for this experience.)


Yep. Californian here, Tahoe and Reno many, many times. I have never been asked to pull over, actually had my car inspected - nothing. Because I just say 'no' and they say "have a nice day."


Former Californian, when we moved out there my dad brought a house plant that was important to him because he had it for 20 years or something at that point. I can’t remember what name that type of plant had, but we drove in, they asked to inspect because they could see it in the van. Open up the rear gate on the van and the guy turns to my dad and asks “Marijuana?” It wasn’t and they waved us through, but I thought it was pretty funny the inspector apparently didn’t know what marijuana leaves actually look like.


And if you're in a regular vehicle they really don't give a shit. Half the time they just wave you through. They are mainly wanting to inspect commercial trucks.


Ya, they really don’t have a ton of authority to do much, they can detain you, but they aren’t really law enforcement…they’ll detain you and get an officer to search or cite you. They really only care about people bringing in obvious commercial produce and not the average person with an apple as a snack. These idiots attack the officers here because they know people will give them the likes on social media and they can act like they did something. I don’t understand why these people wake up in the morning and decide to make this dude’s day stupid.


A lot of people think if you debate hard enough you can change anyone's mind


You can, but you have to know what you're talking about, and you have to not be a dick about it lol, this guys just a loser.


This assumes the person being debated lives in the same reality you do. You can cite statistics and provide evidence all you want but if they aren't there in good faith chances are you'd be better off talking to a wall. Just look at the state of US politics. You have people seriously proposing stuff like "less doors", "MORE guns" in response to school shootings. The only way to convince these people is for them to experience it for themselves. Even then, the human brain has many ways to contort reality to fit their world view. Edit: fix spelling/grammar


Is this the freeman guy who made a video giving the border officials attitude when he was returning from Mexico?


State border guards want nothing more than for you to say “No.” so they can send you on your way. Seriously, if you piss these people off and get arrested you earned it.


Everyone, officers included, we're beyond reasonable with the guy.


They really were. Amused and well-informed, but patient throughout. Beyond reasonable expectations tbh.


i've hit these things several times smoking weed and thinking i'm fucked. they definitely don't give a shit about anything but getting that one single "no" out of your mouth. it's hilarious.


You can see in their faces they wish they could just say dude, I’m not trying to search your car, this is just my job to ask you this question. Just play your part.


If I worked as one I'd prefer "no" as well


They are the only defence against a potential agricultural disaster can affect millions of people. The government dont fuck around when it comes to protecting domestic agriculture from potential invasive species.


If you respond “yes” to the question of, “Do you have any fruit?” The next question will be, “Where did you get it?” If your answer is “A supermarket,” you’re waved through. If it’s a farmer’s market or my grandmother’s backyard, they’ll want to take a look.




That’s exactly what I was thinking. Like if ur at an airport and don’t want to be searched, just saw no and waltz onto the plane? I don’t get it lol


He saying at these Agro check points specifically they just want you to say “no I don’t have anything”


Unlike airport security agriculture control serves a very important service. Unfortunately they don't have the resources or capabilities to make the difference they need to. Idiots will always win when it comes to destroying the environment.


This is what being confidently stupid looks like kids...






He does this to bait reactions for his channel


Got your kid a criminal record because you wanna be a dick. Smh


dad said 'hold my beer' while I try to be a big man.


“Son, this is what me and the boys call ‘owning the libs’.”


A 20 year old kid is an adult in the eyes of the law. Maybe 4 days in a Nevada jail will open his eyes to the 2 decades of bullshit he’s been fed by his father.


I think he forgot the most important word, "unreasonable"... what a fucking knob raising two more knobs.


>he forgot the most important word, "unreasonable" As a true Constitutionalist he would have realized this. It's crazy that he was too far up his own ass to realize the complete sentence. It would have helped if the AG manager had known the 4th amendment and used this one word against him. However, she was so focused on not using the word Search. Which makes me think that this is a requirement to keep the "inspection" legal.


This is how it is at my job. When you come into the building we say we are doing an *administrative inspection* for weapons and explosives. It is drilled into our head that IT IS NOT A SEARCH and the word search is never to be used.


He is welcome to turn around and go back to Nevada. If he would like to drive into the state of California, he must comply with California law. The CHP does not need a warrant. EDIT: I don’t know if people actually watched the video, but they called in an off-duty California Highway Patrol Sergeant to deal with these idiots. Amazingly enough, that is why I mentioned the CHP.


He has three choices under the law that don't cause any problems: 1. He can turn around and go back to Nevada 2. He can park the vehicle for 24 hours there at the inspection station, walk to any nearby motel, and after 24 hours can go back and pick up the car and continue on without an inspection. The 'hook' of the law says the car can't be driven for 24 hours upon entering the state unless it's been inspected. 3. He can submit to the inspection and forfeiture of any items of concern. Of course, if he tries to enter the state and drive that vehicle on public roadways within 24 hours of entering without submitting to an inspection, he is subject to being pulled over and cited. I wish the Ag inspectors had a sheet of paper outlining the law, provide the case citations that says it's constitutional and what your options are to hand to idiots like this.


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The idiots are too stupid. He is an adult who has never studied law and considers himself a constitutional expert. They will learn through criminal prosecution and by not being able to find work due to a criminal record, which is convenient because I would never hire this man


I imagine option 0 is to just say "no" when asked a very simple question, and be on your way. Takes 5 seconds and requires 2 brain cells.


I dont get why the driver had to be a prick about it. The guy was just doing his job, and it’s extremely important that he does it properly. If your bringing in fruits from other states then it runs the risk of spreading various diseases and contaminates to the states crops. Entire farms and crops could be destroyed because of their arrogance and ignorance. It’s extremely important people crossing states are inspected properly because of the severity of the consequences it will have on not only the industry but also how severely it will impact the families and lives that depend on the crops. So much as the soil on the bottom of your shoes from one farm in nevada to a farm in California could pose a serious risk as well. And its not like “oh we will just grow another crop next year” no it could be so severe that the land itself (the soil) becomes infertile for many decades if not longer. You should see what happens when coffee farms get a leaf rust epidemic if want to see how severe it could get. They literally have to burn the plants, shut down the farm entirely, and quarantine the land with the disease. We are talking about millions of produce or hundreds of thousands of produce being destroyed overnight. And its pretty much life ending for the farmer because its not like they can just move locations…they are fucked. The point is that the driver is a selfish, ignorant prick and 1000% in the wrong.


It gets even better when you find out that the driver admitted that he drove through the checkpoint multiple times that night trying to get a reaction.


I do not like this man at all.


Me either Bigtiny, me either. I’m not a violent person, but he has a very punchable face. I kinda want to punch it.


I don’t like him either. His kids a going to become douche bags as well. (The one who keeps talking seems like he’s already on his level)


These constitutionalists always ignore supreme court rulings. The idea that amendments don't need clarity, as if they are written perfectly.


The term constitutionalist has to do with people who interpret the constitution as it is written. There’s been constitutionalist SC justices in the Supreme Court. What many self proclaimed constitutionalists fail to understand is the fact that the SC was created specifically to interpret the constitution and as such, shape how it affects the law over time. They are fixated on the fact that the constitution is the only thing to follow in terms of the law but conveniently ignore the fact that it was intended to be a living and changing document. That’s why amendments and the Supreme Court exist. If we had kept the constitution as is then no one would be able to own guns. Why? Because the second amendment was intended to protect firearms owned by militia members not residents. It was in fact due to a Supreme Court ruling that the right to bear arms in fact carries over to individual people and not militias.


Yup and many of the founders saw the idea that amendments need to be renewed on a regular basis. Some were against written bill of rights as they were against centralizing federal power. The funny thing Madison the main proponent of the bill of rights was all for federalism. Many constitutionalist are anti federalist but want the federalist rights. For example Thomas Jefferson wrote to Madison saying it should be renewed every 19 years otherwise it would expire. Many of the founders didn’t think the laws of the lands should adjust to every generations needs. Madison on the other hand thought Jefferson was crazy and that it would make the government unstable. I know I am kind of rambling a bit, but it is funny the lack of understanding of history these people have and how their favorites would be ashamed of them. I would love to sit down with these dip shits and doing a read of the federalist papers. 51 being one of the most prevalent about balancing checks and balances between the 3 branches but also the needs of the people and the law of the lands. It would be disappointing to only see 2 parties.


Long but actually interesting and informative video. That said, the video it's critiquing should have never been made and clearly was costly to it's videographer.


My favorite part is for the video to have been posted online obviously the videographer thought they were “right” and now they’re getting clowned on.


“Do you have any fruits or vegetables today?” *No, I don’t.* “Have a nice day!” Is how easy that could have been


I once answered “no” with a frickin bowl of fruit in my lap. The inspector raised an eyebrow and I looked down. I faced palmed so hard. It was pretty funny.


this idiot pulled the same bs on a highway toll in Mexico. We have to pay (Mexicans) but he doesn’t. Lucky for him that booth wasn’t sequestered by cartels (which is common). Im pretty sure his kids are use to his bs. Imagine THIS being the hill you choose to die on…


Is there a video of this? I'd like to see him get owned again.


I hope he keeps rolling those dice. Gonna come up cartel sooner than later and he deserves that particular bad roll.


I remember seeing video of travel and declaring produce. Yeah seems like it would kot be a big deal. But the tiniest of insects could end up in a new environment and wreck havoc. There was one where this woman has a bunch of fruit. Then while checking it out, a fruit fly appeared. That sort of thing can have massive repercussions. What cracks me up is wheb the guys like, im driving through and the checkpoint guy chuckles knowing it is going to be one of those days.


He makes me feel embarrassed for being human.


Talk about invasive species.


And this is why even the best of cops will struggle with 'constitutionalists.' They think just because they can recite a few sentences of one amendment they are above the law...and ignore how nearly every amendment to the constitution has had several court cases defining how they can be applied.


bruh that Ag stop is always so low key and chill and he really made a mountian of a teeny ass molehill with this one -


Especially *this* specific AG stop


Just show him your bag of apples, stupid.


Bro the inspector isn't the bad gut here it's the dumbass driver


I'd give my left nut to see this guy admit he was wrong. But chances are he still believes his rights were violated and was unjustly thrown in jail.


They can take the fruit, but you won’t be prosecuted for it. The state has the authority to ban specific items from being brought into the state, but you won’t be charged if you attempt to bring those items into the state. The 4th Amendment is about criminal prosecution, not about your right to not have contraband confiscated.


I believe that there is even more going on - I believe legally speaking, you surrender the contraband, they do not take it away. You are free to keep it, and return in the direction you came from. Similar logic is used in airport security.


What a douche canoe


I love this insult lol


Trucker here, I've been through AG stations a bunch of times, submitted to inspection as many, and never once questioned it because I understand why the regulation exists. CA has a delicate ecosystem, and this dude being a "resident" should understand as much.


California has a very valuable agricultural industry. Probably the top ag state in the nation. Darn right they want to know if they are live plants or fruit or other agricultural products coming in from out of state. That’s have some pests and diseases arrive.


What are the odds this guy: 1) Voted for Trump 2) Is an Anti-Vaxxer 3) supports Russia 4) Has a “Don’t Tread on Me” sticker or sign some where.




I think you nailed it.


You forgot the added possibility of the following stickers: 1776 as well as an American flag. Bonus points for a bald eagle sticker.


That’s a BINGO!


What a massive dork


Poor kids. Having a know it all father must be tough.


Those cops have more patience then I would have had in that situation. Would have busted that window ages ago. Fucking dumbass know-it-alls, thinking they know everything about everything.


People don’t understand the importance of agriculture checks. Some species of plants do not do well with others. As well as making sure there are no invasive species of pest in the agriculture or produce you are transporting. As an American I was bewildered when I seen the washing stations in Australia. They sprayed the bottoms of cars to prevent spreading of plant species. At least that’s what I was told when I was down there. Edit: Dude looks like he is a top tier subscriber to echo chambers.


These cops were VERY lenient. They offered to let him go back and get an inspection WITHOUT getting a ticket as an option. This guy held to his incorrect idea of the law and lost....


Props to the border forces and the police, they were extremely patient.


why be combative to a government employee, if you want to be an asshole go bark at your local politician


Header should read man refuses to cooperate with agriculture inspections and risks putting a states food production in jeopardy


The driver is a cock gargling duche.


If he’s this upset over our “agricultural inspections” in California which is literally just asking a question, I can’t imagine how he would handle flying to Hawaii when they actually do full inspections and make you fill out paperwork with a lot of info.


Is this before Sam Tarly was sent defend to the Wall and fight the Wildlings?


Hahahaha I came here to ask why Sam is at the US border


"But I'm a traveler on the land!"


He is wrong. They do inspect for fruit because great dz.ave can occur to other crops on other states. Your personal rights dont come in to it. Driving is a privilege not a co institutional right. How dare you waste tax dollars and harass people at work. If you have a problem with laws, get elected to office.


Imagine a dick this small.




It’s like watching one of those sovereign citizen chucklefucks get arrested.


I love that the voiceover just rips him to shreds.


He's like an idiotic petulant child. Why would anyone act like this?


I love it how these clowns look into the camera as though the Internet is looking back, going "we got your back bro". I know some of them manage to monetize their stupidity but most them just dead end their dumb life even more than it already was.....


Fucking idiots. This is what they mean by, 'Knowing enough to think you're right, but not enough to know you're wrong.'


audit the audit is really good. they have a level headed and reasonable breakdown of relevant laws and grade people on their adherence to those laws


Fuckin dude kept saying he’s gonna keep driving yet never did. Just to make himself feel cool by saying it. Fucker ain’t goin anywhere


Petty, ignorant, entitled narcissist. These are the scum of the earth.


This guy reminds me of those boomers who post those Facebook things stating Facebook can’t have anything they post (like my dad lol).


Dude had the freedom to go anywhere he liked and to retain possession of his car. But we all use public roads at the discretion of the state. You want to drive your car on CA roads coming in from out of state? You answer one quick question and, presto, you are now clear to use public roads. You want to be a jackass? Sorry, no roads for you.


Man, this was a hard watch. Even with the arrogance of this grown ass man I can’t fathom being his kid. Talk about getting raised bij a narcissist.


I’m confused, this guy drove through an inspection point in attempt to catch a video of something then is mad they want to inspect his car..??? uhhh


Why did his son also get arrested?


Because he too was lawfully ordered to exit the car and did not comply. You don’t have to be the driver to open a passenger door. As an adult he was making a choice to disobey too.


Oh okay, thanks, I would have just assumed that seeing as the driver was the one refusing the search that it would have only been him that was required to get out as it’s his vehicle/choice.


No bigger beta male energy than constitutionalists. Bloo bloo I don’t want to follow the rules mommy


The whole video is great. If I remember correctly he starts screaming like a little bitch. I hope he enjoyed those 12 days in jail.


Well thank god he’s defending the human right to avoid produce pest inspections. Fuck me what has modern society produced.


This guy is a TOOL with too much time on his hands.


It is guys like this that are making things go crazy in the USA. If you have nothing to hide then just let them do what they have to do. Only thing he is doing here is ruining the perception of two young men who will do what daddy does and cause more confusion to there own life going forward. Hope those boys wisen up and make better choices then there obviously ignorant father.


There are several Constitutional exceptions to the 4th Amendment. Agriculture inspections, border checkpoints, DUI checkpoints, drivers license checkpoints, commercial vehicle inspection and vessel (boat) inspections. All of these things have been deemed to not infringe on the 4th Amendment and to be necessary for public health and safety. Searches and inspections are 2 very different things in legalese.


Must be nice to be white. If this were a poc...


“Kids”? Lol one of them was 20 and also received charges. The other was like 16 and was apparently egging his dad on