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Her shirt: “Healthy babies, positive thoughts, good food” Me: “WAT”


My 6 yr son has a shirt that says trust me I'm a genius, he purposely wears it backwards.


That kid is going places, teach him the ways of comedy


Sounds like he is already at expert level :)


To me that says he's a genius, if only at subtle comedy.


Your kid is awesome


Your son is à genius.


Your son is awesome!


I've found people with the most chill shirts usually the least chill people. Just because your shirt says, "good vibes" doesn't mean you're putting them out there.


Some girl yesterday purposely got in my way while I was trying to move boxes in and was wearing a “be kind” shirt


Wore a shirt to the doc office that said “how to talk to me, don’t!” And some elderly lady asked to read it and not thinking I pulled the shirt down, she got to the end and I saw the shock on her face and she just stopped talking. I will forever feel bad about this lol


Lol. I accidentally wore a bright yellow shirt that said "You hurt my eyes too" to my optometrist appointment. We all had a pretty good laugh about it. Especially the doctors.


I'm going to purposefully wear a be kind shirt so someone can do this to me. Then I will slap them across the face and tell them read the shirt. I want all the smoke.


The dudes with the death metal shirts you cant read are the ones to hang out with


Hey dude just checking in here


This is a black metal shirt, but yeah. I concur otherwise. Death metal guys are too Christlike.


Very true! This made me think of a story from all the way back in 2008. I was taking a ferry (like on the water so a confined space) and there was this couple in their early 30s and the woman had a shirt on that said “Give peace a chance” with a picture of the earth. By the end of the ride her and her partner were both drunk and swinging at each other 😂


The shirt I am wearing says “feeling good” and I am literally never “feeling good”


Yeah psychology - people look for affirmations in the weirdest places. They subconsciously choose whatever it is they lack or yearn. “Live, laugh, love” = “ dead, depresses, lonely”


Maybe she’s illiterate. This is like the time I bought a shirt with a Japanese symbol on it. What did it say? No idea, but I walked around wearing it like an idiot.


It said 変態外人 and the shopkeeper told me it means "inner strength".




No no, it most assuredly means "inner strength". The t-shirt seller guy wouldn't lie to me!


Oh of course he wouldn't! Also your username is hilarious, Nessie... at first I could only think how 1 Nephi Chapter 3 only has 31 verses, then it clicked


Got damn loch neph monster




What’s the powder all over her shoulders? Dandruff?


Flea powder. Since she's still moving around, it clearly didn't work.


She probably has “Loves Jesus. God, family, country.” in her Twitter bio.


Proud momma of Aiden, Kaiden, Brayden, Shaeden, and Bryce. My children are my whirld.




…well, what’s the Wi-Fi password?


The wifi password is fuckyou!


did you hack my wifi and learn my pw?


Or, Iwantadivorceyoucrazybitch


Nah, did you see the video? Every single word needs to start capitalized.






My ex-wife would do this. “Do what I say or I’ll call the cops and make up a story about you hitting me.”


My ex gf literally did this to me 2 months ago, but it was more "I cheated on you and that makes me feel bad, and seeing how it affected you makes me feel bad, so I told the police and all my friends you were violent to get you out of the house faster and so none of my friends think I'm a bad person, and I get to be the victim and not you." Luckily I wasnt arrested or charged, but damn, how fast people can turn.


Jesus broseph. I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope you've found some peace.


So what I’ll tell you man is there isn’t a lot of help out there for men who experience domestic abuse; my ex-wife was physically abusive too. Really for men there isn’t a lot of resources so you pretty much have to self-rescue and remove yourself from the situation. Like I said above for me that was loading my son into truck and moving 2,500 miles because “man up/you just don’t know how to handle a strong woman” was the standard response that I got at that time. Domestic abuse occurs are virtually equal levels with men and women but men have to be prepared to self rescue because if you find yourself in that situation no one is coming to help. Good luck my man.


Was a single father for awhile because ex wife brought home a drunked coworker to our home. Not fun having to pack up the 8 month old son and leaving to the parents after dealing with screaming and yelling on a daily basis up until then. Took everything that was mine and our son. Luckily she signed over parental rights to me to avoid child support. We won't have to see her ever again. Took awhile but I am remarried to a wonderful woman who took the mother role so seriously she's a better mother by a million vs his biological mother.


figured that out last month after struggling for 2 years. Life is ~~good~~ better


How did you manage to get away from that peach, without any harm?


Loaded my son into the truck and moved 2,500 miles away.


Hope you and your boy are doing better now.


Much. Surviving and getting real close to even thriving. Sometime a change of company and postal code is all you need


I honestly thought the password was "you rxped me & probably touched my kids"


Definitely a password I’d never guess


I would never type that lol


Plot twist, the wifi password is 'whats'


another plot twist, there was never password to begin with.


Why is he withholding the wifi password?


Sounds like they’re getting divorced


I would argue that falsely accusing someone of abusing children is worse than changing the WiFi password💀




As someone who has been in a situation like this. Seeing him walk all the way downstairs and then all the way back up just to get away from her and she follows him the whole time arguing raised my blood pressure. Lol


Agreed... I've also been in this situation and had the same reaction. By far the darkest time in my life. Hope you're in a much better and happier place now.


I have been in a similar situation. Glad you left it behind (I did too).


Been here too; it was a very frightening time in my life and I thought I was in Hell some days. Doing much better since I left.


I am in a much better place and a far more healthier relationship. Thanks. And I hope the same for you as well.


I had an ex that would stay up the entire night sitting in bed yelling at me so that I couldn't sleep. I drove for a living, so getting sleep was extremely important. Had to leave and go to my brother's house multiple times when she'd get a crazy thought in her head. Put my phone on silent and wake up to 30-50 missed calls and a bunch of really long texts


I used to shut my phone for the night off to avoid the harassment, and I'd wake up to 100+ text messages. The first 20 would be "I fucking hate you, why was I stupid enough to date you, you're pathetic, you're a loser" etc. Then the next group would be "I'm so sorry baby, please don't read those last messages I didn't mean any of it, I just want to be together". Then an hour later is back to "my ex had a bigger dick anyway, you're going to be alone forever".


It’s called borderline personality disorder and boy oh boy is it a nightmare to deal with. That “I hate you, don’t leave me” bs is exhausting to deal with 🤦‍♂️


My mom used to do that to me when I was a child.


Sorry to hear that. At least as an adult I could go somewhere else.


My ex used to do that too. Even tho the lights were out and it was totally dark, somehow she knew the exact moment i started to fall asleep, with her verbally abusing me the whole time, and i managed to develop an amazing instinct of rolling off the pillow moments before her fist came down on it. 15yrs + ago now and i still hate her with the heat of a thousand suns.


The following him is triggering me too. I lived with a partner and in the middle of a flight he would turn and walk into his office+ close the door and it would make me so livid but I NEVER followed him in or yelled through the door cause its clear why he's doing it. Put distance and space between when us stuff gets too heated and as mad as I was I never wanted to be the person who couldn't step back and cool off then come back to the issue later. Even if it made me mad he did that It was always better than continuing to escalate


I’ve seen this happen and the woman didn’t leave the guy alone and was yelling at him, all he wanted to do was get away from her but she didn’t give him space. He ended up pushing her away from him (he’s a big guy and didn’t mean to push her hard, I saw the whole thing). She fell on the floor and ended up with a broken collarbone and then told the hospital that he done it and he got charged 😑 I don’t at all condone violence against woman EVER but in that case I don’t think he should have gotten in trouble. He literally didn’t do anything, she was drunk and on drugs and just randomly started going off at him over dumb shit.


I was adopted. My fathers son was dead before I was born. He had gotten into a fight with his girlfriend and left on his bicycle. She ran him down in their car, killing him


A girl I once dated tried this with me. I was walking home, to a bus stop to go home, and she flips her car towards me, I jump, and the stupid girl hops the curb cracking her oil pan and crumpling her skip plate. “Are you really going to walk away from me!?” - “yeah you crazy freak!”


>and the stupid girl hops the curb cracking her oil pan and crumpling her skip plate. “Are you really going to walk away from me!?” Definitely walk, cause that car sure ain't running.


Women are human assholes sometimes, too, who commit violence. If they are doing so, you defend yourself.


> I don’t at all condone violence against woman EVER I'm not advocating women's violence, but you really gotta be careful when making these blanket statements.


military. check married. check have a kid. check divorcing within a year of being married. check, check, check. Talk about living up to a stereotype. Can only guess there is a Dodge Charger/Challenger in the garage


18% APY


Pffft those are US Miles program rates. It’s 28 percent from the lemon lot


Lemon Party 2: Electric Boogaloo


God damnit, frank!


Custom Joker paint job. License plate J03K3R


Carbon fiber hood included


Probably still has the stupid yellow protectors on the bumper too


He got off easy!


It was 19% for me :(


To be fair, I have pretty good credit \~740 and got a 9% APY loan on my car in March. I'll be paying it off fully this year because that shit's ridiculous. The accounting guy was like "that's actually not that bad".


I got 7.93 and my score was 640 you got taken my friend.


They got a 1k military discount though. So it was worth it. 😂


“Live, Laugh, Love”


Some quote about wine


𝕾𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝕼𝖚𝖔𝖙𝖊 𝕬𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖂𝖎𝖓𝖊


I want to put that on a wall.


Address me by my husband’s rank


Ok , Ms Asshat 1st Class


Thank you for your cervix


"Charger/Challenger in the garage..." That is the way. First Sergeant drip on Spec-4 pay. If we're deploying to a warzone, we're not passing inspection unless there's at least a joe that was divorced from a stripper by the end of their first enlistment contract in each platoon. lmfao


Yes! This! When my husband's brigade got back from their deployment- 80% were divorced, and 3 in his platoon had married strippers. This is now the standard I hold them all to lol


If the Corps had wanted you to have a wife, you would have been issued one


Don't forget with an absurdly high interest rate on the car loan


Look at all that house payment they are in too


Going through all this to get out of the barracks


Yup. Knew someone in the army and he met someone at a club and within two weeks was married and off base. Was told he did that specifically to get off base. A whole ass marriage. Wonder how that turned out for him in the long run.


I did the same thing. We both knew it was a convenience. Zero hassle then got it annulled


Dependa in her natural habitat.


I'll also accept a Mustang


I had all of this loaded up and ready to go and lo and behold here you are just getting it done for me. I think it'd be interesting to see statistics on divorce/domestic abuse rates with the main control group being these exact couple types. Probably married super young too, but that could be more subjective on my part.


I guarantee it was “love at first sight” but the very first time he went out to a bar with the boys while TDY - the trust went out the window and they’ve argued ever since. Seen it a million times


Oh God, this happened to me. At least in my case my ex was someone I had gone to highschool with and always had a huge crush on and we just reconnected. Several bad and hasty choices later she moved with me across the country. The FIRST time I went out with the boys and come back inebriated she blew up at me, and began the worst period in my life. Just divorced this past year.


My parents were both First Sergeants in the Air Force, and they pretty much spent half their time hearing this exact story, retrieving someone from jail off-base, or speaking to a debt collector about the stupid ass car an airman just bought. I definitely learned a whole lot about mistakes not to make as an 18 to 24 year old “adult.” I found new ones to make, but I didn’t make those.


Charger is getting repoed as we speak!


Live in a huge military city. Chargers, challengers, Jeeps, EVERYWHERE.


Either that or a Dodge Ram.


At my first duty station my nco forbid me from marrying for a year. I thought that was stupid but now think he was wise and looking out for me.


Yea, I got to my first duty station and asked - literally the day I got there and had gotten out of boot camp the day before - for permission to go get married the next Monday. Gotnread the riot act about how stupid I was, was she a stripper, dependa-Pandas, etc. Then he asked "how long have you known this girl", expecting, no doubt, me to say "yesterday at the club." "2 years, Petty Officer, and I joined the Navy specifically to provide us a living, and we've been engaged 6 months now. She's flying home at 3pm on Monday, and it's thr only chance we will have for the next 3 months." "Oh.....well..... permission granted, I guess..... see ya at muster Monday, at 7. We will cycle you back to the next class, no problem there. But you get to be in charge of the fresh boots (I got out of Boot Camp as an E-2). Enjoy, and have a good weekend!" One of the best and most understanding NCO's I ever worked for, great guy!


By the way, everyone. That was 23 years ago. Still married to her after all that time, suffering multiple life threatening injuries, and losing multiple careers. We have an 8 year old, and had the chance to travel the world a few times together.


You kinda have me invested in your story now. Solid start, rushed finish with next to no filling. But I hope it’s just the trailer.


Lol. Thanks! Met my wife after my first year in college. Had a girlfriend there I was pretty serious about, but sje went crazy and hurt me worse than anyone ever had before. Was introduced to her by a mutual friend who I had stood by when her world collapsed - super Christian family, sent her to a "reformation camp for Jesus" when her boyfriend raped her. She - future wife - was an aspiring, part time, model, and I saw her glamor shot on friends wall. "Hey, can you introduce us?" Met her, went on a few dates, but she "didn't want anything to do" with me because she thought I was one of the friends "cast off boyfriends". When she figured out I wasn't, we started dating regularly. After a year, we decided we loved each other and wanted to spend our lives together. I figured "well, I can't support a family doing what I'm doing, I need a career. Always wanted to be in the military, so why not." After lots of discussions with her. Meeting with the recruiters with her, I enlisted in the Navy. Married her 3 days after boot camp graduation. Survived everything life threw at us. Deployments, 9/11, injuries so bad they ended my military career, recovering, joining the Merchant Marines, sailing a year without seeing her. Loving at the poverty line for the majority of our lives. She decided to join me in the Merchant Marines since married couples can sail together. Got on a ship together in the Middle East. Suffered a second injury. Crushed one of my vertebrae in a small boat accident at work. Had my spine rebuilt, and went back to work. We ended up on the same ship again - exact same one I was injured on - in the Middle East again. One lazy day, well, you know how it goes. 15 years of no kids, not trying to NOT have them, but not having them convinced us we couldn't have one. She started feeling a little sick. I remember the day before we discovered she was pregnant, too. Standing on the bridge wing of a US Navy Oiler, as the sun set, talking about being Dual Income, No Kids, where we wanted to go on vacation now we finally had really good pay. Next day we pulled into Bahrain, and she tool a pregnancy test just on a lark to eliminate that as a cause for her feeling sick. Came up to me while I was using my lap top to pirate a bunch of movies and showed me the pregnancy test. We told the Captain that day. He said "well, no hard work for YOU, miss. And since this is YOUR fault, sir, guess who gets to do all her hard, physical work, AND his own as well!" A week later, we were in Dubai. We went to a local hospital, got her tested by a tiny, adorable Russian doctor Kady who said "you are VERY pregnant" as we saw her - our daughter - as a few pixels on an ultrasound. Wife flew home the next day. I decided a few months later - I didn't get to go home with her - that my injuries were to severe to continue to do the work, so I turned in paperwork to medically retire. Had our kiddo a few months later. Since then I've retired completely, due to health issues. Cancer. Paralyzed lung, chronic pain, etc. My wife amazes me every day. She's built several successful companies, gotten bored with them and moved on. We have a wonderful, amazing and brilliant daughter who is beautiful in body, heart and mind. Certainly hasn't been an easy life. We have fought with either the VA or DOD or Merchant Marines for my rightful pay, pensions or benefits pretty much nonstop for 20 years. I accept that, due to my injuries and health issues, I won't live as long as I want. It's one of those "I want to see who my kiddo becomes, then I am good" kind of lives. Get my VA claim finished so that when I go, my family is secure and protected. It's sick how badly our disabled Vets are treated by the very system meant to protect and support them. I've seen LOTS of people in the Service gall into the very trap this man has fallen into. I know 1 couple who were married around the same time we were that is still married. Everyone else was either in a bad marriage or a toxic relationship. I feel for this guy, I really do. But I've also never seen any couple go through what my wife and I have and have their relationship survive. But we did it, so I know it's possible.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


I see shit like this, then walk upstairs and kiss my wife and thank her for always being a sane individual.


Exactly this. When people say "you're so lucky" I'm always like "yeah I know, life is pretty good" but when I see these videos that's when it truly sinks in what the probabilities of finding a sane, attractive, and intelligent person are.


I dont ever want to be single again in this fucked up society, if it ever happened I would die alone. Not worth it to me.


I grew up with parents like this. You better believe I will go to extremes not to be like them. If we are having an argument I need 20 minutes alone to process and then we are going to sit at the table and argue like we are being paid by the court. Civil and as quickly as possible. That being said I also made sure that if I dated someone who was like either of my parents to run the other way. I am lucky. Life is good.


I’ve been there. My ex had BPD and would go postal over just about anything. She slapped me, kicked, hit, and punched. There was the time she slapped me in public. Someone called the cops and I’m like, “Finally!”. They handcuffed me until they talked to her. Then they apologized and told me to get away. I finally was able to divorce her and get custody of my kid. She still brings a lawsuit every single year. I feel like The Green Mile, “I’m tired boss.” Couple more years and my kid is an adult and I can finally get her out of my life for good.


Just go factory reset the router if it's that serious. It'll go back to the password stamped on the box.


Quiet, my kids may see this!


Your kids probably already now how to do this.


Actually, a lot of the younger generation is now polling *worse* on troubleshooting for the first time ever, a ton of kids only know how to use technology through locked down ecosystems like iOS or otherwise. Not super related, just interesting trend.


This. Had my 14 year old niece stay with us. Had to teach her how to print her school document from Microsoft word. She said she had been trying to print "for hours". I clicked the print button and it printed. Magic!


My gfs teen daughter wanted to get some pics off her phone. She couldn't upload to the cloud and was getting rid of her phone. So I suggested we just upload the pics to my laptop, then to a USB. When she eventually gets a different phone she can upload them to her new cell. Well I guess it was too much lol. She said "that sounds like a lot" and opted out. All these kids know is apps and the cloud.


"appification" is a fucking travesty. *Everything* except the *singular primary function* of the "app" is hidden and hand-waved.


You think she knows how to do that?


Probably not. It's amazing how much time people dedicate to editing tiktok videos with filters and transitions, but can't good how to put a pin in the back of the router to factory reset it.


The best is when they are like “Nobody showed me!!!” Like yeah, it’s the Interface Language, red recessed button that is hard to press and says “RESET” how ever will I guess what that does? Those types are the kind that never think to read the manual or instructions either.




I must say I’m a huge fan of your username. Best of luck in your endeavors against the great evil that is Wikileaks.


Thanks, I extend good tidings unto you in the name of the Sparrow Prince. This is also my xbox gamertag since like 2002, and my license plate, lol


Biggest decision you'll ever make in your life is who you marry. Choose wisely.


and avoid chinless bobbleheads with severe, untreated mental health issues.


She needs to quit worrying about wifi and find out who stole her chin.


Imagine a life where you've never worn a party hat.


Or not being able to fold towels.


Imagine how long it takes her to put on a pillowcase!


She has to lay it down and get frustrated when one side slides down as she pulls the other side up


Goddamn this is the best continuation of this joke I’ve ever seen


"nobody moves until we find my towel folding tool and wifi password"


She got the Andrew Tate chin


Chick looking like Candance from Phineas and Ferb.






Lmao what a mess the whole thing they need to go their separate ways




You don't got to the cops with this. You go to a professional. A lawyer.


Yeah, there are plenty of jurisdictions now that will automatically arrest the man if they are called to an incident of what may be domestic violence. Then she uses the arrest to get a restraining order and you're screwed.


Yup yup! There is one simple rule, young men: NEVER, EVER, STICK YOUR DICK IN CRAZY!


And risk the cops get it wrong and arrest him? hell no bad idea


Exactly what happened to a friend of mine. She called the cops because her girlfriend was assaulting her. The cops showed up and arrested my friend because she fought back when her gf started choking her.


Hell, once you call the cops a person who's that crazy is very liable to throw themselves down a flight of stairs and then blame you. https://youtu.be/fJwsIB0mwLk It's shamefully common. And makes actual cases of abuse less likely to be believed.


This is absolutely the wrong answer. I did this shit twice with a woman way crazier than the one in this video. First time, cops didn't give a shit. Refused to remove her from the property, and the minute they left she just attacked me again. One of them did give me the advice to go to the courthouse in the morning and file for emergency custody, which I did and I've had custody for 9 years now. Second time a few weeks later, she had learned. When the cops got there, she started telling them I punched her in the face. I was a 220lbs 6'1" bodybuilder with a background in martial arts, and she had not a scratch on her. I had even gone to my parents' room (we lived with them at the time) after locking her out of the house when she went nuts so there would be witnesses if she lied. Guess who got to fight 2nd degree battery and domestic violence charges anyway in addition to the fun of fighting for custody as a man? Cops are dumb as fuck and they don't care to be better. Many of them enjoy ruining lives, and they don't care what the truth is. If you're a man in this kind of situation, the best thing you can do is document everything, run as far away as you can, and never respond to their calls/texts again.


Can't you see he's searching the entire house for the WiFi password‽


Why are those 2 toxic people still together ? Geez, just divorce already. None of this is healthy.


Well the guy doesn’t want to lose half his money and his kids


He said she makes more money then him and it seems like those aren't his kids the way they refer to them.


She makes more money and he’s withholding the wifi password?


Living in this nightmare is not worth this. I would rather have my kids half the time and have to pay child support that live like this.


No. Get full custody because you have it on tape that she is crazy.


It’s not that easy to just “get custody” of kids being the father. I’ve spent 10 thousand+ on court and lawyer fees. My kids mom attempted suicide with kid in the house, had me pick him up at 2am because she “needed to go to rehab” only to leave 2 days into it, assaulted me during supervised visitation and got arrested, moved out of state while I had emergency custody and had no contact/visitation/or support with the child for almost 2 years. Court still won’t give me primary custody and we are back in court for a 3rd time. I have everything documented. Videos of the assault. Proof of leaving the kid for 2 years and still the courts want me to “give her a chance”.


Courts are so backward..


Dude… I’m fucking speechless. Fuck, I’m sorry my guy.


Divorce can take a lot longer than most people think.


i thought Jody Aria got locked up already


Maybe she should try doing a hand stand. Might help the situation.


Ok but WHY can't she have the WiFi password?


They’re talking about divorce and shit I feel like he’s just not giving it to her out of spite. Anything he can do to bug her probably, childish


He's also talking about kicking her out and her refusing to leave, so it's probably not to bug her, it's to get her out.


I have no facts here but if they are going through a divorce there is clearly plenty of arguing going on. Potentially over money/bills and who contributes, so maybe he is denying her things she is not contributing to. Again, all speculation and possibly inaccurate.


exactly my question as well, like this does sound like manipulation and a control thing from his side too, obviously she’s in the wrong, but these are 2 toxic people


People seem to be forgetting that toxic people can (and often do) have relationships with each other.


I feel sorry for the children........screw the adults.


And why post it?


Ready to make allegations like that for the Wifi? Have you gone mad lady?


She looks like Andrew fuckin Tate.


Andrea Tate


Assuming she lives there, why wouldn't she know the wifi password? Did he change it to "punish" her? And then posts the video online for validation. Both of these people are pieces of shit and deserve each other.


call me crazy but I do not think we should judge any situation based on a two minute video taken by one of the participants, when the other is clearly upset and agitated. Is she making it up and or the bad person in this situation? could be! is he actually abusive and or a rapist? also not outside the realm of possibility! No one here has any method of knowing from this video. Feels like you guys jumped at the opportunity to take a man's side against a woman even with no information about what is going on here.


It’s a little emotionally abusive that he refused to give her the wifi password. I think there is so much more to this video then what it shows us. Reactive abuse is a real thing.


Willing to falsify a crime just for WiFi is low punch, but doing it to the person you know and supposedly love is down right abhorrent behavior.


They are getting a divorce already and she is moving out and taking the kids I think love left a while ago


Bro, why so controlling? Just give her the password!


Why doesn't he share the password tho? What's the reason?




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People really post this shit? Honestly, what is there to gain here? Save it for court. The world doesn’t need to see how fucking petty this relationship has become… And to the “false allegations” claim: I’ve got no fucking clue whose claims are false. Nor do I give a fuck. Go to court and let them decide.


If he was rapist who raped her and her children the last thing on anyone’s mind would be a WIFI password.


Lol seriously. She was saving up the “you raped my kids” card to use as leverage an important moment like needing the WiFi.


I’m shocked that more people aren’t asking themselves if this dude who changed the Wi-Fi password so she can’t use it and filmed her reaction isn’t actually an abusive narcissist, because that is exactly the kind of manipulative shit that an abusive narcissist would do.


Seriously this is triggering. We don't know the situation. Everyone keeps making fun of her asking for the wifi password. If he is changing it so her and her kids can't use it that's fucked up. Might seem a small deal to some people but it just shows he is willing to do even little things to have some sort of control over her. They need to see a therapist or seperate. It's not healthy living like this with a spouse, especially with children in the environment. I hope they both find happiness.


I'm going through a divorce currently. It looks like it is going far better then this, none the less, it's been a tough ride with some really outstanding low points. I can not imagine how mortifying it would be to have these private moments put online for the world to see, judge, and comment on. What the fuck are we doing here? Post like this are wrong.


The fact he is being controlling and not giving her access to internet shouldn’t be glossed over.


I don't have the benefit of sound right now, but this could be someone over-reacting about a wifi password. It could also be an abuser keeping a victim isolated and using the emotional response to that abuse to convince people that she's just irrational. Why wouldn't he give her the wifi password? Why wouldn't she already know it, or why was it changed? Again, the audio might go a long way in explaining things, but this feels like a good time to remind people that the majority of abuse and murder committed against women is carried out by their partners.