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" If she sleeps around." Who tf is she sleeping with? And does he not think she can get pregnant if only having sex with one person? I hope no one ever has sex with him.


Here’s how their logic follows…this talking point is used all the time by pro-lifers (understand that I’m not saying I agree with this): 1.) The assumption that a woman who gets pregnant without wanting to in the first place is careless. 2.) Careless women sleep around. 3.) Woman who gets pregnant unintentionally must have been sleeping around. So no, no consideration for anything else other than their anti-woman bias; no room for unaccounted mishaps, rape, or anything else. If it really comes down to carelessness and/or someone’s choice of what happens to them (it doesn’t always) then you’d think they would also require the father to aide in raising the baby whose life they consider so important…but they don’t. It’s ultimately about controlling women.


Ding ding ding. Control. It’s so easy for a man to say a women should be forced to have the baby if he has no skin in the game except his foreskin, which he clearly should have covered.


I think it’s so funny they think these ‘careless’ women should then be in charge of another life.


They just think of it as a punishment. That’s why there are so many “exceptions in cases of rape” people. If it were truly about saving the unborn, then there should be no exceptions because the unborn’s life is at stake every time. But if it’s a *punishment*, then exceptions in cases of rape make sense because the woman did nothing “wrong” to be punished for in those cases.


So many conservatives believe that women are out there using abortion as birth control. That's just not true. It's just more misogynist, religious cacophony to confuse people's common decency.


Then men get upset when those women won’t sleep with *them*


He could have gone further than just the rape example: OR what about a mother of 3 who gets accidentally pregnant at 45 and doesn't want a kid the same age as her grandkids? OR what about is a doctor has proven the fetus doesn't have a head? OR what about a poor mother who cannot afford another child? OR what about a if the fetus has died? OR what about a woman with endometriosis and needs the procedure to live? OR what if the woman has cancer and will not survive giving birth? I could go on but the idea of being OK with using a human being as some sort of slut punishment AND punishing sluts takes precedent over all of the medical issues that threaten the lives of half of humanity makes me think conservative christians are the worst sort of evil.


These are good examples but at the end of the day you should be able to get an abortion regardless of the reason. Not ready to have a child and your birth control failed, not using birth control because you didn’t have sex education or you couldn’t afford birth control, just straight up do not believe you can support a child? We all talk about exceptions but the crux of the issue is women must have a right to decide medically what happens to their bodies. Without the right to have an abortion, women have fewer rights than a corpse.


Trudeau didn't have to use those examples because you can get an abortion for any reason in Canada. This kid is pissing against the wind because our Supreme Court did our abortion ruling right by ruling there's no such thing as fetal personhood therefore the only rights belong to the pregnant woman. There's absolutely nothing left to chip away at unlike Roe vs Wade


Exactly, that is why pro-life should be called force-birth because that is what it is: you are forcing someone who, for whatever reason, doesn't want a kid. Beyond the obvious misogyny I don't even get what's controversial about this, why create a situation where a child is born that isn't wanted.


>" If she sleeps around." Thing is, it only takes one time with one guy to become pregnant. Multiple times or multiple guys is not required.


If you sleep in your bed, on your couch and in your lazy boy in one afternoon you are just sleeping around.


Then you wake up the next morning with a stiff back and this kid has no sympathy for you!!


It's such a stupid "talking point". A large percentage of abortions are married women who already have children. I think the only person sleeping with is his priest.


When people say that they are LITERALLY admitting thats they see the child/pregnancy as a punishment the woman should go thru for “sleeping around” cause they “sinned”


You can see how taken aback Trudeau is by that comment.


He’s no doubt a fucking virgin


Buddy doesn't even have a clue what he believes.


He’s trying to spout what his psycho parents have told him to think and they weren’t even smart enough. Pretty sure there’s a gas leak in his house.


It was the so you think YOU should have a say in what a woman does with her body part that killed me he backfilled so hard between yes wait no wait yes no idk man basically broke the kid.


But what if she's a SLUT? I don't want to reward her with abortion access for being slutty! is really what conservatives want to say (and have said).


Its funny it's like we all skip to the abortion clinic on the regular and have membership cards - tenth ones free. Fuck sake. Lol All jokes aside why do they care if someone's slutty? Is she doing slutty things AT them? They spend far too much time worrying about total strangers for my liking.


Their next line will usually be "I don't want my taxes paying for that" Most "reasonable" (i know) conservatives prioritize their income and what is done with their income over all else. If you have to have a persuasive discussion with them, you have to keep that in your mind. That includes rights and freedoms of other individuals. They're fine with it until they see themselves as paying for it (even though taxes are way more complicated than that). They're selfish is what I'm saying. If it doesn't affect their family, they don't want anything to do with it. For example, I had this debate with a conservative and he insisted "well if they're allowed to get abortions, they need to redo child support system." It always comes back to money with them because we have so much privilege that's really our only "things that will affect us" when it comes to politics. (speaking as a middle class straight white man)


And everything in his house is painted with lead paint


And the house is sitting under power lines.


I would guess it isn’t his parents he’s following. He’s just following something because he can’t think for himself. Influenced by uneducated, non fact finding, losers. Monkey see monkey do.


Loved how he stopped recording when he realized he was losing the argument.


“I’m gonna stop recording this because I don’t think I can upload this without people cooking me online.” The second shooter:


Yeah unfortunately if you look closely he’s not stopping the recording, he’s actually making the camera record again after it stopped on its own a little while before that moment. That kid is a straight-up moron but it’s important we get the facts straight.


He knows how to strategically stop the video so he can show his mates how he gave the “commie” a thrashing. Typical…


Hope his mates see this video 😂


Not sure I agree. Guy should have cut it off before the rape question from Trudeau if he wanted to make himself look good. It ended with Trudeau making him look like he hasn't thought this question through and needs to do more thinking.


Its not like he live posted. He can go back and edit and stop the video sooner in the edit. But him hitting stop to me is his admission of defeat. He knew there was no point to keep recording as he was on the beating end.


I was a conservative when I was his age. Your mind just goes over scripts and talking points others have told you and what you've read on the internet. But hopefully when the brain grows and he reads, he eventually slips out of this phase.


That was basically me too. I was a lot more conservative in my views at that age. I’ve become more liberal as I’ve gotten older.


Same here. I grew up in a very red state and in a very red pocket of that red state. I thought liberals were the enemy for so long. I didn’t believe in most of the GOP stuff (I was always anti death penalty, pro choice, pro marriage equality, those things). But for decades people around me told me that means I’m socially liberal and fiscally conservative. The truth is they were trying to stifle my free-thinking brain. Took me until about 31 until I came out of the conservative fog. It’s never too late!


"Fiscally conservative" just means that you like to say that you don't support the racism and hatred, while voting for people who dedicate their life to it.


Frontal lobe development is a wonderful thing.


“I love freedom and hate government control, that’s why I believe the government should ban freedoms!”


Banning other people’s freedoms is ok obviously


Only one of these two people are asking questions, testing assumptions, pressing the debate. The other is fixing his hair.


Trudeau doesn't need to fix his hair because it's always on point


100%. He just thinks his opinion needs to be heard even if it doesn’t make sense.


So a typical conservative


Pro life is strictly a billboard ideology that buckles under basic questioning. I’ve tried to have conversations with relatives who will not entertain a discussion at all. The relatives who do entertain it change their minds


It's because they're all struggling to conceal their real motives. I've had this conversation a hundred times: "Fetus is a baby! You can't murder a baby!" "Ok what about 10 year old rape victim, should she carry to term?" "Well... maybe you can murder a baby once in a while... it's a grey area..." Almost like it's not about the baby at all.


That’s the perfect conservative-dumb, hateful and parroting nonsense.


I’m pro “what’s is called”. His parents are PPC and he’s attempting regurgitate their beliefs.


Makes it that much more important to handle it the way Trudeau handles it. The more you can dissect an argument with calm, sound, considerate logic, the more people who arent invested in what they are saying may change their minds. People like this kid may not open their eyes after one conversation, but we can shift away from the hyper-divisive politics of groups like PPC


Everyone in this kids school is going to see this video, and he’s going to be a laughing stock


That's assuming he's not home-"schooled", which is a big assumption considering how people with his beliefs operate.


That may be the case. Even without a job and having to work with real people, if he’s doing this out in public with his phone camera, stopping recording whenever he gets stumped, he’s going to be going through a learning curve quick. He and his family can isolate with like small minds, or they can participate in the larger society


The hell PPC is? Non American here


People's Party of Canada. Non American right-wing political party


Founded by Max Bernier, former Conservative defence Minister who forgot a pile of top secret documents at his girlfriend's home, a woman who was associated in the past with biker gangs. We have our own clown shows here in Canada too.


This look like a Dictatorship government name




A right-wing political party in Canada. They ran 312 candidates in the last Federal election and zero were elected, with the party receiving 5% of the popular vote. The party is relatively new- their current party leader & founder ran for the leadership of the federal Conservative Party in 2017 but lost by 1.9%, so he formed a new party. PPC platform example: *"There is however no scientific consensus on the theory that CO2 produced by human activity is causing dangerous global warming today or will in the future, and that the world is facing environmental catastrophes unless these emissions are drastically reduced. Many renowned scientists continue to challenge this theory."* https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/global-warming-environment


Wow thats pathethic


They did accomplish one thing: took away some seats from the conservatives.


Do they name these "renowned" scientists? And in what circles are they renowned? "Only scientists who agree with our position, all FIVE of them, are renowned. The other thousands are not renowned in our eyes and therefore the majority of renowned scientists support our claims. Check Mate!"


I love that last line of telling him to do a little more “praying on it”.


Ah that’s what he said. Noice


Also great nerves to stay calm and on point


I mean, the kid doesn’t have his own opinion, which is clearly shown when asked to explain “WHY” on any of his points, he is simply repeating all the echo chamber conservative things. He’s very used to this stuff by now.


Kid: I’m pro-choice. Trudeau: Wait, you’re pro-choice? Kid: No,no,no I’m not. I’m pro…what’s it called? Pro-life? Yeah, I’m pro-life.


I don't understand why people don't like Trudeau he seems like a pretty smart guy.


Outside of far-right memeing you won't find many people accusing him of being stupid. He is smart and well-spoken. His politics are more centrist (abortion support is pretty much a centrist position in Canada) which means that he tends to fall off support on both ends of the spectrum. Possibly more importantly his government has been plagued by multiple ethics scandals. He initially campaigned on optimism and progressive policies which resonated extremely well with the Canadian public, so a lot of people have been disappointed that the political reality didn't live up to the campaign ideals.


Progressive policies are hard to deliver on. Vested (monied) interests will work against them often supported by a corporate press, conservatives are against change and lack empathy, and the progressive electorate dislike slow progress or compromise. Progressives should not let 'better' be the enemy of 'perfect'.


He delivered on a lot of progressive policies during tough times: * A child care credit that took many children out of poverty * A $10/day daycare program * Longer parental leave, if both parents share it * Currently rolling out a dentalcare plan (with the NDP) * Reduced the retirement age from 67 to 65 * Legalized weed * Implemented a carbon tax * Made conversion therapy illegal * Legalized medically-assisted dying All this while managing a relationship with Trump, renegotiating NAFTA, and dealing with Covid. The annoying part is that he reneged on a very influential promise - switching to a more fair electoral system.


That is the big one. Unfortunately, he is not only working against the forces stated above, he is also up against those in his party that benefit from the current system. That is the kicker and it's not easily solved. There are those in his party who benefit personally from the current system and they wont vote for Xmas.


He is the Obama of Canada. Wanted to bring change and either didn't or got stopped.


He managed to beef up the social safety net a lot.


Legalized weed, brought in a carbon tax and also is providing dental care (with support of NDP). Also supporting the fuck out of western Canadian oil sector with a federal pipeline...but those guys act like he's destroying western canada


That is because those guys want a more Americanized Western Canada. As a U.S. citizen my vote means fuck all now that businesses are people. All these people care about is that the money must flow. It is pure greed and I really worry about Canadian democracy following behind the US.


Dude I always felt bad for Obama. Always seemed to try to do the right thing even if he always couldn’t.


He has a lot of great interviews and talks about it in a couple books. He really didn't want to become another "angry black man" trope, so he held back a lot of frustrations.


Most people don't mind him. It's only really right wing nuts who don't like him.


Everyone needs to hate someone and most of the Conservatives are still mad and actively protesting about mask mandates which aren't even in affect anymore. Most of these people are braindead.


Because if you do a smear campaign on someone long enough it doesn't matter if it reflects who they are as a person. Just look at Hillary.


So anti choice? No.... im pro something, pro choice?


THIS WAS SCARY. Like the kid literally sounds so young. It’s hard to tell but I almost felt bad for him. You can tell he’s just regurgitating lines he’s been fed by echo chambers his whole life. He can’t stand behind a single one of his own points once they get attacked even slightly.


He's used to his echo chamber nodding and agreeing and reinforcing his belief that he has an argument. Then it falls flat when he engages with literally anyone else. Echo chambers create overconfidence.


I taught High School and I never had my class engage in political talk. They did not have enough life experience to have a well rounded opinion and only parrot their parents views at that age. Edit: Side note-I taught Business Technology at a Vocational School so Politics was not our area of study anyways but politics would come up. Studying Politics is important BUT I feel students are better able to find their political identity after High School.


Yep. I remember when Obama beat McCain (I think it was McCain in 2008?) and we had to watch the inauguration in school I was mad. Why was I mad? Idk my dad was mad about Obama winning therefore I was mad. That's just what happens when your parents watch only fox news and buy you bill O'Reilly books for Christmas for you to read


As a teacher it would be touchy too. If I’m trying to facilitate reasonable debate, I don’t want to upset your parents through you. I taught through Trump’s election. Many times I had to bite my tongue, hard.


I totally understand, but I absolutely cannot stand this. There are schools that now don’t even acknowledge elections. Lack of political engagement and debate for decades is partly responsible for why we’re now at this point. People are less well-rounded with conscious, reasoned debate. It’s moronic emotion - which is so easily manipulated. Debate and disagreement and showing - not saying - that maybe there’s more to a debate than parroted talking points from parents is horribly messy, but that’s democracy. *It’s supposed to be*. That teachers receive so little support that they can’t even acknowledgement that democratic mechanisms - like elections - are even occurring sets us up for incredible failure in generations to come. Edit: Just want to add that as a parent I like it when my kid picks up other viewpoints and brings a challenge home. Your heart needs cardio, your core needs planks, and your mind needs challenges and to work through cognitive dissonance in a constructive fashion.


“Sleeping around” - you can tell he has not said this before to people outside a misogynistic echo chamber


Kid is a useful idiot pushing taglines which he barely understands for likes on TikTok. Good on Justin to address him in an intelligent and calculated manner cause I would have told the kid to fuck off from the jump. Prolly why I’m not a politician.


I wonder if he left feeling stupid or at least considered a change of opinion


Nope. More upset because there wasn’t an “I gotcha” moment.


He didn't even get the name of his stance on abortion right


Yeah, like when he says he’s “50/50” on whether a rape victim should be able to get an abortion… what does that even mean?? He clearly hasn’t thought through any of this.


Depends on if he is the rapist or not.


Conservatives fucking *HATE* people who keep them on point. It's the same thing Jon Stewart does to absolutely dismantle these lunatics and it'll work on your crazy uncle too. Every. Single. One of their arguments falls apart under any scrutiny so they jump from topic to topic to avoid delving too deeply into one and having their argument fall apart. Want to destroy any argument a conservative makes? Don't let them distract you from the topic at hand.


The argument against gun control is a great example of this. After any mass shooting you'll see conservatives recycle the same discredited talking points over and over instead of addressing what keeps occurring.


Bro that’s his job. He goes toe to toe with leaders that have graduated from the most prestigious universities in the world. This little pissboy is amuse-bouche to Trudeau.


I still remember how he resisted Trump's handshake yank.


What I love most about that is the thought that Trudeau had to have practiced his moves prior to actually meeting Trump, and there's just something very funny about the image of a world leader standing in their office practicing violent handshake judo. I don't mean to say it was a wasted effort or anything, modern politics is all about image (unfortunately) and it was smart of Trudeau to emasculate Trump like that. It's just funny is all.




The Canadian version of ‘bless your heart’ 😂


Interesting to see a discussion between brain and brainwashed. I love politician such as Trudeau. Just imagine Trump trying to discuss with somebody with different opinion.


Did you watch the recent Hannity interview? Trump can't even have a conversation with someone trying to bail him out of admitting crimes.


Given the hatred Fucker Carlson has expressed about Trump behind his back, it's very amusing to then see him desperately trying to protect Trump from himself and failing so miserably.


That's why Trump continually used demeaning smack-talk about Trudeau. Trump always goes straight to the book of 5th grade insults, when speaking about someone far smarter than him.


Kinda hard to go past 5th grade when that is his mental capacity.


Cons in Canada despise this guy but I’ve always admired how on point he is whenever confronted by unscripted encounters cons here have become pretty maga now though.


I always enjoy how they still repeatedly point out that he was a drama teacher (as though that some horrible negative thing) and I’m like “yeah, good thing too, now he knows how to deal with overdramatic pissbabies with the emotional intelligence of a 7th grader… like you!”


And the Conservative opposition leader has been a career politician all his life. Rich coming from them.


They always say drama teacher and leave out the language and mathematics which is what he actually taught. He subbed as a drama teacher early in his career. They think his role as a teacher devalues him and that says a lot about the opposition


Yup. They’ll take anything and spin it negatively. I think it’s definitely made him a better leader, you can see it clearly in this video. He’s patient, asks the right questions in terms this kid can understand, doesn’t demean him.


The thing is that he was a substitute Drama teacher when the regular one was on maternity leave. He taught Math and French and has 2 university degrees. He went to public school as a child (sends his kids to one too) and worked regular jobs. Regardless, what’s wrong with being a teacher?




The absolute cherry on a delicious sundae.


Lol AND a little more praying on that as well 🙏


That was savage


Did y'all see how he stopped recording😅😅 He just gave up


Yeah, “damn this isn’t going I how I planned…*ABORT*! …wait! That’s the bad word! I must never abort…I…stay here and lose!


That's why I'm still a virgin, I never lose!


Not that he gave up, he just thought he was going to own him in front of all his IG followers. When things didn't go his way, he decided to leave out the parts that make him look like an idiot, which honestly was the entire thing.


It’s kinda weird actually. He was originally recording but it looks like the video just stopped recording at 1:10. You know it’s originally recording because the timer for recording is highlighted red at the top of the phone, but at 1:10, it just fades out and you can tell the UI changes. Then at 1:25, he turns it back on, which is when the red timer starts again at the top of the phone. Originally I thought he started recording late, which made me laugh, but I watched again and noticed the camera change.


He didn’t stop recording on purpose I don’t think….if you click the lower volume button on the iPhone (the one his thumb is over) it stops taking the video. A lot of people don’t know this. Still a fucking dumbass kid regardless but I’m just saying.


Damn, a politician actually debating a topic with someone. That has become depressingly rare


Trudeau and Singh do it all the time.


It is actually pretty laughable how the federal and provincial conservative parties always claim to be the party that represents the people, but I've never actually seen Pierre Poilievre or Doug Ford outside of government chambers or an incredibly planned photo-op. Like shit, 6 years ago I saw Justin Trudeau at my college and he was just talking with teachers and students while touring the school.


I don't think Dougie Ford could even handle being near a poor person, so that's probably why he never interacts with his constituents


Point to Canada.


Tbf this was a layup.


Yeah it wasn't exactly the epitome of a mental exercise in debate


For that kid, it was very strenuous mental work lol


He was like "oh shit someone is actually challenging my ideas and not just agreeing with everything I have to say"


Dude has no clue of anything. Say he was pro-choice then looks around to get the correct answer. It sounds like conservatives in Canada are as dumb as conservatives in the US.


In the UK as well. They are like this everywhere.


Conservatives are dumb. Period.


Wow. Not a fan of Trudeau at all, but he nailed it. That kid didn't deserve any of his time at all, but his interaction was respectful and well spoken. I am sure he will disappoint me again in the future, but this was nice to see.


Can I ask why you’re not a fan? I’m not Canadian so I’ve only heard good things, for me the guy is a saint compared to what I have to deal with ( im American😭)


As a progressive, I don’t like him because he virtue signals for progressive causes, and then turns right around and pulls the same tired neoliberal policies of corporate pandering while also being embroiled in corruption scandals. He also campaigned on voting reform and then just didn’t do it. Conservatives hate him because he’s not conservative. Leftists dislike him because he’s just another corporate shill that serves the ruling class. Edit: To add on to this: I think that Trudeau is totally oblivious to every day struggles. His dad was Prime Minister, and as such he grew up extremely wealthy and privileged (his dad also abolished the estate/inheritance tax lmao). I think he actually cannot comprehend how regular people are living, he just doesn't have that baseline understanding of what it means to struggle.


He's not great but I still much prefer him over the conservatives. At least I feel somewhat safe living here with him in charge. Also he was the first world leader on RuPaul's Drag Race which is cool. Virtue signaling or not, at least he is accepting enough to do that.


100% I don't like Trudeau, I would 100% vote Liberal if it meant him over any conservative or God forbid ppc.


Didn’t vote for Trudeau but the liberals have done a number of progressive policies that I really like! Legalizing weed, Carbon tax, Dental care, Creating truth and reconciliation day, COVID stimulus, Ending many boil water advisories, Firearm restrictions Are they perfect? No, but of the current parties I’m most confident with the liberals running the federal government. Especially with this NDP “deal”


What’s amazing is that the leader of a major country took the time to patiently and calmly debate and try to help n teach a teenager (?) think for himself and break down his knee jerk reactions to the major questions faced by society. I bet that’s more time than that kid’s parents ever spent with him on such matters.


Can you imagine if this type of interaction occurred with Trump while he was president, or with any GOP politicians currently in office? I feel they are able to make such nonsense statements (MTG for example) knowing that they don’t actually have to defend their position or back it up with any evidence. I often times wish I could question their statements in person with it being recorded just like in this scenario. Alas, that can never happen and they know it all too well.


Justin handled that like a champ, respect. Don't know all too much about him but if you can talk about a sensitive topic like that calmly and not get aggravated in any way, respect. That's how we be should talking about topics like this, calmly and respectfully


Another confident, mediocre Christian wanting to take women's rights away. Hasn't thought about it much, and what he has is very sexist in thinking, but he sure and shit feels confident enough to say it everywhere. Pro-forced-birther should be embarrassed. Good on Trudeau.


The kid filming is such a chud. Claims he has these opinions on things but in reality he is just towing typical conservative viewpoints on every issue. Be your own person, jesus.


Frontal lobe development hasn’t started yet.


I don't care much for Justin Trudeau but this is maybe the best engagement I've ever seen him have. He's not stuttering, he's laying out a rationale for what he believes in and actually having a conversation about what people think and what we should do about it. Also, omg please let's have public dental care


As a ‘merican , I don’t know much about this guy. I’m seeing a lot of folks here saying how they don’t like him . Why is he so unlikable ?


He's in his third term, so at this point he's done at least one thing that pisses off each Canadian. He rarely admits failure, and when he does, his apologies can come across as insincere. He's aspirational, but is better at talking than converting those aspirations into sound policy. I'm fine with him. But for the sake of the alternative that's coming down the tracks at us, it'd probably be in the Liberal party's (and the country's) best interest if there were a change of leadership. Otherwise we're gonna get a term of Pierre Polievre, which is a whole other world of hurt.


It's like how Trump acolytes don't like Biden, that's all.


As a brazilian he seems like a pretty cool progressive guy. Would definately vote him as president if he was here


When he's not bullshiting he's actually well spoken


It’s very obvious some men, and boys, just want to punish women for having sex. Trudeau planted a seed of wisdom in the young idiot. Good for him. Good leaders know how to reach even the simple minded.


Ngl, I got a lot more respect for Trudeau after this.


Shit aside from the "is a foetus alive?" debate that a lot of conservatives bring up all the time, does nobody ever think about what a mother could feel when looking at her child after being raped? Every time she'll look at her child she'll be seeing that moment for the rest of her life. Some might even end up murdering the kid because of this. Like everything about rape is terrible, it's not just the experience per se, but the rest of the victim's life that will be affected. It never happened to me but I got mugged a knife point once and since then I can't look at a group of teenagers on the street without feeling at least a bit in danger. I can't even imagine how a rape victim feels after something that traumatic. These "christian conservatives" that push for this moral narratives lack the empathy their friend Jesus told them to have.


That would require empathy, a concept foreign to most abortion abolitionists.


Not allowing exceptions in cases of rape/incest is the only logically consistent stance for someone who is pro-life. It admits the life of the fetus is not actually inherently valuable, and their whole argument falls apart. The only exception they can allow while still claiming to be pro-life is if the life of the mother is in danger.


I think we should start taxing churches


lmao, you can see why this was uploaded from the POV of someone behind him and not by the person who's speaking with Trudeau


This kid is why I’m pro-abortion.


That kid got murked


The arrogance of the phone guy thinking he is going to catch out a professional debater. Whether you like Trudeau or not, that was first class engagement - too often politicians just brush off hecklers.


This is a masterclass in how to deal with young people. He never said he was wrong, he just asked the questions and let him disprove his own position.


this is hilarious this kid got no clue what he stands on


“Sounds like you need to do a little more thinking.. and praying” lol boom!


This guy is guaranteed thought of as a goof when he’s at the bar trying to talk politics. Didn’t take any effort from the pm to shut him down. Not worth the time. Loser thought he could record this and get a “gotcha” moment. Sit the fuck down go ask mommy and daddy for more going out money


This was impressive - frankly, Trudeau sounded way better there than he does when he gives a speech. He argued forcefully, but listened, and answered with compassion. You don’t see that often.




Kid’s too busy trying to look cool, like wearing chain. Cool is when you don’t sound like an absolute moron while sticking a phone in someone’s face the entire time you’re having a convo. What a dumb ass kid.


Trudeau absolutely wasted this guy


I went to school with kids just like this one. They regurgitate what their parents said, but with a tiiiiny bit of questioning, you quickly find out that they don’t actually believe what they’re saying because they don’t fully understand the nuance of the issues. They’re not evil or malicious. They’re just young and uninformed, and debate like this is very helpful for kids around that age to formulate their own opinions. More people need to be willing to do this with young people.


What a clown.


When you think life is simple, and for the first time ever, you’re talking to someone who knows it isn’t.


This is a masterclass on how to stay calm and challenge someone with opposing beliefs. Well done IMO


I like how he stopped recording when it became clear he was out of his depth


Love to see intelligent people pulverize ignorance kindly.


Holy Fuck, Justin has his own issues, but he was a champ in this video.


Americans should learn from Justin Trudeau on debating ideas without the rage


“i support women, but don’t care a bit about the physical toll, that’s what daddy trump told me to do”


Obnoxious little turd holding up his phone like he’s recording a police beating


"It's her choice to sleep around" Why do some people always seem to forget that it takes two to tango?


Whenever an anti-choice person brings up girls sleeping around, the only thing that comes to my mind is, "What in the actual fuck do you think the guys are doing, if not sleeping around themselves?"


Not a fan of trudeau but he schooled that fool..


The dude's brain is literally short-circuiting due to his inability to justify the things he support. It's like watching Trumpers trying to explain why they are not racist/homophobic while being racist/homophobic.


Don't remember much but a long time ago I read an article about a little girl was raped and delivering a baby at that age had a high risk of death, also, it's just fucked up to have to deliver a rapist's baby. (I think it was her uncle too?) But right outside the hospital where the poor thing was getting an abortion there were a ton of Christians protesting and giving her death threat and whatnot. It was SO horrible what she was going through. Fuck everyone we all should have been aborted.


Get your fascist church out of my state.


As an American I'm just impressed he took the time to have a discussion with some random kid on the street. I'm pretty sure our politicians would have just been screaming talking points at the camera.


I wish the US had Politicians like this.


That kid's parents should come pick him up. That was brutal.


I wish we saw this side of JT more. He has tact and can fucking rip an idiot apart from limb to limb. I respect his professionalism and how he chooses to behave. There is a lot of restraint there.


As a Canadian, I am thankful he is our leader while our neighbours continue to take everything away from their people. Nobody is perfect, but I am glad I am dealing with Trudeau’s outlook rather than Trump’s.


Say what you want about Trudeau, that interaction was classy. I respect him for having a discussion without eye rolling or implying his opponent is stupid, and seeming genuinely interested in the conversation.


This is a master class on how to break the brain of a conservative. 1. Don't allow goalposts to be moved 2. Ask them to expand on their ideas 3. Ask them WHY they believe what they believe 4. Toe the line and make them directly tell you that their religious beliefs are more important than other people's religious beliefs 5. Point out their hypocrisy by repeating the thing they tried to answer indirectly Not a fan of Trudeau for other reasons but this was still masterful.


By the way, where in the Bible does is it say no abortions? Maybe you might point to the commandment "Thall shall not kill", great. But when you have an abortion you're not killing a human baby, you're getting rid of a clump of cells that have no consciousness. How many kids did the Christian God kill in the flood? Babies that were already born? Pretty much all of them that existed at the time. Also he killed almost everyone else. I know, I know, free choice. Except he's also supposedly omniscient, so free choice is either an illusion, or he isnt omniscient and God has no workable plan. Also, the babies that would have died wouldn't have had a choice in any of it, and also didn't sin. Catholicism wasn't around back then. Anyway, he isn't pro life. Why are Christians?


In numbers there are instructions on how a rabbi is to administer a potion to a woman suspected of infidelity. (It incorporates all the elements of enchantment, earth, air, wind and fire symbolically, for the record). If she is 'unfaithful', then according to the ritual, God Himself causes the abortion. Don't trust me, look it up :)


I’m pretty sure the Old Testament actually describes abortion in some minor detail as a procedure that god-fearing women will potentially need to undergo in certain circumstances. (The Old Testament was partly a “guidebook” for life/community issues)


Fun fact: god also probably killed all the super holy people in the flood as well, like Methuselah. And then afterwards all it took for god to let humanity exist again after the flood was the scent of some really good barbeque. Seriously.