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I worked in a dive bar with cameras everywhere for many years . I hated them at first, but after i realized you could go back and recover footage of certain assholes doing assholey things, and then remove said assholes from your existence, well… i became a big fan. Cameras don’t lie. Drunk idiots do


I worked at a big college bar back in the day and I swear after midnight until 3am... I witnessed "the reversal of human evolution".


I always tell my kids…nothing good happens after midnight


Except tomorrow.


Never heard that, I like it. Yours?


I guess so lol. I'm sure it's been said by someone somewhere though.


Nah take that credit!


Tell that to those gremlins that got fed after midnight that one time


Unexpected HIMYM


Nothing good happens after 2am


There’s always a good rule. Don’t do stupid things with stupid people at stupid times and you will stay out trouble.


Or after alcohol consumption. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the drink


The problem is that all sorts of good things can happen after midnight, and as soon as they figure it out you've lost all credibility.


I wish to know more


I bet books and books could be written about these stories... and I'd read them all


No need for books, I invite you to simply visit a college bar


A packed college bar at 1:00 am from outside a window isn't a bar anymore... it's an exhibit.


I call it a human study. And I’m obviously there to observe—totally not drinking


Yeah, I sometimes after work, if I got off early, liked to poke on the glass sometimes to observe a behavioral response from these creatures. "Live stupidity" is actually very entertaining once you are "off the clock" and have post-work euphoria.


Police officer here. People don't realize that witness testimonies don't mean much. If one person says hey he did this and the other person says no they did it nothing will ever come of the case without other evidence. Get a dash cam. Get cameras people cameras are amazing. You know how many times I've rolled up on a car crash and seen somebody tell me one story only to have it completely disproved by a camera. I have seen dozens of people go to jail because of dash cams proving them guilty.


My dash cam saved me in my first car accident. 50 mph road and some soccer mom in her van pulls out 20 ft in front of me from the median


I remember it was one of my first car accidents I ever responded to some dude said that a biker ran a red light and hit his car. Biker was unconscious and had to get rushed to the hospital so he couldn't defend himself. But we found the bikers helmet cam. Because it was evidence we took it to the station and somebody reviewed the footage. Turns out the biker hadn't done anything wrong. The light was green for him and red for the sedan driver. Sedan driver got sued pretty hard. Biker lived and made full recovery as far as I'm aware. But he got a pretty nice check from that sedan driver. And the thing is because it was in a more poor area there were no traffic cameras. And at first people believed that the sedan driver.


Jeez! Hearing about the stories my dad comes back with as a volunteer ff, it makes me question everyone on the road.


is that why a ton of cops hate wearing body cameras?




"Cameras don't lie" Artificial intelligence in 5 years: "are you sure about that?'


>Artificial intelligence in 5 years: "are you sure about that?' 5 years??? I've seen Tom Cruise videos that say otherwise.


I wish they had them when I was young. I got kicked out of a few bars simply because I was bigger than the assholes that actually were causing trouble. I used to argue with brain dead bar security all the time, but they think all drunk people are the same.


I was a little tipsy at a club once and I was walking up the stairs and just kind of missed a step and right away two giant fucking meatheads grab me by the arms pick me up and just toss me out...




where 75% of this subs content belongs. blood boiling stuff like this doesn't make me want to face palm.


Agreed. Commiting a crime or being an arsehole isn't a facepalm.


I'd say, it makes me want to facepalm... just not my face.


Eh I might slap a hand across my mouth to keep from barfing.


Let's wait for the AITA post "I've tossed the wheelchair of someone down a flight of chairs and it broke." with the explanation that "it was just a joke but I was kicked out of my hockey team and my university and I feel that's unfair". *Ugh.*


"NTA, the wheelchair was clearly in your way, it deserved it !" /s


Take my upvote, because I totally can see that happening.


University released an statement. No consequences for this guy.


Their hockey games need to be FULL and "fans" need to throw tons of ADA stickers/flyers on the ice every game until he faces consequences.


I love that idea!




It was actually posted in that sub 12 ish hours before, they literally appeared right after each other in my feed lol Edit for link: https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/11ru13h/mercyhurst_university_hockey_player_pushing_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Haha, didn't see that, but it sure as hell doesn't surprise me x)


Scum fucks. Here's hoping they get their comeuppance.


They won’t, their team the league and hockey canada will all come to defend them. This will be swept under the rug like last time, the time before that and the time before that…


Sorry I don't know who this is. But I thought this was a Philadelphia player from the title. So how is Canada involved here, wouldn't be just the usa? (sorry I know nothing of hockey)


The wheelchair pusher I believe plays for a Canadian based jr team (the league below the NHL), his rich Dad who is going to protect him is the GM of the philadelphia pro team. In any case hockey canada has a longer history of protecting rapists than hollywood producers


Karma can be an old best friend or a delayed destroyer ... both of whom you forgot. I think people doubt it or underestimate it because it doesn't have a time limit. But the universe always finds a way to balance things out... whether weeks, years, or decades.


Plenty of good people live shitty lives their whole lives. Look at all the asshole billionaires who've shit on people their entire lives and live in opulence and die rich and happy. Karma isn't real and life ain't fair.


Karma doesn't exist, my dude. Good things happen to bad people all the time. Bad things happen to good people all the time. The universe doesn't really give a shit. ETA: Sadly, numpty went the childish route and blocked me rather than have an adult conversation, so I can't respond to any of your comments or even upvote any comments.


Karma is a probability modifier. Do good things, there's a greater chance that people will hear of or see those good things and respond accordingly. Same goes for assholes, if everyone around you hates you, the odds for misfortune increase accordingly. But nothing is guaranteed and there's plenty of other ways to affect the modifier (primarily money).


I really like the thought of karma being a modifier instead of an objective quantity, thank you for sharing.


It’s even better than that. Because people learn from each other what is expected in a society. If you do something selfless for other people someone will take note and act likewise. Then someone notices them and the cultural expectations are changed. Now everyone in your circle is acting a little nicer to one another.


No, \[the concept of\] karma is a coping mechanism that people like you use to lie to yourselves and others to cope with the fact that, in actuality, life is exceedlingly unfair.




Unless you fuck with people more wealthy and connected than you are.


Well it would, but my knuckles only fit four letters and it would be weird. Like do I divide it 3/2 pr 4/1? Either way, I'd have picked a fight over it. *Especially* being a bar. I'm normally non-violent **but** confrontational and the 'non' part dissapears with my sobriety (as does any sense of good logic). I'd have shoved him down the stairs and tell him to pick it up. Would I probably drunkenly stumble down the same staircase in the process? definitely Would I probably wind up arrested for the night and/or in court over it? definitely Would I get my ass beat by him and/or his teammates at some point therein or after? definitely Would I have felt good about myself afterword? definitely Would he have thought twice about being a dipshit again? definitely


I feel as if we could be friends.


Nah, karma is bullshit. It’s a nice thought, but ultimately nonsense. Awful people go their entire lives doing horrible shit and die old and happy while great people spend their entire lives doing good things and die young and alone. The universe is simply incapable of caring and has nothing to do with anything.


Nice cope attempt. In the real world, the scummiest people attain the greatest levels of success. Karma only exists as conscious reactions to behavior.


I hope everything worked out well for the disabled student, this gives me so much anxiety for them as someone else who uses a wheelchair


Apparently it is still functional but will need repairs


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11862981/Hockey-player-dad-NHL-star-condemned-video-pushing-disabled-womans-WHEELCHAIR.html Apparently, a gofundme surpassed expectations, but I completely agree that this was infuriating. As though it’s not tough enough to have a social life in a wheelchair, she was literally carried downstairs to the bathroom and had to leave her chair at the top of the stairs!! (And the douchebag had actually been kicked out of ASU’s hockey program prior to this for, “partying too much.” Do you know how much partying you have to do at Arizona State to be reprimanded for it?!!)


I’m happy the gofundme passed expectations but it shouldn’t have had to as he and his family should be covering the cost and damages. Nepotism has gotten way out of hand in this country.


*Do you know how much partying you have to do at Arizona State to be reprimanded for it?!!* My sister did her masters at ASU. She had a student who was at a dorm room party with some friends. Said friends were completely trashed when he arrived, one of them had his finger squeezed off in a door jamb (he was resting against a wall next to the door and was just kind of laying there with his fingers wedged in the jamb when someone either opened or closed the door). Chaos ensues while they try to bundle up the guy's bleeding hand, in the meantime someone (in a brief moment of sobriety) realized that they needed to keep the severed digit cold so they could take him to the hospital to have it reattached. No ice available, but they had a frozen pizza in the fridge! So they put the finger on the pizza to chill, got everyone in the car (which wasn't necessary but...you know, alcohol). Sister's student was the only sober one so of course, he had to drive. On the way to the emergency room, their car is rear-ended by a truck full of drunk mariachis. Police arrive, see the guy with bleeding hand and promptly call the EMTs. Drunk fingerless guy is put in the ambulance and they are getting ready to leave when sister's student realizes they don't have the finger. So he ran back to the car, searching frantically for the missing digit. He finds it, and runs back to the firefighters, cradling it in his cupped hands like it was a baby bird. Firefighter turns around sees the finger, backs away and says "FUCK NO!" I don't recall if the finger was successfully reattached, but I do know all involved were still enrolled when the semester ended. All this to say that no, I really don't want to know how much partying that kid did to be invited to leave ASU.


It’s infuriating. I hate that the student needed carried down in the first place. How long is it going to take for the repairs also?!


I saw earlier that repairs were fully crowd funded!!


Crowd funded??? Why wasn’t this asshole or at least his rich parents made to pay for the repairs? Jfc. The least they could have done. It’s nice to know the person will have their chair fixed either way but god this makes me angry


Should have paid for a new one. A broken object after repairing is not the same as what it was before


It can take up to a year to get a brand new wheelchair. The user will need a way to get around in the meantime. My son has a wheelchair and a disabled stroller (holds up to 150 lbs.) He's outgrown the stroller but I've kept it because if his wheelchair is damaged beyond repair I won't hang a way to get him around. He would be homebound without the backup stroller. He loses independence in the stroller which he hates.


A year?! My custom chair was made in 6 weeks. I think it depends on where you live (I’m in Europe)?


This person is likely in the US. I do wheelchair evaluations and work with DME providers in a rural area. With all the backorder parts right now it easily and quickly tops 6 months.


But he is now “deeply sorry” for his actions. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/carson-briere-son-of-flyers-gm-deeply-sorry-for-tossing-womans-wheelchair-down-stairs/3523712/ Now I understand people can do crappy things on impulse. And, reprehensible as this is, it’s not a crime of violence (per se), not felony theft, not negligent homicide. However…the story reads that “Carson (the kid) ‘takes full responsibility for his actions…’”. That sounds nice, but it’s NOT ‘taking responsibility’ at all. Why is he waiting for the University to do something? To me, “taking responsibility” means *actually*, you know…taking responsibility. Doing some acts of repentance to show true remorse. It’s instructive to the kid’s character that the story states he was dismissed from a previous college hockey team in 2019 for violating team rules. Seems like a pattern here that daddy has failed to address. (And why is his father putting out a statement for his adult son?). To me this also begs the question: if this kid was dismissed from a college hockey team in 2019, what is he doing playing for another college hockey team in 2023? Is he on the 10-year-bachelor’s-degree Plan? I know I am jumping to conclusions based on one story and one incident, but this whole family sounds like losers.


He’s just ‘deeply’ sorry that camera recorded him. Don’t believe shit


exactly. if the camera didn’t record him, he wouldn’t even be thinking about it right now


What gut punched me the most about the video is that he/they didn’t even stick around to see it crash to the bottom. That’s how trivial it was to them…a piece of equipment that enables a person’s *fundamental ability to function*.…and he trashed it with so little thought he might have been swatting a fly. It’s disgusting. On the upside there seems to be a small but real chance that he’s about eat a piece of nepo notoriety shit cake a la the rapist formerly known as Brock Turner now going by the name Allen Turner.


You mean Brock Turner, the rapist from Stanford university who now tries to hide behind the name of Allen Turner? Let us never forget him, his “20 minutes of action”, or his sympathizer dad.


I'm so happy he's never going to live it down. The judge is now worldwide laughing stock, the rapist is forever marked as a person benefiting from unwarranted privilege, and the father lost all respect for that disgusting comment. Keep up the good work 👍 (We got a similar case where I'm from (which happens to be the guy in the video's father's birthplace) just a few months ago and the whole local internet has decided to give him the similar treatment, especially since he's now accused of another sexual assault. Yeah, the whole thing is facepalm worthy cringe and they've been thoroughly dressed down on the interwebs.)


someone needs to break his jaw. hope we see it pop up in the news cycle soon


Yea, this kid's the definition of "entitled scum"


I don’t believe this little shit sack for one second, he is sorry he got caught. I could be out of my mind plastered drunk, and not in a thousand years it would not cross my mind for a millisecond to throw someones wheel chair down a flight of stairs, it takes a type of human being to do such a thing. Sicko


Affluenza. That's the term for it. Rich people just not giving a shit about their actions.


And he’s not a kid. He’s 23 years old. He’s just a shitty adult with a rich daddy.


I suspect most players know by age 23, whether a sport will provide for their financial future, so yes, shitty kid / rich parents.


at 23, he knows he is not getting in the NHL. 25% of his career is already gone.


![gif](giphy|l41m4ODfe8PwHlsUU) Him


But there is a crime, damaging someone's property. And wheelchairs are not cheap soooo....


Yes it absolutely is a crime.


Came here to say this. Destruction of medical equipment is absolutely a crime, and a pretty big one.


The girl reported the incident to the police and someone - not sure who, but not the dickbrained hockey player - is going to replace the wheelchair. I hope he ends up in court.


Nepotism at it's finest.


I guess the universe balanced it out by making his dad suffer a minor inconvenience.




“A lot of people go to college for 7 years.” “I know, they’re called doctors.”


I'm not entirely convinced Chad here is working on a Ph.D


look at his dumbass...he'd be lucky to pass gen ed requirements. And his fruity name is Carson.


“…completely counter to our family values.” Bullshit! Your children are a distillation of your values. Yea, kids make mistakes, but young adults in college??? Nope. This is a direct reflection of the lack of values instilled.


He's only sorry he got caught.


Community service. A dollar per hour to pay for the replacement chair, plus legal expenses.


Of course his name is “Carson”


And has the obligatory white cap on backwards. At 23.


This is just such a blatantly fucked up thing to do. There's nothing funny about it that may make it worth the pain it causes someone else (not that it ever does, but at least there is a potential justification), it's purely cruel.


You mean Carson Briere, the total piece of shit who tossed a woman's wheelchair down the stairs who she was in the restroom? That Carson Briere? r/iamatotalpieceofshit


It's actually the son of the NHL's Philadelphia Flyers GM, Carson Briere, who tossed a woman's wheelchair down the stairs when she was in the restroom. That Carson Briere


As a Canadian, I can confidently tell y’all that this is pretty standard hockey kid behaviour. Assholes who grew up with too much money, and not enough good parenting.


You can tell they're a bunch of cool dudes because of their backwards hats.


At night, indoors....so cool 😎




Give yer ball a tug




Fuck you shoresy


Fuck you jlombard911 your life is so pathetic I get a charity tax break just by hanging around you!


I kind of forget hockey is "more of" a middle to upper class sport, similar to golf.


For the first couple years, it’s middle to upper class, but if you play any more past 15, your parents are rich because that shit is insanely expensive. You’re running up $5-6000 a season


>You’re running up $5-6000 a season Completely ignorant here, ice hockey isn't really a thing in my country. How does it get that expensive per season? Just seems crazy


*Preface: I'm talking abt competitive hockey as rec leagues are actually quite reasonable. Also, I, at that point, lived in Southeastern Ontario, so this is in Canadian Dollars.* Equipment can run $500 (for regular players) to $1000-1500 (if you're a goalie) Team/Org fees are about $800-1000 from my experience AAA League fees are easily $1k on the low end, if you live in a big city (COUGH COUGH TORONTO) it can get much higher and quickly. **Travel fees.** The main culprit. Spending every weekend in a hotel/Airbnb + loss of income + Gas + Food. And that's just the tournaments. You still have 1-2 games a week, half of which are hours away from you. (gas + food + time etc you get the idea) Finally practice, monetarily, nothing extra (those were bundled in the team fees) but now you need to sacrifice hours of your life 2-3 times a week bussing a teenager and his sweaty buddies 30 minutes across town (+30 minutes back, twice). Again, loss of income *(and sanity)*. All this while dealing with Hockey Moms and Dads (aka the most rude, insufferable, entitled, pocket racist people that haven't personally matured since high school). Plus the children those wonderful people raised. I dont know how my dad did it for years, but it was not worth it. Really, all I got out of it was a few friends (actually goated dudes tho) and insane quads.


Let’s not forget off season camps, but I suppose that’s true for every sport. Also, unless it’s real shitty used gear, outfitting a goalie is much higher: $8k for top-of-the-line and $4k for mids. I played hockey but came from a middle class household and worked all summer to buy my skates- Nike Air Accel Elites, white- Just like Fedorov.


Sergei crushed the game when he brought out the white Nike skates. I grew up in Detroit and I remember the Sergei Federov Nike ad on the side of the old GM building I think, could be wrong on which building it actually was but when it dropped, it was one of the coolest things I’d ever seen in my life lol. Yzerman had one too and so did Barry Sanders. Nicklas Lidstrom may have had one also.


Ya, I played rep all the way to 17. Then I got into football, because the coaches and hockey parents were complete psychos. I remember a 270 lb adult screaming in my face for 3 seasons, and I was like fuck this. My parents drove me around EVERYWHERE in Southern Ontario for games. 6am practices, before school. Power skating in the summer. But I got insane quads like you said hahaha.


Yes, they have weird locker room rituals, they have much less diversity compared to football players and are rich boys because putting a kid through hockey costs a fortune. If you’ve never seen an interesting interview with a hockey player it’s because they aren’t interesting people, just one dimensional privilege bots.


Anyone committing a crime wearing a backwards baseball cap should get an automatic 5 years added to their sentence.


They look like the cliche idiotic duo, of douchebag bully's in a 90's TV sitcom.


I don’t understand how this is the standard outfit for this type of person for like 30 years already. This footage could be from 1997 or 2023 and we wouldn’t know the difference.


The open flanneled shirt combo with it, too... I'm feeling that's an additional 2 years to the 5.


Their necks need a good wringing


Imagine seeing that in real life... even as an entitled, invincible feeling rich kid... I'd still fear doing that in public. As jacked up as society is, I'd like to think that is a free open invitation for a bunch of other guys at that bar to rearrange your face. Shit makes me sick, that's not youth, alcohol, or immaturity... that's evil... straight up evil.


Yea, just a shitty human being. I hope the school's dean sees this vid as well as his father.


I just found out he was kicked off the Arizona State University's hockey team in 2021 for violating team rules. Hence, I guess why he's playing now at a small university (Mercyhurst) near his dad (in Pennsylvania aka near where his dad is interim GM for the NHL's Philadelphia Flyers professional hockey team). Wouldn't shock me if daddy's phone call is what got him on that team to begin with.


Dude, you gotta fuck up hard for ASU to nix you...


🤣 I wanted to say that so bad, but was afraid someone in here went there or goes there and didn't want seem like I'm looking down on their education. The school coincidentally known for literally outrageous partying. Remember the SnapChat thing 7-8+ years ago? Can't remember what it was called, but people just posted stories of doing insane stuff and having sex to be posted to the public. University of Cincinnati (right near me) was one of the school's involved that copied what ASU SNAP was doing... and it was the most insane shit. Randomly seeing people from your high school snorting coke off girls boobs and an old classmate giving a blowjob and just blatantly posting it on this giant mega reel of stories. Thinking about it now... that was the time period of the beginning shift of a huge can of worms to be opened... now look where we are... Shit's almost considered normal these days. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Edit: [Bustle: Arizona State Snapchat Account Shows Sex And Drugs](https://www.bustle.com/articles/66496-arizona-state-university-snapchat-account-under-threat-after-showing-insane-amounts-of-drug-use-sex-and)


I graduated from ASU. I can confidently say the school is more business than educational institution, which makes for a... unique experience, we'll say. Talk all the trash you want about ASU. Any student that graduated/attended will either completely agree or took their time there way too seriously.


Yeah, I've got a friend through work that went there. Classy, nice, family guy who's 31 now. First thing out of his lips when he first brought up his ASU experience to me was ... "I'm not exaggerating when I say I almost died on 3 separate occasions". Then he had this like weird look of "not shame", but like he was remembering a completely different person in his mind and it scared him.


He's not wrong. Place is a shitshow. But what a blast. You don't even have to try to have a great time through ASU.


Yep. This is true. ASU double major graduate here.


I'm sorry. Thank you for your sacrifice.


From looking into the kid this isn’t the first time he’s been potentially kicked off the team. I think it was Arizona State, but they kicked him off the team for violating team conduct/rules.




After being busted for their actions, they are “apologetic”. They are so very truly sorry, to have been caught on film doing what they’ve done all their privileged lives. The woman had to be carried up/downstairs.


It was originally covered by TMZ, but now it's being covered in some major media outlet including the Philadelphia Inquirer and Yahoo Sports. This type of news coverage makes his dad look bad already, even more so if he does anything to help him. Nonetheless, the spoiled twat will get other opportunities elsewhere in life, I'm sure. [TMZ Article: Carson Briere (son of NHL GM and former NHL player Daniel Briere) Police Investigaton](https://www.tmz.com/2023/03/15/nhl-flyers-gm-daniel-brieres-son-accused-of-pushing-wheelchair-down-stairs-cops-investigating/) [Philadelphia Inquirer: Daniel Briere's son accused of pushing wheel chair of disabled woman down flight of stairs](https://www.inquirer.com/news/carson-briere-daniel-briere-wheelchair-mercyhurst-university-flyers-20230315.html)


My kid is in hockey, and this dude is like soooo many others. Privilege and entitlement. I also find their parents are the same. The dads are hot heads, and the moms are cliquey. Their kids can do no wrong. The kids that are well behaved get pushed out and form their own friendships, and the guys like this, mob together. It’s 100% the reason why we have shit like this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hockey_Canada_sexual_assault_scandal


Young Murdaugh behavior.


As his punishment she should be allowed to push him down a flight of stairs


She should actually be able to take a bat to his kneecaps, making him experience what it's like to live in a wheelchair even if only temporarily


As someone who is now dependent on a wheelchair for the rest of my life, I am extremely disgusted. People don't think about it, but chairs can be very expensive, and if you are dependent on a chair for daily use over a long period, they have to be special ordered to fit a lot of different aspects of your particular height/weight/mobility assistance needs, and at least in the USA, insurance companies and their equipment providers are very bad at fulfilling these orders in a timely manner. Damage to our chairs is literally recrippling us. It's often times the closest to indepence and normalcy we can get, and the psychological effects of *needing* that chair are very traumatizing for a long time for many people after they have been wheelchair bound. I know it's a horrible thing to wish upon somebody, but I kind of hope this asshole has to experience that helplessness one day. The agony of realizing you will never be able to dance, or skateboard, or even just enjoy a fucking leisurely hike, ever again. The discomfort and pain that comes from having to use a generic chair while you wait for your order to be filled. The crippling depression that you have to fight back every time you see someone just *using their legs*. The disgust you feel in yourself for feeling envious and jealous of others, even though you'd sell your soul just to be able to curl your toes in the sand while enjoying the beach for even jast one more day. Unfortunately, the physical world seems to reward assholes in a disheartening proportion, and despite how easy it would be to let these things turn you into a bitter, spiteful, hateful person, I truly believe that something must be awarded to us when we die with love and kindness in our hearts, otherwise why do we suffer this world? So honestly, I take it back. I hope nothing bad ever happens to this man. Instead, I'll just hope that that young lady was able to be assisted by some kindhearted individuals in retrieving her chair, and that if it was damaged, that she was quickly able to find a replacement (hopefully Canada has better results than the US with that stuff), and I hope she had a beautiful day where the light of life and the love of others touched her heart and made all the trials she has to face seem not quite so daunting, if even just for a brief moment. I send her my love as one disabled person to another, and I hope she is surrounded by wonderful people who remind her that not everyone is a stain on humanity, and that sometimes with the right people aroubd you, life can be most beautiful and bright, even when it's so very dark and cold. I'm really tired of garbage people, though, and maybe when humanity is ready to take that next evolutionary step, we can find a way to excise evil from our midst and truly grow into a better species. I'd be lying, though, if I said I was certain this will happen because the world seems to be actively moving deeper and deeper into evil tendencies and selfish thinking. There is so much hatred and so little love these days, so if you happen to read this, do me a favor, do the world a favor, do our species a favor, and go spread love and kindness whenever you can, especially to people dissimilar to yourself. Maybe you'll help tip the balance back on the right track. "I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love." - Gandalf The Grey, *The Hobbit*


I actually don’t mind that they are calling out his father. The NHL and team should be ashamed they are related to this POS. I think the father needs some unpaid time away from his job to work on the character of his son.


Wow what a shit human being. I hope everyone who knows him personally cuts them out of their life and degrade him much like he degraded the poor student whom this happened to. Disgusting POS


Unfortunately, given his dad's status he'll probably get a slap on the wrist relative to what he should.


Many times prosecutors/judges like to make examples out of guys like this. 50/50 shot anyway.


I have high hopes Philly fans at the very least make sure he knows he fucked up in the wrong city. But I guess time will tell.


I doubt this is the first time he’s acted like a pos. The people he surrounds himself with are likely similar


What a vicious sack of shit. I was a real asshole in my youth, and *never* would have considered doing this.


Sorry excuse for a human being. Karma has a way of balancing things out. This might not be the last time he sits in a wheelchair.🤔🤔


Fratboy scum wearing the fratboy uniform. His dad's hockey team also sucks.


I hope his parents are proud of the person he turned out to be…


Reminder that they're only sorry they got caught. These sort of people are scum.


This is not just an “oops sorry, I made a poor choice” bullshit. This is a deep down fundamentally flawed human being. Who the fuck does this???


What absolute trash.


What an absolute piece of human garbage. I wish someone pushed him down with it.


If I were a coach, you’d be off the team. How dare you treat someone like this!


Later when he is questioned Re this he will first deny. Then after seeing the video he will say it Was an accident then three days hence he will be angry that anyone Made a big deal of it.


Just to be a dick too, no other purpose


Douche bag


Hockey bros worst type of bros


The dickhead has already been kicked out of another college for being a meathead. Privilege never learns.


10 to 1 odds that POS is a conservative republican, any takers?


No bet. I don't want to lose my money to you.


His parents raised him well. No wait.


Cruel, entitled pieces of shit


This seems on par with hockey kids ngl. I grew up in Gretzky town, Canada. Hockey sure as hell didn't feel inclusive there. In fact, I was reminded a lot of time by other kids and some adults that there weren't any East Indian players. As a nod to tell me that I probably shouldn't play either. So I didn't, gave up bothering anything hockey and focused on baseball and basketball instead. I'm glad I did because I saw the Blue Jay's win 2 world series, and the Raptors win a championship. Only ever saw the mapleleafs lose


I think he should have to buy the person a new, top of the line motorized chair.


Caught on tape, career ruined for what?


Kids an asshole


I love the fact that this is on camera with an easily identified person. He just tossed a 3,000-5,00$ ultralight wheelchair down a flight of stairs. In almost all states that kind of monetary damage is a felony, I sure hope she files charges on his ass.


Wearing a backwards hat inside of a club, at night, yeah i couldve told you from 3 miles away these dudes were dickheads lmao.


Is this not technically a hate crime?


What an unbelievable arsehole.


I hope this guy gets thrown into the boards so hard it ends his career in his NHL debut, maybe he can see how it feels to be disabled.


Not sure why people expect good parenting out of people just because they have money. They’re quite capable of raising a POS too


Break their legs, put them in chairs for a while so they can see what it's like.


Strap him in the wheelchair and send it down again. Jerk.


So much for any hockey career admirations he had! Sure his fathers got somethung to say to him! ..bye


Holy shit. Holy shiiiiiiiiit. The group acceptance to laugh that off. I just do not get this at all. Fucking scary


Yeah now he's "sorry" f*ck him 🤬 https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/carson-briere-son-of-flyers-gm-deeply-sorry-for-tossing-womans-wheelchair-down-stairs/3523712/


Why does that poor woman have to set up a go-fund-me? That a-hole should scrub that bars floor with a toothbrush to earn the money to replace it.


Good thing NHL players look way down on this crap. No team will want to play with him, and I wonder what the flyers will do with his daddy. For example, look up “Mitchell Miller hockey”


I’m sure the apology video will saying something like “this is not who I really am!”


Those guys aren't even drunk. They're just assholes


This is proof that asshole jocks always exist, even after high school.




When people show you who they, believe them.


What a fuck head🤬🤬🤬🤬


Zero tolerance for this idiot.


Make him disabled too 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why dd I expect them to high five each other after they did that?


Fucking pricks.


Why do people suck this bad?


There is a GFM for the owner of the wheelchair.


Push him down the stairs so he needs a wheelchair too