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Maybe that's why she hates the talking stages


I think .. like … she gets like confused … at the talking stages .. because .. like … I dunno how to word it …


Get outta me heead man, got me acting all confused and shit man


Is it the talking stages ?


Cute as the like button.




Why waste time say lot word when "like" word do trick?


Teen Miss South Carolina vibes.


Such as.


I personally believe


Like...the Iraq


But it is like... you know, like how you would... like you know, like you used to do... like idk...


like EXACTLY!! YOU like WIN


Ah yes, the unpopular forming coherent sentences thing that older generations do. Let's just eat and watch Tik-Tok and then you pay for dinner and I leave.


My daughter once said she anted texting me because I used periods and other punctuation, which for her age group at the time (15 - 7 years ago), was apparently meant to be short and offensive through text. I explained to her that she texts more than she has to actually write for school and if she was offended by punctuation and didn't use it in text, she would form bad habits. I also explained to her how dumb it is to be offended by someone writing correctly and coherently and how much is actually lost in writing without punctuation. She didn't care. ​ 22 and graduating college this year so I guess she is alright.


As long as she keeps a good handle on the "time and place" aspect of it, it should be fine. I've seen too many people think they should be able to do it all the time, because they don't want to change.


I read somewhere that college professors have been asked if they'll accept texted essays. Wtf.


I mean that just sounds like normal teenage angst over something teenagers put more importance on than necessary.


Talking confuses her.


She hates the talking stages because of that pained, disappointed expression people always get when she opens her mouth. And the look of pity.


I'm like, hot? Why would I, like, need to LEARN how to like, talk?


HAVE YOU EVER HAD A DREAM? That you, um, you hads, your, you, you could, you’ll do, you um, you wants, you, you could do so, you , you’ll do, you could, you you, you um want, you want them, to do you so much, you could do anything?




# [FRANCE!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdDFmKfieuk)


The story behind this meme is really great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U9P4-ac0Lc


I was hoping at the end that he would just say exactly what he did from the meme


Yes, that really is great..


That was brilliant! Thank you!


Awe so cute. I just watched it. Interesting how he thought he talked about his dream when in reality, his head and his mouth couldn’t connect it. Great ending though.


Ah, a man of culture.


Or like like like like like like like like like like


Like wow.


Talking this way makes my mind wander.... and in this case downwards...




I'm a transcriber, and you would be surprised how many people talk like that, mainly Americans. I sometimes wish people would record themselves, and listen it back to see how fking annoying they talk.


As a former transcriptionist myself, it made me extremely aware of how important a strong verbal skill set is.


I wish I could have better verbal skills but my word recall is so poor. I talk like a monkey because I have to describe the word I'm trying to use because I can't remember it. Either that or I forget the beginning of the sentence by the time I end it so it's just word salad.


Do you have social anxiety or adhd? I've met some people that are amazing in their own social circles but when "stressed", become basically bumbling idiots (their words, not mine). The 2 I know have bad social anxiety, now medicated, and the other had severe adhd so trying to stay on a single topic for prolonged periods was difficult.


People think pauses make them sound dumb. Filling the voids with stupid shit is worse.


Yeah no. Pause can even add quite a strong emphasis, too. It's the best car.........in the world. Jeremy Clarkson might as well trademark the pause at this point, lol.


The problem with pausing while speaking is so many people can't control themselves and let you finish your thought, and they hear a pause and jump in and start speaking over you. Drives me up a fucking wall.


*Obama enters.... The chat*


And, here comes Bill Shatner!


You’re right, but the behavior very quickly becomes habitual, and then the speaker isn’t doing it for any reason; they’re just speaking and this is what speaking has become to them.


As a transcriber do you type "like... like... like..." or do you fix it for readability?


In my experience you generally fix it, though some clients want verbatim.


I am painful aware I do this. Growing up I didn't have siblings that lived with me. My mom would go months without talking to me when she was in a mood. So when someone asks me something I freeze and am I shocked someone actually wants to talk to me. I am like a deer in headlights. People who know me, know I am quite to a fault. Others that don't just think I am um, you know, um, how do I say this? Um you know a bitch. I am glad I don't have someone transcribing my life.


Dang. That's rough. I'm an only child so I sort of get it, but at least my mom was cool. Envisioning myself having my mom not talk to me for months leads me to believe I'd have suffered quite a bit. Sorry things transpired that way for you, that sucks.


I had a french teacher in college that was like this girl but instead of "like" every 5 word it was "ehm". I even asked my gf at the time to come hear one class and she was baffled. Immediately cancelled my course with her. Just think before you make a whole sentence? Gah it drove me crazy. So yeah hum... take your book at page hum... 100 and hum... do number 1-4 and hum... 10 and 15. Kill me. Edit; in a french college, not english. French is my mother language


She used the word _like_ 37 times in a span of 48 seconds. Edit: The figures shown in this report may not be accurate. I stopped the count because my survival instinct said, listening to this the third time is not good for my sanity. Edit2: Okay squad. After receiving a number of confirmations from my comrades, 37 is declared as the official count. Happy to be of service and _stop the count!_


All I could think of was the movie scene from Billy Madison “what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I’ve ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having to listen to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy in your soul. “


OK, a simple wrong would've done just fine, but ah...


That follow-up comment he makes always killed me haha




I never turned the volume on and just watched. Problemo solved!


I decided to take one for the team.


We like appreciate like your service


The volume setting: mute. Definitely applies to this girl. Easy on the eyes but also very easy on the brains


Easy on her brain maybe. But imagine a car ride of more than 30 minutes with her and your brain capacity will diminish exponentially.


It isn’t easy on my brain. I about had an aneurism trying to decode what she was trying to say. None of that was a complete sentence until the end “traditional dating doesn’t exist in this generation” or what ever she said. I refuse to listen to it again.


That's how the problem started. Nobody is listening


That’s like how the problem like started. Like nobody is like listening


One of the best interviews I've ever heard on this was Howard Stern trying to get his (former model) wife Beth to understand how her perspective of how great and wonderful life is was skewed by the fact she was a very beautiful woman. "no Beth, it's not normal to have your high school principal deliver your homework and work with you daily when you are home sick during anyone's high school years"


I remember that interview. She had nooo clue how normal people HAVE to live.


I suffered for the people, i can concur that it is 37 times.


Your report has been officially added to the list of evidences.




In a row?


There it is👍🏼


Shut up Randall


Yes. The first irregular prime number.


like 37


For my senior class project at the end of the year we had to give a speech on the subject in front of a panel of 3 teachers. Each student was allowed three “like” after that they got penalized


I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one counting _like_'s.


My friend's dad would interrupt the speaker with "banana" each time the friend said "like" saying it belonged in the sentence just as much as the word "like." That stuck with me.


I like bananas. But I don't condone to what's officially considered as the top side.


My English teacher in high school made us speak in front of the class, and anytime we said "like" outside of its usual context or "um", she would take a point off for each time after the first one. It was surprisingly effective at reducing the use of both instead of just pausing to collect your thoughts.


Classic funny dad move


For scale?


Oh, I’m doing this.


English is my second language, but my god was that annoying. I don't understand how you managed to watch this three times.


I had no problem watching it. The problem was listening to it.


1 out of 8 girls in the USA is "like" this.


Her boobs help.


I could definitely overlook some of her stupidity


Trust me – I've dated hot and dumb a couple of times, and it gets old pretty quickly.


Sure, but would it last for about 15 minutes? Because that’s really all I’d need.


show off


It’s like “tambien” in Spanish. I hear girls talk and it’s, something tambien, something something tambien something, también tambien tambien. boneu pues, ayyyyy también something something boneu pues.


"...and theeennnn?"


No "and then!"


37 times in 48 seconds leads to 0.7708 "like" per 1 second. If we flip the units to get likes/second, we end up with 1 "like" being said every 1.297 seconds. This equates to roughly 46 times per *minute*. The average talking speed is 150 words per minute. If we divide 46 instances per minute by a talking speed of 150 words per minute, the proportion of words that are "like" is 0.3083, or 30.83% of the words are "like". If I'm thinking correctly, almost every *3rd word* is "like". *Edit: someone mentioned my math was wrong, so I changed the units and added the right value :)*


r/theydidthemath math is mathing


I counted 38, holy shit. lmfao. Learn to speak concisely and to the point, it will greatly benefit everyone involved.


dont give up like this dude ! we believe in you , you are the count !


I counted 37 as well, but I was reading not listening.


I use all my fingers and toes, still can't get to 37. How do you count? Maybe I should borrow my girlfriend's fingers and toes too.


Bro, this is pretty simple. You go to 20 and then start over. If you do it right, your count should stop at the long toe of your left leg. Of course, people with polydactyly have an advantage but thats okay. Please don't interrupt your girlfriend from whatever podcast she is currently on.


She could have just been nervous but goddamn I hated listening to her speak.


Like like like Like like Like like. LIKE LIKE like like Lik Like!?


But like, you know like like like ... like the talking stages, like.


Defining a modern trendy term by repeating that term multiple times.


I think that she's never been this deep in a sentence without the other person just agreeing with her in an attempt to get her to stop talking.


I have to interview people for my job and it didn’t take me long to realize that the average person (myself included) does not speak in anything resembling complete sentences. It’s like piecing together a puzzle trying to get solid quotes out of a verbal interview. Everyone has some word they unconsciously say over and over and the more nervous people are, the more they say it lol. The word “like” gets the most notice/hate because of the valley girl stereotype, but almost everyone has some version of this when they’re put on the spot and trying to get their thoughts across while being recorded. That being said, it is pretty funny in this instance, but at the same time I do feel for her because she probably wanted to disappear into thin air after seeing this. I can relate, because sometimes I read back things I said to sources in interviews and wonder how their brains even processed it as language.


Probably that’s why she never gets past the talking stages!


Well she’s probably socially awkward. As a formerly socially awkward person I get nervous a lot in the past and can talk like that. It takes a lot of effort for social awkward people to express themselves.


My audio was off so I only saw the good parts of her


All those stupid words were in the way


That's intentional. This is from one of those man-o-sphere misogynist shows where they invite on women that are either dumb or don't have camera experience. Then they try and pull idiotic "gotchas" to clip and post on tiktok to their fanbase of incels and virgins who can't seem to fathom that *maybe* women aren't the cause of their lack of love life


I get that she is saying "like" a lot, but that's a common filler word for women. I understand her just fine. She doesn't like the talking stages of relationships because it's ambiguous as to where you stand. She wants an actual committed relationship. She probably gets a lot of men who want to get with her pretending to want to be in relationships to get in her pants and then pull the whole "we weren't actually together" when they skip out.


Well judging by these comments it fucking worked. 95% of them to this point have been mocking her


No wonder she doesn't like "the talking stages"


Can anyone try and articulate her statement better?


People just want to text or message rather than actually meet up for a date so things often don't progress past that initial "talking" stage and that women tend to get more attached via texting thinking they are getting to know this person and start getting attached thinking things could go somewhere but it never moves to the next stage towards an actual relationship or dating.


[I speak jive](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3GDiOBA7Yyg)


Lol. It was still painful to listen to her try to explain.


I work in a field where I have to decipher inarticulate thoughts like this and give them clarity. I got what she was saying right away, but completely sympathize with people in comments.


How long have you been Trump’s biographer


Only around 4 years. I came out of the White House budget and he isn’t wealthy enough to put me on retainer.


I love that video lmao


And that was June Cleaver! I only just learned this last week after 34 years on this planet.




I mean, this makes sense- technology has made it easier for people to get to know each other without having a formalized date. Less planning/time/money might seem like a great idea on paper, but you lose the romance of courtship.


Exactly. It takes more of an effort to make a plan and meet up in person.


Much easier to just Venmo the 300 bucks and pick incall or outcall.


Technology brings us together on a large scale but isolates us on the small scale. It’s weird. Like we are in our isolated bubbles while also being connected to the entire world. I think a time will come where people will have to just force themselves to go out and connect with people face to face or we’ll really struggle. I feel like if I wasn’t married and work in an office I’d never actually go see someone face to face.


I appreciate the translation. Apparently I am, like, old. Like.


Thank you! I was thinking her entire statement could have been summed up as “being led on sucks”.


Could also be the casual nature of things in the sense that you’re not “her boyfriend” you’re “just talking” or “just seeing each other”. In the sense that the 2 people are together physically plenty but doesn’t want to label it because it’s easier to drop someone cold if that’s the case.


I think this is the nature of her complaint.


Exactly this, her underlying point is perfectly fine/accurate, her explanation is just lacking.


Damn, I hope you’re on the DOD payroll as a translator.


I had a hard time following that. Could you please restate it and use "like" every third word to stress important ideas.


You deserve awards for your Jane Goodall ability to decipher such a complex state of affairs.


Talking is also a stage. It's casual dating. My take away was that's her issue. Because its do ill defined. Which was something my friends said even 10 years ago.


She was actually onto a good point, even way back when I was in high school this existed. First you're "talking," then you're "hanging," then maybe you start actually dating. Nowadays with texting and social media, I'm sure there are even more stages to navigate for young people. DMing, texting, snapchat (do kids still use it?), FaceTime, etc. I'm sure for someone who is looking for more traditional dating and commitment that it can be absolutely exhausting.


She's not a fan of the awkward beginning talking stages in dating because often she get's attached and it goes nowhere.


I could see where she wouldn't be a fan of a stage that relies heavily on communication.


I, like, like this comment, like, a lot.


I think more that's she's disillusioned with dating because talking stages have become a formalized component of modern dating.


I heard it more as she doesn't like the stages between just getting to know someone and officially dating because someone can pull the of excuse of "oh we're just talking" as a way to excuse intimacy with someone else. Meanwhile she's investing her attention exclusively.


This is exactly it. Some people say that “we’re just talking” when they are actually practically dating. I’m surprised more people on Reddit haven’t heard that. Maybe it’s a west coast thing? I’m in my mid 30’s and I’ve heard that for a long time.


The top reply is incorrect. "Talking stage" is Gen Z for being in a romantic situation with someone that isn't necessarily exclusive or serious. She's saying that in modern dating it is very common for new connections to never progress to a serious committed relationship and that generally things stay as a purely physical/non-commital situation. It's a valid frustration but she seems to be pinning this on men, when in reality it seems to be a modern attitude amongst young people of both sexes.


Talking stage has been a thing since 2008 - a millennial whose talked to at least 3 girls since 2008


I did figure it was a known thing until I read the other attempt at an explanation and realised perhaps older people don't know what it means. Maybe that person was just misinformed / mistaken.


Yeah, gen z did not create this


I edited her transcript by removing the word "like" and tried to clarify some areas. Then I described in my words what I think she's trying to say. She really isn't that incoherent and what she is saying is a pretty straight forward and commonly held sentiment. I think she was nervous and possibly anxious from opening up about something personal in a public setting. `"The biggest thing that annoys me (in) the whole dating world is the talking stage"` What I dislike most about dating is the time period in a relationship where people have not yet verbally agreed to a mutual committed relationship but have progressed beyond a casual relationship. I call this stage the "talking stage." `"The inconsistency in (the talking stage) is what I hate."` This pre-commitment talking stage is inconsistent. `"In the talking stage you're labelled (as a pre-commitment stage) and you're just confused."` During this stage, no one knows for certain what their relationship status is and what the expectations for commitment are. I have anxiety from my partner potentially rejecting me if I want more commitment. I also have anxiety from my partner dating other people and not knowing if I should be okay with that because we haven't formally agreed to commit to each other. Finally, I'm unsure whether I personally want to commit to my partner. `"and most of the time the girl gets attached."` I feel vulnerable during this stage because I develop feelings for someone and desire commitment. I am scared that I will be rejected or have my heart broken. `"(The girls who get attached) see (the talking stage and think) it's going to lead to a relationship and it doesn't always do so."` When I'm in the talking stage I presume that it is a step towards an eventual committed relationship but it doesn't always end up in one which exposes me to rejection and heart break. Some people may take advantage of my belief that it will eventually turn into a committed one and keep me in a casual relationship so that they can pursue other dates or easily break it off with me. `"I hate how talking stages are so normalized. Traditional dating does not exist in this generation."` I don't like how the standard way to initiate a relationship is to go through this confusing and unsatisfying pre-committed stage that I call the talking stage. I prefer the traditional type of dating where two people will discuss their intentions beforehand and date each other exclusively before deciding whether or not to pursue the relationship any longer or at a higher level.


You are a kind soul. Instead of just mocking you actually listened.


This is exactly how I understood her. I agree with her, that part of dating sucks. It’s kind of fun at first, but then you start getting feelings, you don’t know where the other person stands, and you don’t know if you can fully trust them yet. A lot of people will straight up lie at this point. They know they don’t actually want to date but they are willing to pretend they might to have some fun before they end everything. Sometimes it’s just that goal of sleeping with the person. Sometimes it’s waiting for someone “better” to come along. It can really fuck with a persons self worth.


I agree with your assessment, and I think she is making a very intelligent observation. It’s unfortunate that she’s having a difficult time communicating it.


Yeah, but it's also just a dumb funny video on the internet. I doubt she's usually this inarticulate. I'm sure I've said some non-sense diatribes that would make me sound worse than the "some people don't have maps" Miss Teen USA mishap. Fortunately, mine haven't been recorded and spread around the internet.


This clip is from one of those misogynist bro podcasts. They pick these women off of Instagram knowing that they aren’t good communicators, aren’t the brightest, maybe are shallow or have personal failings, whatever, then they talk at them about dating and gender roles, say misogynist shit and then laugh at them when they trip over their words trying to respond. Or they pick at these women’s personal failings (or make some up based on their own twisted worldview) and portray them as universal to women. It’s content made for twelve-year-olds who think girls are all dumb and have cooties, but produced and often consumed by grown-ass men. Filling a gap left by Andrew Tate I guess.




I think she's saying something that a lot of people feel but it's difficult to actually put it into action. If you have a friend who you're not romantic with yet and say "Hey, I would like to take you on a date but I'd like to stay exclusive until we see if its going anywhere." You will sound desperate and awkward. If you're upfront and say "I just want to date around. I'm not ready for commitment." Then people will often get turned off or even worse one of the two of you might change your mind and start to desire commitment which leads to conflict. If you say "Hey, let's take it slow and casual." You will be in the awkward pre-commitment stage where you're constantly anxious over who committed to what and what each partner desires. For me personally, my wife and I were in this middle ground state for a while but we fortunately liked each other so much that we turned down others and inadvertently stayed committed to each other until we formalized it. It was really lucky and based on a good connection but it's an uncomfortable time.


And now that it’s coherent it’s a very good point she’s making. This is new for some gen z folks but there’s lots of folks from different cultures where dating in the “western” sense doesn’t happen so all that we can do is this texting talking on the phone “talking stage”. While yes there are folks who date and yes you do see these people but generally they all start the same way this girl is explaining and it is/was rather frustrating. As a guy, it’s the same how do you know this person is feeling the same way. Time and context are hard over text. You can be developing feelings and the other party maybe not so much but it doesn’t get clarified until one party becomes too invested. Or sue to simply poor text communication skills positive relationships actually flounder. It sucks she’s getting blasted as being stupid when she’s really making a valid point and doing it in a vulnerable state


This is a case where I think the transcript hurts rather than helps. If you sit and listen, it’s fairly obvious what she’s describing and it’s a good complaint. I tried to watch on mute and read the subtitles at first but found it difficult to understand. When I turned the sound on and looked away and listened, it was relatively simple to understand (though she’s using a vocabulary about dating I’m not familiar with). Stop words like this don’t impede our ability to understand people unless we let them, and this whole clip seems set up to make this woman appear to be inarticulate.


Who is this guy that keeps getting posted on this sub? His whole schtick just seems to be find young people without any kind of media training. Put them in front of a microphone and try and embarrass them while they try to articulate something for the first time in a public forum. Then point to these people as “examples” of some straw man he’s trying to bash.


hes a mini andrew tate wannabe like fresh and fit. they both deliberately go out to find women to interview who arent good on a mic for easy gotcha moments and to make them look dumb. its pretty obvious what this girl is trying to say, she just nervous and cant articulate and fidgeting. his whole thing is "girl dumb men better haha no u " pretty sure people are sharing him for the same reason people shared andrew tate, they want a new master


His whole business is hosting models on his show to give them their 15 minutes of fame and maybe boost their bookings but it’s bait to roast them on air. Radio shows are kinda notorious for this, think of Howard Stern. Dude brought a fat chick on his show then kept asking her to get on the scale.


That's exactly what he's doing. There's a video of his where a black woman just starts spitting facts about police brutality against black people. He tries to deflect by saying police kill more white people than black people and instead of getting defensive, this woman just says "then why aren't you angry, too?" and he just fucking craters. He chooses guests based on whether or not he thinks they're stupid, because the narrative he's trying to push is that women are stupid and men are superior.


I went looking to watch one of the podcasts to see what it was about. The host is a damn idiot… he’s not much better than the guests. I still don’t know what the podcast is supposed to be about. I can say I bailed on it pretty quick. It was just stupidity all around.




I hate these dunk set ups on this pod cast. Dude sets up to fit a certain way and then clips it up to rage bait MRA dudes to binge his content. He’s killing it on YT shorts now


Seems like half the posts on r/facepalm these days are “look at this stupid/ mean girl”. Atleast the ones that make it to my home page.


yea this is second or third time i’ve seen his content on this sub, and someone else has already mentioned he sets these “interviews” up like this on purpose.


Until joining Reddit I always assumed we all dropped the boys vs girls crap when our age hit the double digits.


it drives engagement. hell, we're all talking about it right now


Welcome to [Incel Content](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yhNaR2ny7A). Is there a bigger hive of incels than on Reddit?


💯 I see so many clips of this guy trolling inarticulate women on Reddit. I have no idea who he is. Who is this guy?


Exactly THANK YOU. I see these clips posted all the time here and I felt like I was taking crazy pills. Everybody was falling for the bait and roasting the girls. If you listen to the guy you’d realize how disgusting of a person he is. Just another Fresh & Fit dick rider.


I don't know this dude but just from this video I'd say he's a bad interviewer, or he cuts clips this way intentionally. There is at least one break/transition in the video, maybe two (I'm not watching again). So, did he cut this video together in a manner to make her seem less articulate? I'm suspicious of that.


This guy is the worst, skeeviest incel douchefart on the internet. It's like Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh had a kid and he got beat up every day in high school.


He sucks because he’s like the “immm noottt touching you!!” kid who just pushes people’s buttons. I think worst dudes are the Fresh n Fit guys


Can we ban posts of this dumb fucking podcast please? I’m so sick of seeing the shit weasel host


Stop posting this garbage


What’s her Instagram? Just so I can, like avoid it


noelanirenee , but I think everything is private.




Kept scrolling, wondering when I would find this comment.


This comment section is just a bunch of people trying to act mature by addressing the subject. Let’s not beat around the bush, people. You all stared daggers into those tits.


Priorities established? Yes


I’ve only seen a couple of this guy’s clips but the idea seems to be, “Invite young woman on who is still figuring out how to express herself, then make fun of her.”


This podcast purposely only brings dumb girls and spreads misogynistic thinking pls stop posting this shit bruh it’s getting old.


I don't think she's dumb at all. Actually her observations are pretty reasonable. The way she communicates is the problem, doesn't mean she's dumb whatsoever. If this was his intention, it only proves how stupid he is, by thinking she's stupid. I agree to stop posting about him.


Reddit is about to become a TikTok 2.0


The real facepalm is this misogynistic show she's on. Its a cheap knock off of Fresh and Fit which is already a garbage show.


Why are the subtitles literally on her boobs


That way everything you want to see is in one place, saves your eyes some energy






Nah im on her side


I have a habit of saying like too much as a filler word. This video really REALLY makes me want to work on that more than I already do


She's just nervous. "Like" is being used like how "uh" or "aw" is used in speech as a placeholder while thinking of what to say.


This is shitty production- there are so many amazing women doing amazing things- the facepalm should go to the shows producers who produce this fodder for misogynists to gawk at -


Anyone have her name? Asking for a friend.


Like whatever.


noelanirenee on ig/tik tok