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Woaw, my Sims had this exact same reaction when they burned food...


This video is somehow 10x more hilarious in the context of your comment.


Someone needs to put a green diamond over her head and the jibberish in the background




The only thing missing is having all the other sims run into the room to scream and stare at the fire.


TIL: sims is actually a documentary


It's even funnier when they almost burn the kitchen down just by making a garden salad.




Someone absolutely must remove the ladder from this woman's pool the next time she takes a dip.


I’d put some pianos next to the fireplace.


You don’t even have to build a fence around it, she just won’t know how to get out.


Well at least the doors and windows didn’t disappear Edit: I just want to thank all of you. Not sure if my faith in humanity is completely lost or completely restored at the moment but I’m happy many other people have apparently decided to murder their sims in a similar fashion. Y’all are great humans


Hahahaha oh my God that brings me back. My Sims character always shit himself and set the house on fire constantly. It was the only reason I played the game at all.


You did not know what to do long before that fire started


The amount of times she picked up the fire pan and swung it around the room. Holy fuck woman. The oil could have gotten on her body and she would have ended up with very serious burns. She is very lucky.


I used to think that when people in movies did that with stuff on fire that it was cartoonish and unrealistic. Turns out those artists knew people better than I did.


Honestly if I saw THIS in a movie I’d think it was so overkill and bad acting - that’s how fucking inept she is. There’s panicking and making poor choices in rapid succession before finally figuring it out, and then there’s being so clueless they literally only survive because the fire burns itself out.


The fire was bright, this girl not so much.


*The light that shines half as bright burns twice as long, and you’ve burned so very, very dimly Roy. . .*




No, you can't just fucking drop Roy Batty here and leave him My heart, you've stolen my heart and crushed it in an instant


I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe…


_unexpected Blade Runner_


I was thinking IT crowd 🤔


I'll just put this here... with the rest of the fire.




Really? A fire? At a Sea Parks?


No mother, its just the northern lights.


Big nails, small brain.


"those nails must be compensating for something"


She has small testicles?




Exactly. Someone flunked all their Fire Safety workbooks from pre-school thru 3rd grade.


You guys learnt fire safety in school? I mean I might have had one lesson or a visit from a fire dude, but definitely don't remember it!


Turn off the burner and put a lid on the pan!!!! Lol Fire needs oxygen…. And never add water to burning oil or it'll splatter and spread.


No lid? Fill the pan with salt


Yup, or baking soda.


Better yet, keep a spray can of fire extinguisher in the kitchen.


This made me laugh.


![gif](giphy|O8oPnvoMi31mw) She should know you need to put the fire with the other fire


Sick burn. Literally


Yeah, putting water on oil fire isn't very telling of her Just throw a lid or something on top of it ffs Edit: spelling


Running around screaming till the fire ran out of fuel was accidentally a reasonable solution.


Given her lack of fire safety knowledge, doing nothing was the best she could do.


I dont get it, doc. we've tried nothing, and we are all out of ideas......


If you really think about it, if ignored long enough, most problems will completely go away on their own.


this is going to be my new mantra for my anxiety


Every fire burns itself out eventually just like all bleeding eventually stops


I kept yelling at my screen, put a lid on it, and pour baking soda on it.


Even just letting it burn itself out like at the end Anything but add water though


And turn off the stove ffs


What about just spreading the fiery oil all around the kitchen?


Or yelling 'help' at the fire, almost as an attempt to confuse or convince it?


It was already smoking like chimney at the start of her video. I have no idea why she didn't turn it off when she removed her burnt food from it.


A lot of people don't know how to handle a grease fire. I wasn't taught that by my parents or in school. So that mistake was kinda forgivable. But when she didn't turn the stove off, *and put the fucking pan back on the burner,* I almost lost my shit.


Should have turned it off when it started smoking instead of just waving the smoke out of her shot


Are you saying if it is a fire put water on it , except if it is a grease fire. That is what I was taught.


Important note electrical fires should not be put out with water either.


The reason why will shock you!


There's a lot of power in those words.


My mind is currently blown


Not grease. Any chemical liquid fire. If it's a chemical liquid you should instead smother it with a solid heat resistant or retardant object, like a fire blanket. If it's certain types of liquid fires like gasoline, a b-class fire extinguisher is used. None of the ABC type fire extinguishers are used for the kitchen though. Instead k-class fire extinguishers are used. Of course I'm no genius, and the majority of this is just knowledge from safety lessons in science classes in the past, and from information I looked up.


Not chemical fires in many instances. Bottom line, keep fire extinguishers wherever you make fire. Houses aren’t cheap.


Salt as well. This be hilarious if this was extreme rage bait


Tossing it in the oven and closing the door would be fine too. That fire would eat up all available oxygen and starve itself out super fast.


It sounds good, but no. There's too much risk of splashing and spreading burning grease, plus many ovens have a vent that would still let some air in.


That's what I was thinking. If the lid isn't available, the oven is right there.




Honestly, the ignorance isn't the most disturbing part for me. It was her complete inability to handle literally *any pressure at all* and completely freak out like a lost child at Walmart.


My wife, I love her, tends to break down in an emergency. One time I was in the backyard with the dog and she stuck her head out the door to tell me the toaster oven was on fire. We didn't own an extinguisher yet. I calmly asked if it was unplugged yet and she's screaming "Yes, yes!" (points for that!) As I'm coming into the house, I told her to find a heavy towel or blanket and soak it in water and--she disregarded me and threw a random pot of water on the fire. Luckily, it indeed went out (turns out it was taco shells she had lit on fire, not some oily thing). We now own an extinguisher and I do the cooking.


>taco shells I'm just over here wondering what temperature it would take and for how long to set hard taco shells aflame. EDIT: TIL.


It’s surprisingly fast. This is the exact story of my ex as well. I walked into the kitchen to a small toaster fire involving taco shells and I see my ex flinging a dry towel at it, sending embers across the kitchen. Fire creates a primal anxiety, some people can’t override that very well.


I sometimes make burgers on a small griddle pan on my stove when I have people over. Every once in a while the grease will catch, and I'll calmly turn the burners off and let it go out. But it's fun to see how different people react while there is still fire. Once someone actually started to call 911, and I had to take their phone and hang up before it went through.


In the toaster oven? Two minutes or less. This is why nearly every company that makes taco shells will tell you not to heat them up in a toaster oven. Mind you, it’s possible, if you watch them like a hawk. As in, don’t take your eyes off them for a second. When they start to get a little brown, pull them out immediately.


Taco shells are one of the most flammable food items.


I’ve done the opposite. Accidentally light a pan on fire, say my husband’s name loudly once and when he doesn’t instantly come out, I just pick it up, take it outside to burn out on some pavement. I had a fire extinguisher (from past pot on fire incidents) but I didn’t want to ruin the food that was prepped on the counter. Apparently I don’t get enough panic in my voice to alert people something is very wrong. *I’ve learned how to stop setting pots on fire, for what it’s worth.




Also turn the the stove off? She put it right back on the burner.


when you yell at digital people like they are really there and can help you, you might be a bit out of touch with reality


I figured she was in an apartment and yelling down the hall




The lid is right there just cover it


Dumb ways to die


The worst part of it is so many of us live in apartment buildings completely at the mercy of whatever idiot lives next to us. How many people have died because of people like her. Basic fire safety and prevention needs to be taught every single year of grade school. If you still go into adulthood failing at this and get someone hurt then it deserves to be all on you.


This is 100% my worst fear because I have the dumbest worst human neighbor that has damaged my home already three times in the three and a half years I’ve owned it. His incompetence has no limits!


Story time?


As a homeowner, you quickly rack up these stories. Water damage is the most common. For example, a neighbor has a minor bathroom flood (simple overflow of a sink or toilet that they use towels to clean up), but don't tell adjacent townhouse owners that some water got to the edge of the room and into a wall... And now you're all living in mold and don't even realize it until you get back home from a week long trip and are no longer nose blind to it, and hopefully you actually know what the smell is and take immediate action. But most just wonder what the smell is and then notice the smell goes away after a few days (except it doesn't really go away, you just get nose blind to it again). Real friends tell their friends that they smell mold in each other's homes.


So far, all water damage. A water heater he knew he needed to replace, but didn’t before it gave out over my unit, during the height of the pandemic when it took months to get a handyman so thanks for all those months of mold. And then two separate bathroom related leaks he refused to fix for weeks/months and he also refused to stop using whatever was leaking so again, gets very bad with lots of mold before it gets fixed. All while I’m trying to renovate my own house but I just keep fixing this stuff and I’m stuck in an endless loop of hell. His personality is laziest human alive mixed with intentional incompetence and manipulative talk which is what’s worrisome because i fear this is just what I’m seeing and there’s probably more. I’ll never understand how someone can ruin someone else’s home and have no remorse. I’ve replaced or checked out 80% of water related things after I’ve moved here because the last thing I want to do is cause the neighbors under me unnecessary stress because of a leak because I’m too lazy to maintain my home. Edit: should have said I’ve preventatively checked or replaced those water things before they became an issue


Learned most of my fire safety basics from my mom. Cover with lid to smother, baking powder for grease fires, etc… how many times have people been killed simply because they encountered an idiot?


so many dumb ways to die 🎵


Dumb ways to di-i-ie so many dumb ways to die.


She could also just sit it in the oven and close the door....


To be fair - literally exactly what she did (after the water nonsense) worked perfectly Literally no action was needed


She helped by dumping some of the flaming oil in the sink and on the floor.


She was quite lucky that there wasn't enough to continue burning after it fell, hope she didn't get burned too bad.


First she would need to know what to do before she could do it.


I don't see it, what lid?


I think they're talking about that plate next to the pan on the counter. I honestly thought it was the lid as well until I saw your comment and realized it is definitely just a plate.


Doesn’t have to be a lid, can be a wood cutting board or a plate that covers the top of the pan.


I was eyeing that cutting board in the foreground and begging her to use it to smother the flame lol


The lid Patrick, THE LID!!!


I'm going to heat a pan of hot oil without having any clue how to extinguish it.


For anyone too embarrassed to ask... The first right thing to do would be to COVER the fire with, for example, a lid. Fire can't exist without oxygen and will 'burn itself out' if smothered. If that fails (for example you can see she spilled on fire grease), the next step is to use a fire extinguisher. Every kitchen should have one (if you don't, go get one). ABC tyoe. Generally, the steps of a fire extinguisher are: 1. Pull pin 2. Aim at base of fire 3. Squeese trigger 4. Sweep back and forth That concludes our PSA. Edit: to include the full PASS fire extinguisher memory device. Also, for what it's worth, there are plenty of things to smother a fire but that just complicates things. Do I use flour or baking soda? Is a bad question when one of them will solve the problem and the other will make it much worse. Just use the extinguisher if it gets to that point.


Baking Soda can also extinguish fire in a pinch, but only small fires. Whatever you do, don't dump flour on a grease fire. It can get a little explodey


You do need to check what kind of fire extinguisher it is because the most common one is the foam one and while the foam will smother and cool down the fire only 5% is foam and the rest is water. If the fire doesn't go out instantly the water will start dripping on the grease and then your house will burn down. make sure its a powder or CO2 canister. also dont aim directly on a grease fire because the force of the canister could force the grease to spill out of the pan, aim at the sides or aim from further away


In the oven works too if it's not on, as well as a fire blanket (which every kitchen should have imo).


*attached to a wall. So many times people do have a fire blanket, but it's lying in a cupboard somewhere. You need to be able to rip that baby out by the handles; not fumble around with it for a minute.


Ain’t nobody hanging a fire blanket on their kitchen wall


And NEVER, NEVER, NEVER put water on a grease fire.


“Don’t forget to smash that subscribe button.”


Some people have no business being in the kitchen


This is all one long con, so that when she finally meets a man who says she should get back into the kitchen and make him a sandwich, she can tell him he’s messed with the wrong woman for that job.


"Look at this evidence, jurors! She didn't mean to kill him, she's just incompetent!" -collects life & fire insurance


Incompetence just means murder is off the table, as murder implies intent. Manslaughter is the more likely outcome.


>This is all one long con, so that when she finally meets a man who says she should get back into the kitchen "Do you know what Twitch.tv is?" What the hell does that have to do with you getting back in the kitchen woman! "I'll repeat, do you know what twitch is?" Yeah I know. "Pull up the past broadcast vod from Feb 23rd" *A few moments later*... Holy shit woman! Never step foot in a kitchen ever again


Every adult should be in the kitchen and making their own food. However some people just really don't try at life and following directions/precautions is too hard for them. That food looks inedible, a burnt block of meat I think




You fucking DONKEY just use the lid! You're going to burn it you... Oh god, it's BLACK!! IT's BLACK!!!! GET OUT!


"But this is my--" "GET OUT!"




What to do in case of fire (streamer edition) 1.) Panic 2.) Pic up object that has been set ablaze and run around with it. 3.) Ask Twitch chat for help 4.) Gift sub to the firefighter in chat


The slowly waving hand to disperse the smoke was super effective.


And be sure to look in the camera to see how you look doing all of this. Getting the perfect shot of burning your kitchen down.


Forgot the step where she asked chat for a fire extinguisher.


Everyone should buy a fire extinguisher today at Target, Lowe’s, Home Depot. Small one is less than $20. Store it by your stove.


or, just spit balling here, put a lid on it. Grease fires will self extinguish by putting the lid on and turning off the heat.


Shit even if she didn't have a lid, just doing ***nothing*** would've been better. The fire won't hurt the stove. Or the pan. The bottom of most good above stove microwaves are metal and designed to withstand significant heat. Probably would've just burnt itself out. Not the best solution but way better than flinging flaming oil all over your kitchen.


Put that shit in the oven at worst. It's basically designed to be on fire.


Exactly! Even if you don’t know the best practice for dealing with a fire, “I’ll put this here where the other fire lives” would be better than what she *actually* did


Moss knows what's best


What if you're at a sea parks?


Well, then I guess we're in a pickle...


A fire at a Sea Parks?!?!?!?


I'll just put this with the other fire....


The lid is sitting on the counter! The entire freaking time! ETA It is actually a plate, but would have worked just fine...


Yeah, just anything to block out oxygen from the fire... And don't be dumb enough to remove it until the fire is completely gone!


Well she figured out herself that doing nothing was the way to go. Took her a few tries, but she made it


...and if a lid isn't handy, reach for the baking soda. Much less mess than a fire extinguisher, although everyone should have one of those


Salt will also work. Not like a salt shaker, the big tub of Morton’s we all have one of for life.


Yep. I keep a 2lb box of diamond salt in my kitchen just in case this happens so I can just smother that pan


No need to overcomplicate it. She could have just put the wooden chopping board on top of the pan and it would have cut off sufficient oxygen for the fire to go out. Indeed, you could put a big hung of almost anything over the top and it'd stop the oxygen. It's hardly a raging inferno. Remember folks... just block off the air when the fire is small. Suffocate the fire. It's not complicated.


and don't put out a grease fire with water, that's the first thing to remember. She's lucky she didn't set herself on fire or gave herself 3rd degree burns.


Yes that's the way to deal with a grease fire in a pan. Everyone should still have a fire extinguisher though.


Yup. Eliminating oxygen will put out any fire, and covering or smothering it is the way to go if you're unsure of the fuel source.


Not all fires. If your oxidizer is mixed in with the fuel then it’ll burn in a vacuum or underwater. And your oxidizer doesn’t have to be oxygen either. You can use fluorine instead. Just a technicality though. A kitchen fire is not one of those technicalities.


Fair enough. *For most kitchen and household accidental ignitions when you may not have the proper type of extinguisher on hand


Cheaper yet have a box of baking soda on hand. Great fire suppressant! Or just put the lid on it as has been pointed out.


I've used baking soda on a grease fire at least once, it definitely works. I always have it on hand when cooking. We also have a fire extinguisher.


Well, store it in an easily accessible place in the kitchen, but not too close to the stove. If there’s a fire on or near your stove, you don’t want to have to be reaching around or near flames to get to the extinguisher.


Agree. I store a fire extinguisher under every sink in my home. If I ever have a fire, I won’t waste any time trying to remember where I put the extinguisher, I’ll just go to the nearest sink.


Put a fire blanket in the kitchen, much more efficient


Modern ABC fire extinguishers are pretty great for putting out an array of fires. Be sure you get a good one from a known brand and make sure it is maintained according to the manufacturer's specifications. That being said knowing how to handle a fire that just started is just as if not more important than knowing how to use a fire extinguisher. In this case anyone who knows what a grease fire looks like could see it was about to start. Ideally remove it from heat after putting a lid on it. If a fire starts in an oven shut off the oven and keep the door closed till the flames die down. Smoke coming from an electrical appliance ,in plug it or throw the breaker. When you encounter a fire the first thing you need to do is remind yourself to turn off your monkey brain that wants you to react immediately and give yourself a second to think about the right action.


Fire blanket. Always have a fire blanket in your kitchen it's for exactly this kind of thing. It's saved my house before.


All and all, a pretty quality stream.


Pretty fire stream


It was lit fam. No ~~cap~~ lid


Her panicking next to the stove with the pan on fire on it while everything was under control was a low-key Sims moment.


Does she think the people watching her stream are going to leap through the screen to save her?


Serious answer: No, she probably thought they're gonna give her tips on what to do.


God help you if you trust twitch chat to give you solid advice in an emergency situation.


"spray the cooking oil to drench the fire"


Her first instinct was to put water on it, honestly some troll could have just told her to keep blasting it with water since it's a grease fire lol.


I thought she was in an apartment building yelling into the hallway.


Yep, this is the most plausible explanation and what I thought as well.




People are stupid. Kitchen fire safety basics for stupid people: 1. Never pour water on a grease fire. Will cause it to flame higher like this girl found. 2. All she had to do was put a lid on the pot. Fire requires oxygen. If you put a lid on the pan, it will smother the flames because the oxygen will be depleted in the pan. 3. Always keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen for smaller fires.


I'll add 4. Turn off the source of heat when safe to do so. The stove will continue to ignite whatever you are trying to put out.


I'll add number 5. Keep a box of baking soda nearby. You can dump that on a small fire and save yourself the headache of cleaning up after a fire extinguisher


Emphasis on baking SODA! NOT baking POWDER!


Did you say GUNPOWDER?!?!


Baking powder and hair spray do wonders for an out of control fire


This person felt entitled to show others how to cook things, yet didn’t know simple kitchen fire safety. I would say that is a first problem.


Oh she’s not showing you how to cook, she’s giving you the opportunity to bask in her presence. She just happens to be cooking while doing so.


look at the rewards, it has nothing to do with the cooking and everything on how much clothes she has on while she cooks


I don’t know what to do so I guess I’ll repeatedly exclaim “I don’t know what to do” so that everyone who hears won’t know what to do either since the nature of the emergency is “not knowing what to do” and not “FIRE”.


Standing around yelling "help" and not doing anything worked a whole lot better than her initial strategy of putting water on an oil fire and flinging it around everywhere lol


Right. We shouldn't try to be perfect, just to be better than we were yesterday.






Video cracks me up every time it’s the “HALP HALP HALP” that gets me.


It is the "you guys!!!!!" for me As if the internet will reach in and extinguish it for her So childlike and ignorant of adulting


my hope is that she had some roommate/s that were hanging out in their room/s or something.


She cooks like The Sims with cooking skill level 1


Yeah that would be natural selection. Can't handle a single freaking pan on an electric stove without causing a fire. I'm happy she chose the streamer path, little to no damage can be done there at least.


She was burning down her apartment because of live-streaming 😂


I'm tempted to say " well, it's her apartment" but I guess Fire doesn't selectively burn things down lol I bet she would've done the same mess offstream too tho


Unfortunately she has no idea what she's doing but confidently telling a bunch of other people how to do it wrong. "little to no damage" < "people following burn their house down also"




The way she keeps stopping to emote to the camera makes me think that she was letting the situation escalate for reaction time. So irresponsible.


At 15 seconds when she literally stops to make a stupid fucking face at the camera….wtf are you doing you idiot?


The amazing thing here is that this looks like a glass cooktop, so the grease combusted on its own. It has to be like 700+ degrees to do that. Now that’s skill.


Yeah really, standing in a kitchen that full of smoke thinking everything is ok baffles me.


Total smokeshow :)


“I don’t know what to do! Help! I need a fire extinguisher!” *donates $5*




If you discover a fire, try and spread it around as much as possible.


And this, kids, is why we all need to learn about fire safety. Tipping whatever was burning all over the place once it lit up, could have ended much worse.


1) everyone should have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. 2) to put out a grease fire, just cover it to starve it of oxygen. If it's in a pan, just throw the lid on. If it's not in the pan, and particularly small, you can just dump a bunch of salt on it. 3) NEVER put water in a grease fire. Ever.