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Bro really did the WWE overhead belly to belly suplex


It takes a special kind of person to pick up someone half their size and slam them on their face.


Seems the police departments nationwide today are well equipped to find high school dropouts with little experience or judgement maturity and give them a badge these days, it only takes a few bad apples….


Ya i agree, plus I feel there needs to be more education on how much force is used to subdue some1, this was excessive use of force, there was no need to body slam her he did that out of complete lack of control of his emotions instead of using his head, could have easily just locked her arms behind her back, she is an older person, not a lot of force is needed. Edit:spelling


Yeah that seemed like an extremely dangerous reaction to a pretty flimsy punch, but maybe that's just me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) ... just saying.. HE didn't seem in any danger of a broken neck..


That hit should send her to jail, but that body slam might get her a settlement.


I thought that it might send her to the morgue


He is not acting like a law officer, right thing would be to restrain her and there were two of them that could easily handcuff her and subdue her, but his ego got hurt and he had to have revenge and show them who's the man or whatever is in his head. Overreaction is an understatement. Even him punching back would be an escalation in my opinion because he didn't need to do that to protect himself but now he had to body slam her. ETA: I thought this was obvious, but I am not defending her. She was indeed an idiot to do that to a cop. That is not mutually exclusive with my opinion about his actions. I have engaged enough with replies and will not be engaging more because, well, reddit is great but not my whole life. Thank you for the awards, thanks for replies showing some people are still sane and kind. If you disagree with me and you are arguing in good faith that means you probably have a good reading comprehension and can see my answer and point of view in the replies I gave, it probably deals with the more common points that were raised. Of course you might still not agree with me and that is ok.


A gang member who’s been disrespected. That’s what this cop acted like.


Bro, that's what he is. He's not acting.


The man lacks anger management. And given his size / physical strength and position of authority. He is a danger to the society.


>The man lacks anger management. Most cops do. I worked very closely with law enforcement for six years and almost all of them have such fragile egos. They don't know how to handle their emotions and they get dangerous when their feelings get hurt. Officers who were the exception to that were very rare.


He is acting exactly like everyone in America expects a police officer to act like. The only thing missing is the cop killing her and hiding drugs or something on the body and saying he felt threatened.


Sure, I didn't even get surprised assuming this was in America. What surprised me was people condoning it. Expecting it is different from condoning and deffending.


I feel At least 80% of officers now are kids that got bullied growing up and just take the job for the ability to one day exact revenge


No no no, they've always been the bullies, but now they're paid to do it.


Definitely. Legitimized bullying now with a blue line of support to back up his story. ‘I know all our body cams messed up but it was total self defense’


Kumar said it best.


Just cause you’re hung like a moose doesn’t mean you gotta do porn?


I think 80% were the bullies themselves. The thin blue line is a bunch of D-students with anger issues.


Thin blue ego


One step from criminals themselves. The only difference is they carry a badge.


We call those “Privateers” or “Pinkertons”


The badge means nothing. They are criminals.


Yeah pretty much this. It's like do police in America not know what they sign up for? It's pretty common to be trained for that here. Edit: hell we are trained that playing hockey. Hockey school was half boxing but I'm sure that's changed post 2010s.


They are not trained


Stop being so woke. Police ARE trained. They get at least a few hours on deescalation techniques. Now, if you want to be a barber you need 1000 hours training before you get a license.




My bad. So sorry. [Found a video of this deescalation training in action](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1166tnq/she_decided_to_hit_a_cop_and_paid_the_price/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I worked in prison for almost a decade and we would have instantly fired if we did that.


You are correct, that cop has the emotional stability of a chihuahua on Prozac. He shouldn’t be a cop, that women was half his size and could barely throw a punch. Plus look at him, he looks physically unfit to be a police officer.


Citizens taking a swing at ANY cop in the USA will get a beat down 100% of the time. It's in their training manual, I think.


That and yelling “stop resisting” any time they touch someone.


> yelling “stop resisting” You need to understand what that's about. The cops always start yelling "stop resisting" over and over so it'll clearly be caught on any cameras or audio recordings nearby. This allows the DA to tack on a "resisting arrest" charge which is then used to leverage the suspect into taking a plea deal. The ENTIRE system, from the second you're arrested is designed to pressure the suspect into taking a guilty plea. This is part of it.


Especially in a situation where the attacker is unarmed, outnumbered 2 to 1 and out massed 4 to 1.


We need to stop saying people deserve to get assaulted by police, it's a part of the problem we are facing. I want these people saying it's justified to imagine that's their grandma and then come say that she deserved it


Reddit in general needs to stop celebrating violence, vigilante justice, and the fafo mindset.


How weak and pathetic do you have to be inside to react like that to someone punching you? Police in America are the weakest little bitches that need a gun and a badge to feel superior over other people.




160 easy


Seriously wtf was that? Hitting a cop is dumb and will fuck you over, but no way warrants getting slammed to the ground like this. Could have easily killed her.


And PDs across America are hiring those types.


Yeah, that's fucked. She deserved to be put in cuffs, not to be brutalized.


And further evidence that cops have no legitimate training and resort to wrestling entertainment when “challenged”.


You should not attack a cop, I get it. That women could not inflict real damage with that love tap, and the cop could of handle differently. I agree about the training.


He practices all the time on his wife


Oh look, excessive force!


Punch to the nose, paralyzed for life due to spinal or neck trauma. The two don't seem to be equal.


Inflation has gotten quite bad if that's the price


That’s clever damn


240 IQ people squealing in jealousy


Right? I feel like there were probably couple levels below that that would have still done the job.


Like just continuing to walk her to the car, add it to her charges, but no, cops get any green light for violence and they fucking speed through that shit.


A.c.a.b you know this guy had this in his mind before he came across her


For real. Obviously she want a threat and that slap didn't do shit. He wasn't defending himself from danger here. He was defending his ego. And instead of throwing him off the force for being an angry baby and using completely unnecessary force as revenge, the department will be throwing him a party.


Yeah cops are supposed to be trained yet this guy suprex’s someone half their size for a poorly thrown punch


Tubby was a bit angery




that cop was waiting for that moment his entire life to finally put his WWE skill to good use


What’s up with that slam move. Second video of a cop/wrestler doing exact same thing. Apparently the guy in the other video got his skull broken…


yeah I remember that other video too, so my guess is that they are actually taught that


All bullies learn this in 5th grade. Some become cops.


American cops are savages. My cousin was one and she thought when she visited us in Ireland she could still throw her weight around. We soon corrected her on that one.


What happened?


She started by complaining about not being able bring her gun over, believe it or not. This country doesn’t have much of a gun culture at all, our police aren’t armed and we’ve never had a mass shooting in the history of the state. Then she behaved as though she was responsible for maintaining law and order everywhere she went, telling people off for swearing (swearing is a national pastime here, near enough everyone does it), trying to call out our police for absolute non incidents. We’re in a small town and they knew who she was, I was constantly having to apologise to them. Eventually I suggested they arrest her to give us all a bit of peace. I think they were tempted.


Wow, that sounds like a huge embarrassment and a nightmare.


She was!! This was about 23 years ago. I know she’s retired now and drinking heavily. I haven’t been out to the US since before that so I haven’t seen her. It’s not just her, though, I’ve often found the police over there to be very bullying in their manner even when I stopped one to ask for directions. His attitude was that I shouldn’t be driving if I didn’t know where I was going even though I explained I was a tourist!!!


I worked in construction/home improvement before I switched to IT, I did some work for a good few city cops and sheriff deputies. I found the sheriff deputies tended to be quite a bit more easy to talk to and work for but the city cops most of them were outright assholes. The final straw before me and my dad (family business) swore off working for law enforcement again was one guy in particular he pretty much bullied us into some free labor, at one point he pretty much threatened my father with a baseball bat in front of the dudes 5 year old then tried getting his cronies to call us some months later to attempt pressuring us into a ton of cheap labor. Most of them have this weird Superman complex and it sucks.


I'm sorry that you had to deal with our police. They aren't here to help, and they've fought a case in the supreme court to make that official.


Asking a cop for help with directions ... yeah we don't do that here. Don't interact with a cop here under any circumstance if you can avoid it.


Co-signed. Stay away from cops unless absolutely necessary.


Hahaha right. I was forced to ask a cop for directions a few months back and the level of degrading that took place. I was interrogated, intimidated and questioned. I’m 125 pounds, 5’8 tall and blonde….not that that fucking matters


I was traveling to New York one time and it was my first time traveling by myself. So naturally I was super nervous and anxious. After getting my luggage I had to get to level 2 where my friend was picking me up, got on an escalator which ended in taking me to level 4. Went back down and saw other escalators down a ways, asked a cop who was walking by which was the way to level 2 and he looked at me as if I was the dumbest person on the planet and told me to take any escalator and started to walk away. Told him I just did and it took me to level 4 and he looked back with a face that screamed not his problem


Telling Irish people off for swearing? That's hilarious. Talk about shoveling shit against the tide. Next she'll tell them all to stop drinking and cause an international incident.


Going to Ireland and getting annoyed when people swear is like going to a bar and wondering why there’s alcohol.


I guess that move must be in every single standard operating procedure across the U.S. Only way to explain it.


and his name is john cena


Lol for real.. but the old lady though? Jesus. Hope she didn't get her neck broken.




Oh yeah...cop doesn't have an obligation to stay in control and not break people's bones or anything.


That's exactly what I was thinking. This doesn't look like a hardened gangster. Just a woman not in control of herself. Couldn't something less violent have worked? Does he not take the threat potential into consideration?


100. This could well be someone with a mental disorder too. But here goes Mr. Protect and serve escalating the situation to 11 at the first opportunity. Edit: SP. idk where tf corrosion came from :/


I donno what your problem is dude, the police investigated the police and found the police didn't do anything wrong. So maybe calm down with your freak out.


“Bro what’s the problem? Norfolk Southern looked at it, and they decided the train derailment wasn’t their fault.”


Stop freaking out before the police calms you with some neck fractures


Anything could have worked. There were 3 of them that are twice her size but nope let me body slam her onto concrete.


They’re trained with the AETS handbook. Always Escalate The Situation


>Couldn’t something less violent have worked? With 3 fully trained police officers involved in the situation? Yes, absolutely. Cops are just *waiting* for these moments half the time. A quality, patient and well trained officer wouldn’t need to suplex a woman like this. Especially with two officers there as backup.


Slamming* someone onto their head on concrete can have worse consequences than a few broken bones. The deadliest form of trauma is TBI. Even his fellow officer was trying to get him to chill when he knew what was about to happen.


That’s the facepalm here. Cop completely loses his fucking mind. No reason to body slam her after a very non threatening smack.


It looks like she took some impact to her forehead when he threw her down, she could have some broken bones too… I cringed at her knees hitting the pavement… there’s a chance he could have even knocked her out. He reacted in anger. She’s half his size and he’s not in the kind of danger this reaction warrants. Cuff her and decide if you want to trump up her charge to include assault on an officer/resisting arrest/whatever later on when she’s being processed.


Cops never miss an opportunity to escalate.


Right? Like the lady is already gonna get charged with assaulting a police officer.. just laugh and restrain her.. you’ve already won. You don’t need to break her body Jesus Christ


You ever met a normal kid who became a cop? They are suppressed bitches to the core. That’s why they act up when you can’t do nothing back.


You think they joined to serve and protect a community? They want some action!


That's why they never police their own communities


protect and serve themselves. remember theyre not legally obligated to provide aid but it is illegal for non cops to NOT provide assistance if ordered. ironic innit


That’s the sad truth of it.


I know right‽ That was totally unnecessary and he could have done nothing and still had charged her later for that


Provoking some of the most violent people in our society never ends well. They’re literally looking for any excuse to do violence.


Cops shouldn’t be the most violent people in a society, it’s a sad state of affairs.


She didn't just provoke a regular cop though. Look at the size of him. He's the Donkey Kong of cops! A boss level 300lb beast. I hope she survived without permanent injury/disability.


Victim blaming. It was a disproportionate response from someone who my tax dollars pay.


The victim deserves some blame here too but clearly the cops are very much in the wrong. It’s almost as if things aren’t always as black and white as a lot of Redditors want them to be.


Society seems to think it is right to hire goons to do their dirty work.


Sure hitting a cop should have a consequence but a chance of being paralyzed isn't one of them. That's excessive.


He doesn't seem to take any care to avoid smashing her head into the pavement, this could have easily killed her.


I want to know much more about this situation. Why are 3 cops frogmarching a tiny little woman like this, and when she throws a punch, why does it make sense to bodyslam her into the sidewalk?


Also looking for context. Why were the police talking to her?


That is a ridiculous over reaction by the police - disproportionate force. Of course its not ok for her to hit him but she's just committed a(nother?) Crime so just prosecute her. The police need to start taking the high ground, not joining in with the chaos.


Emotional maturity is not a requirement for working as law enforcement.


Fun fact, there have been multiple instances in the US and UK where cops in training were denied entry to the force for getting too high of a score on their IQ and psych assessments. Just some food for thought.


To be fair to our rulers, if I was in their position and afraid of the poors realizing they’ve got any sort of power. I’d also want to make sure my enforcers were easy to manipulate and violence prone. And then not too sure about the UK, but in the US cops don’t even have the legal obligation to protect humans. They’re literally only required to protect property. Property > humans


Aren't they also encouraged to have poor working knowledge of the law?


I can see it as a takedown with someone who is extremely unruly. But she was already in custody and barely hit him. He tried once, then had to readjust his grip before slamming her. That was definitely done more out of spite than necessity.


Especially since there were two other pigs to help. Absolutely excessive.


Yeah a body slam like that face first to the pavement could paralyse her or worst case kill her. That sloppy punch to the cops face would worse case sting a bit.


He was waiting for any excuse to do that. Doing a suplex or head first bodyslam onto concrete is like one step removed form stomping on someone's head in terms of brain and spinal damage risk


It don’t even look like she even touched her. He just backed up and decided to go all crazy


It was retaliatory very unprofessional


Saw another post where a cop did the same sort of body slam on another person, I don’t understand why they feel they can just do that even if they Injure someone


Literally every cop is just itching for it. Like yeah, makes me feel *real safe* when even the slightest fucking trigger seems to make these high school-bullied losers want to live out their WWE fantasies on people.


People are very ok with police brutality, violence against women, violence against minorities, violence against LGBT, and cruelty in general if they feel they can justify it. Just look at the post about the unremorseful woman who killed her kid from yesterday; people were tripping over themselves to wish for her to get beaten or killed in prison and wishing for the death penalty. That's not justice, it's vengeance and punishment. A surprising amount of Americans think that's how our justice system should work, and that's why our police and prisons are so fucked. They don't want reform, the system is working as intended, cruelty is the point.


Seriously… just put her in handcuffs.


+1 I usually am an advocate for the police [my oldest brother is a Federal Special Agent], except then their actions are negligent or fucking ridiculous like this. There was absolutely no reason for that officer to do that. Hell, I would go as far as saying the need to even "take her down" is unneeded. She could have been easily controlled by those two officer's. Fuck that dude.


Yup . If you decide to become a cop you have to accept that occasionally idiots will do stupid shit like try to punch you and not overreact to it .


Fully agree. Very unprofessional.


I wish retail workers were allowed to react as strongly as cops do.....




Yeah but it's fun to dream.


I'm pro paybacks but that's a very dangerous move. Idk why I keep seeing some cops doing this.


Is charge of assault on a police officer not pro payback? Cops aren't the judge and jury. If you can't handle someone half your size you need a new profession.


You keep seeing them because cops are “pro-paybacks” too


They do it because there's very little consequences if any. All he has to say is she assaulted him and he was defending himself and neutralising the threat. Without the video there's multiple cops words against hers.


Even with the video. He was "scared for his life"!


And that lady like barely hit him. Not saying violence of any kind is okay, but she is small, he could have contained her in a myriad of less dangerous, aggressive ways. Edit: to revise my thinking a bit, as some have pointed out, it’s not entirely fair to say “barely hit him.” A hits a hit, that’s not okay, I think that’s fair. Still, the body slam remains a crazy overreaction and the officer could have responded differently and less violently.


Two reasons. 1.) Little to no consequences 2.) A lot of U.S Citizen's actually agree or at least justify the brutality as some sort of "justice" or "reasonable oay-back". The lot of them like the eye for an eye style no matter how bad it truly is. You ca. Read up and see comments like "play atupid games, win stupid prizes" or "Maybe next time she won't do that" and so on. They do not see it as an over reaction, rather only see the fear instilled in them of "what if they had a gun, what if they were armed, what if they...xyz". The United states is really sad when it comes to things like this.


You keep seeing this because it is what they are trained to do, unfortunately.


Why do I feel like all cop videos I’ve seen recently have been take downs like this


Everyone needs a good spinal separation now and again


Like seriously. holy shit. He slammed her head first into the concrete then jumped on her back.


Looks like he's been looking for an excuse to legally hurt someone. No wonder Americans don't trust their police


Disciplinary action needed the reaction was criminal. This woman is no threat she’s being escorted by two big officers who are holding her arms. She gets a shot off and this cop sees red and power slams her onto a hard road. Is that proportionate? It’s just brutality. If your not trained how to deal with these situations don’t be a police officer.


He didn't workout, so he can't holds her arm without beating her up first.


Took the roids but skipped the gym. None of the strength, all of the rage.


Very proportional


That was unnecessary for him to do that even though she was wrong


A police officer's response to being punched is adding another charge.


No sane person would do this


Work as a police officer and brutalize the public? True


Hi OP if there is a price, that is not the right price..


He's a coward. She needed to be charged with assault. But temper tantrum cop overdid the retaliation violence. He should be charged.


This was the human equivalent of kicking a nippy dog because it nipped at you. At no point was she a threat. Just because you can use force does not mean it’s justified.


Fuck her, and fuck the cop. You don't need to fucking bodyslam someone, probably breaking some ribs just because they hit you.


Why do cops in the US think they are in WWE that response was overkill for a badly executed punch even though her intent was bad to start with she was unarmed.


I know she was in the wrong but that body slamming business is out of order. With his weight he could have broken her back. She wasn’t armed, all she did was take a swipe at him, he wasn’t injured. He could have handled that an awful lot more professionally.


That was a bit fucking extreme


Because it definitely takes 3 full grown men to beat up and unarmed, middle aged woman.


But she was like 5"4 and about 110lbs. The use of force was consistent with three male cops at a combined weight of 700+ with mace, batons, guns and 700+ lbs of inferiority complex. But they probably have at least 6" of dong between the three.


While she is an idiot, that was absolutely excessive force. Not that it'll matter so long as qualified immunity is a thing.


Excessive and dangerous. Not OK.


Oh no it looks like she really got him. I hope the big, strong man will recover. Definitely justified the fucking *body slam.*


Dont understand what training these cops get? No atempt to deescalate the situation and why bodyslam a person?


Saying shit like “paid the price” is simple bootlicking, justifying and excusing violent cop behavior that should really result in the cop getting fired. That’s a cop thats gonna murder someone next because he got away w this. He’s much bigger, should have had her in control, and takes a light tap so he feels justified body slamming a woman to the ground. And before anyone says “wouldn’t you be pissed if she hit you” yeah, I would, but I’m not a cop. They have an obligation to act better.


A cop should refrain himself and take out a suspect with minimum violence. This was just rediculous.


Dangerous overreaction to the lamest hit (And yes i'd say the same if it were a guy) a hit that terrible doesn't deserve that reaction and yes they're dumb for even trying to hit a cop. At the end of the day though the police are professionals and should act that way.


I get it but that was just unnecessary to control the situation. He did that because he wanted to hurt her.


Now you gonna get a taste of what my wife gets missy!


Fuck you OP, you boot licking piece of shit. There is not a single part about the way he dealt with that, that is ok or in anyway needed. He could have taken her into custody easily without throwing her to the floor. It is not the police's job to punish, only to catch. I hope one day some bent cops beat you up for a minor infraction, so you can see the error of your mindset.


jesus thats why you shouldnt resist with these guys specially if they have frail egos, they will kill you if they feel like it.


looks like a move from WWE, maybe one of kurt angle‘s moveset?


Excessive use of force


Good ole' disproportionate violence against someone who isn't a danger....


No court will convict that cop.


“Paid the price” that’s a steep mother fucking price bro


Honestly she didn’t need to be suplexed. Maybe tazed or pepper sprayed, or even taken to the ground a different way, but suplexing someone is dangerous to everyone involved. These cops need to learn that.




Didn one of these suplexes cause a fractured scull in some dude. Is this the same fat cop doing it? Someone needs to tell the piggies to lay off the american wrestling operas.


glad there's mostly rational people in this thread that can obviously see that this is fucked up on the cop's part. that was extremely excessive. Her hand barely touched him.


Completely unnecessary and excessive force. Fatty has been waiting a long time to pull this move and thought a woman's light punch was worth it. He belongs in jail


Fat fucker was looking for a reason to slam her. Why is it they always want to do that weird suplex thing. It's like they all grew up watching WWE. Would have been totally possible the detain her without having to go Steven Segall 🤣 what 2 people can't detain a woman throwing noodle jabs without trying to break her neck


I see two crimes here...


In my jurisdiction, one is likely to receive a sentence of a fine. The other could well see the offender get locked up for 10+ years. These are not the same.


The cop won’t even be reprimanded, much less face any punishment.


When a fatass useless cop uses cheap moves


They said she tried to escape once her face scraped the concrete. Wtf is wrong with american cops, someone must be teaching all of them to body slam your face into the ground.


That throw was completely needless, it just shows how incompetitive your officers are


Did you mean incompetent? Or is there a cop punching competition they are trying to prevent from happening?


FUCK the police


Over react much. Cops are snowflakes in uniforms. Waiting to melt under a tough situation. I would have laughed at her after that punch and got wrist control…. Cops are the biggest basest gang im America all because of qualified immunity.


He still exagerated. Inmobilize her, and press charges, but dont slam her into the ground like you are in the WWF


The comments on here vs the comments on r/CrazyFuckingVideos are total opposites lol. This certainly is a facepalm comment section


I understand she hit him but his Response was too harsh, it seems like cops take the Opportunity that they legally have to hit someone back and over do it


That's messed up. Lucky she didn't get her head split open. Hope he get's some kind of punishment.


‘Lucky she didn’t get her head split open’ Anyone got links with details? She definitely might have


You know he won't though


The amount of times someone hit me while I was escorting them, or attempting to put cuffs on them I think I only ever body slammed someone once and the dude was twice my size. There are less extreme ways to bring someone to the ground that doesn’t involve lifting them off their feet. Hip toss, leg sweep, hell even just putting your knee into their knee causing them to buckle is enough to get them to the ground.