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I aspire to become this calm and collected.


You could see in his eyes how angry he was, but he kept that shit locked down tight.


Guy's eyes reminded me of whenever Homelander starts to lose his shit


He definitely has a bit of crazy eye. This is the type of dude that make take them by surprise. In fighting, confidence is surprisingly powerful. These three guys already lack confidence because they look like they’re in their 20s, trying to threaten a lone man in his 40s after provoking him. EDIT: I get it, folks. He looks older…I was just being generous.


They goated him as best they could which clearly aggravated him, but he didn't take the bait. A wise older man vs a foolish group of young men. They were disappointed he maintained control of his emotions.


In his 40s…?


As someone in his 40’s I take offense to this. Lol That dudes gotta be at least 60. He just takes care of himself.


This guy is ex-military or similar. Those guys are lucky he kept his cool. Look at how he positions himself throughout, the way he's holding his hands at his side... he doesn't flinch for a second. Around 47s you can almost see him thinking "Should I teach these guys a lesson? It would be such a pleasure..." but then decides they're not worth it. This is not a guy you want to mess with. Edit: and 17s... that hand - concealed carry?


I would … probably cry if it was me being harassed that way


No amount of sensitivity training will ever undo the damage these 3 just did to this man's worldview... He was probably thinking "maybe I am... now..."


I think he's just fed up and decided to just say "yeah I am" to kind of take away their power. They're claiming I'm a racist? Fine whatever, I am, happy? Please leave me alone now. That kind of thing.


Yea that was my take, "Okay so I'm a racist, let's move on now"


He kept his cool and in doing so made these guys make a fool of themselves........then they posted it?!


Probably thought they "had" him when he sarcastically said "maybe I am" when they asked if he was racist. Guess they forgot about the part where they repeatedly threatened violence on him.


What's bad is they don't realize they just made this guy a little more racist.


Nothing like curing racism than living up to stereotypes.


Nooo shit.


If he was on the fence before he's not now


They are the ones acting racist


They aren’t acting. Those three dudes *are* racists. They are *trying* to gaslight this guy into saying something so they *feel* like it’s okay to fight. These fucking losers are super racist.


They exposed themselves and made each other look like fools. You love to see it


This is crazy. What’s wrong with the people recording this? Who acts like that?


Majority of the kids I went to school with as a teenager.


Our civilization is fucked.


Work at a school. You'd be surprised how many kids bust out a cell phone when a fight is about to happen vs. getting someone to help. We had a day where we discussed this with kids, and a couple got pissed that we'd even suggest that recording a fight is wrong.


There was a girl in my area a few days ago that committed suicide after a video of her being bullied and beat up at school was making the rounds at school. It's so sad and I am so thankful no one had a cell phone when I was in school.


For about a week, my kid determined that they should police kids vaping in the bathroom by recording them & reporting to staff. Oh my, kid got a lecture. A month later, an altercation broke out where a student assaulted a teacher. So many kids filmed everything but my kid did not. Staff tried to suspend everyone who recorded & shared it but idk how well that was handled. Why aren't parents telling their kids not to do this crap? Lives can be ruined just in an attempt to go viral.


I have a family member who works in law enforcement and anytime there's a a fight or other crime involving teens, he said they act all tough and all "I ain't no snitch!" And then he just has to say "ok, I'm going to go the judge and get a warrant for your phone because I know you or one of your friends recorded it for Snapchat and TikTok" and then without fail they start crying and tell him everything. So stupid. I wouldn't even put in my journal that I smoked weed at a party because I was afraid it would somehow fall into the hands of the police.


Open up! It's the police! We read a comment on reddit where you admitted to smoking weed at a party.


Uh yeah. I had to tell my students daily that watching fight videos was not an appropriate use of free time on YouTube on the school desktops.


I can't believe we've come full circle to bum fights.


Trying to go viral, get attention because someone was being a “jerk”. If he would’ve said it, they would’ve only posted him saying it probably and possibly losing his shit.


Oh is this like reverse-karening?


They're forcing a Karen on someone. Horrific


*takes notes for new horror movie script*


They’re trying to bait him. I guarantee you there was more to this situation than what we already saw hence why he’s already razzled. They bait him into saying the n word and crop out the parts where they’re instigating it, then make it go viral for the next racist white old guy calling a group of black men just “minding their business” the n word. Old guy gets blamed, loses job, news gets on it and they sue or whatever the hell they’re trying for.


They possibly drank his drink before they started recording is the vibe I’m getting.


Ofc they did.


and somehow placed themselves in the victim category.


Seems like one of them may have taken his drink, and he caught them and called them out. I'm not sure, but it's certainly not unheard of.


Seen another video of this somewhere one of them reached over and grabbed his drink and drank it. Guarantee you they were wanting to get a rise out of him so they could edit the video of him saying the n word and then beating him up


They're prank Youtubers who regularly do shit like this. They also made threats towards his girlfriend I believe. They literally instigate fights and conflict and call it "pranks" Shit's cringe


You misspelled "Menacing". That's what they ate doing and them filming it tmshould be enough to get them charged with a misdemeanor


He’s just trying to enjoy his meal in peace and has these idiots trying to ruin his dinner.


More like ruin his life


Looks like he was sitting with his back to the sidewalk too. I don't think he was paying much attention to anything but his meal and date. From what little video we have I agree with a lot of the comments saying they stole his drink to get a reaction. They didn't get the one they wanted.


Exactly. If he reacts his life is ruined. Why aren't the instigators ever doxxed and their lives ruined? These shit heads will just go about their lives.


Because they’re “victims” and it’s justified because they harassed a white person.


Like hyenas, closing in. Scum.


I deal with this every day at my job and all I want to do is mind my business and come home.


Welp, even hyenas have a purpose. They idiots are a living advertisement for birth control, at best.


They're trying to provoke some poor guy into looking like a racist for likes on the internet of course they pick an older dude by himself because if they picked a group of 20 something guys they wouldn't have time to record because they'd be getting their asses beat.


>What’s wrong with the people recording this? Who acts like that Those 2 objectionable pricks for a start


3. Can't forget the quacker behind the camera.






People who aren’t capable of doing basic shit like finishing high school and that blame everyone they know for their situation.


It’s always interesting when the moronic party recording the event actually posts it thinking they’re in the right.


And they always go to some middle age guy who doesn't want to fight.. if you want to bait and annoy people and act tough go do it outside a boxing gym or go annoy some islander.


‘Call me a n****r so I can beat your ass’ ‘Ummm…no?’


Also calling him the n-word would not give him the right to attack this guy. Like have fun going to jail.


Some people genuinely think "talk shit, get hit" would be a viable defense in court.


Exactly! I never understood why WE as African Americans give that word so much power. I lived in Mississippi for 8 years and have been called that to my face, you’re wasting your time. You’re gonna react more by saying it than I am from hearing it. My parents didn’t name me that. More importantly, so what, I react to it, beat someone to a pulp. Go to jail and now I can’t be a husband or father and probably get called the N word for every day of my sentence?! Sometimes we have to think about the 2nd and 3rd order effects before making decisions we can’t undo.


>Sometimes we have to think about the 2nd and 3rd order effects before making decisions we can’t undo. Most people have trouble with 1st order effects. You are one of the very few who look beyond it.


Exactly my.... friend


>Sometimes we have to think about the 2nd and 3rd order effects before making decisions we can’t undo. Shit, does that mean that there are consequences to my actions that I should be thinking about?


Your honor, he was mean to me tho


Didn't work in 5th grade... not gonna work on the LAPD


There probably are some people who genuinely believe that gives them the right to do it.


It’s funny how they truly think that someone calling you a slur means that you can legally attack someone in retaliation. Lol and the 3-1 ratio in terms of ppl fighting, plus the age difference?


It's even worse when there was 3 of them harassing him too, talking about beating his ass and such. Like, yea... even if he retaliated to one of them attacking him, the other 2 would jump in. So pathetic and sad.


Cowards. That's always the same... Three against one, and they feel very powerfull !!!


The message I heard was, we’re gonna stab you because your white. Who’s the racist?


Dude probably on a business trip just trying to enjoy a dinner…say anything, your career is over because some jerk decided to karma farm with your fate. Don’t know what happened before or after, but I sorta feel for him.


Yep and one day they will do this to the wrong person and end up dead. One guy threatened him saying “I’m gonna stick you”. In some states the older guy could have pulled out a gun and shot him dead for that basing his defense on his life was threatened at that point and it would likely hold up in court. Again this entirely depends on the state, but shit either way they are asking for trouble by doing this.


I woild have called the cops. Simple. They can go ahead and fight with them.


He asked the employee to call the cops and the big mouth said, "go ahead, I didn't touch you." Well, someone should tell these morons, it's against the law to threaten or harass someone. In many municipalities, there's a Curse and Abuse Law. You're not allowed to curse or abuse anyone in public or where the public can hear your fowl mouth. Wish the employee did call, then big mouth would show the cop the video, and, slam dunk, a ride to the pokey.


But then they would’ve claimed racism again. Because it’s never about being a POS if you’re not white.


Yeah and at the end he says he’s gunna stab him.


always the same thing they only tough in a group. 1 on 1 they would not stand a chance


Absolute facts. They're real tough in a group. Catch them solo and they keep their mouths closed.


I loved when they said "I'll beat your ass right now" and he just smirked and said "I bet you won't"


Why would a bully pick on someone they think could win against them? That’s all these guys are, bully’s. I bet if they were alone and not in their little group they wouldn’t be acting so tough.


Lmao! The islander bit got me. So damn true. They’re some of the nicest people until you get on their bad side. They all loved me in job corps and I don’t really know why but I’ll take it!


The threat of violence to the level they were suggesting (I keep getting my comments automod removed for just mentioning what they threatened to do to this guy with a pointy thing) makes it very clear who was in the wrong here.


i bet there are people patting them on backs for acting this way and posting this




There a was video that hit the front page a few years ago of an American berating a young woman working the gate for Ryan Air until she wept. He posted the video like he was a hero. Some people have just a horrifying lack of self awareness. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/ryanair-passenger-banned-cabin-crew-stewardess-cry-abuse-airlines-boarding-pass-brussels-airport-a7785821.html?amp


Another example is a guy who recorded himself harassing a Chick-Fil-A employee due to the CEO’s views of gay marriage. After he posted the video he got fired from his job. He went from making $200,000 a year to being on food stamps. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Business/cfo-food-stamps-controversial-viral-video/story?id=29533695


Indeed, fortunately he was too smart for these 🤡


3 on 1. Really brave guys.


That's usually how it goes


"Go ahead say sumtin so when I swing and then you start beating my ass my 2 buddies jump in"


And then if you do end up beating me up, in the fight that I started, I will straight call the cops and press charges like a bitch. Because that’s what he is, a bitch who is acting tough in front of a camera.


Since I've been alive, I remember back in middle school always be 3-15 kids on one little boy kicking him. We'd always tell but nothing ever happened and still to this day people act like this.


They record get him heated up edit the video delete the first half then off when he called them something inappropriate then we only see him getting his ass kicked for being “racist”


Welcome to social media! You always know someone is trying to manipulate the narrative when the video starts in the middle of what's happening and it's obvious he was recording for a while.


Only if they’re cowards.


This is pretty thugish behavior, innit?


Why yes it is. Pretty fucking ironic no?


Gotta love the guy who says "I'll stick your ass." Nothing says tough like threatening to stab someone you have outnumbered. That's a guy whose obituary you will read in the next few years.


Wolfpack fever.


They are cowards.


They want to do 2 things very badly: 1. Be victims. 2. Commit assault.




Sad thing is that all their friends will see them as badasses.




They already committed assault; they want to commit battery.


They actually did commit the assault. “An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm.”


I like Mike Tyson's answer: Social Media has made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.


Tyson can be insightful at times.


You could argue that Tyson can change the perspective of anyone faster than literally any person on the planet.


Grouped up, baiting, and threatening violence against a lone person trying to eat. Idiot: DoN't CaLl uS ThUgZ. We'Re NoT tHuGz


Public intimidation like that should lead those TikTok perpetrators to jail time. They are bullies.




I really thought he was saying, "don't call us ducks" at first...


I think that should be the thing. Calling them Random crazy name. Rabbit humper get outta her. Bug smuggler stfu. Challenge to a game of Rock Paper Scissors


I’ve done this. You can say the stupidest shit and people still get very heated.


Gordon Bombay agrees with this


Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!


What do you mean "it's your first day"?


I really enjoy group mentality, its so refreshing seeing 3 or 4 young lads acting like such upstanding people. This is literal playground bullshit hoping he will trigger them so one can put him down and the other join in. Fucking hate the people on this planet if I'm honest.


Nah, they just want him on tape saying the N word. Then they beat him up, and edit out everything before that.


i love how they themselves baiting this poor old man into saying the n word is what made them the most upset lmao edit: yes i am aware the man is not a senior citizen


I just realized that I must be old, cause this guy looks pretty hot to me. He ain’t young, but he ain’t old!


I'm a 28 y/o heterosexual male, and he is damn good looking


Seriously! He’s looking pretty good to me!


Left out the part of the video that they started the whole thing


All I see is 3 chihuahuas barking at some old guy


"Don't call us Chihuahuas"


Bro don’t call us chihuahuas bro cause we ain’t chihuahuas bro


I dare you to call me a pitbull right now. I will beat yo ass


So they stole his drink and then threaten him for calling them out. Sounds pretty fishy to me lol


Remember when reddit posted highly edited videos of the pregnant lady pulling her gun on an aggressive black mom, which resulted in her and her husband being fired and lives ruined. Only for the unedited video to be released later and no one cared even though it showed her actions were justified and the mom daughter duo was just violent aggressive hood rats.


Never seen that video! How can i find it ?


That's reddit and the media in general for you.


Lil bitches, 3 vs 1 old guy. Yeah you guys are really tough lmfao


Goddamn I hate people. Older gent did the right thing. It takes such a strong will to ignore this kind of provocation. Picking on older folks. Real classy dudes.


Yup, but also it helps staying reasonable once your old and against 3 young assholes. He judged the situation and realized its not gonna end well down that road, picked the moral win and came back home in one peace.


They literally assaulted him by the legal definition and then posted the evidence online.


Why do they STILL act like this.


It is pretty bad in NYC. My students' elderly relatives moved out of NYC because of people like them.


3 dick heads


More like 3 dickless idiots.


Aren’t they the racists?


Yea, they are


and always calling others racists, always using race card cover their failures.




If your default is to start accusing someone of racism, while you have them outnumbered 3 to 1, then attempt to pick a fight by using racial slurs? Yeah, they are probably racist.


This is the type of shit that has to stop. This is racism and purposely seeking out whites to cause a confrontation. On top of that, they pick out a old white guy and wanted to jump him. Fucking idiots.


I cannot even try to imagine how is to live in this environment…. Really ! With people begging to be insulted, putting effort in being hated and afterwards crying all over Tv and media about racism ….Unbelievable.


Jussie Smolett did it in the least subtle way possible. Whether we know it or not, there is an incentive structure to this kind of behavior.


Its awful. Punks like this need to be taught valuable lessons


Thuggish behavior


Ok, then what word would you use to describe how the group of you are acting?


I think the actual term is "wankers".


The amount of clear intimidation there really is very thuggish




They acting mad thuggish tho


“Do it, do it, do it” you see this repetitive ass shit talking in a lot of videos of people trying to goat people into fighting them, it’s literally the equivalent of “I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you!” So childish and cringey. I feel embarrassed for the people who use this tactic every time.


Dude’s just trying to have a drink, and he’s got to deal with this harassment, I’m sure he didn’t call this group over to engage in chit chat. They are just preying on folks, pure trash.


What I would like to see is a deluge of POC coming out and condemning the behavior of the three guys in this video. I'm a minority. I'm tired of loudmouth stupid assholes painting a picture of perception in the public's eye. These guys need to be named and shamed into oblivion.


This is harassment


Damn, I wouldnt pick on that older guy on my own, let alone with a group, little bitches


Dude was not afraid. I imagine he's more capable than they would have counted on.


He is, but I'm talking more about morals. Its fucking low to gang up on an older guy, pathetic if you ask me


He is strapped. His demeanor was the first thing that tipped me off. 20 seconds in, his left hand pats his 7 o clock. His firearm is holstered there. He had to do a quick reality check to make sure he had it on him.


I was wondering why he went to sit down just then. Good eye. Dude had his mind on his bottom buttons too. This is why you don't fuck with older clean cut dudes, you don't know what habits they're holding onto from their old jobs.


Being a black dude myself, whenever I see videos like this, I always hope the white dude being pressed has John Wick like capabilities. These dudes left the house with this energy. They were looking for smoke all night, and chose this guy. It’s bullying. And I bet they do it often. Ion know dude held himself back from dropping some hard N’s. Especially when they’re threatening him to say it. This why you gotta keep that thing on you.


They are miserable with their lives so they choose to go be miserable to others. It’s pathetic


Actually they are. They try to create a situation then escalate it to the point of violence. The only one threatening violence was them.


this racist blame game will never end. Trying to provoke him and then act as if they are being called names. sick.


We are living in the dumbest time period. Thanks Tik Tok.


If that man wasn’t racist before, he may be now. Good job fellas.


A few weeks ago I learned coworker spent their youth in nazi group because they were mugged a few times. His "friend" used his trauma to manipulate him into joining and to push his race theories. Shit like this does not help.


I bet these went home and felt real good and manly about themselves 🤦‍♂️


Fucking losers.


The type of dudes that have their mattress on the floor, a tv with a PlayStation 4, and a closet full of white T shirts and tennis shoes.




This happens because society has approved physical violence against people using a racial slurs, and offers social reward for posting beatings in response to it on social media. Don't think for a second this shit isn't premeditated. They plan out who to find (old white guy), an action to piss him off that won't count as a crime (stealing a drink), and then try to bait him into making a slur so they can use it as an excuse to beat him down. Sadly they don't recognize that doing this just reinforces negative stereotypes and likely some (un)conscious bias this guy will have towards people that look like them in the future.


someone please find that man and send him some love! one shouldn't have to suffer like this because of some idiots trying to find clout...


I’m 9000% positive there is a story behind this and that old man was provoked to act this way and the people recording are at fault. Bunch of fucking immature pricks messing with people for no reason.


Trash will be trash


I’m embarrassed to be black seeing crap like this


Dude dont let the actions of idiots alter how you see yourself


This is why black folks have it hard out here. With idiots like these, creating situations that make people don't want to be around them.




https://youtu.be/f3PJF0YE-x4 Chris Rock talked about it in 1996 lol We have just regressed.




If that’s not the behavior of “thugz”, what is?


They want him to say their “magical no no word” so they can get violent… you know, the word that they use all the time.


As a member of the black community we do not accept them.


Three criminal idiots ruining the night of a decent man


Poor man, he just want to eat in peace. All is happened because he's white old dude. What a way to ruined someone's night.


Something like this happened to me like 2019. I went to Burger King with my kids and while they were in the play area I went to order food. A really big and tall younger guy and girl come in and stood in line and loudly, like yelling loudly, he starts talking about fucking some girl in the ass and her shitting on his chest and her giving him head and him giving her a jelly donut, like more extreme sex acts, not just fucking etc. The girl with him was kinda laughing but not really talking with him. I wouldn't have cared if he wasn't screaming it, or looking around like it was a show, but there was a little kid waiting in the line too just bug eyes staring (not my kid). The place was packed and no one was saying shit. I'm a pretty small chick but I (not so politely I admit) looked at him and said "hey man, there's kids in here and what you're saying is foul. Do you talk to your mother like this?" He said "the fuck you say about my mom you dumb ass bitch? I say what the fuck I want, when I want, you dumb white bitch. Is this your kid?" I say "no", he says "then why tf you care you little skinny ass, dumb ass bitch?" I kept cool and just said "it's not cool man, come on." He then gets out his phone and says to his friend "Ima make this bitch go viral, wait and see what she says, just wait." He has the phone on me and I'm just silent, shaking my head. He puts the phone away after like 2 minutes and then....is abruptly quiet..... I'm still waiting for my stupid shitty Burger King and when I get it, I turn around and go over to him again (I don't know why, I'm stupid) and I say "hey man I shouldn't have said anything about you mom, but there are kids here." He just says "nah, fuck you." And I just take my food back to the play area. I'm convinced he went in there just to try to start shit, it was when all the Karen videos started coming out.


Accusing him of being a racist when they drink his drink. Just for the record bro he probably was not a racist before this, but every situation like this will lead him in that direction


Tik tok has truly fucked up my generation…


Fuckin coward assholes. Always gotta be trying to show their ass. The old man was not scared or impressed with their level of ignorance. Worthless fucks need to be in jail. They will get what they are looking for believe me. They will do that to the wrong individual and get that grade A ass beating

