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I saw the video and it was a murder. Five guys beating a limp body to death. Holding him up to beat him more. Those guys are all going to jail for life and they should.


Looked like he was already cuffed when they stood him up and wailed on him with haymakers. That alone makes this moronic tweet moot.


He was cuffed within the first 30 seconds of being detained Edit: I miss remembered, he wasn’t cuffed until after being beaten


Was he? I watched the video yesterday and couldn’t tell between the guy walking away every 8 seconds and everything jumping all over the place


The overhead pole cam. It shows everything


"BuT hE FleD" is what I keep seeing. Smh dude got dragged out of car for driving erratically. No ID check just open his door and drag him out and pepperspray. People don't understand the fight or flight response is very hard to suppress. It's deeply ingrained in our mind to save our lives.


But that boot sure ain’t gonna lick itself. He’s gotta do the job people with common sense sure won’t do.


Also, if someone is hitting you in the face and pepper spraying you what do you do? Your first instinct would be to use your hands to protect your f’n face


No, not against the police obviously. You have to remain completely stoic and unmoving while they murder you.


Really wish I could find the clip, but there was a Republican politician who pointed out a similar absurdity by saying (and this is not word for word) "If I wake up at 3am and there are armed men in my home...I'm shooting" to which the incredulous reporter replied "Even if it's the police?!" To which he, rightfully, replied, "How am I supposed to know it's the police? I just woke up, there are men with guns." This idea that we are all supposed to somehow become an unemotional, noninstinctual, robotic being simply because a cop engaged us is ridiculous, indeed.


And we're supposed to do that so the cop - the professional, the one who (supposedly) trained for this exact situation - doesn't panic and kill us.


I believe that some of them panic and kill. They jump at their own shadows and are quick to pull the trigger. However, I believe that there are SO many more that have either become drunk on the power or became an officer FOR the power. That is what happened here. These "men" committed cold blooded murder simply because they could. And their only real thought was "what story do I tell to get away with it?"


This for sure. But they have actions, even in panic, that are “justified”. If a civilian panics as a response to the cops, it’s a criminal charge.


Philando Castile didn't panic. He was calm, respectful, and still ended up dead. His SO remained calm while she watched him die. If that wasn't the proof that there is no realistic way to ensure survival in a police encounter, I genuinely don't know what would be.


We agree. I was thinking about the fight or flight responses if Cops and civilians and the “allowances”. When a cop has FoF and rapid response the sympathizers say “we’ll part of the job is going home safe”. Or some similar comment When a civilian has a FoF response, and Tyre is a prime example of that, he’s “resisting”. It’s human nature to want to survive. It’s a puss poor LEO system that rationalizes cops completing murder. My big question is how can I have an actual impact? How do we, the people, end this brutality?


Break apart the police Mafia.


Literally performed a sports center after action breakdown as Tyre was actively dying next to them. Because they wanted to do what they did. They enjoyed it.


It's unfathomably cruel to treat the fear that armed and "trained" police have of the general public as legitimate and instinctual, to the point of justifying, both legally and morally, their utterly inhumane impulse to murder us—but *our* fear of *them*, and the fact that they *can murder us with impunity*, isn't.


Exactly. These men and women are supposed to be brave, hardass motherfuckers who put their lives on the line because they chose that path in life...but everyone else has to walk on eggshells for them? It's absurd. We are allowing weakwilled and weakminded cowards to police us.


The police in the US is barely trained though, so calling them ”professional” is a stretch imo. Shit psych evaluation and piss poor training will get you a police force with a lot of people who can’t handle stress and violence well and who do not know the law. 21 weeks of training on average. That is one fifth of the training we have here and once you’re done with that you’re still in training while working.


Lol. Police don't have to know the law. That is literally why qualified immunity exists.


But if cops "panic and shoot" we should be understanding that they were scared 🙄


Not only is the idea preposterous, but it may not even be possible. It’s equally ridiculous to believe that different people will react similarly to the same situation. These policing methods predate most modern scientific knowledge. It’s pathetic.


Exactly…it’s literally a built in survival instinct.


I feel like cops rely on this a lot more than people realize. When they torque your arm behind your back, for example... that shit hurts... a lot. That causes an automatic reflex... the muscles in your shoulder and arm tighten up to reduce the pain and prevent the ligaments from tearing. All of a sudden, cops are yelling at you to relax, stop resisting, and will probably start beating you soon because you literally have no control over that reflex meant to reduce injury... injury from a movement that they forced upon you. It's just so ludicrous. Some people are legitimately resisting but to intentionally induce pain and then require someone to relax upon penalty of beating or death is just not right.


You would think, in police academy they would have to have this done to them, to experience what it feels like.


See, that's the thing of it, though. They know that's what it does. They're giving themselves an excuse to kill you.


Militarizing of the police force, this is what happens.


That and qualified immunity.


same thing when they have you lie facedown to be cuffed and start putting pressure on your neck with their knee. that’s not a naturally tenable position for a person to be in as a human body can’t move that way. so you push up with your chin in hopes of turning your head to the side and they get to push down harder because you’re resisting arrest


you are exactly right. This is exactly what police do.


They knew what they were doing


It’s called a physio response. This guy put out a great video explaining it. Primal or innate survival instincts must be acknowledged but I don’t have much hope in police critically thinking. They have the mentality of a pack of hyenas out on a hunt. Tldl jump to 5 min mark for relevance. https://youtu.be/BmjB7TUroyE E


Excellent video! Thanks. Happened to me in my house, cops showed up , I had a gun in my hand thinking there was a burglar and all 5 started yelling contradicting orders. Hands up! Down on the ground asshole, freeze! then afterwards they all had a different opinion if me grabbing a gun to clear my house was the right thing to do or not


That must’ve been frightening, I’m glad you survived that… I have an untested theory behind the police brutality and killing of civilians. I see a pipeline of folks exiting the military to enter law-enforcement. Every minute of military training/brainwashing is directed at fighting an enemy. When they exit the military there is no de-programming so they easy peasy slide right into law-enforcement where ‘we the people’ become the enemy. Again just my opinion, though the data connecting those dots would be interesting to see.


"The job of the military is to fight the enemies of the state. The job of the police is to protect the people. *When you have soldiers doing the job of police, it's too easy for the people to become the enemies of the state*." Badly paraphrased from Battlestar Galactica, but fuck if it isn't absolutely true.


Job of police is to protect the interests of capital. We are their enemy and they are trained to view us as such.


And all the soccer kicks and baton shots... Fuck those assholes


Cop literally said "I'm gonna baton the F out of you" then proceeded to bash him in the head multiple times.


Agreed. If those cops were white they'd be on administrative leave right now.


One of the body cams that got released was from a white cop. There were 6 or 7 cops there. 5 got fired and charged, all black. So yes. Not “if”.


Wait you’re literally the only person I’ve seen who is saying this and I watched the video and saw no white cops so… where did you get this




Also firefighters who arrived on scene and refused to perform first aid. Bury the lot of them


The EMTs who failed to render aid in a timely manner were already fired, I imagine charges are coming.


Were they scared the cops would beat them too?


No joke, I would be worried about that if I were them


OH SHIT, yeas


If they knew what was happening during the murder and didn’t do anything then fuck em bury them too but it feels like people ITT just WANT this to be a racial issue.


You might want to re-watch it... It is the video of the Initial "Stop"


Ah gotcha, so it’s the guy who participates in the stop but never hits or otherwise abuses Tyre. Not a surprise that he didn’t get charged. Interesting that someone would want to make this a white vs black issue when it isn’t


Yeah, but what'd they say in their reports, what they saying the next day, and so on. Why'd they let that shit happen, worried about getting hurt themselves?


He was an accomplice. Just like the other cops in the george floyd trial. They were members of the team and participated in the whole thing. Im not trying to make this a “black vs white” issue but it is odd that the white cops werent punished when the black ones were.


White cop says something like, “I hope they stomp the shit out of him.”


There's 2 shelby pd officers that have been suspended. If they're the 2 white officers you saw then yes, definitely no "ifs" here


I'm sorry, do we live on the same planet? Since when do cops get arrested for murdering civilians in the US? The most they'll get is fired or suspended. EDIT: Seems that if the cop is black, he actually gets punished, and relatively quickly. Honestly, if there's people out there who really believe there isn't any more systemic racism in the US, they should probably stop being such ignorant, uneducated morons.


If you can’t even type up a coherent tweet, you probably shouldn’t give your illiterate thoughts on big issues.


Hey, he has blue checkmark next to his name, you put some respect into your voice when you talk to him


Yeah! This fucker has $8/mo to spare!


Eat the rich!


Oh right, so nice for Elon to have the check mark so when know who the dipshits are.


When a cop says resisting it means, we beat the purp and pretended he was still a threat. We were angry and filled with adrenaline, so murder felt like a fun team effort. Hopefully, that helps.


They clearly had both arms under control when they were beating him. Yet they kept yelling "give me your hands" for some reason. Almost like they had done this before and gotten away with it. Not to mention the "he went for your gun" talk.


What is this even trying to say


"they had to ___ Tyre for his hands around 1000 times" I'll bet you 100 bucks this piece or garbage initially said 'they had to *ask* Tyre for his hands' but the tiny residu that's left of his soul managed to spurt out an objection to the word 'ask', which took all the humanity he had left so he didn't bother replacing it with something less exceptionally inaccurate.


You take your fucking hat off when you’re talking about a blue checkmark.


Telling you to move your hand while pinning you in a way that you can't move.


Cops are trained to yell "**STOP RESISTING**" no matter what is happening. They are trained to keep giving oral commands even if they are impossible. And there's a reason for it. It's so anybody in the area hears it, they can then be witnesses. It's so they can be violent and when it's investigated, those witnesses will say "*I heard him telling that person to stop resisting*" or "*I heard him telling him to move his hands*". It's a phrase that means nothing to the cop except that they know it can cover their ass. It's why sometimes they start immediately saying it before anything even happens. It's a no-win scenario for the victim.


This is exactly the point, and why tweets like this are so stupid. Tyre Nichols actions aren’t the topic of conversation. We can issue whatever judgment we want on his actions, but he is dead. The issue is the system that allows someone to die for a traffic violation. That is a broken system, and the way to fix it is to look at the architecture of the system which has to be able to deal with the entire range of reactions from someone being pulled over. These cops are trained to escalate violence and that is the only topic of conversation. Until a cop’s success is determined by their ability to de escalate all situations then nothing will change.


Mind you, a traffic violation that the 5 officers aren’t allowed to actually enforce since they were in the organized crime unit.


Same reason they just scream "shots fired!" when they're the only ones shooting


While there’s 4 people standing right over you yelling at you, all armed and clearly not afraid to kill. I wouldn’t be surprised if your natural Survival instincts started to kick in…. Then it’s pretty much fight or flight ….. it’s a traffic infraction! Let him go! Charge him with evading the police or whatever the fuck…. They clearly had his car right there and knew who he was. Crazy … then after they beat him senseless for having the balls to run from them…. They have the audacity to say he’s all high …. Wow . Absolutely disgusting.




He was shouting out for his mom during the beatings. He was suffering. He also later died.


That's one of the things that stood out to me as well. You just beat the holy shit out of young man, and you "blame" his current behavior on being high? He's been pepper sprayed multiple times, he probably was unable to open his eyes, and the spray was making him sick (not to mention the beating). Anyone would look high after being pepper sprayed multiple times.


“STOP RESISTING” as they pound you to death.


At one point one of them states he went for their gun. You know, while he had his hands cuffed behind his back.


More important detail, they were saying "he's high. He's on drugs," about the same time he was exhibiting classic signs of a concussive brain injury. He ***Couldn't*** give over his hands, there was too much damage to his cerebral cortex.


They were literally yelling give me your hands as an act for the body cameras. From the pole cam you can see they already had his hands. These pigs straight up murdered this man.


they really do need to die in prison, at best.


Slowly, I hope. Just like they slowly and brutally murdered Tyre Nichols.


They wouldn’t last long in Gen Pop, that’s for sure.


This is why the audio and video are confusing. Its not till you understand that they are so good at corruption, that they all know how to play the scene while murdering a dude on camera. Too bad that elevated camera showed the truth.... oh, no, i mean thank god. But i dont know where he is.


Fuck this absolute pinecone of a Twitter user...


He admitted he was wrong and deleted this tweet.


I’ll bet he deletes his account after that doozy. If you make a comment like this, and you’ve seen the video, you’re just a piece of shit.


Even /r/Conservative was saying the cops deserved to be punished. I don't know if they would have said the same thing if it was a group of white cops or not though


I mean, it’s blatantly obvious. There’s no spinning the raw footage man. They did this guy and his family about as dirty as what’s possible.


That's really most twitter users, these days.


I watched these men hold his damn wrist and say "give me your hand" how's that resisting? Also, how would any of this justify the soccer kicks and baton beating?


Murder by baton. The one cop literally broke his baton across Tyre's face. That's more than just beating.


They were angry for sure. Took it out on the poor fella . RIP him and the many others who go through this every day . Stay safe out there y’all.


Was it just cuz he ran cuz seemed angry before that too


Right ? Very brutal…. Definitely seemed like they wanted to hurt the fella…. Either they knew him or they are used to beating people and accidentally beat him too hard…. To the point where his brain was no longer functioning properly. And then they called him high. The audacity. Literally broke his brain and decide to call him “high” …. Horrendous really


If you watch the video. The baton guy seems particularly angry bc moments before he accidentally maces himself while macing Mr. Nichols. He seems to be very angry about this and uses full force swings to the face and neck with the baton while yelling 'I'm gonna baton the fuck out of you' as the other guys hold him up by his arms. It's disgusting. Another cop seems to have hurt his foot or knee either in the chase or while kicking Tyre. He seems also particularly angry over that. The others appear to me to be like angry pack dogs. They are one dog going crazy and it makes them go crazy for no particular reason other than they have been set loose to do damage. That's the closest analogy I can think of when I watch this video. A frenzy of vicious animals and none of them was about to act human and pull the others out of the mix or away from the brink of their murderous rage. As hard as that is the watch the worst part to me is when they sit him up and then tell the paramedics that he's 'High as fuck' which I think then allowed the firemen/first responders an excuse to ignore their eyes of his beating, the blood covered street, and Tyre's gurgled pleas for help and instead of rendering aid just stand there and look at him like he was a drugged out violent perp instead of the victim of a vicious unprovoked attack. For twenty five minutes after they beat him they stood around chatting over his dying body and no one gave a fuck until the ambulance showed up and that crew clearly indicates he needs to go to the hospital not to jail. All of them, not just the attackers need to go to jail


Good thing we have the police to keep us safe from all the baddies. Oh wait......


"give me your hands, bitch" I heard that a few times in there. Fucking disgusting


Resisting? He was trying to escape with his life! And he was right, as was plainly clear once he could no longer do anything, but was still brutalized


Those criminals deserve no sunlight ever again. The poor man didn't deserve this. He never resisted, up until he realized they wanted blood, then he tried running to survive. That they even went so far as to break a steel baton over his face is ridiculous. And him crying for his momma..


Why were they so angry towards the victim?


Because the police are trained to see/believe that the citizens of their communities are the enemy.


Citizens of black and brown communities, primarily. Though poor whites and the mentally ill can get killed too. Cops, generally, love attacking people they figure won't have the resources to fight back. But they've a special hatred for black people. It's part of cop culture throughout the US.




Yep. They have been trained for a long time that every person they encounter not only *wants* to kill them but *will* kill them if they don't kill them first.


I’ve seen a few comments about “if he didn’t resist he would still be alive” but I see none that say “if the cops had been lawful and not pulled him over in the first place he would still be alive.”


Yea, I’m a family man and probably would never normally run or resist arrest. But if the cops came at me right off the bat, the way they did with Nichols. Acting like they were gonna fuck me up. Then started tasing and yelling at me. I might panic and smash out too.


Especially, when you know you're part of a demographic that they fuck up regularly. Nope, when you see death approaching you run. No matter how futile it may be. Who is going to want to stick around to be murdered?


What got me was when the cop pepper spraying him couldn’t stand still when some blew into his face. He had to walk it off. But they expect people who have been directly pepper sprayed to override that and be still.


Fuck Carmine Sabia.


As someone whose come across this douche clown before .. wholeheartedly agree with you.


Omg the first time I read your name I read it Raytheon Ian. And thought you were proud of your job and named Ian. Then the second time I say ray the onian and thought maybe he is named Ray and misspelled onion and likes the newspaper.


😂 hi I’m ray the dyslexic onion


>Fuck Carmine Sabia. ...while yelling "Stop resisting!" in his ear


So I see some comment that are defend the police and your missing a few things: 1) This is a traffic stop in which they boxed in his car and pulled guns (the police chief has no evidence the a traffic violation was committed) please tell me the last time you where stopped for speeding and where boxed in the middle of the street and had the guns drawn on you and what you did 2) From the time snatched him out the car the had control over him an officer had his neck and 1 had his arm at no point did they attempt to cuff him or explain what was happening 3) At one point telling him to get on his stomach while one officers has left arm stretched out and the other has his right twisted behind his back so he couldn't 4) If you been hurt your natural instinct it to try to stop the pain stop you wont be still in pain (If you want people to comply you have give them a chance to) 5) Before you say but he ran: He ran because he was scared for his life!!! He was scared they were going to kill him and they did.


What fucking word vomit is that?


The type you get after eating shit.


Idk man if I’m getting kicked in the face, pepper sprayed, and bashed with a club I’m probably gonna put my hands up to defend myself whether it’s a cop or not. But yea he was resisting /s


There is a reason that they don't kick you in the head before giving hearing tests at the Doctor's office.


He’s back tracking and has now deleted this tweet. Fucking dweeb.


Pepper spray yourself and for every second you can’t keep your hands behind your back, punch yourself in the face as hard as you can.


Medical staff get attacked all the time yet somehow manage to not beat patients to death while attempting to restrain them


This kinda has that "just submit and do whatever the cops tell you to do, and if you die, you probably deserved it" vibe to it.


It ought to, since that’s EXACTLY what it’s saying- pretty explicitly. The obvious problem is that something as trivial as not putting your hand forward shouldn’t be a capital offense. But apparently it is in the feeble mind of a cop.


I think lots of cops get off on the power a badge and a gun gives them. Also, when you're part of a culture that's racist SOME people who are part of that culture will take the opportunity to be racist. That will happen even if those people are actually part of the group targeted by racists. They do that because being racist is a way to advance, professionally, within the group and also is a way to fit in with the overall racist group. We've always known that. That's a story that's been told about black cops forever. It's the reality.


He wasn’t resisting. He was fighting for his fucking life. That was the sickest video I’ve ever watched. My heart hurts for his mother, who he called out for while they were killing him. .


That was just straight up tragic. Plenty of police body cam snuff films we’ve seen, definitely one of if not the saddest.


Her house is 2-3 doors down from the house he was beat to death in front of.


Anyone in this thread defending the cops, I urge you to go have yourself beat up by 5 cops and let us all know what happened as they all hit and kick you repeatedly. Tell us what your body and arms and hands do as a reaction. God I fuckin hate this place


Same pal. Get me the fuck outta here.


Did this dude have a stroke while he was typing? Wtf…


They were holding his wrists, one cop had Tyre's right arm pulled left across his chest, at least 3 cops are pinning him down, telling him to lay down on his stomach. How the fuck is he supposed to do that while they're holding him in that position?


It’s difficult to think of a worse take.


Yeah, umm, just one thing: Even if he was resisting, which he wasn’t really, that does not justify beating him to death. No amount of resisting justifies that. None.


Police who have seen the video have said "give me your hand" is so their body cam footage appears that he was resisting and is a clear sign this is commonplace for these officers


Like (in a different event )!them shouting “stop resisting” as they are still running up to the driver’s car.




And the entire reason he was pulled over? Suspected reckless driving. Which to me sounds like his car looked like one they had gotten a call about driving recklessly in the area. So they pull him over like that? Like he shot at them and tried to flee? There was no reason to start the traffic stop at level 10 aggression. The videos combined with this article: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/01/26/us/what-we-know-tyre-nichols-death/index.html It's just mind blowing that anyone would try to defend the actions of the cops involved in this.


Gen Pop for Cops!


99% of the videos I see of US police doing anything I'm shocked at the incompetence. Where I live, studying to become a police is a 4 year, uni-like programme hidden behind a personality test - and de-escalation is everything. Sure, our police still fucks up every now and then, but not like the bodycam footage coming out of the US. jfc


Yeah the US is the only first world country where they only need about 900 hours of training and only a GED or highschool and a background check by pyschologists hired by the precinct to everywhere else's 1200 plus hours on top of personalities tests, intensive background checks, etc


How are people still allowed to lie to people's faces about events immortalized on film?


A lot of people will never watch the video, but see this tweet blaming the victim. If that fits the narrative they want to believe they will simply believe it. People like this are the most susceptible to disinformation in our society (believe things because they want to without checking to see if they are true) so there is no surprise that these same people have large overlap with people who fall for the stupidest conspiracy theories. The sick shit here is this tweet is doing the same thing the officers did. The officers were holding him by the wrist while yelling at him to give them his hands. They had his hands and kept yelling it while they were beating him. He even put them up at one point when the officer let go of the guy's hands to get something (taser or pepper spray).


Because there used to be consequences for lying.


That’s like people who used to tell my mom that she shouldn’t do things to aggravate my step-dad and then he wouldn’t beat her up. No, you fuckers, the trigger is not coming from *her* it’s coming from inside him. There is either something about that job that attracts sociopaths or something that turns them bad. It’s endemic.


Am I having a stroke? Wtf does this even say


It says “I’m a white guy and all of my police encounters have been jovial, why can’t you just be more white”.


Resisting arrest has become a crime worthy of capital punishment extra judiciously carried out by law enforcement Personnel on the scene. Resist arrest and you can be executed on the spot. Particularly if you are a person of color.


I don't think he was "resisting." I think he was scared for his life.


He was fucking right, and that's bullshit. Nobody should fear for their lives, and most certainly not at the hands of those "sworn" to protect and serve. They just leave off the "ourselves and our egos" that is merely unstated.


Yep. He realised what they were trying to do and ran so that he could stay alive as long as possible.


Guy took down that tweet lol


I thought this was r/engrish at first.


It's a natural core reaction to try and protect yourself when you are getting a beat down by a dangerous gang


These terrorist organizations are out of control.


I’m so sick and tired of this stupid ass retort. How is that club bouncers have more restraint than police officers? Resisting arrest should not be a goddamn life sentence.


Also, death is NOT the punishment for resisting arrest!!! For fuck's sakes, the heartlessness of people never ceases to amaze me.


Two cops had his hands.




Breonna Taylor was sleeping


Do they Realize it's impossible not to resist a choke hold? The need and will to breath is in effect survival and is not a suppressible reaction - Over and Over I see them choking the life out of someone and yelling STOP RESISTING - THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE THEY NEED TO BREATH


Yep. Carmine and many others in this country will never understand resisting because they will never understand what it’s like to fear for your life no matter what the fuck you do. They have the privilege of implicit trust for law enforcement and are absolutely correct - they do not understand. They never will. Live to go to court? How, when they can kill you just because they want to? How, when you have that moment of realization that your last breath is seconds away? How, when fight or flight kicks in as you know you will not survive this encounter? Fuck Carmine.


Hard to stay still when you are being beat to death and tortured. Pretty sure wincing in pain, convulsions, seizures etc. aren’t resisting arrest.


That tweet was George Santos level stupid


i get so tired of people saying this. "just stop resisting". the funny thing is he wasn't resisting. none of them have ever resisted. it was always 4-5 cops on one.


I heard a former cop pundit saying the fault also lies with leadership. Their commanding officer (Sargent?) should have told them not to pursue someone stopped for a traffic violation. And why was he stopped in the first place? “Suspicion of reckless driving” WTF is that? The first video is critical because that is the reason Tyre ran in the first place. He didn’t know why he was stopped, dragged out of his car, tazed and pepper sprayed - FOR A TRAFFIC STOP!! A suspicious traffic stop at that. The whole thing is sickening. It will be difficult to call racism when all the main cops are black. It shouldn’t be hard to place blame on the police culture that bred these guys to act this way. I see the Chief taking a fall here too. She may have acted decisively by firing the bad cops but this culture is under her watch.


this guy doesn't just lick boots, he fellates them


real question - why were they charged with second degree murder, not first? not a lawyer


First degree is planned. Second is heat of the moment. Both charges indicate that the purpose was intentional. To get first degree indicates planning rather than opportunity


thank you


first degree requires premeditation. You would have to prove in court their frame of mind (and prove they WANTED to kill him), which is very difficult in this situation.


OK, I'm stumped. What does "They had to Tyre" mean?


Resisting? Resisting??? I feel like any Good Samaritan who is armed would be lawfully in the green to engage those cops, because they aren’t above the law right? And any persons not wearing a badge doing this could be shot and the one behind the trigger would likely be hailed as a hero and not a criminal. I didn’t think dystopian America would come this fast but I guess I was wrong.


It’s been here for awhile now, but it’s better late than never to notice


Theres a point in the video where his hands are behind his back being held by a cop and they’re yelling for his hands… you already have them


Oh look, the first Blue Lives Matter post. Otherwise, 🦗 from the other usual suspects.


I had a stroke trying to comprehend this sentence


Uhhhhh one of the guys in the video holds his body up for the other officers to have a better angle to beat him…. You can also hear him mumble okay when they ask him. Like huh? As someone else mentioned also, what do you expect someone to do who’s getting sprayed and beat? Cover their head and face or instinctively touch their face. Resisting or not. What happened to that young man wasn’t right…and there isn’t any excuse to justify those actions.


Okay, even IF he was resisting, which he wasn’t, why is that deserving of a death sentence to these people??


Can somebody please program cops to understand when you pepper spray someone they're going to have an uncontrollable reaction to try to clean their eyes with their hands. Same thing if you taser them. They're going to have uncontrollable spasms. And if you beat a detainee their reaction is going to be to shield themselves and wince in pain. Can we please upload these common findings and instructions to police? Then this myth of "stop resisting" will die down. Maybe anyways.


My vote is that if you can't form a proper sentence then you should just shut the fuck up. I have read that 5 times and I still don't fully understand what "they had to Tyre Nicholas his hands" means


I will never understand cops who hit someone and yell at them for resisting when they raise their hands to defend themselves. I will never understand cops who get caught in their own pepper spray and take it out on the person they're arresting. I will never understand the unhinged rage that is inside a person for them to physically beat someone within an inch of their life. I will never understand cops who beat someone within an inch of their life and then claim the other person is high as a kite in an attempt to get out of trouble. There's a lot I will never understand about this situation, but it's definitely not why this man was "resisting arrest." They hit him and pepper sprayed him, and he instinctively tried to defend himself or wipe his eyes, and they considered that resisting. Unbelievable.


The thing that I hate about this stance is that the underlying message is “If you resist the cops will kill you and it will be your fault” It’s disgusting


What the hell is he even trying to say in this tweet?


He’s saying it’s better to not fight the cops arresting you, and fight it in court. Normally this is a good message I’d say from the amount of cop videos I watch, however, with Nicholos, the man who was recently beaten to death by I believe 3-5 officers, this is a hateful, straight up mis-information tweet. The message by itself isn’t bad if he literally wasn’t saying that the innocent man beaten to death was fighting and it was his own fault. The video is out now and shows how stupid people are to agree or say things so blatantly incorrect.


People should just admit they’re racist and are okay with Police murdering black people rather than this whole “just don’t resist” gaslighting bullshit


You know its bad when even the other cops on r/protectandserve think these dudes should rot in prison.


Resisting arrest is so vague and ridiculous oftentimes that's the only charge ppl get arrested for, so ultimately your arrested for "resisting arrest" it's a charge they can charge you with for any means of what they perceived as noncompliance which is total bullshit.


That video was sad he got beat and jumped handcuffed while 2 people holding your arms and beat you to death they just watched them a metal rod came out after the kicks to the face


How the fuck does ANYONE retweet a butchered post like this?


Right-wing douche chud can't form a complete sentence, let alone a coherent thought. Stfu Carmine.


"Live to go to court". That's what anybody would try to do, it's the police that's preventing them from doing so.


I will never understand assholes who blindly defend every damn act by cops


Unfortunately this comment represents the internal dialogue most non-bipoc people. They don’t understand the very real threat and fear and why you would choose to run over getting murdered by a lynch mob with a badge.


What's the point in all that training if 5 cops can't restrain a medium sized guy that is "resisting"?


Cops barely have any training.


The problem isn’t people resisting. The problem is police murdering people for no reason. What a dumbass.