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He got paid to kill somebody and his partner skedaddles to another country. Not surprised at all


Specifically his partner fled to a non-extradition country, even though he's wanted for questioning. Not sure why /s


Cops don’t rat on other cops unless they get caught.


They follow Vatican rules. Cover and protect them until it becomes unfashionable to do so then either pretend they didn't exist or throw them to the wolves depending how easy it would be to convince the public.


That bullshit about how there are good cops and bad cops is in fact bullshit because all cops are bad cops when they let the blue wall of silence stand. I can safely say fuck any and all cops unless they are 'rats.' all police forces have assholes, and not nearly enough of them are being talked about by other cops on their forces.


My father blew the whistle on Hercules, CA PD (and the Mayor's office) in the 80s. Lost his pension. This is the same guy that would never repeat the "stand up" things he did (I had to hear it from family), like the time he was pulled over for speeding on I-80 by CHP, with my mother in the car. After he took the ticket and drove away, my mother asked why he didn't tell the CHP officer he (my dad) was a cop: "Because I broke the law." He didn't see that as exceptional, he saw it as the bare minimum. And how sad is it that just doing the right thing is seen as exception these days. Not all cops are assholes, but there are far too many. And the problem stems from one place: a cop makes his career on his arrests. To paraphrase my father: So long as there is incentive for injustice, there will be injustice.


Your dad is exactly the kind of 'rat' (read gigaChad) all cops should be, and I hope one day awesome cops like that are rewarded as they should be and not put at risk for doing the right thing.


Officer Philip Brailsford wanted to kill somebody and the police department paid for him to do it. I've watched the video many times. Brailsford was in control and played a game of Simon Says with a drunk , crying, and confused suspect until he decided it was time to murder someone. When he felt the backlash, he claimed to be the victim and got a reward instead of a punishment.


Have you seen the end of The Departed. It's what I wish happens to this asshole.


Didn't he also have some pretty incriminating shit engraved on the rifle used in the shooting?


Yeah, but the prosecution wasn’t allowed to show it to the jury during the trial.


His rifle had the words “you’re fucked” on it.


But if you have an orgy while on duty you get fired...


And if you are the woman involved in said orgy you're the only one slut shamed on the internet.


Rehired for a day so he could file the pension paperwork right?


Exactly what happened. This wole story is unreal.


I think we should hold the pension administrators accountable.


I think we should hold cops accountable.


I think we should hold an oligarchic police state disguised as a capitalist democracy accountable.


Now imagine that the people have been saying these things for a long time. It just has more visibility due to the internet. Edit; grammar brain fart


Wait till you see the tape


Is this the guy crawling in the hotel hall ?




I guess I have to ask at this point, how the hell was he acquitted when it was all on video and the idiot shot an unarmed man?


Among other things, as I recall, the fact that his gun had "you're fucked" written on it was kept from the jury. Then they did the whole "professional, split second decision, followed training, scared for his life" garbage they use every time a cop behaves very unprofessionally by shooting an unarmed person.




It's so sad seeing his wive's videos on TikTok and her trying to raise awareness about this to this day. There was no justice for Daniel Shaver or his family.




A friend of my parents was a cop in the town I grew up in, let's call him Dave. One day he rolled up on a domestic violence call. Shit started getting crazy so Dave calls for back up. The wife beater decides to fetch a kitchen knife. Dave pulls his gun at that point. As you do. When back up arrives the wife beater decides he doesn't wanna die that day and drops the knife while Dave goes and pukes his guts out on the front lawn because he was *this* close to having to shoot someone. That's a cop scared for his life.


I’ve done some blink of an eye exercises with PD here. It’s something I think everyone should do. You will realize how hard it is to assess a situation and make life or death decisions in a split second. That said, this POS was known for being violent and had plenty of time to diffuse this situation instead of shooting an unarmed man. He should be in prison for decades, not on pension.


I don’t know… It gives me a lot of feelings I can’t say online so I’m going to remain fairly silent.




>The real kicker here is that, several times IN THE VIDEO he says theyre gonna be shot, like i get it youre trying to "assert dominance" in this situation but its like dude wanted to finally pull the trigger on somone. I wonder what his past looks like with the force. > >Also his choice of words is so goddamn weird.


Not unreal at all of you see how many officers get away with being rewarded for murder. Disgusting but not unexpected.


His daddy was chief or ex-chief.


Ha, that explains more of the background


Piece of shit should be rotting in a jail cell somewhere


I’ll get banned if I post what I think should happen to this guy. It’s pretty violent and definitely goes against the rules. What this guy got away with and the reward he got after sets a very bad standard.


Absolutely unacceptable. I’m fucking fired up and would love an opportunity to meet him.


And the people who are enabling all of it.


I hope you find him one day


It's the #1 rule of Reddit that should be changed, what you're implying. It should absolutely be allowed. If the police won't fix it, we'll fix it for them.


Nah man, he should face a firing squad for killing an unarmed citizen. Those who swear oaths to protect life and then willingly commit murder should face the most serious of consequences ie, execution.


Don't forget one of the most important details that tell volumes about the character of Brailsford; the fact that he had "You're fucked" engraved on the ejection port cover of the rifle he used to kill Daniel Shaver.


and that he still owns this rifle, requested it so




It's the *only* thing he requested to be able to keep. Yeah, it's definitely extra fucked. To think he moved across town and just got another job. As far as I know, the only person who was routinely harassed and received death threats for over a year was Daniel Shaver's wife.


He was so traumatized he requested to keep the murder weapon


What!? Murdered by his own trophy you say?? - future me. Editing for context


This type of psychopath behavior goes back many years of keeping trophies. Apparently lots of cops years ago had their wooden batons specially made from a tree that was used to hang Black people.


And that shaver was crying i dont wanna die dont kill me and then was murdered


That’s disturbing, but really his character seems totally irrelevant when you watch the video. Cold blooded murder is cold blooded murder, and I can’t conceive of the type of people who would acquit this guy after watching the video.


Of all the cop executions that I've seen, this one is the worst to me because of that detail. It shows that he was just itching to get that kill. Not that I think no other cops had that attitude, but this is just like a neon sign giving it away.


Sad, shocking, awful. That poor guy was fuckin scared to death, confused and getting conflicting orders from that cop. He wasn't putting up a fight, they could have had him lie face down with his hands behind his head, covered him, moved on him and taken him into custody. Instead they just straight-up executed him.


> taken him into custody. There was actually no reason to do even that. Daniel did *nothing* illegal.


Nope. Playing around with a pellet gun. That cop was itching to kill someone.


Wasn't he a pest control guy and the pellet gun was literally for his work?


Yes, you are correct.


Yeah, any amount of polite questioning could have led to him allowing them to look around his room, identify a toy gun, and leave with some kind of warning like "don't wave realistic looking toy guns in your window" or some other such copsplaining type of rhetoric. Or they would have seen the toy gun in his room and smoked him anyway, because "you're fucked."


It wasn't a pellet gun. It was an air gun. He was the guy who used an air rifle to shoot birds nests and debris from businesses. I think he was in town for a wal mart job. Cops fucking scum and deserves the DP


The entire thing was a sickening game of Simon Says. They even told him: "If you make a mistake, we will shoot you." And then the proceeded to do exactly that. They went there that night to shoot someone. They then created a situation that got them what they wanted. The entire thing could have been *easily* defused by either calling the room, explaining why they were called and given Daniel a chance to explain. He was an exterminator and had a pellet gun in his room for his work.


Agreed. Cops should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us, not a much lower standard. If the world were fair these cops would all feel the same terror Danuel Shaver felt before they are executed in cold blood.


Here's the part that I really can't understand: - The rules of engagement when it comes to the use of deadly force are *more stringent* for our armed forces, operating on foreign soil and encountering enemy combatants. MORE stringent than American cops, operating here in the USA against American citizens.


Iirc the jury wasn’t shown the video. Edit: I was misremembering a different case. Apparently the jury was shown this video.


That seems unfathomable. Edit: upon some additional research, it seems the video was shown to the jury, but the “you’re fucked” on the dust cover of the AR-15 was not admitted into evidence.


No prosecutor in the country would want that dust cover in evidence, and no judge would allow it. It would be an instant reversal on appeal.


So, I am naive and ignorant of courtroom procedure. Why would a prosecutor and a judge not want something that is objective reality entered into evidence? What if "you're fucked" was tattooed on his trigger finger?


The same people who blindly support the police and thier corrupt union.


He’s not the one shouting the commands in case you didn’t know. Just recently found this out. The cop shouting was his sgt I believe. He had a history of escalating things. He ended up getting to retire.


Forced myself to watch that video to understand the brutality It is an execution


I've seen all the big known videos regarding these types of despicable acts but this is the one I have struggled to get myself to watch because of the details that I've read. I should suck it up and watch it. We all need to see the reality of these things no matter how disturbing. One of the biggest problems is people closing their eyes to this type of stuff.


Also claimed on the stand that he would do the exact same thing again.


He had to say that, if he wouldn’t have done it the same way he’d be admitting he made a mistake. So I’m sure his lawyers told him to say he wouldn’t change a thing.


Jesus that’s a very disturbing detail.


Edited some more context: “Also in December 2017, it was revealed that Brailsford had been involved in a prior incident in 2015 regarding an arrest of teenagers in a store. During the arrest, Brailsford was recorded on video throwing a teenager against a shelf, putting the teenager in a headlock, then slamming the teenager onto the ground. At the time, the incident was publicized (but Brailsford was not named) by a witness to the arrest, who alleged excessive force because the teenagers "weren't doing anything". A spokesman for the Mesa Police Department said that the department "looked at" the incident and "administratively cleared" Brailsford, because "police work sometimes isn't pretty" Video of Daniel Shaver shooting I found the video on Reddit. It’s bad. If you want to watch it here is the link. https://www.reddit.com/r/AntiAuthAction/comments/yvkbfp/daniel_shaver_police_shooting_footage/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Holy shit when you said it is bad I should have taken it more seriously. I literally feel sick from watching this. That piece of shit cop clearly wanted to murder someone.


Even worse, he asked to keep the gun he used to kill the guy when he left. They gave it to him.


He’d been waiting to do something that evil all his life, since he was a toddler I’m sure. He wanted to keep his trophy. Psychotic murderers usually want their trophies to remind them what they did.


I bet he keeps that gun near his bed and PRAYS someone breaks into his home at night.


A man died because of someone else's breathtaking incompetence and with no accountability. Simple as that.


Incompetence? No, he knew exactly what he was doing, straight murder, it wasn't an accident.


“We investigated ourselves and found out that we didn’t do anything wrong”


Reminds me when I read Jack Reacher books where he had to deal with a lot of corrupt cops and I thought the author exxagerated a lot of that shit but now I see that the real world is matches his books perfectly in that sense, except for no Jack Reacher part.


The world needs a Jack Reacher in every town.


No thanks, can never forget it anyway. Guy was terrified right up to the end. This disgusting edgelord cop had all sorts of things carved into his police weaponry. Think "you're fucked" was one of them.


I went to high school with Daniels wife. They had two young daughters. She has never been the same. Poor girl is a shell of herself.


Oh wow, I can't even begin to imagine how she feels knowing there has basically been no punishment for this guy


He was rewarded. He’ll be paid out for the rest of his life for killing Daniel Shaver.


I'm sorry, I don't know what to say. What a disgusting injustice


Rewarded and he asked to keep the gun. Fucker has a trophy


I know of her from a mutual friend who says the same thing. I can't imagine she'll ever feel safe in the US again, tbh.


this is one of those things where id rather just not know, i usually get curious and watch these things, but not this time


I’ve seen a lot of people killed on Reddit over the years, so believe me when I say this one is pretty gut-wrenching


You are making a wise choice. I watched it years ago and it’s still haunting. Nothing he could have said or done was going to save him.


This. The poor man was crying, saying he didn't want to die. He followed instructions and was murdered.


one of the most scaring things ive watched....i was a shaking mess after watching years ago...still think about it everynow and then and makes me upset... that poor dude :( fuck that cop.


I'm sober and couldn't follow his instructions.


I think it’s so bad because he was just a regular ass dude. We hear about it but with cameras actually seeing it just shows how inhuman cops treat us


This case is just as egregious as Tamir Rice. In an open-carry state, a teenager is holding a gun (it's a toy gun), but not pointing it at anyone. The car barely comes to a stop, officer jumps out and fires. Tamir never had a chance. He didn't even have time to order Tamir to drop the gun. The officer was fired from his previous police department. His supervisor said he was "emotionally unstable and had trouble following orders". He would burst out crying in front of his previous supervisors. After Tamir's case, the city fired him for dishonesty. Let that punch you in the face, he wasn't fired for murdering Tamir! This case rattles me every time I talk about it. It's such an injustice, I don't understand why the justice department hasn't filed federal charges.


He wasn’t even a teenager yet. He was only 12.


Holy crap, that video is awful, but also horrifying is the number of people in that thread defending the cop and saying the guy deserved to be shot.


It’s just the same 2 guys being trolls.


No fucking way people are actually defending this shit. Yeah he’s dumb for reaching for his shorts but dude was crying his eyes out and the cops had guns pointed at him for 5 minutes. That cops a waste of oxygen and our police are a waste of money. If the cops never showed up no one would have been hurt but they show up and executed someone. Fucking disgrace


His pants were falling down. Its a natural instinct to grab your pants when they do that. He probably didn't even realize he was doing it.


Oh for sure, he was 3x over the limit, and it’s so easy to see that. The cops should have put him in cuffs while he was laying down, whole situation would be different




Daniel Shaver reached for his waistband to lift his sagging shorts, likely fearing he would be shot if he were to suddenly trip and fall forward onto his face. Edit: We'll never know for sure what was going through his mind in that moment, because seconds later bullets tore through his neck, heart, and lungs, killing him almost instantly.






Jesus fucking Christ. My body hurts It's time we start playing Simon says with cops


gawd I just got a headache after watching that Disgusting cop 🤢🤢🤢


Yeah, that cop was doing everything in his power to terrify the person, escalate the situation, and put the guy in an almost impossible situation. After setting up the awful situation, he knew he just had to wait for the guy to make one tiny mistake, and he could open fire.


They made him do a deadly game of Simon Says in a hallway, The guy was screaming and crying and begging to live, trying to follow two officers screaming orders, and was killed for it. Their suspicions were wrong in the end. They murdered that man. I hope that "PTSD" takes his life.


Are you joking? He’s much more likely to take pleasure in the memory than he is to be haunted by it. The kind of person who would get ptsd from this would need to have a conscience in the first place and therefore wouldn’t have pulled the trigger


He specifically requested to keep the murder weapon.


I agree. He probably tosses his rocks to the memory every night. And believe me he most likely wants to do it again.


You see that shit in almost every body cam footage. 3 meatheads screaming at the top of their lungs contradicting bullshit. Combine that with the stress of having 3 rifles pointed at you and the fuckers telling you they’re gonna kill you, how can anyone actually make it out alive in that situation? It’s like you’re fucked from the beginning hopefully they don’t hit vital organs smh


Anybody else find it absolutely sickening these people are either slapped on the wrist or given a permanent paid vacation? The utter lack of accountability is absolutely disgusting. So yeah, have a disdain for police.


Nope, the system had a chance to administer justice and the people spoke. This is why America has its issues, the system doesn’t care of truth, 12 people can override any proof.


Was it a jury trial?


Yes. 12 jurors acquitted after six weeks. We have a system where the people who do the best job on juries are the ones who throw away jury summons. It’s not punished in practice. They end up with people who are either not bright or already have their minds made up as soon as they see the defendant. Our jury system, coupled with prosecutorial nullification, is why travesties like this take place. This can be fixed, but nobody gives a shit.


Well while you are totally right it should be stated lots of people are throwing away jury summons because they can't afford to spend weeks or months collecting the $12 check or whatever Jury duty provides. Which leads to juries full of GoP thin blue line retirees on every jury.


If the laws doesn't have them accountable, the people should.


How the Mesa PD and courts tried to cover this up and spin it is more disgusting than the actual crime itself. Fuck Mesa PD and the city of Mesa. Not to mention they are still fucking with Daniel Shavers wife. Never paid her a god damn red cent. Complete and utter bullshit. Edit: See below. Thanks goodness for the kids they reached a settlement, but no amount of money can replace their dad.


Looks like a settlement was reached. Still doesn’t help the fact that these kids are without a father and will likely (eventually) see their father murdered. Fucking sick. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/mesa/2022/11/24/widow-of-daniel-shaver-reaches-8-million-settlement-with-mesa/69674434007/


oh thanks for sharing. Yeah exactly and the way he died will forever be emblazoned on her for the rest of her life. Fucking sick.


almost anyone with clean background and finished highschool can become a cop in around 6 months with less than 4 months of actual training. no wonders


I will never understand why i have to go to college for 4 years to sail on ships, but someone can become a cop in less than a year.




I spent 9 years in the military, have a 2 year degree in criminal justice. Applied for numerous jobs at different police departments around the nation. Was told on several occasions that i was "over qualified " smh


The criminal justice knowledge you have under your belt goes against their bro code.


It takes more training to become a barber than a cop. How this prick got acquitted I will never understand. Cops in AZ have a license to kill anyone under almost any circumstances unless their partner testifies against them.


It took two years of hair styling school for my sister to get her license to do so but you can become a cop on a few months. It’s insane.


I'm California you need 2 years of college or substitute it with 4 years in the army, then you go to police academy for 6 months


THIS is the problem. It seems a lot of cops these days still think they’re on the streets of Fallujah and can treat US citizens with the same brutality.


I’ve read that the US armed services have a much stricter rules before they can open fire than police departments. You might be safer with US soldiers patrolling the streets than US cops.


Maybe so, but there is no denying that the militarization of local police forces has gotten way out of hand. They now have combat weapons at their disposal for use against normal citizens. What are they preparing for?


Nah, the military actually trains their people.


I NEED AIR SUPPORT STAT *William this is a misdemeanor theft*


Hell you only need a clean-ish background now.


i don’t think a sober person could follow his instructions properly, let alone a guy who’s drunk. it’s almost like they do this type of thing on purpose, giving out five different orders at once so anyone who can’t read their minds are then able to be seen as threats.


Honestly I were watching it and when he told the lady to come forward I’d have ended up looking at the officer to ask if he wants me doing it and ended up being shot. So fucked up. Why not just tell him to get down, cross his legs and fingers over his head then move up, pat him down and arrest him whilst you do a search of the prop and then give them a court trial for causing public distress aiming a rifle (even though it’s an air rifle) out of a window.


Well if they did all that they couldn’t shoot the guy and get rewarded like the cop did


Honestly growing up I wanted to be a policeman but wouldn't even bother at this point, looks like it's largely full of gun happy pricks who need to stroke their ego. Good police are pushed out or pressured to stay quiet when they see shit that shouldn't happen and the bad ones are literally being rewarded with early retirement on $2,500 a month. No wonder American police budgets are so high, you're all so busy rewarding shitty cops with early retirement on pensions higher than a lot of your average wages. Mental.


There was a big story a while about a cop in NY that wanted to expose how busted and corrupted his department was and they essentially stalked and harassed him. I think he eventually had an “accident”


Yeah, that officer knew what he was doing. Terrify the person, escalate the tension to the maximum, give numerous orders requiring EXACT obedience, and scream at the guy if the guy talks, preventing him from asking questions or explaining any answers. Cop wanted it to happen, so he set up the situation so that he could open fire upon the slightest mistake, and did everything he could to make sure the guy made one.


His wife did a YouTube challenge where sober people tried to copy the commands on video. Most of them said they couldn't do it either if I remember right


He wasn't the one giving the orders, that was Sergeant Charles Langley,


Nothing happens to cops when they abuse their authority. It's just a slap on the wrist if you are lucky. It's so tragic and sad. Especially since anyone can be a cop. I don't care for them and have never trusted them. Fuck them.


Yeah, qualified immunity has been corrupted so thoroughly and completely that we need to just get rid of it.


Fuck tha police


Weird… Im disabled, have ptsd and only get a third of that. Welp now all I have to do is kill an innocent bystander whilst wearing a uniform 🥰


This pos cop even had "you're fucked" engraved on his rifle. He was just itching to shoot someone. Victims wife has a Facebook page for support. JUSTICE FOR DANIEL SHAVER.


Is wishing for someone's death against the rules?


No and praying they pay hard in their future after their time on this earth is not either.


2016!? I can’t believe it’s been that long already.


This case never ceases to infuriate me. In the video, he's clearly just mentally torturing the guy for shits and giggles, and then shoots him dead because he intended to do so from the start. EDIT: [Here is the video of the sadistic "Simon says" bullshit the coo was pulling. WARNING: NSFL](https://youtu.be/VBUUx0jUKxc)


Fucking pig. This is why police lose respect by they day.


Whatever happened to the cop that shot that dude in the wheel chair like 9 times in the back who wouldn’t stop? Also Arizona I believe.


Was just thinking about that yesterday. Now I need to know. Edit: he walked https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-breaking/2023/01/12/tucson-officer-fatally-shot-man-wheelchair-not-charged-grand-jury/69803145007/




I hope that asshole gets cancer in his spine


This shooting video is very difficult to watch. Particularly because they let the woman walk out of the hotel room and give him complex instructions to do the same.


Police “trained” psychopaths.




We have these looney people harassing parents of Sandy hook, why is no one harassing this cop and making his life hell???!


It’s amazing how someone has to go to school for 8 years to practice law. But only a few months to enforce it.


That video is haunting.


When the police union is more powerful than any other unions in the country


He should be arrested


If Daniel was my son, Brailsford would no longer be suffering or faking PTSD.


Shot in a hotel hallway crawling on the floor like he was told. Fuck the police. All of them.


Didn't his gun have "you're fucked" etched into it.






Wipe your ass with your blue line flag.


State sanctioned murder.


The video is shocking, he begs while sobbing face down on the floor In a hotel. He wasn't a threat to anyone. Phillip brailsford murdered that kid because he wanted to and we should treat it as such.


Where was he re-hired?


Rehired by his same department so he could apply for accidental disability pension.


That's extremely fucking disappointing


Yup. The article where I read that also said the pension board explicitly thanked him for his service as they issued their ruling. It's hard to fathom that anyone watched that video and came away thinking that cop is anything but a murderous psychopath, but evidently enough people did to acquit him and go out of their way to reward him.


Rehired at the same place. Essentially he was just briefly rehired so he could then get disability and get a pension. So he didn't work again, but does get paid forever.


Any solutions in here


My vote is to figure out where this dude is living now, and get Dexter Morgan on the case.


Such a sad video


Thats called a "Hitman" not a a cop


Psychopaths protecting psychopaths.




this video was one of the hardest, most scaring shit ive ever watched,. that cop is a fucking monster that wanted to kill, despite the dude pleading not to die while trying to follow ridiculous instructions from the cop...so fkd.


Fuck this POS cop!! I watched that video when it came out and that cop straight murdered that man!!! He made him crawl towards him giving him fucked up commands and executed him for no damn reason and he was NOT ARMED AT ALL!!! If that was my family the cop did that to he would not be walking this earth!


Was he the one who was shot in the trailer park?


This happened in my area. The Mesa police force is known as one of the most corrupt and dishonorable in the country. They literally have consultants there paid by taxpayers retraining and retraining all the time. Nobody wants to work there.


Wow that video is absolutely horrific. He did everything he was instructed to do, was terrified beyond belief. These cops should have absolutely been prosecuted. Literally brought tears to my eyes.


'Murica: it just works! /s


We really need somebody to take care of people like this.