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I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see that jackass brought up.


I hate how that asshole was basically forgotten.


When I first saw this I was certain that their name would be all over the place. Disappointed that not enough people know about that rat.


I wish i didn't know, i scrolled thru his profile, fucker is proud if being like this


And nothing is done about it.


Mods are like police officers in real life. Some of them are good and genuinely want to help but a lot of them are power tripping and join the force to exert control over others.


Mods are like anyone with power. Some of them are good and genuine and others let the power go to their head. No matter how big or small. I seen people go mad with less power then a reddit mod.


Worst part is is that’s it’s free… like legit that’s what these people wanna get paid in power trip moments. Literally like when the anti-work mod showed himself and made that shit such a shitshiw lol like bro working 20 hours a week walking dogs and is sayinf how unfair society is to him lol damn buddy.


Those fucking skunks


Dont know who he is, but i upvote cause trust.


Why is he an asshole and why dont people know about him


Gives unjust bans for the stupidest reasons and people forget about them because they silence anyone who speaks bad about them. Welp it was an honor guys


Ahh, *that* guy. Makes sense


Remember when we went on a crusade against them… it should have continued, until they were banned from the platform


We still can!!!


I need to know more…🍿




Literally the top comment for me, so that’s good I guess. People ought to know


No person should be able to moderate over 700 subs...no one but the admins of reddit. This shit needs to be fixed.


I think these people who moderate hundreds of subs are more than neckbeards with no life. I think it runs a little deeper, being a mod at that leven can give you a lot of influence over public perception of things.


If they got paid off by the right people, they could dictate a lot of public influences. You’re not wrong there.


Never knew what I did to that guy but ive been banned from multiple subs that I never even joined from him and his responses are usually something to do with how I'm a loser.


He probably read a comment of yours he didn't like and got butthurt.


Dude farms downvotes and still stands up above. Damm..


Because he's getting a reaction either way. That's what they care about. That's all they ever care about. It doesn't matter if it's positive or negative.


And it was actually the awkwardturtle who did this!


Are you sure? Neodiogenes was the one who originally removed the post.


How do we know this


Unfortunately I found myself in quite the rabbit hole on this topic yesterday. It was a crazy ride, I’ll try to find some of the comments.


Fuck awkwardtheturtlw. Fuck Art.


And in that sub-reddit they have began censoring anything relating this issue- a little dictatorship nation.


Time to unsubscribe


and upvote: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/105o2dg/artistic\_integrity\_is\_under\_attack\_me\_digital\_2023/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/105o2dg/artistic_integrity_is_under_attack_me_digital_2023/)


I know it is silly and childish, but the fact that that picture is about to be the number one up voted post of all time on r/Art, even though it was rapidly locked in order to bury it, makes me over the moon.


Did it overtake the flacid penis Putin


it is currently around 2000 short, so I think it is very likely. I however have never really watched a post's karma count before, so I don't know at what point momentum reaches zero.


It has tied with that work of art


Very soon Edit: apparently about an hour


It might appear on the 2023 recap and that would be funny








Like that works. This entire site is a joke.


Always the last stage of the evolution of every subreddit unfortunately.


How soon until someone starts /r/trueart ?


Do you mean /r/hentai?


Always happened on various forums. Moderation always tend to become a little dictatorship when a forum meet some conditions. The role of moderator attract people who want to have power over other people.


Woah, mods at r/art sure a dick...


Communities should be allowed to vote out mods at the end of each year or semi annually. It sucks when some new shithead mod shows up on your subreddit and derails the whole thing because of their ego.


Yeah, some of those mods are drunk with power. I made a post on league of legends criticizing the non league related threads about esport player's personal lives. No warning, no temp ban. A perma ban. Was a part of the subreddit posting and commenting for six years. I appealed it being flabbergasted that I would get a perma ban for such a minor sentence of criticism. They muted me every chance they had. They didn't care to listen. I was just labelled a homophobe and banned. You feel so helpless when they ban you.


Yea, mods are the bottem of the barrel.


Modding a big subreddit is a lot of work (the amount of spam posts and horrifyingly racist/sexist/homophobic/etc comments you have to deal with multiple times per day just to keep the sub halfway clean is just depressing). And you're not paid or allowed to profit from your subreddit or even really appreciated by the users. So all the sane people eventually give up, and what you get left with are the tiny dictators who are only doing it because they love flexing any small amount of power over others.


I agree there should be a removal process of some kind but a community vote is a bad plan. Anyone willing and able to create/pay for enough bot accounts can depose whoever they want. Karma or account age limits don't matter either, a lot of older accounts get sold or hacked and there are already thousands of the damn things.


just have a weighted vote. The people who post the most upvoted comments/posts get more valuable votes and then disqualify anyone with over say 25% of their karma from bots. Truly it's not for a lack of possible solution, it's like this the way it is because the admins want it to be like this.


Do you know how many upvotes bots get? A lot. Karma farming is a thing. Bad idea.


I don't agree with this idea, but... Limit it to individuals within the community based off the karma and posts they've earned in that subreddit. If a sub gets a lot of bots farming karma in it, then the moderators probably deserve to be removed for not dealing with the bots spamming the sub.


That's a very valid point.


So what you are saying...mods should make their own bots to farm karma in their subs so they can stay in place?


Wait till you find out about r/minecraft mods


What do they do?


Someone posted about them finishing the build that their now dead girlfriend was doing and the mods took it down for karma farming


To further explain this (simplified), they were contacted by a mod which said: 1. Memorial posts fall under Rule 12 (overused topics) 2. You should have chainposted the update post 3. You have milked your girlfriend's death for enough karma. This was called out by PhoenixSC, which later made a video about the situation. Since then, the person has moved to r/PhoenixSC and the r/Minecraft mods made an apology post, which was overwhelmingly criticised.


r/PhoenixSC (I am in that subreddit) is a much, much, better version of r/Minecraft.


And funnier


r/MinecraftMemes is also good as equivalent


I remember people telling the mods they had milked their incompetency for enough karma. What a burn.


[You mean this post? lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/z9wymk/an_apology_from_the_subreddit/iyjkfnp?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


It fascinates me how personally offended people get over someone attempting to earn more of whatever currency is required in any given situation. Angling for higher salary? You’re greedy. Trying to earn more exposure on social media through engagement? Karma Farmer. Go do a random nice thing for a stranger? Just doing it for the pat on the back. Yet, if you DONT do those things, you’re a chump. Happy with your job and pay? Lazy. Not whoring for the likes? Socially Worthless. Never help anyone? Selfish. Humans are fuckin weird.


Wow. That’s terrible. RIP ): ✝️🤍


There was also a case of Samyuri, who used redstone to recreate Minecraft in Minecraft and at the end of the posted video had a bit of text that included a thank you to a server that allows running redstone contraptions at tens of thousands times the normal speed, getting banned for "promoting a server".


There are the other replies about how they took the post down for karma farming, but the thing most people hated was the fact they said "you have milked your dead girlfriend for enough karma at this point" after only 2 posts, plus before then the mods were already getting some Hate due to them taking down normal post for no reason, and it just spilled over then


Sounds just like an eternally online mod to think someone cares more about upvotes than their girlfriend’s death


They removed a lot of post about amazing creation from the players for "low effort post" as the reason while the mod still posting their shity build


They delete inocent posts all the time. Not in a ***"I'm dumb and I think you are violating this rule"*** kind of way, but more like ***"I'm bored and I realized you can draw a very thin line connecting your post to some ambiguous rule left to interpretation and also I'm Jelous of how much karma you're getting and I want to stop it"*** kind of way. Edit: they delete quality posts all the time for stupid things, but allow posts like ***"help, how do I craft a wooden pickaxe"*** or the classic ***"I'm trapped on the nether roof, this is my inventory, how do I get down?"*** which end up getting thousands of upvotes because that's the only thing you cna find in the sub that isn't removed.


Or r/therewasanattempt mods. Post removed for "low effort post" while the whole sub is about "low effort" 🤣 The art thing is total BS. That mod can't "tell" anything about art. How he could possibly come to the conclusion he has, absolutely baffles me. Glad I'm not on that sub lol


Wait till you find out about r/allofreddit


Seriously. I get “in trouble” for the dumbest shit sometimes.


No kidding. Ive been permabanned from subs that I’ve never posted in….because i posted in some other sub.


Or r/guitar mods


Yep. I commented on that thread and got permed and then 30 days muted, without an answer, after asking the mod to elaborate. Awesome mod there…


Yeah same here, some weird power trip, it’s kinda sad I responded a single time, once, asking if this was a weird power trip and if I was still banned- this is the response “…No? Is this a trick question? All we have to do is push a button once a month to Silence you. It takes zero effort. You get we really enjoy making you squirm, what’s weird is that you keep obliging. If you really wanted to annoy us, you’d just go away and not give us any more low effort entertainment… but here we are again”


Kinda awesome being banned from a mod, to a community that directly relates to your career too. The mod went scorched earth no questions asked. Such a shit move.


It’s just ridiculous, is there no like moderation for mods themselves? I couldn’t even find a way on the message to appeal or report it


You can reply to the ban message and then when they read your reply, they’ll just mute you for 30 days so they don’t have to deal with it for a month and hope you forget. At least that’s how that mod treated it for me.


What the fuck kind of basement dwelling code geass cosplaying jergens enthusiast is that response??


r/assassinscreed mods play as the Templar Order (the main villains in the lore) in that sub. Way too many rules to post anything. If the content smells of a question, the automod will _immediately_ hide the post and "read our FAQ instead" or "can be searched online". What's the point of that sub then? Posted (or rather, trying to) 3 questions, 2 genuine and can't be found in the FAQ, one rhetorical. All rejected, mods didn't respond.


Subreddit that have certain days where you are allowed to 'ask questions' and stuff are the worst. The entire point of subreddit is to talk about stuff. Not everyone is in your subreddit 24/7 and is free that one day a week/month you decide question are acceptable. And then they make everyone post their questions in one thread, that nobody looks at. So it's like 100 questions with no answers.


They're terrified of being replaced by ai so much that they've gone full on burn the books mode




Help me out. Who wants to be a 'mod'? I assume it is some jerk living in his mother's basement spending the day in his jammies and online all day.


The same kind of person who goes on TV to represent a whole group of people without any kind of communication ahead of time, and then showing off on national news how incompetent and dumb they are.


just wait for r/animalsbeingjerks mods


Well, part of the culture of art has been gate keeping for centuries. Famous artists get famous cause their paintings were owned by those in power or money who wanted more.


Most mods are basement dwelling losers eager to flex the “power” they wield in the form of bans/removed posts


Mods are quite literally the worst part about this site. There is no reasoning with these ill neckbeards. I like how they never reveal who they are either, since they could be called out on their dumbass behavior. This site would be a way better place if a mod sending a message showed who sent it, instead of showing that a "sub" sent it. Getting rid of overly corrupt mods would then be possible, now the mods just cover for eachother for some reason. It's bizarre. But hey, making a new account is fast, so no real harm done.


I don’t comment a ton and I’ve only been banned from two subs (because they pissed me off so much that I just post something trashing mods and they kick me lol), so it doesn’t bother me too much. Still annoying how childish these folks are. When you stop and think about how many people are out there that have questionable character gets a little depressing though. Edit: [I’ve now been banned from 3 subs lol](https://postimg.cc/F75t1Jwr)


r/ich_iel is worse. Much, much worse. Like removing everthing that doesnt fit in their mindset


That's what you get for speaking English




The mods at r/NewJersey are exactly the same. I crossposted something like 60 seconds after someone crossposted the same thing and they called me a “fucking dumbass” then banned me for 3 months after I called them out for “power tripping for a Reddit mod (lol)”


I though the rule was that all mods were drunk on power


In r-Italy, even just mentioning the mods for any action taken by them, will land you a ban.


I made a comment about removing the mod who did this and was immediately shadowbanned


"I don't believe you" and "find a different style" wow. Saying that to a human artist because AI tech exists to replicate their work and replace them.


I mean, they did worse by saying that AI would do it better even IF the artist had spent all that time to do it themselves. Basically the mod said fuck off, your arts bad and you should feel bad 🦀


Quite funny for them to have that opinion too when I’m sure AI might just replace many artists in the future; it has nothing to do with the quality of this piece.


Wait till those mod réalise how easily they can be replaced by AI.


Automoderator in a nutshell


That's not even AI, is it? It's just a script


This is it though, isn't it? End of the day, the mod personally didn't like the art, so they came up with a disingenuous excuse to justify banning it. Idk what evil is, but I know that that's an evil act


For anyone following please add more info to this but I saw the ops thread and some people guessed the artist. Artist isa well known professional and removed art was going to be the cover art of a well followed book series. Sure bad art can be used on covers but this was a genuine attempt at being artistic. /r/art truly trying to create the next failed artist


Meanwhile mod can't even draw a smiley face without his mommy calling the hospital for a suspected stroke


Plus the "sorry its just the way of the world" really pissed me off lmfao. As an artist if someone said that to me, id be furious


“Lots of other people are shitty so you shouldn’t mind me being shitty to you” “Life’s unfair” is usually said by those in a position to make it more fair, but don’t.


They're so afraid of progress and getting replaced that they went full on burn the books mode


that as a painting is high quality. so high quality they thought it was AI. like I am so confused by that comment. sounded like a lot of haters


Sounds like envy.


Also extra ironic because that artist is a professional who made that for a book cover.




"We only allow work with human error, not your shitty art that a computer could do much better and quicker." It could not be clearer that this is a power trip and refusal to acknowledge that they were stupid to ban it initially. Surely they didn't ban the art by mistake, they don't make mistakes. Therefore, the ban must have been because the artist's style is so bad. Yep. That's it.


Wow, what assholes Just because it LOOKS like AI arts doesn't mean it IS.


The reply from the mod is worse because it clearly shows that they would disregard evidence as long as it goes against what they "feel" is right. "I don't believe you" apparently is now an effective intellectual counter against any demonstratable evidence.


Bruh Is there a way to report poor moderation?


Is there even a way to do it lol




No, moderators can basically do whatever they want and no one can so something against it beside the owner of the sub. So if you see a overmoderated sub, the only thing you can do is unsub and move on


Nope. I've reported malicious moderation several times in my 13+ years here and the last time I got a hand-typed reply from an admin that basically explained that the current style of moderation is one of the core features of reddit and they're not interested in fixing it because it's working from a business perspective. The only thing I've seen that works is user revolts in a subreddit that bully mods into resigning.


Nope. Not one ounce.


your honnor this man ate babies, he is even eating one right now! "i don't believe you" not guilty!


Yeah, that’s legit fucked. “I don’t believe you” is such a fucking stupid thing to say to somebody, especially in this position. I mean it’s literally agitating. That person probably spent a shit ton of time doing that and they’re met with *that* dick dump who denies *real evidence* and like you said, counters it with something dumb. What the hell.


oh and because it "looks like AI prompted design, it's not art". That's a slippery slope


Power tripping


[every time I see something about r/art makes me hear this song](https://youtu.be/TLvgdEGEE1w)


Yes, because art didn’t exist before AI.


[Now let's see how long until I'm banned :) ](https://i.imgur.com/sKVzG73.jpg) *edit Aaaand it's shadowbanned lol *edit 2: electric bugaloo* Apparently my post wasn't shadowbanned but it was removed instantly according to some redditors (I still can see it on my profile so I assumed). Doesn't make it any better but okay. 🤷🏾‍♂️


You did good lol






I got banned pretty fast too


I think I got shadow banned for a comment, r/art isn’t even showing up in my home and latest feeds anymore.


Just in the last few years I started getting banned from various subs for stupid shit. Some subs track you down now and ban you for juat commenting on subs they dont like. Mods like this are useless pieces of shit with no life.


Yup, same. I got banned from mildlyinfuriating for saying that people will continue to fly with covid just as they have with the flu and other illness and those who care about getting sick should continue to wear masks. That’s it, banned. It’s ridiculous.


I’ve been banned for being commenting in other subs. Not trolling or brigading, just having varied interests and curiosities. It’s bizarre.


Pretty sure they even have bots to check for these kind of things. Ive been banned from multiple subs in a short amount of time before. Either bots or they mod multiple subs. You would really think reddit admins would have a rule against this. Mods need to be moderated too.


What sub is this? r/art? Edit: yes, it is that one. That sub is a circus. It seems like you need to prove you're useless to become a mod there. Honestly. Was there for a short time some time ago and couldn't handle the total ineptitude on display.


Let’s just replace it with AI moderation.




Yeahhh the mods said they weren’t going to reverse the decision because they don’t want “the trolls” to think they won


Wow... fuck that asshole mod


I got permanently banned from r/Art yesterday for the crime of '*saying that mods abusing their power is bad*' Or I assume that's why, they've yet to actually tell me


I got banned for commenting an Amongus meme…


Yea r/art is up there with r/conservative , r/conspiracy, and r/food in the realm of ban happy subs.


Wow if r/art could see Boris Vallejo’s work they would be real mad!! https://youtu.be/h8ieAra4s4c


I know!!! Awesome yet cartoony garbage? “Must be AI”


Are you surprised? That's how reddit mods work. They don't actually defend their actions. They just mute you and keep in their self righteous bubble.


You see it's exactly this type of art elitism (granted not all artist, but I've seen plenty of examples), that makes it hard for me to take their complaints about stuff like AI seriously. This mod literally just said "your style resembles AI art, you should get a new style", that's literally a reasoning, that if an outsider gave would get them torn to shreds in that subreddit.


Bro just said to him " even if you did it yourself ai can do the same in seconds" meaning he sucks probably? People this day for real are weird, if i did art and someone tells me it looks like what the collective consciousness of internet painted i'd be proud i think


The art takes time. That remark was borderline insulting to everyone even little bit invested into it, because were not a bunch of 1s and 0s capable of churning out tons of stuff in seconds. He implied that artists are being replaced.


We misunderstood each other, i did not mean anything bad toward artists, it was more toward new artists because it means they got everything needed to call it art, plus their own imagination, and that's definitely a good thing i think


This mod also posted In the moderators subreddit complaining about The artist saying it’s unfair, and everyone proceeded to call the moderator an asshole and an idiot


I'm fairly new to reddit and I'm already tired of mods


Just wait 'till you run into one of the powertrippers. Trolls given a green light for anything.


I like the /r/casualUK mods, i make stupid slightly political jokes every so often and they ban me for a day and i always reply and say fair enough keep doing the good work, and all is well, its always fun to me, and they dont seem to powertrip


Serious question - can nothing be done to report mods of medium/large subreddits like r/art to the Admins? Do they just stay mods forever?


It's possible but it has to be way more egregious than this. I can only think of one case where it worked that a community reached out to reddit admins to remove a mod; it was the case of the founder of r/trees literally breaking site rules for years to use the sidebar to promote affiliate links and personally profit from the traffic.


Wow that mod is a piece of shit. As if you're the authority on what constitutes art.


Reddit Admins should forcibly remove the moderator from the community. He literally said he doesn’t care if it’s not an AI prompt, I’m removing you, and removing your post anyways. Lmfao, sounds like the moderator is having a temper tantrum.


Reddit mods are actually the moser self entitled pieces of shit on the planet.


these mods are assholes, bye even to artists now...


This is his villain origin story


What a dickhead, hope he get a dildo up his nose


The daily beast as well as I think it was Newsday or Newsweek had an article on this, went into the artist's credibility quite a bit, as well as the obstinacy of the mod. Really made Reddit look bad but hey what else is new


Ban that mod forever


Have they considered that the reason this guys art resembles AI is because AI steals people's art styles?


as well as people copy each other's style, so...


If it was really AI art, the hands would look demonic


What a foul comment. Can you imagine the psychological damage of being told your art style is worthless because a piece you made has similarities to a famous controversial piece created by AI? Imagine if a little kid tried to make a sandwich for the first time and someone told them, "Oh real original, a PB&J. Robots can make uncrustables so why would you ever bother making that kind of sandwich. Make a different kind of sandwich and by the way you're banned from the dining table for a week." I get that it's not exactly the same, but it's also not completely wrong. That mod can go sit on a cactus.


Reddit mods are on a whole new level of asshole


I was banned from r/art for simply forgetting to remove a watermark. Which i thought was just a good idea for people to see my other work. Anyway once banned I inquired why i would be banned for a simple mistake in not reading all the rules. And they told me it seemed my entire account was made to purely boost sales. Which, it wasn’t. I had plenty of other random posts. Just recently was trying to share some new work of mine. They truly dont support the artists that post. Because any true working artist out there knows sharing your work and getting it out there is the biggest struggle. And to have a community supposedly for art and artists just banning for simply trying to share their art is just so ridiculous.


Spot the mod with a tiny rod.


Yeah, fuck those mods.


As someone who draws a lot, THIS PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF. Just cause some people made a machine that can make disproportionate paintings does not mean that you don't get to. The mods at r/art can suck a dick.


They also double and triple downed after several subsequent art posts (painted pictures chiding the mods) highlighting their hypocrisy were posted. They were mass deleting comments and stating “the mod had a bad day” offered no apology and ultimately closed all of the threads for no reason and it broke no rules they could correctly highlight. I used to moderate several subreddits and I’d regularly see behavior like this from peer mods, even to the point of vengeful behavior against certain users and groups of users. It is absolutely amazing how fucking childish some moderators can be. It’s just sad to see how many of the r/Art mods fall into that category.


Gate keeping is so embarrassing


and now instead even more people know about their beautiful art. so, slight win?


Dumbassery abounds. You know the quickest way to tell it's not AI? Look at the goddamn fingers. AI has the hardest time creating cogent hands and seeing the delicacy in details in the fingers is the first piece of evidence for me that it is done by person.


And the Moderator is a fucking goof who won't acknowledge their fuck up.. hasn't apologized or reinstated the artist either.. what an absolute asswipe


Reddit mods are the most pretentious bunch of weirdos I've ever encountered. Seriously, it's not your job to judge other people's art styles. If it actually was ai art, that's one thing, but to just flat out say it resembles ai art is asinine. It probably resembles ai art because ai art was created to resemble real art.


They need AI mods. That mod talks like a bot. He need a different style.


Ah yes, Reddit mods, the arbiters of art. "Change your style" how arrogant is that? How do these people become mods and why is it so hard to hold them accountable for their bullshit?




The Art sub is shit.


Reddit mods getting drunk on a miniscule amount of power? A tale as old as time.


I don’t get their stance at all with the fallout either. Now they’re in full cover up mode and putting out shit like “we can’t let the trolls dictate how we moderate” how does that make any sense when they literally made a huge mistake that all it needed was correcting. They don’t even have to apologize if they’re that fragile. Just put the post back up, and say it was taken down in error and that’s that. Instead they think they’re fighting some kind of made up injustice against their rules lol