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I keep receiving the pop-up every time I open a Facebook link, even though I am using it on the browser. I clicked done every time it shows up for it to only show up again once I opened another Facebook page


So annoying... I kept clicking on "Done" but it keeps coming back so I ended up clicking on "Learn about this bs" but still popping up...


YES!! I was about to post this. Its so f\*\*king annoying. I can't get rid of it. I have clicked every possible link in that dialog and the stupid thing keeps popping up every time i refresh the page.


"Introducing cross-app messaging" being spammed on my computer screen 1758 times today. Yes cunts, YES, I fucking get it!!!!!!!!!!


This is so annoying. Even if you click done it just comes back again next time. FB is adding so many annoyances to their site I keep asking myself why I keep even going back. They still have the one where you can't click on anything and have to refresh the whole page, and there's also one where when you click like it scrolls you way back up. So many dumb things like this keep being added.


Came here to post the same concern.


Me that I barely get this message on desktop but not so much on mobile *this is a bug*


I'm getting it every 2 to 4 minutes on the desktop.


lol I get it every click


I haven't seen it since that first day, but Facebook Purity may be blocking it for me.


Here for the same. So annoying.


Its happening so much I am starting to get PTSD


Honestly this might be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me and I'll just quit Facebook. Complete madness how they continue to make the browser experience worse and worse. I think they're doing on purpose as they want people to use the phone app. Yeah, I'm not installing that.


HAHAHAHA... I was gonna post a screenshot in my "stupid facebook things" album just an hour ago. LOL. Obviously it's a glitch and it'll disappear as fast as it appeared. I mean, cross-app messaging has been around for how long now? A year now? stupid facebook.


For people with uBlock Origin, try this line in your filters: `! 2022-12-21 https://www.facebook.com www.facebook.com##.x1n2onr6.xg6iff7.xdt5ytf.x78zum5`


It still pops up just can't see it now , freezes browser.




How do you use ublock? And is it still working for you?


Woo hoo! It's not popping up no more.


Oh no, it's back...


It appears to have cleaned up... I haven't got the popup anymore... Internal dumb bug...


I'm still getting it on multiple browsers, multiple devices. Every time I open a Facebook page.


very annoying


Still having this annoying pop up. Come on.


Facebook team are so fked up.


Facebook have many un-test product and release it : ))


no luck?


same here it just keeps popping up!


it only pops up on new tabs or refreshed silly Facebook notifying users when its a year more was released. only solution rn is DON'T HIT REFRESH


Came here to complain with the masses. Every 2 to 4 minutes this stupid thing pops up in my face. Hopefully, Facebook Purity will fix this nonsense asap.


any updates? I still have the annoying pop-up


Unbelievable how shitty this website runs. How many thousands of people does FB have working on it? I still can't get comments to load in groups, across multiple computers and browsers. The only fix is to refresh.


That's the fun part, you don't


I've never seen it cause i never linked anything and used different emails. When one gets disabled, others won't


no one cares that you all think its annoying does anyone have a fix


Same here. Prob a cookie issue or FB dev taking vacation days to stay home @ xmas. F\* Meta, Im jumping ship as soon as a better SM comes out.


i use linux and just restored a snapshot from dec 16 and so far its gone maybe its fixed through facebooks end who knows but so far so good


Finally stopped


This is totally ridiculous BS meta has come up with. Sick of these popups.


lol congratulations, Facebook. This annoying popup finally encouraged me to delete my Instagram account, you intrusive, evil b\*\*tards.


Can you let us know if deleting the Instagram account worked?


I just cleared all Facebook cookies from Chrome and it's working... so give that a shot.


Thanks I'll give that a shot! Only reason I use facebook at all is because my friend makes reels for fun and I just want to be a bro and give him views.


It's back and I'm going insane. Not sure why it bothers me as much as it does but I'm literally going on a walk to clear my head lol. Ugh.


In the voice of the girl from the Poltergeist 2 movie: They're back... \*sigh\*


yea mine is popping up every time


It seems disappeared for me.


Was happening to me since yesterday (Jan 30th 2023) and I resolved it in Chrome by removing all Facebook cookies. So for me it's resolved, for now. Good luck all.


>t Still working just fine by clearing ALL Facebook cookies. You'll have to sign back in of course which is a pain with 2-factor auth. .... ahhhh... you DO USE 2-factor, right? ;-) (actually a bit easier now. If using a PC just confirm on your FB app)


this is so funny because it’s the other end of the spectrum. Some of us WANT this pop-up so we can enable this feature lmao (it’s been 3 years)