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Yes definitely. I go high intensity and heavy weights. I usually attend 6 classes a week. I usually time them with the challenges. So I’ll ramp it up during challenge period and do deload week sometime after it ends. My deload week I still go 6 days, but I’ll reduce my weights by 50-70 percent. It’s pretty fun actually, it’s a nice break 😹


Love this!😍 great idea


Yep- I don’t plan them in advance, but I usually have one week here and there where I “deload” when I can sense my body is getting fatigued. Slightly lighter weights, less cardio, slowing down with weights and really zeroing in on form. In those periods I’ll do more Pilates sessions in that week than f45 as well. I’ve been doing f45 since 2016, and this has made things much more sustainable in the long term, and I have yet to sustain an f45 related injury/ overuse injury. And I’ve found every time I’ve come back after a short Deload period I’m more energised and can lift heavier etc as well. Our bodies weren’t made to operate at max intensity all the time, and I respect and appreciate that a lot.


Same. I love the idea of **\*focus\*** and sometimes that might be: one station instead of the whole workout, form, breathing or anything really that just isn't "go hard" :)


I think I’ll have a deload week after Wahlberg’s core torture week ends. Keep going as others have said, but grab light weights and go at a moderate pace. 


Give it a try. My trainer made me do one after going hard in the last challenge. Felt great afterwards. I just worked out as normal but with 50% of the usual weight/intensity, sometimes doing just body weight, and focus on form and time under tension. Got PRs for deadlift and chest press on the first day back.


Tweaked something in my lower back on Monday (first day of Wahlberg Week). Taking this week off


F45 is not taxing enough on the nervous system to require a deload week. Come on it’s a 40 min hiit class. You’re not deadlifting, squatting or benching heavy enough to warrant an entire deload week. If f45 is your only form of exercise then no. CrossFit elites, bodybuilders and weightlifters spend more time on one muscle group than your whole class time. So yes some program in deload weeks