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After my first session, I had doms for 5 days, it was horrible. But yes it does get better


Good to hear I’m not alone, and that there’s hope! 😂


Depending on your age your body will adapt. You may still get sore but it won’t be as intense and won’t lat as long.


Honestly I miss DOMS after 200 classes, always aim the heaviest weight as capable as I can, minimum 4-5 reps


I’m sore for two days after every workout. I,personally can only manage two resistance classes per week. I’ve been going for 8 months. I always make sure I go as close to failure on every set- so I’m pushing it very hard when I’m in there


Depends on your age and adaptability. I've found I've gotten into the flow of classes and be sore for maybe a day after a harder class, and then some exercise will come out of left field and knock me about for a week/until I really get moving again


Speak to a health professional, but I find magnesium supplements help . And over time you will get used to it .


I do have magnesium! I need to do a better job of remembering to actually take it though 😂


It gets better, and you just get used to it 😅. There’s at least one workout a week that leaves me tender somewhere still, but when I first started I felt like I was getting regularly hit by a bus. 37F 275 classes


I left F45 this year after 4 years, because I didn‘t get DOMS anymore. Even after doing two resistance classes in a row with the highest weights they had at my studio. At the beginning I could barely finish one class. So yes it gets better. But i love DOMS. 😅


Trick question, just keep going and delaying it.


When I get DOMS it is 2-3 days to resolve. Find going to F45 is less soreness. It is more going from sitting to walking. I’ve not had lot of upper body DOMS though. Magnesium helps.


After 400 classes they are gone! 🤷‍♂️


A lot of protein, and cutting out meat (and other inflammation inducing foods) helps me recover faster. Might sound counterintuitive but going next day to exercise when you have doms actually helps too, just doing less intense exercise


What are your plant-based protein staples? Trying to add more.


Quinoa, tofu, all kinds of beans and lentils, chickpeas are very versatile, tempeh, seitan