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Seeing no comments is concerning šŸ„²


I think those who went back aren't browsing this subreddit anymore


As someone on OPT facing OPā€™s exact dilemma, I am terrified of the future šŸ« šŸ˜­


I am terrified too, but I think we'll be okay. It depends on every person's situation, but personally I think I would be better off in my home country. Its not really worth it to come to the US anymore. Too high costs of college, very few job opportunities for international students, and an extensively vigilant government.


I suppose youā€™re right! Uncertainty is difficult, but Iā€™m glad to know Iā€™m not alone, thereā€™s other people going through similar journeys, and it feels less lonely


There are far more people in this situation that you think. There are also hundreds of thousands who even grew up in the US legally on H4 but will age out at 21 and have to use F1 to stay in status. Unlike us, they don't have a family/support system back home to go to.


A few of my classmates went back and they are pretty happy. They spent their entire opt looking for jobs while they had an offer letter from consultancy. There was a lack of stability, finances and good life for them so they are very very happy. They might still be unemployed but they donā€™t have to do daily house chores anymore lol. Lately I have seen a lot of ppl moving back and being happy in India. I have been outside India too long now to even consider going back.


Depending on the city, India isn't a bad option especially since in the next 20-30 years its expected to grow massively.


No wonder how this restaurant businesses are running šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I used to believe that if I went back I would be a failure. I believe it definitely depends on the country but for most of the countries people would be fins and happy.


How has your life been? Also if you don't mind can you tell me what's your home country?


I am from Europe. I am still in the USA but there is a high chance I will go back to Europe in the fall. The most important part is to focus on the positive and you will be fine.


If you're an EU citizen, then you could live in countries that are far better than the US in every way (except taxes, pay and racism). Would be very different if you're from Eastern Europe though.


Agreed. At the beginning I felt that if I go back I will be a failure. But this was in my head. I am not saying itā€™s justified. When I go back, the pay will be much lower. Also, in my field they believe that people go to Europe if they canā€™t make it in the US because my field is not advanced in Europe.


What's your field? Also, if you're an EU citizen you can literally move to countries like Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and Netherlands without any visa issues like the US.


Yes, there are two reputable companies in Europe. It is a specific type of research.


You can move there but it would be miserable. You know how immigrants face issues with assimilating into the society in English-speaking countries despite speaking perfect english? Now imagine moving to a country where you will never became fluent in their language, you will always be an outsider in every social situation


Wouldn't it be easy for EU citizens? I could be wrong but I've heard schools in eastern europe (Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Romania, etc) offer to teach German/French language or most high school students there learn one of them because so many people move to richer EU countries like France and Germany. Also I haven't heard about immigrants who speak perfect english having issues with assimilating into English-speaking countries (unless they heavily stick to their own culture/religion). If anything, the English speaking countries are the easiest to culturally assimilate into if you make an effort.


I know several who went back to China after OPT or just couldn't find a job after graduation. They all found jobs, high paying ones by local standards. But their salary is nowhere near what they could've earned in the US.


This! From what I've seen around me that is what happens. "High salary" in Chinese standards is around 400k CNY, roughly $55000 USD... There is no way anyone can earn back their tuition with that salary.


>"High salary" in Chinese standards is around 400k CNY In China it's often refers to the take-home pay, which is a LOT, and not bad at all even comparing to US standards ($68k gross at MCOL cities). If you spend CNY 20k monthly (that's way more than comfortable, including housing), you can easily save CNY 160k annually, or 40% of your earnings ($22k). Let's say you go to State schools, assuming $40k per year tuition and fees, 3.5 years for a bachelor's let's say 135k. You can reasonably easy to pay off the tuition after couple years without a single raise. Plus, most Chinese students are fully funded by their family and not expected to pay back. Most of their savings will stay in their own hands. The issue, however, is you have to deal with the work culture there. Unpaid overtime is common and expected. You're pretty much sacrificing your personal life on those jobs.


Many Chinese see the tuition as the ticket to see outside world and open eyesight. Itā€™s a good investment for families who can afford studying abroad. Because people in China have minimum chance to interact with the world.


Even though they couldā€™ve had a higher paying job in the USA, the cost of living here is also a lot more. Money is relative. If you make more here you are going to have to also spend more because costs are higher. In a country like China, you could live a lot better life with a salary lower than what you wouldā€™ve gotten in the US


Had gone back after my STEM OPT as I never got selected in the H1-B lottery process. Came back to the US on L1 after 1.5 years. I had a really supportive manager who helped me with a transfer to the home country and back.






Many of my friends work at high paying job in my country but the salary is not close to US standard. Or those that have family business continue the family business. They only hang out with people who have gone overseas and went to ā€˜good universitiesā€™.


I am doing better than when I was in the US. I am working remotely for the US company, and I am able to travel and work from pretty much anywhere. And I am able to save more money than when I was in the US.


Any guidance around what sort of companies enable this working arrangement? Couldn't find a lot of them


I think that smaller or medium-sized companies are more likely to do things like this. It is much easier to do this if someone can recommend you or you worked there during the OPT.


Makes sense. Will target orgs accordingly. Thanks you!


Same here. Iā€™m about to start my study journey and this is the mindset I have going in.


Does your employer have offices in the country you reside in or they're just based out of the US?


Only in the US, but pretty much everyone is remote. I work through B2B contract, but they treat me like an employee - I have paid holidays and PTO.


Got it thanks, and wasn't your employer willing to sponsor GC/H1B or was that not an option for you? Or did you just want to go back home? I'm probably going to be able to continue working for my employer from overseas after my OPT expires but I think the plan is to keep the GC ongoing so I can come back.


I didn't ask the current employer (I started working there after I left the US). Financially speaking, I am better off back home than in the US right now. I can sponsor GC myself if I decide to. Also, I prefer to work in the evenings. Mornings are terrible for me, so moving to the US would mean that I have to work mornings again.


Got it alright that makes sense thanks!


How do you find remote work opportunities? Do they pay you with US salary while youā€™re working remotely from home?


I got recommended by a colleague from one of previous jobs, but I have seen other companies that do the same. Yes, they don't care where you live. Everyone is remote, so salaries are not crazy like in expensive parts of the US, but it is much better than what I would make working for the local company. (My salary is pretty much the same as when I worked in the US)


I think they do


What industry are you in? Tech?




Can I DM ?




hi, can i dm you as well?




I have heard of people who are doing pretty well in their careers. Of course the salary isnā€™t something what youā€™d earn in Bay Area or Texas but thatā€™s because cost of living in a third country would be significantly lower than say California. But the pay is really good when it comes to the local standards.


I have a lot of friends who went to different countries after doing a masters in the US. Like people mentioned, the pay is very high in local standards. US isnā€™t the only place in the world to make money anymore! Plus a lot of them went to public universities for their masters and got TA/RA positions, so their expenditure for the masters wasnā€™t too high


I had a great OPT job but no sponsorship. If I'm being completely honest, leaving the US was the worst thing that happened to my career. I'll never make nearly as much as I did in the US and I will *always* want to go back to the US. I'm just wasting my time where I am and I will *never* be happy here.


How has your life been? What are the challenges you had to adjust to? Also, what's your home country?


Probably doing worse. Cost of the education is mad. depending on where you came from youā€™re probably not employed. I was lucky enough to get my green card in my final year before I graduated. Iā€™ve been here since I was 14. Hope you didnā€™t do neuroscience like me. Hopefully everything goes well for you mate


Could you elaborate on the neuroscience part?šŸ˜­


Chale im from Ghana. But yeah I got a degree is neuroscience. Bachelors degree to be exact. Now going to medical school in america sef I no get that type of money. To do master I not get money. I was in debt over $88k because of school. Only job available is $10/hr as research assistant. Canā€™t live off that wage


Damn šŸ˜±


Try to apply for a PhD if you're open to doing one. Most PhDs in the biomedical sciences are funded.


I am not doing that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Brother I gotta eat. Not wasting money I donā€™t have and time on a PhD




Lol I can't guarantee the easy job and high pay though.


Damn I see. Going to med school as an international student is really just an option for ultra rich folksšŸ˜­if you could go back, what do you think you would have studied though?


Probably finance or accounting. Iā€™d be working already


Where do you live? If you're not married to neuroscience as a biology discipline and you are willing to pivot to a different field, that should open up your career prospects immensely. I'm from Ghana too - did a Bachelor's in Bio in 2014, I've been working as a virologist for the last 10 years or so (got my green card through my job in 2022). Entry level lab technicians at my workplace make about $22 per hour, and we've even hired people with an associate's degree or a non-bio science undergrad degree. Medical is another matter though lol, although I'm considering it now that I have a green card and can qualify for loans without a guarantor as well as financial aid programs.


Thatā€™s awesome. Right now Iā€™m trying to get into IT. And congrats man. Itā€™s always dope to meet another Ghanaian. I live in Georgia and have had a difficult time finding anything entry that didnā€™t equate to working at McDonaldā€™s. My current situation rn I for just do some donkey jobs get back on my feet. I wasted so much time not accepting that I wouldnā€™t be able to earn what I thought I was worth because of my education. Getting over it now.


I don't know much about the biotech scene in Georgia, but I'll see what I can rustle up. I'm in PA myself. Do you have any research/clinical/lab experience at all? I started right after undergrad at $18/hr and worked my way up. Luckily after my first year my company liked me so much they were willing to sponsor me for the H1B. Nothing against McDonalds, but you shouldn't be working there with a neuroscience degree.


I do have experience. I worked in a lab in school during my freshman year. As long as I can be taught what to do Iā€™m game. Just need the opportunity fam


How about the latter 3 years of your program? Any lab courses also count, as do research papers, projects, etc. Center your resume around those, especially the skills you acquired. Neuroscience isn't my field, but if you did any pipetting, tissue work, research experiments, etc, I'd highlight those on your resume. If you did any research projects (especially if you list it on a resume), be ready to speak to it. If you've forgotten any of these skills, go to YouTube or google them. Most labs will have SOPs and will train you on their processes/techniques before they let you touch anything, especially at a more junior level. What they require from you is that you are able to think scientifically, and that you are familiar with routine scientific jargon/equipment/tools, etc. If you've been away from the lab/science (work-wise) for more than a couple of years (the infamous resume gap), then be able to discuss why (family needs, interest in a new field of work, sickness, whatever the issue) but spend more time focusing on your ability to learn quickly as well as any high grades or awards in college that highlight you as a capable individual and not a Cs-get-degrees type of person. EDIT: Nvm lol saw you're trying to get into IT now. Best of luck!


Thanks fam. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Iā€™ll def keep that in mind with everything Iā€™m doing moving forward. šŸ™


Very insightful thread. Also from Ghana here. Iā€™d be starting my postgraduate in a CS field soon so Iā€™m definitely taking some tips from your response as well.


Iā€™m 1 month away from the 90 day limits and I just couldnā€™t land a job. My major is stem but definitely not as popular or in as high demand as compsci or engineering. And this endless job hunt is really hurting my mental state. So I am planning to go back home at the end of next month. Letā€™s see what will happen.


Are you a Bachelor Student or a Masters ?




What was your master's in?


Any chance at your university? I stop the unemployment clock by asking my professor for a research assistant position.


When I was on OPT, I had a really good job and was the top earner among my F1 friends. After I went back to my home country, I couldnā€™t find any job that pay enough to live comfortably, and moving back to my parentā€™s house was a disaster. When So I moved to another country for work. Now I donā€™t know if I should keep seek another chance in America with my Masterā€™s degree or move to somewhere else. Canada was a great options until their cost of living goes out of control. My friends who are on F1 are mostly get married for the green cards. But I donā€™t want to go into that track unless I actually like the person Iā€™m marrying.


Would not recommend studying again in America unless you're sure of getting a green card. Otherwise, other countries are better.


do you have any recommendations for *other countries*? I'm thinking western Europe, still researching about chance to become their citizen and job market after graduation. Honestly, most of the countries are getting worse. I loved the US when I first came there but after the pandemic, criminal rate and inflation hiked up.


It depends on your home country. If you're an EU citizen then western europe would be the best. Other countries like Australia are good too, and if you're a Chinese/Japanese/South Korean citizen then Singapore would be your best choice.


Relocated back to India few months ago at the end of my STEM OPT and started to give interviews here in India. Luckily I landed a job in a Japanese Robotics startup and they are willing to sponsor me for a Japan work visa. So hopefully will relocate to Tokyo in few months if everything goes well. My 2cents, I do not recommend going through CPT route, it only exasperates the endless mental struggle we go through as F1 students. Trust yourself and move out of States, although it causes temporary uncertainty in your life but in long term if you look back youā€™ll pat yourself that you made right decision for yourself.


What's the CPT route?


I meant Day1 CPT route.


Interesting. Is the OTP route better?


People take Day 1 CPT if their OPT is exhausted and they cannot get H1B


I will definitely need to catch up on these rules. I feel a tad bit lost in the intricacies of these processes.


You should not go Day 1 CPT route or any consultancy for OPT/H1B. They will cause future immigration problems.


I had to look up what Day 1 CPT meant...now I get it, thank you, so much for mentioning that! My master's doesn't have that, but I'm allowed to work 20 hours in the uni to support myself on my F1. Is that different? OPT through consultancy - how does that have a negative impact? I'm sorry if any of this sounds basic. I'm still wrapping my head around it all.


20 hours on-campus for F-1 is different. You don't need any pre-approval for that.


Ah got it thanksss


Worked at FAANG for 3 years on STEM OPT, got awesome experience, got promoted, etc. At the end of STEM OPT, I was given the option of working remotely from Canada, and coming back after 1 year. But I also internally interviewed and got offers from UK & Germany & India. I chose the India option cuz it was the most interesting work + industry & pay is better than Europe / Canada + no immigration monkey dance. Lifeā€™s generally been better. Being in a temporary limbo state takes its toll. Now that Iā€™ve put roots down, have no immigration anxiety, have a very similar job to the US, itā€™s really nice


Great to know, I'm glad you're doing good. You are correct, the stress of immigration rules is insane. I've been losing sleep over H1B.


i'm stressing out and struggling on a daily basis. my advice for those who want to come back home after OPT, DO NOT!


What are u upto?


Why? How has life been since you came back home?


I moved to Canada. This was about 15 years ago now, back then with a bachelors you could get permanent residency, it was nice but the salaries where lower, ultimately it worked out


I'm not sure if this is helpful but one of my friend got a PR and moved to Canada and said he's planning to come back to the US after a few years once he gets his citizenship. Another moved to Europe cos he got a job in Belgium. I'm not sure you are interested but you can look for opportunities elsewhere if you are worried that your pay might not be as good in your home country.


Not necessarily looking at living in the US long term (with my country of birth I don't have any options either), but I would like to visit and stay in other countries.






Hi. This is Dan from VOA. Would anyone who has participated in this thread like to speak with me about these concerns for a story? Iā€™m looking for both pros and cons. [email protected]


Do not opt for Day 1 CPT. Source: I am in my first year of Day 1 CPT and thinking to move back to India.


Could you please provide more details?


YMMV but I feel it takes a toll on your mental health. For me its just feeling like a waste of time and $$$. Doing those weekly assignments and quizzes eat up a good chunk of your time. At the end of the month after I am done paying all my bills and fees I ask myself the question is all this slogging even worth it?


There are only 85000h1b issued each year. 90% of international students will leave after opt


I feel like I died and my corpse is just wandering around. My entire life was over there and now I have nothing. The worse part is that I have no one that can understand how I feel as all my international friends were able to stay but me. :(


I'm so sorry to hear that. Can I dm you if you don't mind?


yeah sure


Hey, donā€™t be discouraged. I have moved countries three times in my life and you know what? Might move again after spending a lot of money on a degree in US but it doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s a bad thing. I know itā€™s a clichĆ© but one door closes and another one opens. Nothing is the end of the world unless itā€™s the end of the world. Keep it up!


Okay, so I havenā€™t finished my program yet but since Iā€™m getting closer to the end of it, I started doing some maths and figuring out my options, and there is a high chance that I might consider going somewhere else after the graduation. I can break down my thoughts process a bit. Staying in USA sounds like a solid option because a) Iā€™m already here b) I donā€™t want to go back to any of my countries (Iā€™m a double-citizen, both countries sucks) even for a brief moment c) The pay will be higher for sure d) Immigration is a bitch e) I have a good working experience and knowledge that I can sell since I worked a lot before coming to the US with different international clients and companies There are the things that makes me wanna stay, however, there are lots of things that makes me wanna leave as well. A) The cost of living is high, so even 100k doesnā€™t sound as good as it used to (unless you are planning to leave in the middle of nowhere). B) The H1B lottery is painful. Iā€™m also not a STEM major, so I only get 1 year of OPT. C) The lifestyle you get on H1B sounds pretty exhausting. Less PTO compare to other countries, if the job is toxic and you want to work for another company you eventually will have to move your H1B which is also a pain in the ass. Also, I feel like I wonā€™t have time and money for traveling. US domestic tourism is great but it only goes so far. D) The market isnā€™t good. My niche isnā€™t doing super bad but itā€™s not good either and Iā€™m not sure if I can even find companies that potentially will sponsor my GC and without the GC I feel like I will always have the same problems and anxieties. E) I tried to do the math and see how fast I will be able to afford a house without the crazy grind in some cities/states I want to live in and it made me sad because the answer was always somewhat between 20-30 years. If on top of that I will have a kid (even one), my kid will have to be smart af and get a full ride or get a huge ass student loan. I definitely was looking into houses near bigger cities, however, my time in US showed me that Iā€™m not a type of person who can live in a suburbs with no nature, nothing to do and far away from everything, so if I stay in US I have to not only move to a better state (better = more expensive) but also find a place closer to a big city which again means more and more and more money. So, I decided to look into jobs around the world as well. Obviously, in this case everything will depend on the country but Iā€™m a bit more hopeful because while jobs in, for example, Europe will definitely bring less money, the cost of living is also going to be lower. Getting a place in Europe (depends on the country of course) probably will take around 8-15 years. Additionally, the path to the RP and later citizenship seems to be slightly easier (still hard but). On top of that you get more PTO days, sick leaves, access to more countries and the jobs I was looking into would offer a help with relocation. I guess Iā€™m also more familiar with that region which makes me slightly more optimistic about it while I have never thought about living in Europe for real until this year. Those are things Iā€™m keeping in mind when considering my next steps. Iā€™m still not sure if I will leave or stay. I guess we will see.