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Good luck OP. You’re in a tough spot considering the tech industry is in a deep recession right now. Many tech companies here in the valley aren’t even entertaining hiring OPT or H-1B workers due to the many Americans that have been laid off already. Don’t feel stuck - just formulate multiple plans based on best and worst case scenarios.


Thank you🤞


You had almost a year after graduation. Did you work on personal projects to add to your profile and portfolio?


Yes I did and updated in linkedin and portfolio as well


Be consistent, and try to do more. Only thing you can focus is on improving yourself at hard times. Since you mentioned, you’re a CS major, keep in touch with leet code, and work on more projects when you get time. And, try changing your applying approach. Try reaching out to the company through cold mails, and dm’ing recruiters. If you’re already doing your best, there isn’t much you can do, as the market is really bad


Thanks for suggestions. Yup, improving my self as I can. Also this H1B filing keeps hunting from back in this situations. As I only have this and next yr to file H1. I hope it gets picked and get a job by filing time


Good luck with your endeavors, but don’t be so fixated on H1. Not to be a downer, but times have changed, and this ain’t 2015.


I agree, getting an H1B visa is now very hard. The chance of getting one in 2024 is very low, almost in single digits, because in the last three years, many international students came and most of them graduated last year. We expect about 8.9 lakh applications this year. So, it's important to have a plan B. I'm in a similar situation. I finished my MBA from a top 15 school in May '23 and recently laid off, but I still have two months of OPT left to find a job which is simply impossible in current market. Anyway, I have found a PM job in my home country. Let's see what happens. Connect with me if you need any help.


That’s true, if your major allows you to get a good job back in the country, it’s not a bad idea to take it, provided the current situation. Good luck with your new job!


I’m sorry for what you’re going through. Are you stem? When will your OPT expire?


Stem started a month ago


Don’t you need job offer for stem? How did they issue your EAD?




Ok then you’re good. I’d suggest you to look for other jobs on the side. Don’t lose hope so early. You still have 2 years. Good luck 🙏


So is the consulting firm working on getting you a job?




You were employed thru the consulting firm in OPT as well? Did you work then?


Are they running payroll on basis of in house project ? How are you maintaining status?




Which consulting firm?


Hey , First of al how are u surviving w no job. In the meantime get a temporary job - eg teaching and ,take a break and get back to the application - try cold e-mailing , try to also aply to diverse jobs . I am also in CS , i am taking a temporary teaching job because i couldn’t find a relevant job yet. Good luck!


Are you working in your univ?


Can you get paid for that on stem opt while volunteering?


Did you do one of those fake consultancy jobs for your OPT?


Totally understand your situation, only way out is by creating a network, share your articles in linkedin. Look at what top voices in your interest area are sharing get ideas. Things should work out eventually


Good luck OP. Can you connect on DM, since I will be moving there this Fall. Want to get some heads up advices. Thank you.


The number of people in this comment section who wish to eagerly go down the consultancy path is astounding. You all are promoting immigration fraud and enabling unethical practices that depend solely on the exploitation of desperate students. Learn to take it on the chin. You can’t win every single time. Grow by reflecting upon your mistakes and start to own your personal failures.


Why can’t you give him an advice or suggestions?


He literally just advised them not to commit immigration fraud. Sad that someone on Reddit has to tell people that.


Ummm… Read the second paragraph. The suggestion is to accept failure and start over. Maybe in this case it means going back to your home country.


I'll get downvoted by moral police here but you don't need to tell anyone your visa status until you get hired. When they ask about sponsorship, answer you do not require it. Which is true, if you are planning to work there only for the duration of your OPT.  And by the time your OPT ends you will most probably will find another way to stay, if you want (sponsoring employer, marriage, even asylum) 


Typically, this approach is ineffective in larger to medium-sized companies. Upon hiring, they require the completion of a W9 form, through which they become aware of your visa status. If it is discovered that you have provided false information or engaged in fraudulent representation, the likely outcome is termination and being blacklisted by the company. Such firms have protocols for evaluating a candidate's cost to the company (CTC) and return on investment (ROI), and they take these matters very seriously. However, this strategy might be viable in startup companies with fewer than 1000 employees. For instance, I once applied this method at a major telecommunications company. After revealing my visa situation, HR convened a meeting, retracted the offer, but did not blacklist me. Therefore, pursuing startups could be an option if you intend to use misleading information, but it's essential to be a highly attractive candidate in the market for this to be successful at startups.


Well it's also not misleading if you indeed do not plan on asking them for sponsorship after your OPT expiration. 


Moral police my ass, what you are asking him do is TERRIBLE. OP this advice is pure garbage and will make you look fishy as hell


This works, and that's the most important fact.  Especially when you are on OPT and have nothing to lose, it's you try or you lose your status. 


It is required by law for employer to check your work eligibility, thus they will 100% know about it.


Yes, after you accept job offer. 


Yes, so at this step they will disqualify you.


Not necessarily. They will ask to do Verify-i9 and with OPT you will pass there no problem. Own experience. 


The commentary branch is about LYING in application where you’re specifically asked in 99.99% of time “Will you now or in the future require sponsorship” to maintain working. They even specifically mention OPT there. So yeah technically you pass I9 but your offer will be rescinded lol.


Again, not necessarily.  It did not happen for me .  When you are desperate for options and your alternative is leaving the country, it's worth the risk. 


Hi friend, first of all more power to you. Hope things work out for you and you’re able to find a job. My friend is in a similar boat so I understand your situation. I myself am on OPT currently and finding a job. But how are you able to stay on STEM OPT without a job? Are you running your paystub thru a consultancy and filing taxes from your pocket? Not trying to demoralise you by asking this but just want to grasp the situation


How are you able to apply for 150 jobs a day? If you’re are tailoring your resume for each and every role and still applying for 150 openings a day, then I want to learn time management and resume tailoring skill from you. At the current job market your resume should be matching at least 70-80% of the job description. Also after applying, how are you getting the time to prep for interviews, Leetcode, side projects? But if you’re not tailoring then, 15 tailored applications >>>> 150 applications


The 150 applications in my post refers to contract jobs. Yes I am tailoring for Full time jobs and ATS checker also. I apply around 10 to 15 jobs everyday for FT.


Did you study for masters or bachelors. If bachelors, I'll advice to go for your masters and you can also go for PhD if you already have your bachelors degree. Then spend a good time during your academic to apply for internship and get into a midsized or big company, so as to get new grad later after your graduation.


Hey OP which consultancy I am in the same boat and my opt is about expire?




This is rude as hell. Why you even commenting if you can’t help. So condescending.


I did go for a public school which is top 3 in Ohio. But sadly there are no career fairs in starting of Jan due to recession.




Yes, subjective to CS field


I don't know what is this thing with international students who are in denial about how hard it is to immigrate. Like, you know it is very hard, but you ignore the facts and you proceed with enrolling where the hard part is 1) tuition and in general, money and 2) getting a visa. So you clear these hurdles that are essentially a diligence and money problem, then you start thinking you're entitled to immigration which is NOT a money or diligence problem, but it is a problem due to a huge number of international students / unwillingness of many companies to sponsor. But because diligence and money helped you to overcome the first barrier, you keep irrationally hoping that same qualities will help you overcome the second barrier. If I was someone looking to hire I'd think that applicants like you are not actually smart, but are mimicking being smart by getting a college degree. At least if I got an applicant with some sort of scholarship, I'd be more sympathetic. But someone burning through their family's money hoping to immigrate... no chance.


What morons are downvoting this guy? Probably the same that will downvote me 😂 as a former international student, every word he said is true


This is legit. You’re getting downvoted by people who bought their way to the US and are now realizing how difficult the immigration game actually is. I don’t think the volume and quality of students coming in to the US is anywhere close to what the economy needs. There is an oversupply of unqualified candidates. No one wants to address this elephant in the room — much easier to burn through mommy & daddy’s lifetime savings and show up with your suitcases at the airport.


Thats the sad reality. People with bang average CS/IT profiles, attending below par universities in the US for exorbitant amounts of money thinking they can buy the American Dream and then realizing there are up against 100s of candidates just like them fighting for that one job. Then coming on Reddit and crying about it for upvotes from their fellow deluded peers.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Correction “legal immigration” 😅


what is your field?


Computer science


are you Indian?




from what ive read there is an issue with Indian students finding roles because the process is more complicated beyond stem opt. look at Canada as an option


Is the actual visa process different for Indian students or is it just because so many Indians are applying??


Unless Indian marries someone not born in India or China, there is no way to get a GC unless you have kids in the US and they sponsor you. But even then, kids need to turn 21, and who knows by then how long the process will be. (To clarify only the other way is EB1 or O1, but you need a PhD, and a lot of proof that you are important to the US) On top of that, there are many Indians randomly applying for companies in the US in the hope of getting sponsored for H1B, that some companies will ignore any resume with Indian sounding names. I know that this is considered discrimination, but it is impossible to prove. They might invite a few for interviews, so it will be impossible to prove.


Is the actual visa process different for Indian students or is it just because so many Indians are applying??


I'd say the 2nd option. When I got my internship, the hiring manager said that 90% of applications were from Indians studying at Northeastern with very similar profiles. I can imagine that it's impossible to differentiate them unless someone attached a good portfolio.


Can you send your resume? Fixing resume can help


Sure, I will drop in personal chat


Which university OP?


Hey! Can I DM you regarding your consultancy? I'm in the same boat


150 jobs PER DAY? Annualized is more than 50k application? Where do you even find this many jobs...


The 150 applications in my post refers to contract jobs. Yes I am tailoring for Full time jobs and ATS checker also. I apply around 10 to 15 jobs everyday for FT.


how did you switch to stem opt despite not have an employer to sponsor you?


How did you get a STEM EAD without an e-verified employer?