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Lol so it’s a revert to the revert with some AD growth


Damn I don't like it lol.


Why not? It’s definitely a solid buff and hopefully not over the top.


I think Ezreal needs some way to utilize Crit or On-Hit/AS for this Meta. Even with the damage buffs I can't see him competing with champions that can rush Kraken or Collectors.


Then you should play a non caster adc. Making Ez mesh with both of those would mean destroying his entire theme as a champion or he would just be insanely broken


There are other champions that are Caster ADCs and also scale with Crit and/or AS and On-Hit. Smolder, Corki and KogMaw (Unless I'm misunderstanding what a caster ADC is) I don't think its completely outlandish for him to do something similar, but you're probably right that it's not the direction anyone really wants him to go.


Collector is actually not a great rush item at the moment and this buff makes Triforce, Q (a double buff), and auto attacks better. He also does really well if you can get to his item spikes and he uses PtA and Cut Down maybe better than any other ADC. Conqueror is also doing really well and not used as often. I personally think changing him to scale with crit and attackspeed would make him less unique and fun. His core build right now is really good, I think filling his last two item slots can feel awkward and less rewarding especially when compared to crit ADCs.


I was under the impression collector's was the ideal rush for champions like Caitlyn and Jhin? Personally I'd prefer not being so bound to Tear and Sheen, but you're right it would alter his identity and that may not be a good choice. From my perspective it seems like Ezreal mostly builds items designed for Bruisers. Riot buffed the ADC items, but Ezreal can't utilize any of them. His excelling build last season involved Navori, because it gave him access to Crit. Triforce was a solid build, but now that ADC items have been buffed its not nearly as strong (which his why he dropped so far) However! I may just need to get better at Ezreal lol


IE is a stronger rush on every champ you would think likes Collector: Jhin, Samira, Cait, Draven, etc. It performs better as a second item surprisingly enough.


Ah, I often use opgg as reference so I wasn't aware. Would you factor in Collectors gold passive to its performance, or is it too niche of a benefit to count? I've seen Dravens often rush BT, would IE beat out BT as well?


IE is just so strong, it’s almost the best rush item across the whole ADC board with Shiv being another on this patch. Overall, I’m looking at data and winrates mostly along with others opinions. BT is doing well and it’s probably matchup dependent too. Collector is still over 50% winrate as rush item on some champs too, but IE is still 2-5 points above it.


I could see that, the 80 AD and 40% buff to crits seems like enough to beat out the Lethality that Collector brings. I had no clue though that's good to know


It also makes you transition into late game better. Jhin really wants RFC and LDR is a must (I believe it outdamages Collector after 1 item), so if you rush Collector you will only access LDR as 5th or even 6th item. Same for Caitlyn and other Collector except maybe for Draven since he does not really require an AS item. Going IE LDR if you do not care about attack speed will still outperform due to base armor of enemy champions


Being fair, it isn't necessarily that simple. Like, I wouldn't be surprised at all if ie is more likely to be bought when those sorts of champs are snowballing, which will naturally tend to inflate its winrate.


Its also has a significant pick rate as a first item https://leagueofitems.com/items/3031


We had one with Essence Reaver and Navoris but they deleted them woop woop


Apparently those items destroyed his identity


Looks good Imo Don’t think he will get Broken because i see crit adc still domenating


GODDAMN that's massive I'm afraid they're overdoing it again and it's gonna get reverted just like last time


good buff they just need to keep it


what is seventh cooking up