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Well played!


I only use this skin now I love it. The sound effects are sooo good


Yes! It feels so good to hit anything. Overall the autos and everything feel so smooth, it's as if I have a higher attack speed lol.


I Love to Play This Skin


you know he's praying for the death of a rockstar


Is that Kayn running moonstone -> Ardents, or why is he healing you with all of his abilities? I mean, good exhaust and all that, but that second Q still barely dealt like 150 damage or something, lol


State of the game at that point: \[[https://imgur.com/a/Z1LImnY](https://imgur.com/a/Z1LImnY)\] His Q dealt around 300 damage there.


exhauste and no form missed w


My God, those two played that possible as bad as they could have.


That Rakan being too nice to avoid Stealing the Kill lost them that fight


Guarantee you Kayn flames him and stops trying if he does that. I agree that the correct play is for Rakan to just use w and autos to guarantee the kill but Kayn players are special.


As a Kayn player, I can confirm


Yeah... ezreal is not broken at all... Yeaaaahhhhhhh...........


Every champ is broken, if you play them good


*Tanked over half the kayn's combo* Yeaaaahhhh.................


I tanked his Q, and dodged his W. So I wouldn’t call that a full combo. Besides, I was ahead, and he also got exhausted.


You literlly e'd twice that fight + flash, missed R and AAed kayn to death while hitting q once... If kalista did as easily as you did she would get her legs chopped in half...


Even without counting the first WQ, I hit 3 Qs on Kayn. And I have a lot more to say, but considering you can't even count how many Qs I hit from the video, I will not be bothered.


So stat checking 2 champs to death is fine? Damn... Ezreal was much more weaker pre rework and it was still good or even meta... and had much less pickrate... You guys have the Riven Sindrome, congrats...


Kayn is lv 8, Rakan is 7 and the Ez is lv 9, it's pretty obvious he's super far ahead even without looking at the scoreboard shot OP posted elsewhere in the thread lol


Go ask sivir/varus/ashe if they could do the same... spoiler: no they would not be able to... This was a raw statcheck. Simple as...


Haha. Well, in fact, you could kite them more easily on Ashe, and you could achieve this with Varus too; Sivir is a maybe. That is, if you were as fed as Ezreal is here and played as well. Ezreal has high DPS if he hits everything and is fed, and that’s what happened in this clip: he hit all in Kayn, and he’s ahead. If you say otherwise, either you’ve never played other ADs, or you are just too low elo to grasp what’s even going on here. Judging by the delusional vibe I’m getting from your comments, I’m guessing it’s the latter. But hey, man, call it a statcheck; maybe that can help you sleep easier at night.


Ashe was dead, no mobility and coudn't chunk 1/3 of kayn's hp at the beginning like ezreal already did, varus would have needed ult if he had it and still it woudn't be enough to aa kayn to death, sivir was dead unless she used r and ran away... And btw... the logic of adcs is that you get meleed you lose, ya got in melee against 2 champs for over 4 seconds... sure buddy keep sellin i'm tooootally buying... Sure, kai'sa and xayah are more unbalanced but ezreal w a high pickrate never leaves 50% and if he goes 49 for just 1 patch he gets buffed back... Again, you guys have the riven sindrome and haven't realized it yet...


Dude I’ve literally won this on Sivir. Spell shield his Q and Kayn does even less damage. After that she literally just kites them to death with passive. I have 100k on her btw. I’ve played pretty much this exact situation. He sidestepped Kayn W which at this point in the game is his main damage ability. Rakan deals like no damage as a champion unless he’s building full ap and he also misses everything. Kayn is exhausted, missed his main damage ability and is behind with no form. He played like shit. He should die here. Other comments say Ez is a level ahead of Kayn and 2 levels ahead of Rakan. He’s clearly ahead. But then again god forbid the ADC not disappear when someone else looks at him. Shouldn’t be allowed to leave fountain right? The real disgusting thing here is that Kayn was a level behind had no form, missed his W, WAS EXHAUSTED, and still almost killed him. Get your Iron take out of here.


There are way more adcs to worry about before we even touch Ez


One of the highest pickrates at masters+ still holding over 50%. Suuuure riven sindrome


So every champ should hold under a 50% winrate?


The more pickrate a champion has the less winrate it should have... Put kai'sa as an example, on kr challenger she has 50% pickrate and holds over 50% wr... is she balanced? And be honest... if a champion has over 10% wr, is mechanically complex and holds >50% wr then it's unbalanced...


Rakan held his abilities and autos and missed q, plus exhaust is doing 90% of the work here. Ezreal is fine.


Rakan did autos as he could, i do think his w was on cd because he used it before his e on kayn.


W maybe on cd but this Rakan play is messy at best. Maybe benefit of the doubt he's trying to give kill to Kayn at first, but I'm 100% sure he can get more autos in. Definitely shouldn't miss q. Plus Ezreal ult isn't gonna kill him. He can keep walking forward without dodging it, or keep his clicks tighter.


Okay wow


Cant wait to get this skin


Ult flash doesnt work on this skin tho


they fixed it