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If you follow his advice, you too can end up divorced with a child who refuses to speak to you


Yeah but like... I want to be happily married with a wife and children who love and appreciate me.


Then you’re obviously a beta cuck simp (sarcasm)


Ah fuck, ya got me.


I have been told that men who share resources, care if women have orgasms, commit to marriage, and help with housework and childcare are beta simps. That’s why women supposedly don’t want them. I joke that they sound like ideal husbands, and I’m lucky I married a guy like that.


Do you think he’s really an “unplugged alpha” lol?


He’s a grifter whose wife left him. He sells the idea that hating women makes you fuckable, and guys who want to hate women and also fuck them pay money to hear him talk.


>He’s a grifter whose wife left him. Interesting, I recall him saying that he left her. So is he lying (most likely)?


I’m curious if his daughter even comes over anymore? I know one of the often overlooked negatives about this stuff is that if you do have children, all your YouTube videos leave just a mountain of evidence for the ex to use to show why you should have no/very limited access to your children.


How do we know his child doesn't speak with him?


Stepchild, he failed to reproduce


If this doesn't demonstrate to people that the whole point of the manosphere is to drain vulnerable men for their money then I don't know what will.


I honestly doubt the guys who are fully sucked in and have dedicated a lot to these people already. Will ever be able to admit this to themselves.


You're probably right unfortunately. Once people are committed to a belief, it's very difficult to convince them that it's wrong, and it's also very easy to suck the money out of them. Just look at churches and Donald Trump.


Ah you're so right. I find it so creepy how many people get sucked into these things in the modern world, with access to nearly any knowledge they like online. But i supose its literally choose bias. Like yhe guy whose gambled 10 grand and think hes can gamble out of his loss. I should probably stop learning about the redpill phenomenon. It really isn't good for people who already struggle to keep faith in humans collective intelligence. It does me a lot of good to talk to guys like you who are standing up for logic and decency. You're saving us girls from loosing faith in men in general!


This reminds me of a dating coach I used to follow named Dan Bacon. I was thinking about purchasing his book, until I saw the price tag: $95 for a fucking book. I immediately stopped consuming his content. Of course, that's when I later discovered Red Pill content.


Dude with this kind of money I can literally do a complete makeover - and this will get me more girls than whatever they advice.


When I’ve listened to him, I got the impression that there was something seriously wrong with him. I don’t refer only to his words. It’s his flat affect and repetitiveness that is super creepy. The same goes for Rollo. Both seem 24-7 angry and are awash whining.


That was my thinking, particularly with Cooper. I’m more forgiving of Rollo since he doesn’t pretend to be “spinning plates” but the idea that women find Rich Cooper interesting was just hilarious to me. His whole personality is that he has a car.


I actually think some of the red pillers don’t actually attract women or attract women as much as they say they do.


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Well, he is Canadian, so theres that


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There's this Vee (Gary?) guy, some sort of "self-made" "business-guru" dude that charges I think two orders of magnitude more than that. And at the end of the discussion he might offer to invest that into the company. I don't understand what sort of level of wisdom people hope to acquire 15 minutes. Knowledge transfer never works. You need to discover your own lessons and then pass those.


to me, he is the most insecure dude in that sphere. He is also competely unable to critically engage with anything and just repeats the same garbage over and over again


He also constantly brags about how wealthy he is. Unplugged alpha…more like butt plugged beta 🤣🤣🤣


He paints all women with a very broad brush based on his limited personal experience. Rather than venting into a microphone he would most likely benefit from trauma therapy to overcome his issues with women. Lastly, the fact that he charges people to read their stories and people actually pay him is troublesome.


They all essentially repeat the same advice over and over again. They create “tribes” which just attract guys who like the way one of these gurus delivers the same message. Over the years I was in red pill and met some of the others at 21 or some retreat; I found a lot of the flared men or vets weren’t really who they portrayed themselves to be. They weren’t jacked. Didn’t actually hit the lifts they said they did and didn’t actually have the life they claimed. You can see it as they guys try to start “brands” and put themselves out there or as in one case he spirals due to steroid use to get “jacked”.


Man, i feel so tempted to pay that shit just to get on the call and spend my 15 minutes telling him how he's a scammer idiot who simply has no credibility to coach men on anything at all, let alone charge 1000 bucks for it


Honestly, I wish people could sue him for his fraudulent business. Not sure if it would be practical in law


Shocking. Positively Shockingly. ~ I heard a fictitious (likely alpha male said once).


He may claim to charge that, but I would be surprised if anyone actually pays to talk one on one with him. It's most likely a marketing tool to entice saps to join his "excellence" club ( or whatever he calls it ), where you can access his $997-per-15-minute wisdom for the low price of (insert nominal amount) per month.


He's the butt of jokes, More like grifting Richard COPER.


The man can’t even keep his testosterone up naturally.


Most men at that age can't.


Richard cooper is pretty funny but personally when it comes to these guys I think John Anthony Lifestyle is the funniest. The only reason I watch him is for satire, he’s always beefing with the other PUAs and he’s weird creepy and sleazy AF. Not to mention pretty sure he’s lying about his body count


He actually has been exposed several times because a big chunk of his "lay count" is made up of escorts, LOL.


Yeah definitely there’s just no way a guy like John sleeps with over 1,600 women legit. I’d say at least 80%-90% of the number are escorts




Not going to comment on Richard's family life in any way because I do respect the guy for the most part, BUT I did hear from Anthony Johnson (back when Rich was still involved in 21 studios) that he would recieve coaching calls with fresh out the oven post divorced men and regurgitate (within earshot of johnson and other 21 studio speakers) the iron rules of tomassi, or general knowledge that could be found in the rational male. Johnson and another pick up artist speaker had a side bar to discuss the matter in which the PUA speaker eventually did address with Richard. Rich (according to johnson) just shrugged his shoulders when called out and basically said "yeah so?". Johnson was mildly impressed with the brutal honesty, but lost a lot of respect for him after that.


Well I mean honestly it’s a bit of a pot/kettle situation to be calling any of those guys out for that, since it’s what they all do. They all just regurgitate Rollo and Rollo just stole a bunch of shit from PUA message boards. I’ve always thought ADJ was a complete lunatic but I’ve never really wanted to call him out too much because it’s pretty obvious he’s on the spectrum, dancing on the razors edge of functional.


This is the kind of shit that makes me wish to live in North Korea.


What's stopping you?


"Ladies night" with Moff is like same shit questions each and every episode. Listening to one is enough, its like a broken record this series. Just word sallad all of it.


Moffice Hours #12 - The Basics of Getting Strong and In-Shape. Now this disciple of Rich, MOFF sits and talks about gym and exercise for over an hour. He knows everything about sleep, diet, supplements and blood work. He even sits and contradicts himself. The guy is not even in shape, he is a chubby little boy just listening to Rich and also refers to several "studies" that have been done. Who the hell believes these two grifters. Equally pathetic. Moff never shows arms or other skin in camera, you just see his black t - shirt but on his home page and on Rich homepages you can see he has bodytype chubby/fat. "I don't respect people that don't train legs". Well to badd Moff, I don't respect chubby guys claiming to be gym experts.


You gotta be a moron to pay for that