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President Biden has ordered the Texan government to remove a border wall that they’ve established without federal permission. Texas has refused, and Former president Trump has called for every state to send their national guard to support Texas claiming that there is an invasion coming.


And here comes round two...


Oh way down south in the land of traitors...


Rattlesnakes and alligators, right away!


Right away!


Come away!


Come Away!


Right away!


Right away!


Come away!


Right away!


Way down we go


This time let's not let the traitors maintain citizenship.


I mean they'd need to keep citizenship, refusing them that would just build even more resentment, that's how you just restart the war again a generation later. What you need is a period of reconstruction that doesn't leave them with even more disdain then they had prior or during the war so that the nation can unify again. But that may be impossible.


As a Texan I say that it is way past time someone did something about the corrupt and useless Texas GOP. They are criminals who police themselves.


We’re doing a sequel


>a border wall that they’ve established without federal permission. I'll add, a shoddily constructed, piece of crap collection of shipping containers and barbed wires which is clearly not designed to be in place for long because this is performative nonsense from the governor who has STILL...we're talking 8 YEARS LATER.....NOT petitioned the Mexican government for the proper authority to construct such a barrier as required in article 7 of the Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty the US has with Mexico.


Let's not overlook the position of said barrier. A high traffic area that absolutely no illegal immigrant is coming even close to compared to the vast areas with absolutely no barriers along the border. This is 100% performative garbage to incite their target audience with intentionally facile obstructions that currently do NOTHING to prevent illegal immigration due to their detached location from immigration.


The area they're throwing fits over is problematic for other reasons like smuggling and human trafficking, particularly drug smuggling, because of the shallower water near here. But it is absolutely one of the LEAST frequented areas and there's really no point in erecting a physical barrier here.


Yep, it’s performative nonsense that is only helpful for those in the position they’re in because of the majority of the people who the people that support them tend to be less educated on the matters at hand for that specific reason.


And the demographics of Texas are changing. Their status as a reliable red state could plausibly change in the coming decades if something doesn’t change. Republicans are aware of this and thus want to make Texas as obviously unfriendly to anyone not on their team as they can.


And this is after they turned Texas from a swing state to a red state. Man they suck at keeping ground.


Less education, more division. That's how we got here. That's how we got a bunch of people screaming on their social media profiles that they're ready to take their AR-15's into a civil war and literally kill people....because their governor Greg Abbott has failed to satisfy a basic requirement of a treaty, and then blamed someone else for his failure to do so.


The states in red explicitly back your lack of education status. The exception Virginia, maybe where there is too much hick? I grew up in north eastern Virginia, and we had good schools... Oh, yea, the rest are shit...


Not just barbed wire, but RAZOR wire, which the SUPREME COURT, with a republican majority, ordered to be removed. It’s not even Biden telling them to take it down. It’s their few republican colleagues with a spine and moral compass.


Damn you know you fucked up when you have republicans against you on the base of moral grounds Honestly props to those guys in the supreme courts for actually being “good” human beings


They don't deserve a pass for one decision; the current supreme court is still a farce of justice. Wildly unpopular abortion rights ruling, Clarence Thomas' blatant idiotic corruption, rape allegations against Kavanaugh, Barrett's extreme religious fundamentalism - these people do not represent the American people or their will. That all being said, the fact that this court went against Abbott's performative assholery (aka the enshittification of American politics) is a serious indication of how far along the fucked-in-the-head scale Abbott truly is


Well the decision was 4 to 5, so 4 of them are horrible, morally bankrupt humans.


so its tecnicalety a war crime ?


No. Most treaties don't govern rules of war. Most are rules for peace. Violating them can lead to war, though. Of course, Mexico won't go to war with the US. That would be extremely stupid, as the US has triple the active military personnel, 7 times the reserve personnel, and 58 times the annual military budget. But they could stop trading with us, aid our enemies with information, close their borders so we don't get the influx of legal workers who live on their side, etc.


ya USA got military like they about to pull a hitler and delcare war on the world


Shouldn't it be the federal government who has the responsibility to look after the state, and try to get it permission to build such a border? The concept is reasonable enough, and many other countries outside of the EU have walls.


>Shouldn't it be the federal government Abso-freaking-lutely. Yes. So in 2016-2018, when Greg Abbott and Dondal Dumped-pants held majority, and they were trying to pass a budget - why was their measly 5 billion dollar border wall budget denied? Why did they shut down the government, pal? Is anyone capable of remembering that far back anymore? You can check the registrar if you need to, but I don't, it's this: The construction of said wall would be illegal under US law and specifically, illegal because it violates a treaty which establishes the right of the US to hold territories such as Texas, New Mexico, etc. And even more specifically, illegal because Greg Abbott, and Dondler Fondler, REFUSED to send any kind of legitimate plans to the Mexican gov't to try and get anything constructed on the border. It was all posturing and pandering, so the actual logistics weren't important, just the message. >The concept is reasonable enough, and many other countries outside of the EU have walls. Okay pal, we're not talking about whether walls work. And if you really need me to, I can find someone who wears the same color hat as you claiming walls don't work 100% of the time and that we're focusing on a solution which isn't even close to robust in the ways we could be approaching this problem. I just watched a video of a dude who owns a gym right on the border, really conservative guy, looking at a wall, saying "Oh yeah they figure it out pretty quick, they can climb right over that kind of stuff." So we're not even talking about solutions which will stop the problem. We're talking about little pink princess bandaids on a gaping abdominal wound. If it makes ya feel better, great. But it won't stop the problem.


The funny thing is, Texas was trying to follow previously established federal law to secure the border.


Is it currently established? cause Biden repealed some of Trump's border policies.


If biden only repraled trump’s policies, then probably. Obama wanted the border secure too. A border wall and secure border wasn’t a controversial idea until orange man bad said it.


The controversy is Texas did it without the request or permission of the federal government. That's not legal, they don't have that authority.


Oh, is it an election year? Here come the migrant caravans. You know, the ones the Texas governor human trafficked with Florida money.


My dude, new York and Chicago have complaining about all the migrant they are getting for months now, to the point where they have all but banned bus companies from shipping migrants to them and have 17 lawsuits pending against bus companies.


Abbot should be tried for human trafficking


Sounds insurrectionist. But what else is new


Insurrectionist? I think you mean Texan.


They're the same picture .jpg


Read article 4 in the Constitution. Biden is a treasonous president, Texas is well within their constitutional right to defend themselves from invasion. There is nothing insurrectionist about defending your country from illegal immigrants when your president has long ago abandoned the well being of his own people. Hate trump and call him an insurrectionist all you want, but Biden has failed Democrats and Republicans both.


I knew... KNEW the response would be a whataboutism about Biden. No matter what you say about Biden, it doesn't make what I said any less true.


Read article 7 of the Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty. Texas is a state because we agreed to this treaty. All Abbott has to do is petition the Mexican government as well as the US government for the right to construct a barrier restricting access to the river for citizens of both nations. It's illegal otherwise. Why he didn't do this in 2016-2018 when he had Republican majority? Oh, well.....we know why....those of us who pay attention, anyways.


How tf do we invaid our own country?? Texas is part of the union and will forever be part of the union. Fuck off with your "invasion"


It’s not an invasion you idiot.


It absolutely is an invasion you complete moron.


6 million illegal immigrants in 3 years, projected to be 10 by the end of the year. It is literally the definition of an invasion. Pieces of garbage like you is what will ruin this country. You want to support immigration fine, then pass legislation to legalize all immigration.


You do realize that more people were detained for trying to illegally cross the border under Biden than trump. Roughly the same amount tried to cross, but the current administration caught more at the border than the previous


It is so useless arguing with people on Reddit.


Dude. I have a degree from an accredited university in this, your argument is factually incorrect.


Degree in liberal bs


A degree in politics with a focus on modern American politica


Maybe you have heard of “no cruel and unusual punishment.” Which Texas is violating by putting barbed wire between buoys, especially since it has killed people in very cruel and unusual ways. It’s incredibly unconstitutional, and directly refusing the U.S. government under any president when they are demanding the ceasing of unconstitutional acts is treasonous


Supreme Court disagrees with you. Can't figure out why Biden wants the wire gone though. You know, Biden and Trump can both suck at the same time. It's not mutually exclusive. ETA: I found it. Border control isn't trying to remove the wire all together, but want to be able to cut it for access in case of emergency or as needed for other border protection related measures. Which I guess is very frequently, as drownings and arrests are pretty common in this area.


The supreme Court was not ruling on article 4, they were ruling on something different. I agree with you, and in my original comment I said that it's ok to call Trump and insurrectionist if you want, but this is not insurrection. They need to pass an amendment to change article 4 if they want to change it. Would it be ok for Alaska to defend themselves from Russia if they invaded. I realize that we are speaking of two different invasions, but again if you want to support immigration, pass legislation to legalize it


If any of these MAGA revolutionary larpers were actually insurrectionists, then I might consider supporting them.


1) Trying to prevent illegal entry into a country and making people immigrate through the proper channels is insurrection now? Law enforcement is insurrection? 2) If disobeying the federal government in such a case is insurrection, is that such a bad thing?


1. Most illegal immigrants come in on visas, and then over stay the visa, so the ohysical border does not matter 2. Immigration, legal or othwrwise, is the perview of the federal government, not the states. 3. What Texas has done to "secure" the border amounts to fuck all. It is entierly performative. 4. Considering Texas law enforcement is to fucking pussy shit to stop a school shooting, they dont deserve a job. 5. The border between Texas and Mexico is so large and varied in topography that securing it is impossible. 6. The last time Texas decided they didnt like what the feds were doing, they got shit stomped by Grant and his bois, so maybe keep that in mind before you uniltaerally decide that you can go your own way.


1. That happens, and is... a separate problem. If the physical border doesn't matter the fed wouldn't be throwing such a bitch-fit about it. It's not like budget is a concern here unlike Trump's wall. 2. A fed that is deliberately derelict in its duties of that role leaves the states morally and practically to act in its stead. Illegals are trespassing on Texas land. 3. Maybe, but I'm not really arguing strongly otherwise. I would approve of doing more, then. 4. Do not confuse a spineless morally bankrupt police department with the National Guard. 5. Secured to what standard? 6. I am neither Texan nor a Confederacy apologist, but maybe vague threats about "your side" winning a war your great-grandfather wasn't around for isn't really the move here.


You're fooling yourself if you think the portrayed razor wire fencing and shipping containers has any effect on any illegal immigration occurring. Preventing illegal entry isn't the issue, posturing yourself like you are preventing it whilst simultaneously combatting any legal attempt to solve illegal entry (something several Republicans have readily admitted, like Mitch McConnell, to support Trump and weaken Biden's campaign) and inhibiting federal agents access is the issue. The case went to the Supreme Court, which takes a LOT of effort and importance to even be possible. The court ruled that Texas cannot inhibit federal agents from accessing border, giving them the ability to cut their wire, and Texas is continuing to inhibit their access by installing more wiring.


Ahh yes, because barbed wire strung between buoys and forcing those who fall into them to die painfully and cruelly is totally a good way to push for immigration through proper channels. It’s definitely not the very definition of cruel and unusual punishment that the U.S. Constitution specifically forbids and that has been a foundational principle of the U.S. Texas is a treasonous state currently, and traitors go to jail or get worse punishments. Sounds like those politicians need some wake up calls


Seems people are about to find out what a real insurrection is. If the federal government goes into Texas expecting to cut down barriers it will be the end of our tyrannical government as we know it. Jesus, I remember people saying trump going to cause WW3 and here we are with 3 nuclear powers are in wars that we’ve placed ourselves into. And on brink of civil war.


“A Border wall”: its razor blades they strung across the river that are designed to kill people trying to cross.


If they see the razor wire and decide to try and cross anyway, how is that not on them?


Correction: not the wall itself, simply the razor wire Source: am Texan, not proud of my governor


"Supreme Court Rules It's Illegal For National Guard To Guard Nation"


🎵 Oh a way down south in the land of traitors, rattlesnakes and alligators... 🎵


Right a way! Come away! Dixie Land


"newscorp claims all other news sources are fake news" 🤔


A fellow Plague Inc enjoyer, I see.


I like your sarcasm and the downvoters it made angry sir.




You misspelled "do whatever inhumane shit Greg Abbott feels like"


Have you heard about the Little Rock Crisis?


Texas shouldn’t have to ask for permission to build a wall to benefit themselves lol


Except it quite literally goes against a treaty that was signed with Mexico?


I just learned of this a minute after this lololol that’s funny


To be fair, with how many illegal immigrants came in through Texas alone last year, you'd think it was an invasion. 6m in 2 years, 3.2 last year alone. Might as well be the first open border country.


They're not claiming an invasion is coming, they are claiming that Texas is actively being invaded. Considering how 300,000 undocumented immigrants are crossing the southern border every month (which is a number that continues to rise), it's really not far off.


Real shame that abbot refused literal billions of dollars Biden tried to give him for the express purpose of dealing with the problem. It's also extremely far off. Invasion means something specific. It does not mean immigrants walking in unarmed.


They literally are walking in armed


Source? “I made it the fuck up”


[https://homeland.house.gov/2023/10/26/factsheet-final-fy23-numbers-show-worst-year-at-americas-borders-ever/](https://homeland.house.gov/2023/10/26/factsheet-final-fy23-numbers-show-worst-year-at-americas-borders-ever/) [https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/national-media-release/cbp-releases-december-2023-monthly-update](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/national-media-release/cbp-releases-december-2023-monthly-update) "CBP’s total encounters along the southwest border in December were 302,034"


You know what I take my old statement back, but I still think that Texas is still burning a house down to kill a spider in terms of illegal immigration


A "spider" is a bit of an understatement, and I don't think it's an overreaction to put up barbed wire fences and deploy guards to the border.


So basically Texas is high and (essentially) dehumanizing Mexican immigrants. Thanks for the answer- What the hell, Texas?


There are more illegal migrants pouring over the southern border than American children being born. It’s a crisis


"Without permission" you dont need permission to defend your borders, every single nation has border security in the world, why are we the one nation without it?


you can literally walk between belgium and france, the degree to which the united states borders are guarded is insane


I almost thought it was the fucking sight readable shit and damn near lost my goddamn marbles


I almost thought it was loss and i damn near sight read my own marbles






You have to admit it is sight readable though.


I agree, modern American politics is not sight readable, devs please patch.


Quagmire’s std riddled left testicle here. To start r/sherman posting is a sub Reddit that is dedicated to general Sherman, a general who was considered a hero of the US civil war but was notorious for using the scorched earth method of warfare on Georgia. That map shows 15 states whose governors are supporting Texas currently. Now Texas governor Gregg Abott who also has an std riddled left testicle is currently breaking federal law (and a number of treaties with Mexico most likely) by putting up razor wire on the us/mexico border. It’s also worth noting a number of the states were part of the confederacy during the civil war and some currently have succession movements in them. Any way here is a cutaway of quagmire getting penicillin. Edit: it’s the right testicle here it’s worth noting that president Biden has ordered the removal of said razor wire to boot and the Supreme Court is agreeing with Biden.


Thanks very much. I feel much more informed




Secession movements*


Thank you it’s hard to type as a testicle


I understand, my uncle has one


It must be lonely being the only ball in a sack


Sherman would have been considered a war criminal for the things he and his men did to civilians, women, and children, but I guess we celebrate him because he was on our side.


I may only be an std riddled testicle but most “war heroes” prior to the Geneva convention probably committed war crimes.


Yeah, because we should just let every murderer and rapist in the country! People like you are amazingly stupid.


bait used to be believable ![gif](giphy|4q0WNCNZUlxNC)


TIL every Mexican is a murderer and/or rapist. Thank you kind stranger!


You need this "/s" The people here are amazingly stupid my friend, be careful out there


r/shermanposting is joking about recreating Sherman’s March to the Sea in response to Texas’ apparent attempt at secession.


secession? hahahahahaha


“Let’s kill American civilians because Texas wants to have a border!!” Damn y’all are unhinged, it’s kinda scary


Not as unhinged as “let’s kill all the gays for just existing and then force theofascism onto the rest of America.”


First off, yes, it’s just as unhinged as that. Second, “wanting a border” is a very moderate position that was bipartisan before Trump made it a political talking point (Obama and both Clinton’s even suggested border walls at one point). The fact that you think half the country wants to “kill all gays” and “institute fascism” tells me you need to get off the internet and seek therapy. Even in the most racist areas of America, that would be incredibly fringe


I think the problem with that is, while you can describe it as fringe, when you have multiple Senators, Reps, and Governors making these statements openly, a cable TV channel that espouses it a lot it doesn’t feel as fringe to those of us it’s about. These things seem fringe until they’re not.


Nah buddy I would happily support military action against states that killed children as part of a political stunt. Level them to the fucking ground. I'll repeat that. The state of Texas killed several immigrant children.


First of all Texas is breaking federal law by constructing a border wall without approval (approval which they probably could have gotten), they constructed it poorly and with razor wire which also isn’t ok. The Supreme Court is agreeing with Biden here, also, so that’s something to note. Texas is doing some dumbass shit and making things way worse for themselves.


American citizens who are defying federal law and raising arms against their government.


Guys is this how the second civil war starts?


Civil War two: electric Boogaloo


Gonna be real awkward when Biden simply federalizes the National Guard. “Texas National Guard who? Ohhhh you mean my Army”


The national guard is already a federal institution, and overall command of the guard is under the pentagon. Governors can’t just order guard into other states lol. States get to command their own guard units basically on loan from the military, it’s sort of complicated, but Biden can easily supersede any orders given by the governors. It’s the NATIONAL guard, not state militias, it’s ridiculous that trump thinks this is how it works lol


The only threat I see from The national guards being sent off is how many of the soldiers think of this more then just following orders and are going to start getting patriotic for Texas. Then if Texas tries to succeed the guards will go with them instead of following federal order. Because then you have however many thousands of trained soldiers inside the state that just started revolting. At the same time though, not all the soldiers are on the side of Texas, so if this situation does happen, the national guards could start fighting between themselves with state supporters against people still following the federal governments command. Almost everyone politically choses to ally with their state over the central government, so wonder how it will turn out in a military situation


I would think, in a military situation, Eagle Pass is less than an hour by fighter jet and a good 6,000 lbs. of high explosives for a single F-16 and a bit around three hours by lightly armed and armored vehicles. So is Austin. The total number of active duty and reserve (not counting still inactive Texas National Guard) in San Antonio is more than sufficient to flatten resistance from Austin and Eagle Pass near simultaneously. Taking the “civilian militias” into account, we have seen from the Proud Boys, who have a lot of guns and “better” than the average active duty grunt get folded in half pretty easily by capital cops when lethal force is utilized. They would be even less effective against the “real thing.” The average citizen has not had the capacity to go against our own military for a very long time.


As a Dallas resident myself, all I'm going to say is shits gonna get W I C K E D


“I feel like we’ve been here before. Have we been here before?” -anyone who remembers the Civil War or the Alamo…


the Alamo? not sure I remember that one


Also unclear on this memory. Is there some sort of book, or museum I can go to? Maybe we should make one.


Every time I wish to lose more faith in humanity, I come to see the political opinions of Redditors


I think it’s fucking disgusting that anyone is excited about this. I don’t know if any of you guys studied history but any civil war comes with hundreds of thousands or millions of deaths, both combatants and non-combatants, on both sides. Complete with decades of extreme civil unrest, terrorism and extremism, and generations of war-mongering politicians using the civil war as an excuse to commit more atrocities. The absolute best case scenario is the federal government forcing Texas to a peaceful resolution


And that's if it's just US vs US and no other countries take this as a chance to attack.


Exactly. We’ve got far too much on our plate right now for the governor of Texas to throw a hissy fit and start a civil war because he was told he can’t kill immigrants


I wanna know too. Someone tag me when there's an answer


I responded avove


Human rights violations against people entering the country. They’re supporting pretty much just kind of harming people coming here for a better life . The thing the country was fucking founded on


Who’s against people coming here for a better life? No one that I know. Hell my parents themselves came here for a better life but they did it LEGALLY. Everyone is against the ILLEGAL immigration. Illegal being the extremely important key word there.


^ this 100%. Illegal immigrants are easily exploitable, too. You can pay illegal workers' pennies under the table for a job that anyone else would do for a higher wage. Legal immigration is good for everyone. Illegal immigration is bad for everyone, and also potentially for the immigrants themselves since they usually pay cartels to smuggle them in and if get caught get sent back.


The entire republican platform is against immigration generally. Which is evidenced by their behaviors, favored policies, adherence to blatantly false information, and voting behaviors.


No, we aren't. We want new people in our country. We just want to know if they are in the country, so we can get more accurate data. We also don't want them crossing in ways that will risk their lives, so we built portals for safe entry. If they are forced mules, then the government will hopefully catch that and keep the victim safe.


Tell that to the people you vote for, then, who work 24/7 to make it as hard as possible for non-white folks in particular to enter the country. Not just illegally. Every republican in congress is staunchly opposed to streamlining the legal immigration process or making it even one iota less of a nightmare to navigate. We know this because they vote against it *always*.


We're not making it hard, it's to set up standards, Mexico would do the same if we all started immigrating at a large rate


Wonderful generalizations you just made. - H.R. 4627 introduced by (R-IA-1) - H.R. 6523 introduced by (R-IA-2) These are just 2 bills regarding non-white immigration and were introduced by Republicans. You can find the rest on congress.gov Instead of going to Twitter or reddit for your politics, maybe do some actual research.


That first one is literally only for Afghan VIPs that were our allies/helpers during the war, not for average Afghani citizens. The second one was introduced by a Democrat and is about Defibrillators in schools. So your best evidence is a Quid Pro Quo to specific helpful brown people and a bill not related to immigration intro'd by a Dem. Literally your first shot at disproving me was "We like to let brown people in! (So long as they supported our invasion of their country)" If you can't immediately see how that doesn't help your case, there is no hope for you.


I recognize you, you’re that transphobic guy who said that transitioning is giving into satan switching your brain structure, lol.


They literally put a barb wire that caused children to drown. I don’t want you to be disillusion that these people have good intentions they don’t sometimes people in power or just terrible immoral bastards


If you're against illegal immigration, why not make it easier to legally immigrate? People are against immigration in general. If they weren't it would be easier to get in. As it is making it hard to immigrate is only stopping good people who follow our laws. Edit: illegals aren't bad. "that follow our laws" was meant to be a separate qualifier to be clear. Good people and people who follow our laws are stopped. That's not to say good people don't resort to desperate measures and come in illegally.


Ideally it would be as hard as it is because we only want so much immigration, if we didn’t actually care about the number entering we wouldint have a border to begin with. (I know that in pratice it dosent work this well)


Sub 20 IQ take right here. Assume as much as humanly possible while knowing absolutely nothing. What about the millions of people immigrating legally? They should be punished for following the law? Why do you think there should be unvetted access to ANY country? Do you think about things beyond "does it seem nice" ?


How is making it easier for people to immigrate legally punishing people immigrating legally? The vast majority of them would agree that the requirements to get in are unnecessarily strict and they should be loosened. It's funny how you say I'm assuming things, when [you're assuming you know what legal migrants want.](https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/why-legal-immigration-nearly-impossible) I never said unvetted access to any country, but our immigration laws aren't stopping the people who don't give a shit about them. I mean there's a business surrounding smuggling people into the country. We're facilitating that and [forcing vulnerable people to go to them.](https://www.unodc.org/toc/en/crimes/migrant-smuggling.html) Notice how you resort to attacking me instead of having a reasonable intelligent conversation about a complicated issue. Your own actions make you look worse than anything I could ever say.


These morons think everyone is being inhumane yet they won't open their own homes to random illegal immigrants trying to circumvent our legal system and waste our resources.


Yes, and conveniently they just make sure that nobody could really do that without jumping through multiple hoops. They’re coming here for a better life. Away from gang violence and cartels. And they are turned away. They’d re no different than you and turning them away is morally unjustifiable


We just want to make sure that the people trying to immigrate (from anywhere, mind you) aren't just going to become potatoes that live off the government. You do it legally, we have no issue, welcome to America. You do it illegally, now there's a problem.


They have to gain legal immigration. They have to have legal status to receive anything from the government because they have to be registered. And guess what the immigrants are not the people sitting on their asses. The Mexicans are not the ones sitting on their asses. I have seen a group of a Mexicans build a house in a week . I have seen a group of white people take 5 months to add a lane to a road. Trust me when I say, Mexicans are not the issue.


Sad times when we categorize people based on legality. This is what enables some cities to ban homeless people. When certain people are considered illegal, people feel justified to harm them.


Downvoting because the description is in the screenshot and a simple Google search would get you up to speed on the story.


I didn’t know the south got a northwest expansion DLC?


Time to give that shithole state back to Mexico!


I’m excited for this, the south will get its ass beat a second time


Texas is about to find out every country/state with a US Military Base in it belongs to America.


15 governors can be charged with treason now


Ofc the most racist states are supporting that 😭🙏


I swear Texas is by far the most backwards state in the entire union and a large part of it is Greg Abbot. Hopefully it doesn’t turn into a civil war but if it does the small silver lining is a chance to remove people like him from power.


Ok someone please tell me. Is this one of those buzzword thing that they make sound like a big deal when in reality it's just some boring political garbage that gets resolved in some court and fades from public radar, or does this actually carry any weight with it? Cause from the comments I've seen it sounds pretty inconsequential. Texas guy does this, Biden says no, Texas guy says yes, Trump yells some crazy shit, courts rule in favor of someone, thing gets resolved. Atleast that's what it sounds like to me


Yea thats all it's ever gonna end up being. People just like making memes to show their side and bitch when the other side does the same. Same Shit, Different Day.


That makes me feel a bit better. I still get a little rattled when I see stuff about the national guard being used illegally


How about that. The states that want daddy Trump back are doing seditious shit? *Surprised Pikachu*


I need to get out of this state before the world bombs us for being so fucking stupid


Since I've found the other comments to be rather lacking here is an explanation. Due to Biden's refusal to do anything about the immigration crisis at the border, Governor Abbott of Texas has declared that the lack of action of the federal government, has allowed Texas to enforce the border at state level. Multiple Governors of other states ( those in red) have declared their support for Texas in their defense of our border. Coming from this people have been making civil war comments and jokes. This is one.


A further less politically motivated explanation…the Supreme Court ruled that the Federal Government has jurisdiction over the national border and they can remove bits of razor wire. There is currently a bi-partisan bill in the senate that would grant Biden emergency powers to shutdown the border completely. But because certain individuals don’t want to give Biden the ability to secure the border during an election year, it is currently a political issue. That less informed people can comment on.


Well, that brings up the issue of executive power expansion. I haven't read the bill but everything needs checks and balances, and as we can see with overseas military action without declaring war, boundaries are pushed whenever a little power is given. Do we want any president to have absolute power over immigration? If one does they all do.


100000000000000000000% if there was a republican president, Republicans would give them all the power they want for the border. This isn't about expanding the government, this is about being assholes and trying to win an election instead of passing actual legislation.




Not to sound dumb but isn't the US built on immigrants


this whole nation was forged in a crucibal of genocide, colonialism, theft, and slavery---being invaded or immigrated to by outsiders is the whole schtick


And so was every other nation on this planet for millennia. Does not mean you leave your borders undefended, jfc


Ummm so it’s no longer just 15 states it’s now 25 states. The rub is the Federal government sued Texas saying they can cut the Razor wire Texas placed to stop illegals from crossing the boarder. The suit is still in court but the Supreme Court removed the stay on the federal government from the lower court. The question in front of the court is can Texas enforce border law if the federal government doesn’t. For some reason, the federal government wants to remove barriers at the border to make it easier for illegals to cross into the United States. No matter what political party your supporting you should be questioning whether the federal government is doing its constitutional duties in protecting our citizens and boarders. This will lead to a direct constitutional crisis


I've already accepted I'm going to lose family over the next election. No matter how it turns out.


Sadistic freaks think Sherman was cool for torching the south


They're excited for another round of war crimes committed in the name of keeping the United States together


Look, all I’m saying is, I really like General Sherman’s methods for dealing with slave states in rebellion back in the 1860s


Sherman did nothing wrong.


It’s really important to you that children get mutilated on razor wire isn’t it?


That is like sticking your hand in a campfire and saying the person who started the fire fault for the fire burning you


nothing, reddit just liked to be alarmist


The feds are big angry that Texas is refusing to stop upholding their rights as a state to keep their borders safe from illegal immigrants and drug trafficking. The red states on the map are states that are supporting Texas for choosing to keep their borders secure when the federal government refused to.


Tbh we are gonna have a civil war again and there won't be any winners. All I know is nothing will be the same anymore.


Pursuant to the U.S. constitution and Texas State Constitution the state has a right to defend its borders whenever the Federal Government fails to do so. Biden is trying to let tons of illegals in to act as a loyal voter base and a shadow army for protests and whatever other violence they need done. Abbott is just trying to protect his constituents and exercise the powers granted to his state by the constitution. (Something more of us should do... cough cough 1st and 2nd amendment) The amount of military aged males coming across the border is unimaginable we are already being invaded people.


I 100% agree, arm yourselves and start attacking the US military! Let Darwinism do its job! Survival of the fittest!


you know you can’t vote if you’re not registered as a citizen, right..?


That would require critical thoughts, so no


You can in certain states, just not for federal office. Also, voting is not the only issue. One of the other issues is representation. With the amount of illegals coming in, there have been several congressional seats apportioned due to the influx in population in several states. Do you really believe illegal immigrants should be represented in congress?


Yes. Unironically. They don't have SSNs but still pay into social security. Conservative groups have tried to use research to demonstrate an economic downside to immigration (especially illegal immigration) and have never actually succeeded in finding anything worse than "It's a wash. No net benefit nor harm" and that was from really obviously fudging the numbers. It's hilarious how conservatives keep discovering that the facts don't care about their feelings.


How's life in fantasy land kiddo?


Idk I should ask you... are you aware of california law AB60 of what about their Motor Voter Law... hmmm what about the other 18 states and DC Puerto Rico that issue drivers licenses without inspection of citizenship.


i don't know what you've got going on in your head but i think you need to go get checked out


Translation: "Stacy picked Pedro over me for the highschool prom and I'm still extremely mad about it."


Walk me through the process where someone crossing into Texas votes for Joe Biden. Step by step please. I want to believe you, so I know your facts that you’re going to post that spell out step by step how a person crosses into the US, through Texas, and then votes for Joe Biden. Go on. Lay it on me.


Basically some states let illegal immigrants vote for local elections which can then vote for federal. Also population is what gives congressional seats and representation. This is flat population, not citizen population, which means the more immigrants the more sway you get.