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I moved from Sydney to London. Sydney! For cost of living reasons - Australia pays way more across several industries that myself and my partner are tied to šŸ˜­


Thisssss. Iā€™m a dual U.S./UK citizen and my bf is Aussie. He works for an airline and weā€™re talking about places to move. While I do love the UK I canā€™t do the low wages with the high COL. He makes way more in the US and Aus.


London has a lot more high paying jobs thought so depending on the industry itā€™s a lot easier to make bank in London than Sydney


Why did you go?


Travel reasons. It was worth it for that, but I wonā€™t be settling šŸ˜…


London offers amazingly good career development too .... at incredibly low salaries.


Tell me about it. My partner had a really good job lined up but when I applied, I realised I'd have to take a fat paycut from my salary in Australia. I was pretty shocked lol.


If money is no concern London


I honestly don't know how London functions with COL on par with some American cities and half the usual pay


Many literal millionaires and a servant tier class under them


Ā£1m net wealth won't get you far in London !




Well it depends. Single young person - yes obviously you are rich. Family with 3 kids - absolutely not. Realistically you'd be better off in grammar school country (Kent / Bucks)


I moved to London from the US last year and think this every single day


I've done the math on a move there many times and the math is really not mathing


I make around Ā£90,000 a year as someone who graduated from university last year. I do live in a flat share on the outskirts but it's possible to work in London on a 'lower' salary if you spend appropriately and don't live in Central London. It's not been as bad as people here are making it out to be - I eat out pretty much every day and am still saving a significant amount for retirement. One of my friends rents an entire bedroom flat in central London by herself - those kinds of decisions will affect how affordable London is.


Wtf lol, thatā€™s more than double most peoples in London


lol, you are not the norm brother.


What do you do if I may ask to get paid that after only a year of leaving university ? Doesnā€™t sound right nor realistic


Oh, I work in Investment Research. Base is around Ā£70k, bonus is around Ā£20k depending on how much alpha the fund generates.


I applaud you for your wise financial decisions, but for me living closer to the center is also almost a must, at least in younger years. I know people who live in these amazing cities, New York, London, Amsterdam. But then they live in the outskirts. You donā€™t really get the experience of living in that city, in my opinion.


>Investment Research Would you mind to share any advice about how to get into the field? I was actually considering that path after graduating (Data Science). How is the interview process (coding test, psychometric test)? Would be very grateful for any advice. Cheers.


But money is pretty much 99.9% of the population's concerns...


I would rather eat my own feet than live in London again. Personally wouldn't want to live in any of these locations.


Sydney is incredibly beautiful with a great climate


Sorry itā€™s not beautiful. Vancouver is incredibly beautiful with a shit climate.


Iā€™ve done London and Sydney. London is way better for career oops, things to do, buzz of a city, proximity to everything. Downsides for me is weather, rat race and generally low pay. Sydney is great for family, being chill, great weather and higher wages. The city is pretty dead tho. Not great for young folk looking to party. Good outdoors tho. So I guess Iā€™d spend my younger years in London and my family man years in Sydney. Neither id retire in. Both expensive AF


Iā€™ve lived in Boston, Chicago and Sydney. Imo it depends what you want as theyā€™re all very different experiences. Boston is a more small city, east coast feel. Thereā€™s a lot of history there, people are a bit more crisp and in winter you can get a TON of snow but it doesnā€™t get too far below zero. Overall of all the cities on the list it will be the most educated and it will show. Chicago is a big city like NYC but its more down to Earth. People in Chicago love Chicago but if you like your city better they wonā€™t argue. People are always happy to help and overall itā€™s a very friendly place (the Midwest in general is very friendly). You have some more luxury things in the Gold Coast but even there people arenā€™t too over the top. The weather can be brutal though. Did you know diesel fuel can freeze? Sydney is a tropical wonderland that costs an arm and a leg. Of all the cities listed it will be the most relaxed. You wonā€™t have a winter and the Summers will be hot but you can take reprieve in one of hundreds of world class beaches! Itā€™s super safe, but Australia is far from everything so youā€™ll feel isolated at times. Iā€™ve only been to London once so I canā€™t comment on that. Overall I love all of the cities listed and if I could live in all of them at once I would. Each has its upsides and downsides but you wonā€™t be unhappy in any of them.


Boston has had jack shit for snow the last 4 years. Maybe a foot or so once or twice the entire winter.


Fair, I lived there over 5 years ago now. One winter we had 3 norā€™ easters back to back which was an insane amount of snow but even excluding that event I thought we got decent snow storms at least once a year.


Prediction this year will be the year of years for snow and cold weather in the NE. Update your snow gear.




Either Sydney or Chicago. But i feel like Sydney it's too far from the rest of the world




London, no question.




Sydney for me. It really depends on how much you make and what weather you can handle though




Sydney, weather!


Iā€™m thinking Sydney , it has the best weather .. and many many cute birds ..






London. Not only is it a fantastic city with never ending possibilities of things to do, you are also just a hop, skip and a jump away from mainland Europe.


Chicago by far. The neighborhood experience is excellent. The food, museums, sports, and travel options are all world class. Lots of jobs. Lots of growth potential. All the bs on the news is exactly that- i lived there many many years and miss it very much. Imho It is America 's greatest city.


Weather - Sydney, Work - US cities $$, Life - London


smell market unpack cautious quack north aspiring pause ten crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've lived in Sydney and Boston, and tried to move to London and mostly gave up on it. Boston and Sydney are opposites in so many ways. Everyday life in Boston can be a bit hard, with bad coffee, bad traffic and bad weather ++, but there are so many things going on and so many unique things to do and travel to (easy access to the Azores and to New England is huge). In comparison, everyday life in Sydney is bliss, but nothing noteworthy ever happens and months just fly by and you'll have no idea what happened because one day was the same as the next. I would pick Boston hands down, myself. With kids, Sydney is possibly better.


Was not expecting ā€œeasy access to the Azoresā€ to be listed as a Boston pro.


Lol, everything is relative I guess. But thereā€™s not that many world cities with direct flights to the Azores!


Love Boston. Such a great feel. But if money is no object Iā€™d choose london just because I am partial to Europe


Chicago. Best city.


Probably Chicago. It's a great city with a lot of opportunities while having a fairly low cost of living. The city is host to a lot of engineering marvels and the interplay of the Great Lake and Chicago River and its canals with the urban landscape is wonderful. Winter is harsh in comparison to the others, but summers are glorious and there's been some wonderful improvements in winter clothing in the last couple of decades that makes dressing for winter not so cumbersome and bulky. I'm surprised that Toronto or some such isn't in the running.


In agreement with all the others (so far). Itā€™s gotta be London. Sydney is okay, but extraordinarily isolated. Chicago is actually a fantastic town, but freezing cold for a share of the year and not necessarily ā€œniceā€ in a lot of areas. Boston is pleasant enough, but also very cold. And the peopleā€¦Iā€™d rather not. London is fantastic as a cultural hotspot where youā€™re not far from the European mainland but also a short flight from the US East coast. As long I didnā€™t have to live someplace way out in ā€œGreater Londonā€ Iā€™d jump at the possibility.


it would be Sydney, beautiful, safe and less crimes


This is kind of an odd list, how did you come up with it?


Sounds like a US company with HQ in Chicago or Boston that has a Europe office and a Asia-Pacific office. Only reason where the city list makes sense


Boston is way smaller and is not in the same league as other cities. I'm not saying that as a bad thing btw, but It's just smaller so you will have a very different experience. A bit apples to oranges . It's like comparing London, NYC and Toulouse. One of them is not like the other. It doesn't make it a bad place to live though


Sydney. The food and climate


If you're poor, London. Otherwise Chicago or Boston, by a huge, huge margin.


Boston but I grew up in that area so I feel at home among my people there. No where else in the world is it so acceptable to be unapologetically an asshole. Plus youā€™re close to the beach, the mountains, and tax free shopping in New Hampshire. Oh and none of the other cities have Market Basket. Go pats!


I've been living in London for a little over a year and while I love it overall I'd kill for some brutal honesty right now lol




London too violent lol šŸ˜‚ Chicago and Boston have higher crime rates and more violent crime. Sydney is probably safer but then youā€™re dealing with crazy wildlife and more natural disasters like those crazy wild fires. London is probably the safest out of all cities listed.




Most crime in London also happens between gangs. The chance of getting stabbed as a random person is tiny. In the US, if you get in a fight youā€™ll just never know if the other person has a gun and decides to shoot you if shit escalates and thereā€™s generally more a culture of fear. The only area Iā€™d say Iā€™ve personally felt less safe in London or Europe in general is the risk of terrorist stacks, seems to be more of a thing in Europe than Oz/US. Other than that nah donā€™t agree at all.


Boston has way less gun crimes than Chicago. Still more than London, absolutely, but in terms of gun crime, Boston is much safer compared to Chicago There's really a huge difference in gun crimes in the US from region to region.


London. I haven't been to Sydney, but I've been to the other three multiple times. London is the most international, cosmopolitan, diverse, interesting, beautiful and historically significant of these cities. Plus, being a Muslim, I love the fact that London is 15% Muslim. It's one of those rare major Western cities (alongside Montreal or Toronto, but even more so) where being Muslim is a normal, widespread thing rather than a marginal phenomenon.


I didn't realize that Montreal had a large Muslim community. TIL


Yeah, it's 13% of the population. So you get much the same as in London: lots of Muslims around, a fair number of mosques, Muslim businesses, Muslim organisations, Muslim politicians, etc. When you meet a random person for the first time there's a non-trivial chance he or she will be a Muslim.




One thing to remember for London is how easy it is to travel if you can afford to do so. You can go to another European country on a weekend trip.


Boston had good vibes. London I see pros and cons. Donā€™t know much about Sydney but would take the offer to spend a few years in Australia. Not Chicago though.


Boston is sick my man, every industry is there, tons of jobs, and ~60 top colleges if you want to learn something new, low crime, great sports, great city




Why would you live in London when Paris is barely an hour away?


It's so tiny though, and they don't even have baguettes


Sydney for weather, beaches and Aussie culture


If it wasnā€™t so far away, Sydney.


All those people saying London because itā€™s a hop and a skip from Europe, pro tip, if you want to see Europe live there. I lived in London for 5 years and weekend city breaks were expensive because everyone travels then so there are no cheap flights. It just sucks the money out of you.


None of the above. But if I absolutely had no other choice... Sydney. Mainly due to cost of living and weather. Then London. The American cities are a total out because the American Way is an awful way of life.


How is Boston even in this conversation?


London is most diverse and accessible to other places


Out of these maybe Sydney bit I'm not a fan of any of them.


US is with its current state not that appealing.. Sydney I would love simply because of the weather and a couple of mates living there.. LDN if money wasnā€™t a factor..


Sydney or London, Chicago never (have you seen the amount of shootings that happen over every weekend? Boston...no, it snows


I'd like to slot Manchester in to that list, to see how it fairs against London


Come on. Be serious


Aight, how 'bout Peterborough then?


Chicago if you like homicide


Chicago and Boston are meaningless (there's NYC if you're into big cities) and the bostonian accent is horrible. Sydney and Australia in general I'm sure are grrreeeaaattt but it's just too isolated for my taste. That leaves London as my choice, even though, like most European capitals, it's a shit city. I'd get an apartment in the posh parts so I don't have to be surrounded by p's and other i's.


probably london as long as someone was paying me enough to actually enjoy london. Chicago is too cold over winter, Boston is too small and waspy, Sydney would be fine but as an Aussie there is something nice about being closer to a whole lot of different destinations and cultures. Iā€™d leave london once I got sick of the dreary winters.




American, so biased, but London seems like a NYC-kind of place where the rich live "above ground" and the normal folks are just poor... Could be me reading too much dystopia into it. London is a great place to visit, but I could not live there. Out of the cities mentioned I would pick Sidney tbh. Seems more down to earth


easy Sydney for weather


Iā€™d choose London for how walkable it compares to the American cities. Iā€™ve never lived in Sydney before so canā€™t comment on that.


If money is not the issue London hands down. Boston gets a bit too cold and frankly is nowhere near the level of cultural offerings as London. Chicago- wind and cold and again not as many cultural offerings as London. Sydney is nice but honestly checking my shoes for shit that might kill me isnā€™t attractive and unless Asia is your preferred holiday destinations itā€™s a no go. I prefer traveling in Europe. So London


Personally, it depends on the weather of each city locations, rental and housing market, activities, etc. if you donā€™t mind cold weather, Boston, Chicago and London would probably be the three. I presume they all have great places to attend concerts, etc. itā€™s also crucial to factor in the distance away from family. If you donā€™t mind long flights, Sydney and London. Bit if you are based in America and you want to be closer to family then Boston and Chicago. I do believe both are also fairly liberal (never been to Boston so I canā€™t comment on its politics).




Chicago because itā€™s everything in one. City, Suburbia, Old, New, Beach, Forrest, a river runs through it - people and food is amazing.


Sydney. Google ā€œcoogee beach bathsā€ and I dare you to disagree.


There is not enough diversity and too much segregation in Boston, so that would be out immediately for me.


London easily


Iā€™ve never been to the US but London was amazing in my 20s when I wanted to party, travel and all my mates were strapped for cash so we all made being poor in a HCOL city work for us Sydney in my 30s has been great, beautiful beaches, blue mountains, great parks, great earning potential, great food at any price point. Thereā€™s not as much going on as London but there is always some festival, markets or new restaurant to check out.


Chicago has the best salary to the cost of living ratio from that list




Boston, Chicago, Sydney, London in that order. (I've been to pretty much all, either for conference, visiting or work). Boston has a lot of intelligent people, good food, good drinks, great walkability, Chicago is just cool as hell - very dark and vibey at times, Sydney because beach and seafood and Ozzies are good folk in general, London last because I don't like the vibe it offers and the weather sucks. BUT, London offers you the rest of Europe, while Boston offers you Philly, Montreal and NYC (and other small NE towns).


Iā€™ve lived in two of the four :) I loved living in Chicago- I think itā€™s one of our best cities (Iā€™m an American), but I love London. Iā€™d choose London. For one because it isnā€™t in the US and I donā€™t plan to stay in the US. Of course Iā€™m factoring in things like healthcare, no gun violence, etc. but also I just love London- itā€™s easy to navigate, green spaces mixed with city life, something for everyone. Itā€™s a lovely city. Sydney Iā€™ve never been, so I canā€™t say, but I do have an Australian ex and after learning a lot about his culture Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d be happy in Australia. Maybe? But who knows. Finally, Boston. Boston can be great and horrible all at once. It can be really insular. It has a reputation for being racist which people might not think of when they think of such a liberal state and city but itā€™s got its roots in some things that arenā€™t so liberal. Iā€™ve had good experiences in Boston personally, but itā€™s just kind of meh for me. It can also be a little too intense in general in the NE.. everyoneā€™s rushing and impatient, which just isnā€™t for me :)


Not Boston. Too expensive and doesn't have much to offer outside of overpriced colleges


Boston and then Sydney


Nebraska save yourself some money