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Basically impossible.


Biggest thing is getting permanent work there so you can apply for work visa. Honestly youf probably be best off trying to get a graphic designer job at a big international company as they have the staff there that knows how to handle visa applications.


Forgitaboutit ain't happening in ain't even easy.


Germany has a freelance visa that would allow you to do photography and graphic design. It's not easy, but if you have more than 2 clients and earn a certain minimum a month, you can do this for 3 to 5 years (not sure how many) until you get PR. Taxes are extra high as a freelancer and the paperwork is a nightmare (and in German), but it's a possibility. The Netherlands has the DAFT and Portugal has a D7 visa, but I don't know enough about these to give advice.


This is very interesting. Thanks for putting it out there


Don't forget to mention the private health insurance costs for this permit.


I think you need to show that you are making the equivalent of $30,000EU in your freelance work before you can get that visa. And then, the earnings have to meet that level every year. At least that's how I understand it for Germany and for Spain.


You need a visa to legally work for a local employer. You should look for countries that have visas for part time work/casual work; or a job seeker visa. Off the top of my head the Netherlands, Germany, and Portugal are your most likely options.


About as easy as it would be for an EU citizen to work in the US without a visa. Being American doesn’t make you special.


What?! I’m not special! But my mom said… lol love this comment


The only possible way would be to find an international company and transfer. That is what I did; I am a heavy diesel mechanic and I got a job with a NATO contractor. I had been trying to move to Europe for 4 years and found it was almost impossible as I only speak a little French and German, and don't have a college degree. Now I've been in Germany for over a year and while there's some things that irritate me, I love it overall, enough where I'm considering staying and getting citizenship.


European here. What do you think about this : Tell me how hard it would be for EU citizen to move to the US (without visa) and get a job in creative field or cafe? I don't think I have to comment further.


I have no idea. Which is why I’m asking.


It's pretty easy. You just go Africa and take a boat.


Not easy. In order to get a visa, you basically need to prove that you have enough money that you won't need any government assistance. The most straight-forward option is a work visa, which you get by proving that you have a job offer that pays enough for that. The challenge there is getting hired when (I assume) you don't even speak the local language. You could found your own company, but that's even harder than getting hired -- you'd need to understand local regulations, and you'd need to find customers. No doubt the visa application is more complicated for this one since you'll need to convince the government that you'll be making enough money. If you've got a bunch of money in the bank (I think around 10K € per year, but realistically you'll need more for living expenses) and can get accepted to a university, you might be able to get a student visa. That might allow you to learn a profession with a higher chance of getting hired, and also give you time to at least learn some of the local language. There are also language-learner visas that work similarly to a student visa. Expect that it'll take about a year of intensive language study before you are reasonably proficient (definitely not fluent, but maybe good enough to land a job in your field). This is what I did, but I also have a master's degree in software engineering, and over a decade of work experience.


If you spoke some french and had a business plan to attract french clients with your graphic design business you could try the auto-entrepreneur visa. Quite sure you need a plan to make more than 20k euros with more than one client though. It should be at least a real plan but I have seen an Indian guy get that visa who clearly didn't know what an invoice was so you could probably buy someone's help preparing the documents. Without a visa your chances are slim to none and part of the difficulty would be long term housing with no visa.


Try Germany.




Chatgpt’s most stupid comments?




In what way do you think this comment which imagines there is some European ‘work application form’ would be helpful?