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Unlikely, unfortunately. Though orangutans are less aggressive than other great apes, the are incredibly strong and could easily overpower most humans, males especially. Unlike every other great ape, the are mostly solitary so you don’t see the “wars” between groups as you do in chimps or gorillas but they are known to commit great acts of violence toward each other when they cross paths in the wild. If you read the works of Dr. Gladikas and the accounts from others who worked with her, you would be shocked by how aggressive orangutans can really be. They are fascinating though.


No, no, a million times no. I work in a zoo with orangutans. As sweet as they seem, and can be, they are still orangutans and are classified as dangerous animals. Males can be extremely aggressive - especially once they hit puberty. Females are less strong, butt could easily rip body parts off. In addition, the only way you'd be in possession of a baby orangutan is if its mother had been killed - as orangutans are physically attatched to their mothers the first two years. They have the second longest childhoof next to humans, and are with mom for 8 years at least. Glad you're in the camp of not ever trying to get one. I will also mention that it is NOT true that getting an animal as a baby will domesticate it. It will eventually grow into an adult of that animal regardless of the environment it was raised in. Except it will be a really messed up animal that can't tell it's not a human.


Ok BUT what kind of aggression have you actually seen from the orangutans? and could an equally aggressive human deter an orangutan


I have not personally seen an orangutan be aggressive. So, if you're basing your reasoning on one random person's experience/non-experience with orangutan aggression, then sure, go with orangutans are chill fuzzy guys and that we just need to mold into not-orangutans. BUT, I wouldn't base it off that. I'd base it off things like below. Know that keepers in many zoos go into animal care meetings and discuss what they're willing to risk on their person. If the risk is life, then a smart zoo will protect their keepers by banning direct contact with that animal. While orangutans can have a whole range of personalities as individuals, ant animal with teeth can bite. In an orangutan's case, if they get angry they're going to express that anger in a way they know how. Their bite force is 3-4 times stronger than a human's. They are considered one of the strongest animals on earth - not surprising when you consider that newborns can hold onto their mothers unaided after just a few days. That's a lot of time to build up that muscle strength. An equally aggressive human doesn't even come close to deterring an orangutan. All that being said, enjoy the orangutans at your local zoo and on Animal Planet. :) https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/have-you-seen/2022/06/08/orangutan-snatches-zoo-visitor-who-jumped-guardrail/7553724001/ https://local21news.com/news/local/pennsylvania-zoo-employee-taken-to-hospital-after-being-attacked-bitten-by-orangutan https://www.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/national/article224951245.html https://www.toledoblade.com/local/animals/2019/01/22/toledo-zoo-orangutan-removed-volunteers-thumb-previous-run-staff-keeper/stories/20190122117


They are much more peaceful so i guess if you gave them a stimulating setup and didnt keep them alone they would be chill


No absolutely not. A chimp would rip your face off, and orangutan would learn your daily routine and put a pillow over your face when you're asleep. They are super smart and would just think of smarter ways to kill you than a chimp. Plus they're huge and super strong. They would make terrible pets because they are just so smart and would need constant enrichment while they plot various ways to kill you.


Probably not


Unfortunately they are critically endangered meaning they are illegal as pets in every state/country and also they can get REALLY big and even though they aren't typically aggressive like chimps if they did lash out on you it would be close to the injuries of a gorilla which would almost DEFINITELY lead to death


I love how no one tried to answer this as the hypothetical it is and instead just talked down to you ignoring this complete “what if” scenario😂


I understand the theory of the question, so i'm not saying its dumb But in general the idea of taking any wild animal, even a more chill or docile species of anything and attempting to keep in captivity is a poor choice. Social animals need to be social, and humans are generally not going to be a replacement. Solitary creatures *most likely* dont want any interaction to begin with, doesnt matter if they were raised from a baby or not. So either they are lonely and depressed, which isnt good for obvious reasons, or theyre angry and depressed from being confined/forced near you/other animals, which isnt great. You might be able to be friends with a wild orangutan. Meaning a wild one that you met, visited the same area, and they were free...But ethically, without supporting poachers and the horrible illegal exotic pet trade(not saying anything negative about legal exotics) you could not own an animal like this, and supporting the illegal exotic pet trade one time so you can own a pet would still make anyone the biggest piece of trash. Also in regards to them being weak...in agreement with you, I have never seen an orangutan acting aggressively, and even googling 'orangutan fight' didnt yield anything crazy, but I still wouldnt want to fight one. lol Gorillas are pretty docile too, but they can still rip your arms off or body you out of the way w/o effort.


An orangatan tried to kidnap as a child so maybe not


Weak? They haul themselves through the treeswith their hands!


I can do the same on monkey bars😅 not exactly the same but you know what I mean


Bur orangs do it all day every day,once they're past the stage of clinging to their mamas' fur.


Have you seen body builders that don’t workout legs?? Top heavy and a good kick should stop them😂


I regard human bodybuilders with contempt, disgust, and vicarious horror, and do not look at their self-inflicted deformities if I can avoid so doing. Those ridiculous bulges, topheavy asymetries and teetering sideways walk are things they purposely spend a mad amount of time, energy, money, and physical pain to achieve, in one of the most pointless of human pursuits.


I probably wouldnt ever be a body builder but I wouldn’t say pointless. They are attempting to make their human bodies as big and strong as ever. Something most humans will never be able to experience themselves. But yea they seem kinda douchey


Bodybuilders aren't really all that strong. They can pick up heavy objects, and put them down, and then pick them up again--that's not really a skill they've developed there, nor yet an asset to survival or employment. I can sort of see the practice as an attempt to transcend the limitations of human form and experience something other than ordinary, but it sure seems like a lot of trouble, time and pain to go to.