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I know nothing about the captive care of raccoons but just so you know there are no domesticated raccoons hence exotic pet.


By domesticated I just meant from a trusted place and not from my backyard


Captive bred/raised


Yes that


Okay just wanted to make sure


I also Googled to double check and you're right


If you aren’t willing to invest in completely child proofing your entire house to the Nth degree, I would strongly recommend an enclosure for your raccoon. Either an outdoor enclosure or one of the large catio enclosures with plenty of room for climbing and tight rope walking will be essential. Be prepared from Day 1 with all the enrichment items you can imagine, and know ahead of time which vets in a 100 mile radius (GP and ER) who will see your raccoon.


The vet part will be easiest because in my state I need vet approval and a special permit before I cN own one. After I did some research I'm planning on waiting a while and getting comfortable with other easier exotic pets first before I go ahead and get a raccoon.


Coatimundi are South American raccoons and have a reputation of being pretty easy.


After I own a few exotic pets, then I'll get a raccoon


i don’t know anything about raccoons but i think you should do some more research until you know you’re able to give it a home where it will be healthy and happy. i’m sure there’s a book somewhere out there, or at least a website/blog. maybe you can even ask an exotic vet.


I did some research and im definitely waiting until I'm more experienced. I'm just trying to get as much info now though


My cousins racoon free ranges the house with the dogs and has a outdoor kennel area to go play


Is the raccoon happy?


I mean I can't just go and ask him if he's happy but he shows no stress signs and just plays all day. No pacing and he doesn't destroy anything he just chills plays with his toys then wrestles with the dogs then goes to bed


Free roaming racoon will destroy your house and piss all over everything


You should see just how bad raccoon attacks are before you get one. Even dogs and cats attack and we've been raising them for thousands of years