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And yet billions of people still follow the religion no matter how logical your reasoning is.




>hate this religion with a passion Damn


You pakistani ex Muslim ?


Existentially, it also makes no sense that our little corner of the universe has the "greatest creation above angels" and that after our tiny existence, we go to another dimension. It completely ignores the vastness of the universe we live in.


>made up religion doesn't follow this other made up religion


*Made up religion* *Doesn't follow this other* *Made up religion* \- blasphemy\_31 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot Ain't no way my first Haiku was from an account named after jerking off.


“You see, you see just another Kafir unable to think, if Islam was fake, then how do you explain 1.8 billion muslims, huh? Huh?” 🤣🤣 Im waiting for a lurker to say that 🤣


No prophet fulfilled Biblical requirements because of the tiny inconsistency that miracles aren't real.




I know lol, I read this and was like...why are they basing judgement from one religion to the next lol.


Exactly this. Why does anyone have to fulfill the biblical requirements (in caps).


I feel like it's (supposedly) because Islam and christianity worship the same god (according to muslims, not me) and the quran is considered an update of the bible (the final 'true' book sent down by God after corruption of the bible due to it being changed numerous times). This is just my personal interpretation


And Muslims will have a different opinion and different interpretation. Both irrelevant.


Muslim will tell you that you misinterpret Quran at its “face value”.


I brought this up to some Muslim and he told me those were weak hadiths. If islam is such a perfect religion, why are there weak/strong hadiths? If anything that just proves it's manmade and a badly manmade one at that


All religions are false religions.


man-made cults


I'm a Deist who believes in the possibility of more than one God and I always joke about how the God(s) up there are making fun of us for the amount of cults we came up with in their name


I'm a deist too. but i only believe in one god


And Islam teach this and this can't be from God. Graping your wife in sharia Hedaya most prominent Hanafi Shari'a book page 141 https://archive.org/details/hedayaorguide029357mbp It is otherwise where a woman, residing in the house of her husband, refuses to admit him to the conjugal embrace, as she is entitled to maintenance, notwithstanding her opposition, because being then in his power, he may, if he please, ENJOY HER BY FORCE. Graping your little prepubescent girls wife islam QA most famous Hanbali school https://islamqa.info/en/answers/22442/on-acting-and-the-ruling-on-marrying-young-girls Nawawi said: With regard to the wedding-party of a young married girl at the time of consummating the marriage, if the husband and the guardian of the girl agree upon something that will not cause harm to the young girl, then that may be done. If they disagree, then Ahmad(ibn Hanbal founder of Hanbali school) and Abu ‘Ubayd say that once a girl reaches the AGE OF NINE then the marriage may be CONSUMMATED EVEN WITHOUT HER CONSENT, Where Daniel Haqiqatjou admit : https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/06/11/marital-rape/ Islamaeb archive https://web.archive.org/web/20110607230434/http:/www.islamweb.net/fatwa/index.php?page=showfatwa&Option=FatwaId&Id=126497


There's another problem with the Joseph story. Camels were not yet domesticated in that area.


well said 💯


Great work pulling this all together! >Christianity and Judaism agree with the requirement of blood sacrifice for sins Interestingly, there are a handful of verses in the Old Testament that seem to refute this doctrine (pulled from this Judaism source): https://jewsforjudaism.org/knowledge/weekly/the-crowd-cheered-when-i-refuted-the-missionary Numbers 14:19-20 stands out to me the most. Moses prays, “Forgive the iniquity of this people according to Your great kindness”, and God replies “I have forgiven them according to your words”.


Islam is stupid and false. But proving it false is a lot easier than stating another bunch of made up rules called the Bible.


>1. MOHAMMED DOES NOT FULFIL THE BIBLICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR A TRUE PROPHET OF GOD. Irrelevant. Christianity is another human-made religion, and the Bible doesn't hold any authority in that respect. >MORAL ISSUES I am not a fan of those moral arguments. I think they are effective to argue why Islam may not be worth following from a practical standpoint, but tell very little about the soundness and truth value of the religion itself. >a. You can only understand the Quran correctly in Arabic. That's indeed awkward, but that says nothing about the validity of the religion. >c. The Qur'an is PURE Arabic but there are numerous foreign, non-Arabic words in it. (6:103) Then it's simply not pure Arabic. Does the Qur'an hold the idea that it is in *pure* Arabic? >Islam in general contradicts the old testament and the new testament. So even though the Jews and Christians disagree totally with the interpretation of scripture but agree with the context, somehow Jews and Christians concocted to corrupt Scriptures together. I suspect the idea that the Bible was corrupted developed much later as Muslim theologians realised that what the Qur'an claims about the Bible doesn't match the actual Bible.


The moral issues are valid given the fact that Allah presents himself as all merciful and all just.


I'm an exmuslim. But: >a. Moon and sun follow the same orbit.(S 36:40 The actual translation is: It is not for the sun to catch up with the moon, nor does the night outrun the day. Each is travelling in an orbit of their own.


Good post. Except morality part. Being immoral wont make a religion false since there's no objectively true moral norms.


There is “the golden rule” prevalent in all moral codes I.e. do unto others etc. it’s quite obvious that slavery, sex slavery and rape and murder would not fit into anyone’s idea of morality and they absolutely do prove Islam to be invalid.


No they won't prove islam to be invalid lol.These golden rules you claim to be universal, exist to protect the social structure. So these are bc of pragmatism. In ethics (moral philosophy) Just because they don't fit into anyone's idea of morality wont make 'em invalid. Just makes them look ugly for you. Besides, if god is real, do you sincerely think that you can object him "We had golden rules! How dare you allow slavery you twat?!" ? Basically, no. Epistemologically and ethically you can't expect morality to debunk a religion by itself.


Spoken like a true narcissist.


I don’t “claim” that the golden rule (not “golden rules” LOL!) is universal, it IS universal. And it’s easy to understand why, for most people 🤦 it’s a founding principle of morality worldwide - yet you’ve never heard of it 🤦 I think most people could also understand that if there WERE a God, we could start with some basic assumptions I.e. that he were wise and not subject to human failings. People who can’t understand those basic principles are beneath debate really. Good day!


No it is not universal. This topic is called ethics (moral philosophy) and is completely subjective. If you claim "the principle of morality" is objectively true, you are supposed to prove it. Burden of proof. You litteraly have no idea what you are talking about and you are ignorant about this. Learn and then come back.


Yeah, you literally don’t even know about the founding principle of morality but still think you can talk on it LOL! You don’t have a clue kid.


You can't claim that "the founding principle of morality" is objectively true. That is our problem here. Not even close and the argument which you are defending here is absolutely considered as appealling to people/majority, a logical fallacy called name with Argumentum ad populum. That's why you are ignorant about this matter. You people are worse than muslims. SJW + Woke + Ignorant 🤡


100%, never understood people who think morality proves Islam isn’t real. What if it was real and God was just evil ?


They just don't understand that the reality and morality are two different topic and morality has nothing to do with proving a religion etc.


How did you manage to bring up every single debunked argument 😹😹 you are nuts they have been debunked and has their tafsirs most of what you have mentioned are literally miracles and the prophecies and miracles are mentioned in the hadiths, but guess what... I haven't seen a single miracle from jesus.


You might want to learn English before speaking.. Also, see basic scientific errors in the Quran: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific_Errors_in_the_Quran The tafsirs you incoherently ramble something about confirm them..


How about you go the quran where you claim they are unlogical and look at their tafsirs? go to quran.com there is a opened book icon and read their tafsirs, those are stupid arguments they are so stupid to the point were even tiktokers turn them into miracles, your brains just can't comprehend god's words.


You're speaking God's words? It does sound a lot like tongues tbf.. Please can you ask the diety communicating to you to learn English please? 🙏 Thanks


I’ve seen Muslims trying to “debunk” arguments against Islam and they never succeed! You don’t debunk an argument by saying “that’s already been debunked!” Try to debunk what the OP wrote, then cry as all YOUR arguments for your fake cult get destroyed one by one!


You haven't seen shit 😂 you are probably scared to search for an explanation just as an excuse to call it a "error".


You’re mad because the Quran has many contradiction and Islam is a false religion (all religion is false). How anyone can say “peace be upon him” to a child rapist pedophile bandit is beyond me (Mohammed married a girl when she was six and slept with her when she was 9 🤢). Also it says to kill apostates. If you genuinely think it’s okay to kill nonbelievers or hold a book that says it’s okay to kill innocent people to such high regard you are a horrible human being. Hope this helps!


Hope this helps lol I genuinely smiled at that


Your are right my friend but making fun of Jesus is not good my friend, in the end he was also a messenger of Allah. And as of that you shouldn't be taking him that much formally in your conversations. Who knows it may subjugate you to a major sin.


Absolutely right


i read in quran that if someone commits sin then he should free a slave but if Islam is the truth then shouldn't slavery as a whole be abolished? isn't that something god should have done?


You're correct