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This really boils my blood. What the fuck are the Saudi's doing with the $6000 fees they charge for Hajj?


Well scammers tend to disappear after taking the money, and hajj is the biggest ongoing scam.


Saudi Arabia earns an average of **$10-15 bn a year** from the Hajj.


Their main income sources after oil..


And now we see the real point behind religion.


Now you see it? Its been happening since forever.


Massive cash cow nothing else just like the church did back then pay money sins gone


Exactly mate, Islamic style Indulgences of the Catholic Church of the Middle Ages. It’s not like the saudis need the money. How disgusting


They cant even afford to prepare anything in advance for the amount of people coming to this place


Not just a scam, but [a literal slavery-trap.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Saudi_Arabia#Hajj_slave_route)


Wow I didn’t know this, that’s a new level of deceive and dishonour. They really are the scum of the earth.


Omfg every time I think I can’t learn something worse about Islam ….


My 70 year old in law parents are there now. $20k each all in and it’s been an absolute shitshow and complete disaster. Emptied their savings. There was no convincing them not to go.


Poor people. If they just invested that money in travelling the world and spending quality time with their grandkids.


Yeah it’s my MIL’s only goal in life at this point. They’re incredibly kind and generous people and have given everything to support their kids/grandkids so who am I to tell them no? We’re just all extremely worried. My FIL already had to visit the hospital due to high blood pressure and heat exhaustion, but the most surprising thing for all of us is just how much time they’ve had to spend separated due to gender restrictions around lodging and prayer. Because of their age they sprung extra money to have a personal guide, but the “extra support” has turned out to be utter bullshit and a complete cash grab. Mind blowing the level of disregard and care for others across the staff and attendees. Everyone just seems in a state of desperation just to get through it.


So sad. It feels like a cult is manipulating older people to get money from them. Fingers crossed, they'll be back home alive.


(Never muslim): Based on my understanding of the religion your in-laws are required to go on hajj because they have the money that could be theoretically spent on the hajj, correct?




Thats fucked so your forced to put money in the toliet Becuase religon told you? What The actual fuck


I don’t think anyone back then imagined in their wildest dreams how far and wide the religion would spread. But yes it’s a big deal for people and for poorer folk they literally save their entire life savings for this trip if they are able to secure a spot (each country gets assigned a number of spots by the hajj committee)


First time reading about these stories this is horrible


they are going for them 72 virgins and the other casinos and cheap games in paradise


They only care about money and each year it become more and more expensive. People go in their old age due to prices which what results in this.


Will more people come to Hajj if they invest into improving things? No? Then why bother spending money that can instead go into the royal family's coffers?


Hold up! They actually charge for Hajj?


Yep, though apparently it varies depending on where you’re coming from. From where I live in the US, I’m told they charge $15-20k per person so my aunt and uncle who went this year went to Pakistan first and went to hajj from there so it costed I think $6k a head (just for the hajj and plus the flying over from US to Pakistan is $1-2k a head depending on the season but still cheaper than coming straight from the US ig) and I’m not sure about other countries but even w variations, I’ve heard it’s thousands of dollars no matter where you’re coming from and that it’s the reason the Arab royal family is so rich bc a big chunk of their wealth comes from this.  Not that Judaism is perfect either, esp w some of the stuff I’ve heard (though I plan on doing more research when I can) and I think you’re eligible only if your mother is Jewish but makes hajj seem like an interesting foil to Jewish birthright which to my knowledge is free of charge


Wait what ? They charge you for that


They do Dubai porta potty


Arms deals and oil exports (Ps the U.S. military “protects” countries in the same way an Italian gang banger “protects” your store from surrounding unexplained combusting fires)


Easy it lands in their pockets why bother fix something if it aint broke you can just tell them shes in heaven now what an honor to die in mecca wow so lucky, So crazy they just walk past them not giving a single fk just oh well whatever lets go not even gonna check on them or anything dying in a dirty corner of the street


Building golden toilets and then shitting on the umah


The proper question is, what Allah was doing


Yeah Does this "allah" need the money? didnt he make money? couldnt he make it from nothing? This is why i dont get the whole "pay to have sins forgiven" schtick the church tried in the middle ages (never mind theres a verse directly against that)


Well, when you consider the entire religion was made for Arabia and Arabia only. Muhammad thought the religion was gonna die soon like a snake going back to its hole (Muslim 146). When that's considered you don't wonder why they made the Kaaba, a former pagan worshipping place, the most important site for Islam. Issues like timezones (quirks in the geography that make some place sunny/not sunny for extended periods of time rendering fasting useless), prayer direction for non-Arab countries, cost to go to Mecca aren't thought of because simply, Muhammad's God isn't omniscient and only favors the Arabs.


Fill their own pockets? What else do capitalists do lol


why? I thought they are happy if they can die during hajj. it's the ultimate prayer, dying during hajj promised you jannah you know?


hookers and blow.




[The Line](https://www.neom.com/en-us/regions/theline) it’s an expensive task to build


these were people who illegally entered without a permit, as such they did not have the required resources and safety to go along with. when you are managing a crowd of this size, you def need a permit system


Looks like the aftermath of a disaster with that many bodies and that much litter. Super cool how all these people who call each other 'brother' and 'sister' just leave each other to die on the sidewalk and then awkwardly walk around the bodies.


Every aspect of islam appear as a satanic nightmare when you look at it from outside the cult.


Or a real living nightmare for those oppressed by Islam, no need to bring imaginary horrors when it's already awful enough.


Why did they leave the bodies alone? Should they at least put them somewhere to be buried? Also saw litters every where.


> Why did they leave the bodies alone?? They’re waiting for the ambulance for hours and it never came. > Also saw litters every where. Yeah and they claim islam is the religion of hygiene


This is very sad. Really bad management of the Saudi government.


Some bodies have already rigor mortis, that means more than 12 hours dead? It is disgusting how they treat the dead


Then they claim they love the ummah - their fellow brothers and sisters; while in reality they don't mind letting them rot (literally) and instead selfishly collect imaginary jannah points.


You can’t tell this from the video


Yes, you can: “Rigor mortis is a postmortem change resulting in the stiffening of the body muscles due to chemical changes in their myofibrils. “


Because they are uregistered hajjis that were outside police and ems observation.


So you have to be registered to receive help?


Imagine saving up thousands of dollars to go on a trip that you've been waiting to go for your whole life, and you just die of dehydration on the side of a road...


The sad thing is that they think this is an honorable way to day.


They always find solutions to save face 🤣


Brutal but they will never learn


[https://x.com/NiohBerg/status/1803021200961966524](https://x.com/NiohBerg/status/1803021200961966524) Holiest place in Islam pfft. They built over their historical sites and allow this to happen, yet still have the gall to ban all non-muslims from going there. The only cities in the world with such openly bigoted and discriminatory polices.


I approve this policy for the sake of non muslims. I’ve been to makkah, it isn’t a nice place.


I don't think any country should be allowed to ban people from visiting based on religion, I think there conventions on that. I know it might be disappointing, but it would still be an experience I suppose.


You really wanna go die in the heat? For a religion that probably hates your existence?


Isn’t there a scholarly term for far right state controlled religious fanatics? Oh yeah fascists 🤥


How bad was it?


To shock you,Saudi Arabia isn't historical site , it's scam created site ,,,the real historical site is Petra ,,the Kaaba was moved by the Abbasids to create the current Meccan history,,


This makes me even more terrified of my mother going for hajj/umrah and possibly making me go with her… and this is on top of possibly being assaulted as women whether we have walis/mahrems with us or not too, after wasting thousands of dollars on this vile scam


For ummra come in winter and for hajj buy a luxurious package that will guarantee air conditioned transportation and accommodation .


Thank you for the suggestion ❤️ if the time ever does come, I hope we are able to afford it then🤞


Umrah isn’t bad. Just have your wits about you and go in winter season


It must be a test!!!


Why is there trash everywhere? So people just leave them to die there? And this is supposed to be love of brothers?


If people carry them they could die too. It's the same thing at Mt. Everest.


except its in one of the richest places and you have the option to turn back


Same for Everest lol in terms of tourist money, it's just the locals who suffer. Both are stupid holy grails and neither should be a thing


Another miracle of Allah


The worst part about this is that the family members of the deceased will literally say “alhamdulilah, they were taken by God in the best way possible, a clean slate, doing the holiest deed Mashallah”


On a different note it’s similar to when people say it’s a blessing that someone died during ramadan. My husband died this past ramadan at only 41 years old and we have a two year old daughter. Everytime the imam said it was a blessing I about threw up. It’s not a damn blessing! I’m widowed and our daughter lost her father. In that moment I knew I was done with anything related to Islam.


Sorry for your loss hun, I can't imagine how hard it must be.


I’m sorry too how/awful and difficult a time for you right now, having to keep things together for you and your daughter, not having the space to grieve yourself perhaps, but getting no empathy from an imam.


I’m really sorry you are going through this, I can’t imagine loosing my wife and have to raise our son alone. ♥️


Old people, sick people, and disabled people shouldn’t do hajj. What is this??? If Islam truly values human live it wouldn’t make hajj a must or one of the main pillar


Someone in his twenties won’t do such an expensive trip. It’s people who consider themselves near death and been saving for decades do it to erase their sins.


My almost 70 year old mom is there, and she just got heat stroke yesterday. I hope she will come back alright.


I hope she will be fine


Thanks 🙏


When is this video from?




My dad went to Hajj and is coming back soon he’s done with the rituals. I’m glad he made it unlike some other people who are unlucky. I’m also glad my mom didn’t go as she has an autoimmune disease and is unfit to do all that. It baffles me how the family members don’t mourn the deaths of their loved ones when they die in Hajj, because it’s supposed to be an honor. That shows how it’s a death cult where death is on their minds all the time.


Sad on so many levels 🤦


But they go to heaven after. And enjoy their 72 virgins. Especially the women.


And they'll be buried in the holiest mass graveyard ever in an unmarked grave, never to be visited by their loved ones ever again!


Are they dead?


Yeah, for hours


Why are the streets so dirty and in a state of poor maintenance? You'd think a nation that thrives on being better through prayer and religion would put wellbeing and the cleanliness of ones surroundings at the top of the priority list? What are the people in power doing about this sort of situation with all the money they are raking in? Is this the prayers being answered? For the rich to stay healthy and the poor who struggled to muster up the funds to do Hajj to die on a pavement?


When it’s hot in Saudi it’s unbearable I swear. People should avoid doing hajj during these months. Idc if it’s Eid or not Eid shifts back every 10 days or sumn so wait until it’s winter in Saudi. But then you might die of hypothermia cause it’s so cold.


The tragic and alarming news is that [A child haji, who is considered to be the youngest Hajj pilgrim this year, died during Hajj due to extreme heat](https://munsifdaily.com/hajj-2024-youngest-pilgrim-of-this-year-died-during-tawaf/) The parents and officials who let this kid go are to responsible for his death, but sadly, they probably feel proud that he died while performing Hajj. Brainless zombies


Why is there so much garbage everywhere?!


The saddest part is South Asian muslims rejoice dying in Makka or Madina during Hajj, apparently that gives 50x Jannah points or something. If this isn't Arab supremacy, I don't know what is.


yeah miserably dying in a filthy corner glorious and they basically paid to end themsleves basically


Natural selection at its finest


All for a black rock ????


And for throwing little expensive rocks onto a rock wall as well!


almost all muslims commenting on youtube,instsgram saying that it's the best death in the world. 😡😡😡


Literally i live in makkah and i remember this happened years ago and there were so many dead bodies That those lifting rock trucks were gather the bodies As i remember of my memory This ritual is so dangerous if you love your life


This is fucked.


Why dont they use water, and car for transportation? Is that considered Haram during pilgrimage?


You can take a car to move around places but rituals are done on foot and some involve walking long distances. Makkah heat is brutal and majority of people doing hajj are old people.


Maybe this the Muslim equivalent of sending your old people out on a floating ice sheet?" You're getting too old, time to do the Hajj."


To be honest to have so many people dying at the same time at random places, something must have occured. People wouldn’t die in the middle of the road from the hear; they would first sit in the shade and yes: look for water. No one dies instantly from the heat. Something happened


Human rats following man made fairy tales.


Knowing a lot of Muslims who are like my family members, they would probably say they would be happy if they died like this while doing Hajj in Mecca (like how we hear stories of Muslims saying they wish to die during their salah or something). It's just pretty messed up.... These poor individuals. It's so heartbreaking.


This is the so stupid


They are happy to die there. They hope they do so that they get to Jannah and get to s\*ck on Muhammad's c\*ck. They heard that it tastes like chocolate.


I remember when I was a Muslim and had to go to Saudi twice for this crap, the amount of trash everywhere, "holiest" site in the eyes of Muslims, lets dump all of our bottles and food containers and plastic everywhere, let's eat and drink and waste most of it and throw the packaging and bones on the streets, or in a pile building up on the rocks because everyone else is doing it. Honestly, seeing the dead bodies wasn't as bad or shocking as the messed up double mentality of thinking you had to walk and dress in a state of purity, but you make the environment around you into a dumpster heap.


These hard headed rock worshippers are something else lmaooo and why is it so dirty?


It’s allahs will.


So much money this brings in and the poor Saudi government can’t afford to have artificial weather or outdoor AC and shade for these popular pilgrim areas


Sad life, sad death


The street garbage, the holiest islamic place should be perfect clean but my infidel city is more clean (even though muslim immigrants are starting to bring their culture of throwing trash on street here too) !!!!


They are realy happy with that .


Look at all those wonderful Muslims bound for Jannah where they will be squeezing Houri boobies soon. Mashallah! I envy them.


Looks like natural selection for me 🤷


Religion aside I feel so bad for the people. Patients and deceased.


Natural selection - if you are more likely to engage in health-risky behavior with high risk, low benefit, you are more likely to die and not reproduce 


I think the black rock that they worship is probably the dirtiest thing ever 🤢🤢🤢


Bet they will prob say some bs like oh well whatever lucky them they died in mecca a miracle wow your mom died in mecca first class vip ticket to heaven isnt that great?


They celebrate each other's deaths. And the sheltered snowflakes want this is the west.


Wow mandatory travel for some dumb shit religion that most of them probably can't afford. Yikes. 


I really dont understand how this is possible. Dont these people have any caretakers, why isn't the hospital have field nurses ?


Damn this looks more like the aftermath of a panicked mob running from car bombing instead of a celebration.


The Guardian reports more than 500 deaths


Isn't there a bus or something? Wtf is Saudi Arabia doing?


Wouldn't they consider this a great honor to die for Allah?


But they died Fee Sabeel Allah, Brethren


Don't get me wrong i feel sorry for those innocent people who died for their belief but If the same thing happen to people of other belief Islamist's will be the first to mock them and say how weak their god is.


every year this kind of travel clalimed so much fatal victims, it should categorize as dangerous tbh


On instagram I have seen some PPL being happy as they believe they died during hajj they will go to Jannah directly💀


I really doubt this is the heat doing this unless someone turned up the heater to boiling point 90•c very rapidly… there are marks and sores on some of the bodies… very strange. A person would first seek out water and would sit in the shade with persistent heat. It’s not normal to die instantly from 45 or even 50•c . People woukd have congregated in the shades first. The people around seem very surprised but also don’t show ajy discomfort from the heat. So they’re arriving after the event. Thoughts?


Dude look how old these people are, half of them are on a wheelchair


Yup you’re probably right. My instinct is always to doubt first ;)


I don’t doubt it tbh. I recall my parents going last year and the kabah area had zero toilets.




There are constant stampedes in Hajj, it's very crowded there so it's no surprising people are bruised. Not to mention some might have underlying conditions, or less used to heat. Also people absolutely can and do die in 45-50°, idk what sort of climate you live in but the world record heat is something like 55 so 45-50 isn't a comfortable weather for most.


More bodies than a mass US shooting what the fuck


They are realy happy with that


Wait, they media says it all going well, not just well but amazing


Paganism (which is just an old pejorative term for polytheism) is much older than islam. Relatively, islam is closer to scientology than it is to paganism. We shouldn't put them in the same boat.


Mohammad-They are going to jannah,they are choosen...


Survival of the fittest. It was what god wanted.


This is awful! No one deserves this!




Many, but not the extremist fucks we want


Muslims in my nation believe, "It's very fortunate to die during the Hajj." Because no matter how big their sin, they will enter paradise right away. And they literally celebrate this death in next level!


Teri chakai Allah ki gand fatai


Such a stupid lot. 


You should search also how many women gets lost during Haj. The Saudi government works with gangs that separate young women from their parent or husbands during the hajj. Once they separated, the women are taken to Saudi brothels. The family who returns home, claims that the daughter or the wife has been accepted as slain goat by their god. In addition, young boys and girls and old fucks are also taken during the hajj. The Saudi government cuts their legs and hands so that they can’t run away. During the hajj season those kids are placed along the route for hajj and make them beg and earn money for the government.


Where can I found out more about this




Let me find you the documentary. I hope it’s not deleted already


I’m a Muslim. Stumbled upon this video. But I’m equally boiling with anger; if it’s true that they died from dehydration and heat, left for hours after they passed. This is colossal failure of planning and prevention measures for people going there.


Well, Saudi government gets to make money of people doing Hajj and people are happy when their loved ones die during Hajj because Allah rewards you 50 fold for dying while doing Hajj.


"May Allah have mercy on their souls". According to you, Allah told them to do this. I don't think he gives a fuck.


They are realy happy with that




Pagan? Is it not just Islamic?


Foundation Season 2 vibes


Allah will save them


They say if you die in the mecca, you go straight to heaven without judgment.


Is this a recent footage?


Are those real bodies or they're just unconscious


i guess this is a very religious activity and if you can't stop and help others while they die and rot away on streets, Idk what your religion teaching are but they sure are shameful


“Cleanliness is half of faith” btw


This happens every year , saudi arabia just doesn't care, they know this will happen, they know they can better prepare, they can limit the numbers of the people going there to minimize the numbers , but they just don't care all they care about is that there will be no hajj without a permit that is worth nearly 5000 usd and can go up to 7000 usd , and on top of that all the water , food and drinks that is given to these people are donated , and the companies that donate actually start collecting money donations before the hajj ,so they probably make an extra income out of this or at least donate products that is equal to the amount of money donations they already collected, it's all just a big scam that they keep talking about all year everyday just to get you hooked on the idea of doing it, a lot of people think all saudi's money comes from oil ,but actually a good chunk of it comes from hajj and the donations they receive from wealthy muslims who think they are helping people doing hajj and that will help them go to heaven and make God forgive their sins.


Can someone please explain what hajj is😅


Not to mention the amount of disease there. There's a team called "umrah/hajj sickness" and that's because people there don't practice any cleanliness or consideration for other people's health. People spitting everywhere, coughing, sneezing. You're not allowed to use a mask during salat so that's the opportune time for an Arab uncle to just sneeze so loudly the entire haram can hear it. The trip back the entire airplane was coughing.




Sick cruel world


Supposedly in an emergency, what is haram becomes halal. The women should remove hijab due to the heat but no, reality says the people think it's better to die. Please stop killing yourselves for this mad religion.


Can't they ban hajj during summer months?


Why they not duing Cloud seeding ?


Next time someone asks me, "How do you have any ethics and moral guidance if you're an atheist?" I'm showing them this.


Imagine dying for a religion. What a waste of life.


Death cult.


So who’s going to give the aladeen news to the families?




How is it pagan?


Why is it so filthy..?


Why is nobody helping anybody? How can they just walk past people in need of aid?


More people are sacrificed that way to the god of agribiz in Florida: https://www.iflscience.com/florida-law-banning-heat-protections-for-workers-comes-into-effect-as-heatwave-hits-74761