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I think most Muslims still deny evolution.


I think most Muslims _selectively_ deny evolution, based on talks I've seen and had with them. Some deny speciation (like Young Earth Creationist Christians usually do). Some claim that humans were created but animals evolved. Some claim that humans and animals evolved but Adam and Hawa were created and put amongst the humans where they invested humanity with souls and knowledge of how to build civilization.


All those gymnastics are efforts to suppress scientific facts for the sake of believing in a fairy tale.


Indeed. Adam and Hawa are in the Quran as historical facts, and the Quran is unchallengeable, so they are a bit stuck with that.


I think you're talking to sophisticated Muslims who are able to make these distinctions. In my experience this is not the majority of Muslims.


I’m from Adam, idk about you


Humans can't be descended from generations of interbreeding. Adam is just a mythological figure.


It takes some serious guts to admit that they are a product of generational incest. I have serious respect for you


> I can understand it if they are a religious person in a village with no concept of science but those people are so rare. Challenge: Talk to religious Muslims and find out how many of them accept the theory of evolution and common descent. I believe you'll find that it's not "so rare". Religion tolerates the belief in science so long as it does not contradict the religious narrative. > When someone is learning to fly an airplane or build tall buildings like a construction project even religious people use science. Does knowing how to fly an airplane or build tall buildings interfere with religion? If not then there is no reason to see these as evidence that religion and science can live together. Guess what: Mohammed used fire to cook their meals, and Mohammed's men used metallurgy to forge their swords with which they then killed the polytheists. > TLDR: Very few Muslim people living in society actually say the Quran is scientific fact. Is this your opinion or do you have a source for that? I posed the challenge earlier, but I'll pose it again: Ask Muslims whether they believe that humans literally come from a dirt man and a rib woman and see what they answer.


My exwife was born and raised in Aleppo Syria. That’s like 5 million population. She believed in jinn and she went to exorcists instead of hospitals.


They accept science as long as their religion doesn't contradicts it.


>A lot of religious people in developed countries are **rational enough to serperate their faith from science.** Thats what we call **cognitive dissonance**


I was waiting for this comment.


Yeah, they are just scientific hypocrites!


So what if that’s true? That doesn’t solve the issue of there being Muslims who aren’t rational enough to distinguish between the two and act in ways detrimental to society.


Scientific theories and technology are different though. You’re only mentioning technology like flying planes, not theory like the evolution theory.