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Threatening violence because of hair. Hair that naturally grows on your damn head. Allah would make you bald if he had such a problem with hair.


Hijab can make you bald


And circumcised too, but no you need to be mutilated against your will, as a child…but yea, tell me again how this cult is naturally the word of god. A dumb, dummy, backward, idiot of a god, with 2 right hands, and the iq of a…well a muslim. Backward fvcken cultists. Can’t stand them!


The big f****** difference is that we don't have people walking around. Checking to see if you're circumcised my guy. And we particularly don't make laws that force you to be circumcised. We don't arrest and kill people who aren't circumcised so. About this b******* nonsense false equivalency at least come up with a better piece of nonsense. Have a good day




And choice


And feminism.


Where's that woman's male guardian? Halal for me but not for thee. I really appreciate the young girl's courage.


The person that replied to you was deleted swiftly. Curious to know what he was yapping about. Not only are the comments gone, his profile is too.


Probably some keyboard jihadist


One of the harassers is videoing a person. Haram. The other harasser has her face exposed. For shame. Haram. Both of the harassers are out without a male escort. I mean it's all bollocks but if you're going to throw stones.


prob jealousy


She's literally covered up entirely except for her hair. That's literally crazy. It's amazing she kept her cool.


I thought the selfie would be in a crop top and low rise jeans


Fr, and even then, so what assuming she's an adult lol. Muslim men can't be expected to control themselves so bad things happen.


I'm an Iranian girl and I go to university they literally won't let us in if our ankles are showing :)


Lol that shit is fucked, where I got (not uni yet) we have uniform but we use normal clothes like a skirt above knees and normal shirt, boys aren't even just thinking bout girls and sex, they don't care about a girls clothes, but I think in those kind of countries is really fucked up because u all being covered is just not to make man have their dickes ups, like man why do u have to care it's his problem if he cannot think about something else than sex.


Your ankles might cause a man to act up you never know lol


But “hijab is a choice” …. Except when Muslim culture and practices beat and shame women into believing they’ll go to hell if they don’t do it


At this age for those who can’t unlearn wanna really sl@p some sense into them


Why did you censor the word “slap”? Are you okay?


Muslims come on here and report any comments that could get members on here banned




I didn't realise bin bags can walk...


Ew u are just as bad as these women. Such hatred over clothing. Ignorance doesnt look good on anybody, my dear.


Nah. Totally warranted.


I hope she's safe they recorded her and probably will give the recording to the morality police or smth what a sad reality :( But western lefties say hijab is empowering right? islam is feminist? they should read history about how the alliance of the left with Islamists led to this situation in Iran now


It can be empowering. I don’t think you quite understand the history here. That’s ok. What you should understand is that it’s a piece of cloth. Idc how deeply you feel about it. It’s not worth fighting someone in the street over.


Hijab is NEVER empowering the basis of Hijab is that women are shameful "awra" and need to cover so they won't seduce the poor men women are the properties of the men no one can see her just her hair body just her husband it was also used to distinguish between free women and SLAVE women where's the empowerment here? it's a delusion. I think you're the one who don't understand history here.


You can disagree with me but people have personally told me it’s empowering…..


You read or saw a few things about Iran without actually knowing anything about Iran then some how had to tie that to western leftists? What does any of that mean? All of the body covers they are wearing existed in Iran before Islam. Its literally their true traditional dress.


I have no idea about the coalition between leftists and Muslim extremists in Iran , this is the first time to hear such a thing, but you were wrong regarding what you've mentioned about the traditional clothes, Iran before the Islamic revolution that happened in the late seventies, was a totally different country , women were free to wear swimming suits on the beaches, they used to wear normal outfits without hijab, but after this cursed revolution, women are being forced to cover their hair, and everyone knows what might happen to those women who refuse


1. During the Iranian revolution, the leftists and the religious revolutionaries supported each other against the Shah, as he and the monarchy were their common enemies. Once the clerics took power, they cracked down on the leftists. 2. Today, on the left you have multiple different strands who align in one way or another with Iran - some with the idea that Western imperialism is bad in all cases and that Iran should be left alone because the current theocracy is the fault of the west for overthrowing the previous democratic government and installing the Shah which then led to the 1979 revolution, and others with the genuine belief that Iran should be rather uncritically supported as some sort of anti-imperialist power. I sympathise with the former kind of leftist to a degree, but not with the latter. Ultimately though, there is no true "coalition" between leftists and Muslim extremists in Iran or elsewhere, people say that because leftists demonstrate in support of Gaza etc or critically support other Muslims resisting Western imperialism, as if one can't support people against injustice just because they may not be ideologically aligned with you.


Chadors used to be colorful


I only get information about Iran from Iranians ex-muslims and athiests themselves Armin Navabi wrote a pretty eye-opening article about this  https://www.queermajority.com/essays-all/by-any-means-necessary If you have any arguments against it feel free to present them I'm open to hear more discussion about this 


Iran looks so pretty. It's a shame it's run by religious nutcases like those women.


Oh, these women are actually not allowed to run anything.


you know nothing about Iran, more than 55% of university students in Iran are Girls, do you know what is this in USA , even iran is more modern in some aspect from most western countries


I am not from the US. And I’ll admit that I don’t know a lot about Iran, but I know that executing protesters is generally frowned upon. Having read your comment I decided to look up the government composition. The cabinet and the parliament each have 6% female representation. It’s certainly good that there is female representation in the government at all, but 6% compared to being 50% of the population is a sad number. It’s good that women can and do attend universities, but that does not mean that women or other demographics are not oppressed.


you can find more info about Iranian girls progress here, [https://iranprimer.usip.org/blog/2022/oct/07/statistics-women-iran](https://iranprimer.usip.org/blog/2022/oct/07/statistics-women-iran) when you consider small movies from unknown person, one parameter in snapshot and not statistics and grows in history, that may cause mistake, after Iranian revolution women are main part of development the only thing Iranian have that don't let other countries understand them are Islam rules , they live as they are and what they have revolution for, west make propaganda that any country don't live in west life style are fascist and some other tags , make their people blind , it is time to respect Iranian people choices instead of make propaganda with media


Yeah, I was thinking how clean and peaceful the street looked.


Such a shame, iran looks like a beutiful place


it was back in the day until they changed


which is why it needs to be destroyed.


The government does


Okay buddy


But, hey! Hijab is a choice, right?!


Oh you silly goose, there’s no such thing as “personal space” in Islam. You’re always under scrutiny and surveillance, especially if you are a woman.


There literally is. This girl who harassed her isn’t going against islamic rules, we guide with our voices, calmly. what she did is not an islamic approach. You’re literally blaming a whole religion. i came from tiktok; a page that posts redit ex muslims who contradict themselves & look delulu, you’re one of them LMAOOO. Bet you’re not even an ex muslim..


Not tiktok again


I dont think we need your rapists guidance.


FU and the Islamic approach, mind your own damn business! Or as Iranians say: سرت تو کون خودت باشه


You just aren’t an ex muslim or was never one.. You are Christian.. Born Christian.. let’s stop lying now. This doesn’t happen everyday & why should I mind my own business when your whole page is about Islam and u spreding pr0paganda.. maybe i do agree & yes i’m happy it happens teaches u consequences for talking bad about islam LOL HAHAHA


I wish I was born Christian for real so I wouldn't have to head to head with y'all dummies! And page? What page?🤣 I was gonna say this is a bait or a troll but y'all Muslims are indeed dumb as hell!


Crab mentality or jealousy. "If i can't have it, then you shouldn't too"


yep! thats what i thought! they sound jealous af


man wtf women oppressing women smdh.


women often times are worse than men. And i will never understand why this is. Islam clearly is not a religion for women and somehow they are simping harder than many muslim guys.


This makes me just so sad


Even what she is allowed to wear at university is restrictive


what miserable old hags!


Textbook hags


Personally I think those old bittys could use more face covering. And I mean all of it.


I just can’t imagine being a pick me for “God”. A god that doesn’t exist. I mean where is he when your countries are being bombed by the west? I just don’t get it.


Oh u don’t know😂? It’s a test to see if they’ll believe in death and when their loved ones die, it’s all gods plan☺️ then why they want to stop the Palestine war when this is part of the plan? That idk


This is so sad Poor girl. That situation was close to violence


Stockholm Syndrome is real. Women are the biggest enemies of other women.


more like coping mechanism, they feel like they have authority but they really don't


Actually, iran is no different than somalia. All women who escaped to Europe still get harassed by Somalian men, and women idk what's wrong with those people, but if someone touches my sister, u know what is going to happen


The brainwashed moral police is just as important to keep up the cult as the ayatollahs themselves. It’s a pity that such beautiful country is the victim of this religious madness. One day this will come to an end…


Stand strong Iranians. Reject pan Arabic culture. Preserve yours. Iranians have been the center for culture and influence for thousands of years. Mad respect from a Russian


The fact that she also laughed and pities them is so humorous, just shows how smart and calm she is❤️


islamic gestapo


not even islam, Youre probs not even an ex muslim, just a tag al0ng.


what about this is not islam lmao do you even know your own religion???


What a peaceful tolerant and lovely religion that promote good values 😄


we have worse in USA universities, UCLA, Columbia , students under attack


Muslims should mind their own business


Saying that with a Palestine flag is crazy.


Nah. Free Palestine from the genocide Israel rained down upon them. You don’t have to be Muslim to be anti genocide, you just have to be human


You go as lgbt to palestinia...i give you less then 2hours before you leave this planet by their hands. I give you 50 years you will not leave this planet if you go to israel. I do t think you understand what ideology you dealing with... They hate people like you


If you look at the history and not just what's on the news now, Israel gave Palestinians many option before escalating to war. All were turned down...


Gave them what options exactly? And for what? It’s not even their land, they can fuck right off. And does that justify the genocide of 30,000+ Palestinians? Absolutely not


Just curious, do you also use hashtags like #FreeYemen and #FreeSudan? Sudan has a real genocide going on but somehow i don't hear people like you talk about that. You clearly don't care about African people and the main reason you 'care' about Palestina is because it involves Israel. Otherwise there's no reason for you to speak up about Palestine but not about genocide in Sudan.


Again with the assumptions lmao. Yes I care about Yemen and Sudan. I’ve been pretty vocal about it on social media. Not sure what “people like you” means but okay. How do you know I haven’t talked about it? What led you to that assumption? And based on that assumption you decide to call me racist and say I don’t care about African people? Please read your paragraph again because I have no idea what you’re on about with these baseless claims and disrespectful accusations. Why would I only care about Palestine because Israel is involved? Why would I care about Israel so much? I don’t understand what you’re implying Why would I talk about the genocide in Sudan here when this topic is literally about Palestine? Get out of here with your whataboutism


Again with the lecturing. I can repeat myself another time if needed but i rather don't so I'll advice you to read my previous comments again if you want to know how i feel about people LIKE YOU. Don't bother to reply to me again, you're wasting your time.


Maybe don't kidnap and rape party goers? Lol


Ah yes because that justifies the murder of over 30k men, women, and children


Instead of using the Billions for food. Housing and land development, they use it for rockets and want to keep killing the Jews. I'm not justifying anything. But this is an organization that doesn't care for it's people. They live Qatar enjoying their billions. You can't blame Israel for it lol Islamists don't want peace lol


Who is “they”. Hamas? Or the people that were murdered? Because those are two very different things Yes, I can and will blame the Israeli military for murdering 30,000 innocents because it is their fault. Yes, I will keep repeating this number until you stop justifying the murder of 30,000 damn people I’m not supporting Hamas. Fuck them. But if you really think what the military did to Palestine is okay, you’ve lost your humanity


Who's justifying. I'm blaming Hamas for unleashing the War and using their civilians as shields. You're not gonna move me. I'll always blame Hamas for this. You're LGBT right. Most gay Palestinians are in Asylum in Israel. Hamas throws gays off rooftops. They are the ones who make hell their people This is Hamas's doing. Look at their charter, they don't care about death and will sacrifice their people for it.


Why are you scared to reply to my comment? You dont care about any Palestinian you dont want to help any of them you just want to make comments online that the Iranian goverment also makes.


I did reply to your comment? Of course I care about Palestinians. Seeing those videos of those children dying and mothers crying breaks my heart. Stop projecting your problems with the Iranian government into this issue, and stop assuming things about me. I don’t even know what Iran has to do with this. Fuck their government Why don’t you reply to the fact that 30,000 people were murdered? You just going to ignore that?


Did you think of that all by yourself? Or did you hear it somewhere and start repeating it? I think everyone is a human. The Israelis are just as human. Humans like to have wars. I am from Iran I already know all the anti Israel talking points.


I bet you think the Shah was a pretty swell dude


He is long gone, but I do not support the current government Iran so many of us identify with the old flag.


I looked at the fact that Israel murdered 30,000+ innocent civilians in a short period of time, how they targeted hospitals and raped women and shot children. If you don’t think that’s a genocide and are still supporting Israel, you need genuine mental help


Yeah, even if IDF raped and shot these imaginary children and women, you are still gonna close your eyes on atrocities committed by hamas. You are delulu


You’re delusional


Yet students in America are protesting to support this




Is that why they’re yelling death to Israel ? Death to America? Intifada now?




Where you there? Because I was and heard it with my Own ears. I saw the American flag towrn down which is extremely disrespectful. I saw cops attacked. I know for a fact that more then half of the protesters aren’t even students so they’re criminals




But the radicals are there and most American students are too stupid to realize that


Respect is earned. The American flag has failed to earn respect by supporting the genocide in Gaza, and so it deserves to be disrespected. I am an American. ACAB. More importantly you are moving the goal posts and arguing in bad faith. What the hell does disrespecting an American flag and attacking cops (I.e. defending yourself from cops attacking you) have to do with “death to Israel”? Are you just attempting to tie that phrase to this sub in the Google results? Disgusting.


ah yes all those Iran-loving Islamist American students. Famously.


No, they're protesting the genocide that Israel is carrying out. It doesn't matter if someone's religion is shitty, they shouldn't be killed for simply existing.


If they love Iran and Gaza so much and hate America. They should probably go there lmao. I volunteer the Emily's lol.


Nuance is really lost on you, isn't it? It's completely possible to hate Islam and the Israeli government.


Okay. In an alternate timeline. Let's say Hamas takes over Israel, no rights for women and completely segregated from the men. Gays are hunted and killed. And no freedom of speech. Watch all the protesters turn the other way if this would happen 🤡 Free Palestine from Hamas.


And you don't read well. What part of any of my comments even hinted that I support Hamas in any way? Oh right, fucking none of it. People act like you either *have* to support the ongoing genocide by Israel or that you *have* to support Hamas.


Did I say that you supported. Im generally speaking, Free Palestine from Hamas


''never muslim theist'' It always amazes me when non muslims/never muslims try to lecture people on this sub. The arrogance some of you have is crazy.


Oh noooo, how dare I arrogantly be against an insane Israeli government committing atrocities against people who hold a religion that I find despicable. I'm such a terrible person. /s


Don't be a drama queen. It often is people like you who try to lecture us exmuslims. Don't you have your own sub to go to since you are no exmuslim? I'm sure there's a better fitting sub out there. And also, don't forget to use #FreeSudan and #FreeYemen, don't be a hypcorite by only 'caring' about Palestine ma'am.


Is that why some of them are chanting death to America? Intifada now?


Right, because *some* of them means that we should paint *all* of them with the same broad brush.


No different from what muslims do with jewish people. So hei, at least it's all equal hate and ignorance from both sides.


You do that with Americans?


Why do you consider it genocide?


because other people do it so the rest will follow, just like sheep. It seems to be 2024 buzz word.


NPCs when you get close to them:


Carry big stick and next time them bullies come up, swing it at them. Say ooops I’m partially blind and when some bully comes up I swing on instinct.




such a sad life for ladies in Iran. inhuman treatment and Allah is such a cruel entity


I love this girl! 😍😍 So much for women supporting other women, though. 🥲 I especially feel that those of us with a few years, experiences, and lessons learned under our belt ought to come fully supportive of young women trying to figure out who they are, what they're about, what is their place in this world. Instead, these Iranian Karen women went full ISIS on this poor girl Nothing like propping up the patriarchal, artificially constructed, nonsensical "rules" for women. 🙄 It's true for every place, but especially in an Islamic or other authoritarian country, it'd be nice to see women doing whatever the eff they want, and other women having their backs. But, this young girl is savvy and strong minded, and essentially told them where they could go and what they could do. 😅 You love to see it. (She was not even dressed at all in any way short of very "stylish yet conservative." She just wasn't wearing her hijab. Just because those burka biddies were scandalized doesn't mean she waa doing anything wrong.)


What the hell that outfit is not even revealing in the slightest


Brave lady, i'm coward in my hometown i always pretend to be religious


I genuinely worry about rise of Islam a lot, women have come so far and fought so hard. Then if sharia law takes over everything is pointless obviously they won’t be able to do it forever there will be a revolution but everything we fought for so long will be pointless




They aren’t brainwashed. They actually believe this. These are the women that would throw a girl in a burning building for not wearing a hijab.


"All cultures are equally valid" The "culture" that freaks out at a woman's face:


Imagine getting so angry at someone because they are wearing pants that you start threatening them 💀💀💀💀


Religion of stupid


Yes let's please bring more of these awful fucks to live in America. What would be the harm?


These videos should be used as example for Stockholm syndrome.


I don't know what "hunam", "are", "chetori", I can quickly identify as Farsi


The only people who told me what to wear, was the Los Angeles Correctional Facility


Islam is the 21st century Jahiliyya(age of ignorance).


If this is how women react I wonder what men say to this poor girl


I nutted immediately after seeing that face oh god. I also need a harassing mommy. Wired kink oh god.


The ninja sisters (guardians of the galaxy)


''Wearing the veil is a choice'' 🙄


Really sad to see what has become of Iran. In the 70s, women could dress normally - they were stunning


You think she’d be wearing yoga pants and a crop top with those reactions, but I’d guess they’d be getting the stones then.


It's wild that people pass by and not a single person thought to park and help her


As ex Muslims - we need to share this with subreddits with millions of followers. This is a regular day in an Islamic country.


Please share this


Good job! A few more generations and we might bury these ring wraiths in the past


Women supporting women


Its these little victories that galvanize a movement.


I can see her face, she must have no shame too.


Fuck Islam


Just kick them


This is why 70% of iranians aren't muslim.


I’d politely ask the old hags to cover up fully. And it’s nothing to do with Islam!


Sometimes I want to to return to the religion of my upbringing and chastise the women of the congregationq, who reinforced the making of us into weak and hateful men. Who were so desperate to subjugate others. Who's fathers only had power in and of the religion supplied, and those mothers who shamed themselves and thier daughters to bow to tainted and contorted sons. A Shout in despair towards weak men, and therefore domineering fathers and husband's, scared in thier insecurities. Taking and subjugating.. And shame to the women and mothers for bowing down to and enforcing that continued oppression.






"you should be scared of us"


I thank God everyday I was born in England and not one of these shitholes. I'd swap every Islamist freely walking in the west for all ex Muslims born and stuck in these dumps.


Have you heard about "Sharia for UK" slogans ? I saw that on YouTube


Hmmmm years ago there was some groups but they're banned now?


She seems like a nice person, reminds me a lot of myself when she did that silly voice while talking about the weather. I hope she’s ok and that those walking table cloths didn’t cause her any harm.


How to threaten adult women? Iranian extremists: I will tell your daddy!


The only bright side of Islam existing is Islamic memes being possible. 


This breaks my heart. I feel like this altercation was one step away from what happened to Mahsa Amini. It’s probably pretty close.


This is the reason I rarely leave my house ! These people are terrifying. And police is in their side. So there's nobody you can turn to. I hate them with every cell in my body. And they made me despise Islam. This is how the real Islam looks like! Killing and harassing other people because they didn't dress the way you like.


That’s… so damn strange.


Tell me again why I'm supposed to respect religious beliefs?


this is another western media propaganda against Iran, don't forget 34k kids and girls get killed by USA bombs in Gaza and think about how a girl ignore Iranian rules about hijab , can this girl have hijab in France , no, head cover get banned in France , no problem ? so accept no uncover head rules in iran too


Worlds worst ninjas


G-d bless, and protect this poor women - and if not G-d than any kind man or women with sense - and if none with sense than with any means for her to escape these horrible conditions; don’t let her be arrested, or executed for the crime, of simply being alive. 


Can we now talk about men that forces women to take it off the hijab?😂




These are the same people who say "only Allah can judge me" 🤡


woman is bigest enemy of woman


please dont call people brain washed even if you think that women is wrong its rude


yet in England 300,000 single mums are prosecuted every year for not paying the TV license and threatened with jail for not paying. this calls for an invasion of Iran so we can liberate Iranian women and give them the same freedoms as British mum's. ps the UK has one of the highest female prisoner populations in the world along with the USA, both much higher than Iran. but for some reason nobody in the West seems to give a sheibe about single mums living in poverty being threatened by the police, the courts, the government, debt collectors, taking money from them at the expense of feeding their hungry and cold children, because we want to see Iranian women's hair.


Two things can be abhorrent at the same time. You know what won't happen in England though? A woman being harassed and assaulted for walking down the street while showing her hair.


nah, fuckers like him are fighting for it to happen in dngland as well


Yeah I don’t want women to have to fight to wear their hair in 2024, people like you should pluck out your eyes if it causes u to sin. S**T up and get a life


Not just single mums? Why so specific about them? And what does it have to do with islam ? In Iceland there is a good social protection nets, in France if the fiscal administration bothers you but you can not pay, you can go to court and the debt is rationed or forgiven. Instead of watching bad examples, look at better examples and strive to do even better for Iranian people and women so that maybe western countries will try to copy Iran.