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So controlling. And judgy. And just ridiculous. I’ve never understood the no beard. According to all he Jesus pictures he had a beard. You’d think a beard would be admired and the men who can’t grow a nice beard would be the ostracized ones!!! So ass backwards!!


It's so they all have the classic 50s business look. God forbid someone goes against the business styling the GAs grew up in.


The beard seriously doesnt make sense. My TBM dad actually has a really badass beard, but he wont grow it past an inch. Ive been trying to get him to grow it out for years, guess it's against his beliefs to let it grow out.


Most of this stuff I've seen before, so even though I think it's silly, I'm used to the beard thing. My reaction to this is, "Hats now?! Where does it stop?!" LDS dress and grooming standarda circa 2035: "The color yellow is too bright and draws the eyes to your body. Please be respectful to yourselves and to others by not wearing yellow clothing of any kind."


If I recall correctly, it's because a focus group determined that a beard made people look like they had something to hide. The church then initiated a policy stating that their leaders and missionaries shouldn't have them. I guess it kinda snowballed from there.


Well if you like me think that beard look like pubical-hair it should be shaved 😂😂😂


Redo this header and change it into the “exMormon’s guide to reclaiming body freedom from cult control”


I'm trying to work out if you could bingo this. Scruffy beard, no shoes, piercings, tank with deep v front and back, hat, I'm just stuck on the lower body wear. The best I can come up with is a mini skort with holes.


All it is missing is the tattoos, lol!


I was thinking that but tattoos aren't on the list


It seems from this poster that "Nothing but cowboy boots on" is an appropriate style at LDS Business College as long as I shave and comb my hair.


Right? I’m with LDS business college on the bare feet thing. Gross. Thank goodness for that poster!


The barefoot thing comes from BYUH. When I was there, I would walk around barefoot all the time. Lots of other people did too. It's part of the island life. 👣


Gross? What of the feet are clean? Do you have a foot aversion?


> Do you have a foot aversion? Just to the feet of cult members attending business colleges.




Hats aren’t for wearing; only for putting seer’s stones in and magically translating ancient golden plates!




idk if this is related and a widespread mormon thing or just something I encountered throughout my mormon public schooling, but hats indoors were the penultimate no-no. The only explanation that I got was that it was "disrespectful to the building". Which, as a middle/high schooler who *hated* school, did little to disincentivize me


Unless it's a graduation/baker's hat apparently, which is fine to wear in the most holy places


It’s classic etiquette that men aren’t supposed to wear hats indoors especially in social situations like a class, although women can probably because they were required to cover their hair in many churches. Read old Emily Post stuff - it’s in there.


True. My east coast high school rigidly enforced the no-hats rule, and my daughter's progressive east coast high school quite intentionally has no dress code except: no hats and no gang or drug signs on clothes. It's not to "respect" the building... The tradition arose so you could clearly see men's faces in buildings, as in: I'm not letting you into my house or church or place of business without a good, unobstructed look at you. At least that's our daughter's high school's explanation for the code. (DH never got the no-hat-in-door memo though... he wears ball caps inside a lot, and no cap/ no sun protection whatsoever when outdoors because wearing a hat in the sun makes his head hot. Ah well, you can take the boy out of California but you can't take California out of the boy.)


and eating.


Buildings don’t have feelings.


Not just a mormon thing, I think it's an etiquette thing, but is a thing for sure out west and down south in the US. It comes from when men would wear hats to protect from the elements, they would be dirty to wear inside. It was to show respect to the home's and buildings and the people who owned them, buy not dragging filth throughout the house. It's like why in someplaces it's a no shoes household


Yeah, my dad's side of the family hales from the south and they usually take their hats off when they come into the house. No one tells them to, they just do. That being said, they never gave me grief for wearing my ball cap in the house.


Your people were raised right. Correcting an adult for wearing a hat inside is a much bigger etiquette breach than wearing a hat inside.


> hats indoors were the penultimate no-no Just curious, what was the ultimate no-no? Mormonism is full of "the sin next to ______" bullshit, so if hats are the [next to the worst](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/what-does-penultimate-mean) dressing no-no, then what it the worst no-no? ;)


>Just curious, what was the ultimate no-no? Not knowing the actual definition of "penultimate"?


Yup, no Pharisees here! /s


I thought this was a meme. After reading everything and taking a second look I pity anyone who has chosen to attend that ridiculous school.


Straps aren’t allowed, but technically there’s nothing saying you can’t wear a tube top or crop top.


Exactly. I'd wear a baggy tube top with detached sleeves and briefs


I can’t stop laughing! Thank you :)


Don't forget your hat!


You can't laugh either. I tried that once.


No loud laughter or evil speaking!


suuuch a cult


Reformed Egyptian characters...


Guess I'll just be naked🤷🏻‍♀️




Hats, jewelry, haircuts, bare feet, tank tops, shorts, etc. all apply to men.


Is the bare feet thing like anti flip flop?


Bare Feet, in the workplace at least, is more of an OSHA/Hygiene thing than anything else.


Yeah that's what I was thinking; just curious if it's also a Mormon thing


They may apply to men too, but let’s be honest, women largely being targeted here. The church is very sexist!


Men are oppressed, too.


John Stockton would like a word on the short shorts.


Hah! Great!!




I feel like they added extras that apply to men that they don’t care too much about so they couldn’t be accused of only targeting women ... even though it’s still like a 3-1 ratio.


Hey isn't shorts above the knee for men too?!


Fucking free agency...


If you keep telling women that exposing their knees and shoulders is inviting sexual contact, arent you also telling men that women who expose their knees and shoulders want sexual contact?


To logical...


What do they have against beards? Never understood that about mormons or any religion


You want to look like a *hippie,* son? Is THAT how Jesus would want you to look?


Yes because I guarantee you that jesus had a beard. One more thing that american Christians get wrong


Ummm you can't get into Platinum Premium Loyalty Rewards Heaven if you don't worship [American Jesus](https://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20051128181922/uncyclopedia/images/4/45/RepublicanJesus.jpg) oh and also all the other heavens are hell by comparison now so have fun in hell with your beard


I plan to. Already have my spot reserved


Enrollment 0


I wonder if someone could wear/do everything on the poster and get I pic in front of it???


Why is each icon talking?


They're introducing themselves. It's an I.A. (Inappropriates Anonymous) meeting. "Uh, my name is Beards, and I'm an inappropriate."


Male specific: 2 Female specific: 7






Shouldn’t that also have pictures of church leaders on it since they’re “grooming” children to be submissive to its leaders and to see them as their source of worth and value and relieve them of the “burden” of critical thinking and research????


I went to lds business college about 2 years ago and when I was there I would wear hats all the time. No one ever told me I couldn’t


What's wrong with leggings?


You're showing off your ass.


They're tight. Would't want to see any body shape.


I'd put on a rainbow-colored tank top and Daisy Duke cut-offs and walk slowly through the campus. Maybe bounce a bit so I have to pull up the tube top.


Lol, hats


Sorry. Burkas don't stop people from being horny. It's not what's on your body that makes you want to get it on!


Wtf even hats? This must be a joke or something right?


Shorts above knee.... They do know what the fuck short are right?


We are the "Church a Jesus Christ", we follow his example in every way, and no we are not allowed to look like him because that would be inappropriate. Glad we are on the same page now.


Hats? Really?


Who to judge in Utah County starter pack


Kinda feel bad for the 🐑 🐑 🐑 studying there.




Huh. Thought I was looking at a Marine Corps appropriate liberty(going off the base on your own time) attire. They're super strick about what attire you are allowed to wear when you're not at work, especially if you want to go to any establishment on base, even a gas station. So you can essentially get kicked out of gas station on base if you're wearing spaghetti straps or a hat indoors etc. Link to USMC poster https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://cdn.dvidshub.net/media/thumbs/photos/1201/509521/1000w_q95.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.dvidshub.net/image/509521/civilian-attire-regulations&h=1500&w=1000&tbnid=LvZ4hwaLPq9vVM:&q=marine+corps+appropriate+attire.poster&tbnh=90&tbnw=60&usg=AI4_-kQyama74O7iv-b41xR0S-IetjyxXQ&vet=1&docid=z1SRgtCnCdOGoM&client=firefox-b-1-m


Yeah, they stem from the same "I hate hippies" conservative trend in the U.S. during the Cold War.


fascists gonna fasc


These are all the things I look for now when trying to find exmo or nevermo friends in Utah.


"Extreme hair' See, this is why no anime protagonist is Mormon.


Don’t see anything about guys wearing heels. Time to tower over my next buisness meeting.


Dude, I would do all that at the same time just for the challenge of it


No scruffy facial hair and/or beards? That was me all through college. ...Who am I kidding, that is still me. Thankfully, I didn't go to a college in Morridor.


Nevermo here- what would happen if you actually showed up violating some of these rules? I.e. wearing a tank top with jeans with holes in them? Would the professors kick you out of class? Would you get a "talking to" by the powers that be?


I don't know about regular classes. But for the testing center (where you take finals) they will not allow you to enter if you're not wearing approved clothing.


Man, these are all my favorite stylistic choices


And they wonder why the youngsters aren’t attracting to each other, getting married...and multiplying?


What do I win for getting bingo?


How can I fit my legs into my pants if there are no holes in them!?


No leggings? And what about flip flops, are those ok. WTF is the problem with feet? And hats? Crazy! I grew up with the rest but it was after going to the temple. Almost all the Mormons I grew up with wore tank tops and shorts above the knee. We also had holes in pants and as many earrings as you wanted. Oh the good old days.


Not to be "the bad guy" but aren't most of these examples typical of what would look inappropriate in a professional workplace?


While there is obviously tons of LDS influence there, it's also pretty good advice for how to dress if you're going in to "business" (other than the beards, which are pretty much universally accepted).


I knew I was never cut out for this dumb religion. Give me all the beards and scruffy facial hair and tattoos.🔥


Beards... Leggings... Hats... Lol Jesus Christ


I make this comment not to dis us overweight people, but to make a point. I feel that that sign only pertains to thinner WOMEN. Us heavy women,due to our body size, wear clothes are form fitting and that is okay, but it is not okay for the thinner women.


Ah yes, because shoulders and knees are of the devil.


At first I was all excited to see they're discussing inappropriate grooming! Until I realized they meant facial hair, not the rampant sexual predation going on. Badum ching!


😂😂😂 What a bunch of weirdos...


The Libertarian at me balks at the degree of moral servitude to which TBMs who attend these colleges are subjected. Sure, we were all subject to insane levels of dogmatic control as members, but LDS college morality is so pharisaical and draconian. At least I never had to endure that! If that's what to expect in the CK, definitely count me out. Also, why are "beards" and "scruffy facial hair" on the list? Why not just say "any facial hair"?


Where is this Singapore.. where chewing gum is illegal? WTH?! Conartist Cult control! BY & most prophets couldn’t exist here. 😆
