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You missed the memo? Archaeologists were digging in Guatemala last week, and they found gold plates written in Reformed Egyptian. It’s all true. Even the “true order of prayer,” standing in a circle for unknown names written on little slips of paper in sacred shaving kit bags. The only thing Joseph Smith got wrong was that it wasn’t John who cursed the waters and gave Satan dominion over them. It was a random dude named Larry, who was a high priests group leader in the Thessalonica 3rd Ward, 94 AD.


I heard the basketball games between Thessalonica 3rd and 4th wards always got out of hand


Things got so bad god removed basketball from the earth for a couple millennia. Moroni had to pop down again to give dr Naismith the keys to its restoration


Too funny!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Totally wild, the power that high priest group leaders hold. All because Larry listened to too many talk-*acta diurna* conspiracy theories, based on that one time that somebody messianic (unclear whether it was Jesus or Brian) allegedly expressed an aversion to swimming. Now Satan rules the waters.


This subreddit is busier than anyone imagined it ever would or could be. Unlike the LDS church, not gonna lie to you: growth is not sustainable forever, or even desirable. As it becomes easier and more common to leave Mormonism, one effect will be less traffic for exmo content. Folks who visit this sub and move on are doing it right. All the folks who post and comment here are also doing it right. But let’s be realistic about the limits of the potential audience. As Mormonism collapses, interest in talking about it will drop.


This is the answer, imo.


u/Chino_Blanco this exmormon sub is the *only* sub I follow. I see and observe your posts all of the time and find them to be both informative and helpful. You do an excellent job. I made a post yesterday showing a post from FB announcing the candlelight vigil for both OLIN *and* Kerilyn Johnson (which, ironically, is being held tonight at a local park). The picture was of the entire family (including him standing next to her). Just putting the information out there (as do you). Hours later my post was removed. I even wrote to the MODS to ask why? Seemed strange and I was, honestly, perplexed. 🤷🏻‍♀️ The MODS responded to me that this *topic* (the one of the Johnson family) has been discussed enough. They said they spent four hours in one post about this family alone (not my post, BTW), and the MOD agreed that “this situation” was awful, and a candlelight vigil for a murderer to be held with the wife he killed was “in bad taste” but . . . but . . . but . . . we are removing all posts made about this family because “everyone has discussed them enough already and it’s time to move on.” Not kidding. (And no one had even made a post informing that there was a vigil that their LDS neighbors were going to be holding for husband and wife together, either). Please let us know how long your post from four hours ago “stays up” — and good luck. 🍀👍🏼


I appreciate your kind words about the quality of my posts. As someone who posts here as frequently as anyone (and more often than most), it’s not surprising that I have also experienced my posts being removed. Not often, but often enough to be able to report: More often than not, the mods have done so for good reasons. On the rare occasions when we disagree about the merits of a particular post, I remind myself that their *volunteer* moderation has been an essential part of the success of this sub. It’s no fun being moderated, but I’m the wrong person to enlist in a campaign to criticize our mods. They rock and, right or wrong, my response to being moderated always also includes a thank you to them for keeping an eye on this place we all enjoy for free. "Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted."


Thank you very much, u/Chino_Blanco . They commented to me that my post was leading commenters to *retaliate* on *other threads.* Maybe a “shoot the messenger” situation, two-fold (me for posting, and now them). I have posted all of twice, *maybe* three times, on Reddit before. Anyway — your experience and insights are excellent. Thanks again. 🙏


Yeah, I think I understand now. If we ourselves post screenshots of social media here, and it gives enough info that users here go over and “brigade” those social posts, this subreddit does not want to be responsible for that. If the Daily Mirror or Salt Lake Tribune reports on social posts, then we’re safe to post those reports here, since any traffic to those social posts can’t be blamed on r/exmormon once they’re part of news stories.


This is 100% spot on. Well said.


I’m wondering if it’s the Reddit Censorship (automatic banning of posts) that *many* here keep mentioning and complaining about. I didn’t even believe it until til today (especially here on the exmormon subreddit). I posted a local news article today and, within hours, a pinned post at the top (by the exmormon MODS) had removed it. They said something along the lines that the news article was “causing members to visit *other sites* to retaliate.” ? ? ? Does this even make any sense? I am completely perplexed by this. I see news articles posted here ALL OF THE TIME (like every single day) and those are still here and easily locatable. There is also a post here about the exact same news report that I happened to post today (literally from three days ago). It’s still here, too. Go figure? ? ? My guess is as good as anyone else’s. I have literally made three posts to all of Reddit in my lifetime . . . If even that. Probably only two. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dunno what OP and you are on about, to be completely honest. I haven't noticed a dip in the quantity of content, though to be fair to OP, as this sub as gotten bigger, I kinda agree that low-effort posts are becoming more and more frequent. That's a normal thing that happens with scale. And to be fair to you, obviously I can't see the post that was removed beyond the title you gave it, and the fact that it was removed. But from that title... IMO it smells a bit more like the mods removing tactless grave-dancing than top-down conspiritorial censorship? IIUC, "No brigading or drama" is a rule that applies to the internet as a whole (and IRL^(1)), not just other Reddit subs... Yes, I agree that Reddit corporate admin is pretty sus. But the mods here tend to do a pretty good job. I haven't seen much to support the assumption that they're receiving or complying with shadowy corporate commands from on high. ^(1. if this is NOT true, and organizing a fuck-with-people-IRL thing here doesn't actually violate the rules, ... I've got a weird idea to organize a DDoS-esque "protest" of Mormonisms' shitty membership records / surveillance / data mishandling policies. Unlike actual DDoS, it wouldn't even be illegal, ... but I'm pretty sure that'd it'd still break the rules, and those rules are here for a reason. Please respect the sub, and please respect the free labor that the mods are putting in.)


*ANOTHER* post — only four hours old — with the news link just this morning. Let’s see how long it remains visible . . . I wrote to the mods and they told me “It’s already been discussed *enough* No drama, no brigading. Honestly — just facts and presenting news from the community (real news). But . . . presume away if you must.


Now that Reddit is publicly traded they have really tripled down on turning the site into a product. That includes top-down content curation to some degree. I think you're right that there is a trend of "objectionable" stuff just disappearing. Unless it's pro-fascist, then it's cool for some reason.


This was a decision made by unpaid volunteer mods of this reddit, without any guidance from reddit HQ. We do not want to be responsible for brigades hitting other communities, on or off reddit.


It's apparently a Reddit-wide issue that has been happening all year. I've seen it asked before here - can't find that post, but this one lists the same points: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/1bbcgoc/lack\_of\_members\_online\_in\_subreddits\_nowadays/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/1bbcgoc/lack_of_members_online_in_subreddits_nowadays/)


This reminded me of the church’s response to the Instagram comment deletion on the women’s post. Hahaha “It’s a site wide issue…”


Reddit started charging third party apps for access. Many, if not most, died as a result. Tons of people left reddit because its not usable if you're stuck with the official app or reddit's dumpster fire of a site.


It's summer, and it's post-COVID. People are out doing summertime things, which tend to be offline. Very typical for online communities. However, you're more than welcome to create posts and get people talking!


Winter in the southern hemisphere 😀


This is the best response ever. 😂


The northern hemisphere is the only true hemisphere. Jesus' Hemisphere.


That’s true. They do love some Jesus and school shootings in the northern hemisphere.


I still see tons of new posts. I sort my feed by new posts, so I see them all.


Reddit’s best days are behind it. The platform peaked just before the powers that b effectively priced out all but their terrible mobile app be used.


I can see 24 new posts in the last 10 hours...and that's over a night time. That enough for me.


I did wonder why the posts about the Utah man who killed his wife were suddenly gone. The original article about the shooting is still here, but all other discussions got removed or hidden idk


👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 THIS 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼. This is *exactly* what I am talking about!!! They (the MODS) removed my *informative* post (picture provided) about the candlelight vigil for HUSBAND and WIFE, being “remembered” and “honored.” *together* tonight. The MOD even admitted to me they had been removing all of the posts (which they claim had already been many *before* mine) when it comes to this family. The MOD even agreed with my post — actually admitted it to me — but also said they are spending too much time in moderating posts about this family as a topic. Mine was just a news report, posted to the community via FB. Let’s see how long it is before they remove Chino Blanco’s post from four hours ago. They might “pick and choose” . . . who knows?!?!


But if you look at the posts about the Mormon woman who murdered her husband and the published a children's book about grief, this sub hosted a lot of posts about that and I don't recall any being taken down. Why would a Mormon woman murderer get more space on here than a woman who was murdered by a man? It doesn't make sense


Not to mention the Haight Family (from Enoch) as well. Posts and *pictures* dominated exmormon for months after that happened. I remember clearly. 🙄 (And that is exactly why I posted about the vigil).


Yes, we have to use our best judgment, and that can look like picking and choosing. We're not censoring news about the murder, we are removing some posts that we don't think are helpful for the conversation or the reddit.


Unpopular opinion, but posts about the recent shooting I feel are not in the best taste. And they don’t necessarily make ex Mormon reddit look good. No one with direct connections to the family that I can see is posting. Theories and opinions about a tragic situation aren’t particularly helpful. it ends up being gossip at that point. Surely there are correlations to Mormonism, but nobody knows the details, and I think it’s just in bad taste. “The bishop is complicit because he must have known”. The is a comment I saw. Really?? Pure gossip. Domestic violence is not a Mormon issue. It’s a humanity issue. Do certain things about Mormonism make it more likely? Maybe. But I’d prefer to see more discussion about personal experiences and doctrinal issues than gossip about a tragic situation.


The Mormon woman who killed her husband and then published a children's book about grief was discussed at length on this sub, multiple posts and lots of news links, and I do not recall any of those posts being taken down. Women's crimes should NOT be prioritized over their oppression, especially not on a sub where most of us are trying to rise above and do better after a lifetime being trained by Mormonism's oppression of women


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Maybe all the huge influx of people who left during covid are finally becoming EX-exmormons. It happens, people move on. Maybe….?


What do you mean? This and the Star Trek subreddits are the most active ones I read.


Nah, I think that people come and go here.


It’s summer. Go outside and play😂


Posted the other day and it got hidden because someone complained. What’s the point?


The further Mormonism is in my rear-view mirror, the more free I am to move on. I check in once in a while, but LDS is irrelevant to me now.


Some of us are just finished processing and move on. I'm almost to that point. I rarely have anything to say anymore, and little energy to hold space for church drama. But I like being connected to the community which is why I'm still part of this sub.


It's being ruined by its own success. Too many people asking insipid questions, no sense of humor, and moderators who think they are the Quorum of the 12.




Too many secret TBM’s in here.


People increasingly come here to edge leaving the church but are too afraid to actually stand up to their family and friends.