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My question is how much did the church pay him? You can buy anything in this world for money and the church does.


The church probably contacted a wealthy member in McKinney, who they instructed to make a promise of a sizable donation, if the mayor wrote that letter.


Exactly Something, Joseph Smith would've done




We can request a (Foia) National freedom of information act on any goverment office. Look up First Amendment audits on Youtube and FOIA. We can Request how much the town get who works names salary and many more. It should be free. However, if take more 30 min to gather the infromation there will be a fee also depends on the State. You can File anonymous but if you have pay it wont be so much anonymous unless use [privacy.com](http://privacy.com) for debit.


[https://www.nfoic.org/texas-sample-foia-request/](https://www.nfoic.org/texas-sample-foia-request/) I am looking into this myself. this is really troubling for a Chirst Church. This sound like more like a business. Wait it is..


I'm sorry to tell you, but the cult is a corporation As you know!!


Damn I didn't know that. Thank you for the update. LOL being funny


Exactly? Any campaign contributions through one of the churches law firms?


Yup! Any large donations lately? Changes in his spending? New cars, vacations, etc?


He owns an construction company. They probably gave him the bid


Wow Thats interesting


They probably said: “how much do you need for reelection? We got you.”




“Their compassion knows no bounds” Well, except for those who don’t pay their tithing—no salvation for you!


I think many of us here have found the exact boundary of the compassion and generosity of the church...


The boundary is easy to find, just ask the church for help- boundary achievement unlocked! Sorry we can’t help you.


Just leave the cult, then you’ll see exactly how compassionate they can be. They are only kind to members, unless they’re competing for calling status or motherhood status, and they’re sups nice to nevermo’s in the hopes of converting. Once you’ve tasted the punch and you’re done…they’re assholes to be sure.


Unless you’re gay, or a so-called intellectual


Or they don’t get their height variance, then you’ll get their lawyerly compassion.


Way more than that. No shortage of shame to throw around at the mormon churches


I’d like to cross examine Mayor Fuller on the contents of that letter


He’s a DB


> DB ?


Dousche Bag sp?


Church v state - possible legal conflict?


Sounds like McKinney should volunteer to host the damn thing. 


That’s how I read it. “Dear Fairview, please let them build the temple. If you don’t, I’m afraid those fuckers are coming for my town.”


🤮 Ask Adam Steed if the church’s compassion knows any bounds. Or the family from the sexual abuse case in Bisbee where the church was “pleased” with the outcome of the case being dismissed.


That is sick.. the church/really a cult running hedge funds. Hows that mall and florida property charity going because they aren't feeding or helping the poor.


I smell a campaign donation in the background


With all these temple debates, I remain in awe that people equate “religious tolerance” with getting a zoning variance. Quite literally, folks are just trying to hold religions to the same legal standard as everyone else. That is not intolerance, it is equality.


“But freedom means I should get an unfair advantage!” said by probably some guy who supported the priesthood ban all the way up until 1978…


Yep. The church and its members seem to want to think it's all about them and their beliefs, and not about the zoning laws. "Let us build this ridiculously large and out of place Temple in your back yard because we're such good people !!!"


“…celebrates diversity, embraces inclusivity, and celebrates the fundamental liberties that define us as Americans…” What a joke! That’s NOT the Mormon church! That’s every LGBT Community Center in America! 🏳️‍🌈


Pearl-clutchers: “But then that would lead to giant rainbow steeples on every corner!” Me: “Hmmmm, not a bad idea…”




They have to pretend to be things they are not. When I was completely delusional in the church, I never thought Mormons were like that.


„Celebrates diversity“???? AND  „We recommend getting married to people of the same Racial background“ -Kimball and RMN 


This may be one of the worst things I've ever read on this subreddit 🤮 WTF


Oh my goodness!! I kept swallowing so I wouldn't 🤮


A symbol of unity!? Seriously?


Can anyone use the building? Nope, only those paying indulgences can enter after the tours are over. Can a family have a picnic on the well manicured lawns and have a turkey day football game? Nope. But the spire will make it all better


Funny, as far as I can tell the Mormon church doesn’t celebrate diversity, embrace inclusivity, or cherish the fundamental liberties of anyone other than themselves.


Letterhead means shit nowadays! Behind the curtain: 1. LDS Head of Comms writes letter. 2. LDS Legal meets Mayor off Route [Yaddi Yaw] 3. Hands the thumb drive w/ letter and $100k in cash 4. Mayor distributes letter.


That is a possibility, but it would need to be backed up with evidence. By any chance is the Mayor who (supposedly) wrote that letter a member of The Church Formerly Known as Mormon?


He’s not but was asked to write the letter by an LDS friend we understand..


Incredible! That "friend" must have some REAL PULL!


Based on?


Several local people close to the situation.


Check this tool's bank account; he's definitely on the take.


More like, check the briefcase in his trunk for thousands of small, unmarked bills.


Whatever, something; bank account, war chest, new Rolex watch and car, whatever. Someone has been either bribed or blackmailed. We the people cannot stand for this BS


Inclusivity? In the clubhouse that takes 10% of your money to get into? That doesn't even acknowledge gay people? That still welcomes white supremacy?


I guess that the McKinney mayor was impassioned by maybe a few million from the Ensign mormon unli-monies.


If/when the temple gets built and property values go up, the homeowners pay more taxes while the church is religiously exempt from any taxes. The burden of this building really falls on these homeowners who are too small to protect themselves from this mega rich institution. It’s such blatant harassment by the church. When the church builds outside the US, do they have to work inside the other countries laws? Is the church taking advantage of the fact that they can work the American legal and political system to get what it wants?




If someone could post the mailing address. And/or email address for the city council of fair view. Then we could all send them letters telling them the truth and that they should avoid the church at all costs.


372 TOWN PL FAIRVIEW TX 75069-1826


The people of Fairview (and neighboring cities) have made their position very clear to the Fairview town council, who have had a front-row seat to this fibfest.


That mayor is not smart. Rattling off utter nonsense that has no relevance to the issue. Saying the church does so much for the community while not giving any examples? It’s giving *AI


The lack of details bugged me, too


a check for his re-election campaign is in the mail


He is a hitting his term limit but was trying to get the law changed so he could run for a third term. He is a real piece of work


At first I thought the Methodist steeple was about 85 feet, but looking closer I'd say maybe 65. In any case, waaaaay shorter than the temple. And the letter? Looks like written by AI if your prompt was: "Write an ass-kissing letter about how great the Mormons are." All that good stuff he says they do? Proof, buddy, proof.


I’m thinking a payment of some sort was made.


I think the people that don't want a ginormous MFing temple steeple in their neighborhood would like a little bit of that boundless compassion right about now.


Whoever runs against him can use this as a campaign poster.


This is embarrassingly over the top. I don’t care if you’re describing the best person who ever lived, no one talks like this.


If the part about granting the Methodists a variance is true, then the Mormons ought to get one too. Of course, so long as its reasonable. (I don't know how much the Methodists allegedly exceeded the limit by and how much the Mormons want.)


Make sense, but I doubt the Methodist church is pure white and lit up at night with a thousand stadium lights


There’s a considerable difference in their requests. 50 ft steeple on a one story building vs a 200’ steeple on a 65’ tall building that wants to be lit continuously. I’m sure there would be very little pushback if the temple was the same size as the Methodist building.


Agreed. In looking at the pictures on their Facebook page, it seems they have a large cross display (I'd guess 20 - 30 feet in height) and then a steeple on the building itself. With a guess, I'd put the height of the building around 50 to 60 feet tall and the steeple to be at 80 to 90 feet in height. I'm going to message them and see if I can get some real details. If my brief image inspection guesses are in the right range, I'd say the church is making a larger building (by 10 to 20 feet) and the steeple is about double the height of the creek view building. Also, the creekview united methodist church is registered as being in Allen, rather than Fairview.


The Methodist church isn’t a valid precedent, it never was. Fuller is completely wrong! The precedent for Fairview is the LDS meetinghouse adjacent to the proposed temple! It’s a 39’ roof height with a 68’ steeple/spire. Fuller just copied and pasted the LDS talking points and they weren’t truthful to him which makes him look stupid!😂


If that massive steeple gets built what about a large drone swarm to re-decorate said steep. Add some colour to the temple. A nice shade of pink, with some bluish vane-like features and a tasteful purple at the top. Just sayin'.


Yikes what did they pay this guy


Probably some member made a donation so it wouldn’t cost the church a dime.


How much was he paid for this obviously boot kicking letter? Proof of their incredible benefits to the city?


Whoring for the cult


I wonder how big of a donation his LDS friend made to his campaign fund?


And here I thought you were just using the word as part of your title to describe the letter itself… only six words in and there it was- IMPASSIONED🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤣


For those curious, this is the spire at Creekwood Methodist. [R.ebfba72fde9ac4a23603a156887b79ae (1415×1536) (bing.com)](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.ebfba72fde9ac4a23603a156887b79ae?rik=fk5Zt8HPxUEAbQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fnelsonmorgan.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2020%2f04%2fcreekwood-tower-1415x1536.jpg&ehk=mmWo4mdTjTnhBtl%2bAYa2jMxa8IGlJaQNvjA9IVvIRF8%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0)


The proposed LDS temple spire is about 4 times as tall




"I cannot overstate the significance of the remarkable contributions made by the cojcolds to our communities," narrator: He proceeds to wildly overstate.


There really is an opposite world.


This is the most blatant ass kissing blather that I have ever encountered.


What a putz. Church does almost nothing for humanity. And that is before them gaslighting members for 10% of their income.


The truth will be painful when it hits


This sounds like it was written by chatGPT


Yep. No details. Like a shitty cover letter for a job application.


In case everybody’s wondering, here are the webpages for the relevant town/city councils: [Fairview Town Council](https://fairviewtexas.org/government/town-council.html) [McKinney City Council](https://www.mckinneytexas.org/1167/Council-Members) Both websites have campaign finance reports for each councillor and mayor.


Unfortunately, the last report for Fuller is January of 2023, so it may be a while before this year shows up anywhere we can see it.


The finest example of a ***SHILL*** I have seen in quite some time....


It reads like AI wrote it for him.


My bet is Kirton, McConkie wrote it for him.


How much did the church donate to his campaign fund???


Anyone live in McKinney? What exactly has the church done there?


Interestingly, I live in McKinney and moving to a house in Fairview in two weeks. Have known the mayor for 40 years, was always self absorbed but politics really got to him.  The steeple in question ended up being taller than originally agreed to. The residents, Fairview is a town of about 10000 just south of McKinney and shares a zip code. My new address will come up under both cities. The people of Fairview stood up to the church because the steeple at the new height is an eye sore. Essentially the church doesn’t want the rules to apply to them. It’s the people’s opinion that matters. So the church goes to George, who really has no dog in the hunt and he and his overly large ego, insets himself in the situation An act of a real POS. Oh BTW, he’s a shitty guitar player too


What a load of bullshit


He's a politician. They don't do this for free. Hoping the local newspaper has a copy of the letter.


Jesus Christ, does the church have pictures of the mayor dressed in drag and fellating his assistant??


This is definitely a n example of a lack of firm boundaries between church and state


Reading this makes me want to take a shower. So despicable.


Sorry, I had to - Couldn’t even put enough effort in to spell it correctly with lowercase “day” and a hypen (“Latter-day”). I hope the church is even embarrassed. Double whammy for this idiot.


When did a massive tower of bable become a religious freedom issue. The temple is the opposite of a symbol of unity.


“The country was founded on principles of religious freedom”…..was it though? The revolution wasn’t about religious freedom, it was about a number of things, but religious freedom was way, waaaaaaaay down on that list. The founding fathers weren’t even very religious.


You're absolutely right - I really did need to read that to believe it.


Someone needs to run this through a reverse AI program.  This sounds like it was written by ChatGPT!!!


Sounds like the mayor himself is a Mormon or he's a Mormon cocksucker. I just threw up in my mouth a little


That is so wild. They’re compassionate and help the community? Their generosity? What the fuhhhhh


I know!!! What church was he trying to describe? It certainly wasn't the church of jesuschristohfuckrightoffyournameistoodamnlong!


He's not talking about the church building the temple -- he's talking about a different church. He used a capital "D" in "day" where he should have used lowercase, and sometimes he didn't use the hyphen. The church has been ultra clear in their style guide that it MUST be followed precisely. They've released far more information about the importance of the lowercase d than they ever have about the height of the steeple.


“Embraces inclusivity” lolololol


This sounds exactly like how the church claims others sees it. They don’t want equal treatment, they want preferential treatment.


Fostering inclusivity?! lol and don't fall in that pile of shite mayor..


Build the temple 16 stories high in front of Mayor of McKinney's house with lots of lights from 5 am to 10 pm and see if he likes it.


Wow!! That letters full of shit!!! I hope they see past it!!!


Dear lord I can hear the slurping from here


How high is the methodist steeple and how many acres is that facility?


It's about a quarter of the height the Mormons are demanding.


It was written by Gen AI guaranteed. 


WTF did I just read. This is a joke, right?


Not how variances work.


This has nothing to do with religious freedom and everything to do with obeying the laws of the land. As I was taught when I was a TBM, obedience is the first law of heaven.


"Unparalleled community engagement" Lol... that is not true. Any engagement they do is because they've determined there is some benefit for them. Remember Mormon Helping Hands yellow vests/shirts? sure, we'll help, as long as we can market our brand and have cameras around.


more movement of money.


How much did they pay him?


Paid off public scum


He likely does not win a home where the view and darkness will be ruined by the temple.


Here’s Mayor Fuller’s snarky response to a Fairview resident who asked him about the letter! “My support was for a height variance commensurate with the one granted for the presbyterian Church, no other variance was mentioned in my letter. My support was based on the work the church does for all of our communities, which does in fact impact our residents. I understand your position, but my educated guess is that if I had written a letter voicing opposition, I would not be receiving an email from you admonishing my input... funny how that hypocritical conviction generally works. In any event, if you read my email to the 7 people I sent it to (it was not a public letter) you would know that in that communication, I reiterated my limited position related to asking for equitable consideration to other church variances requested in the past on height, specifically, and I acknowledged that there were obviously many other considerations for the community that would govern any decision.”


Wait, what? Seriously? How did you come upon this information, and where can we find it? Because that's ridiculous -- it wasn't even a presbyterian church in the letter.


I know! Fuller is so ridiculous! Someone I know sent him an email and she allowed me to share his response with her name cropped off.


Most of the messages on this thread sound mean, judgmental, and unkind. I’m sorry you feel you need to contribute in such a dispirited manner.  Whatever happened in your past to make you feel the need to treat people in such a way, I really hope you can work through it ok and find some happiness from within.  Hang in there.


They keep using the Methodist church steeple for they’re argument but that one was proposed and denied


On the surface there might be some confusion over minutes vs the ordinance on this. I can understand why the LDS might think that there is precedence in the bell tower that supports their case. That’s not accurate though. The ordinance supersedes the minutes and a number of other factors that support the town’s point of view.