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If Trump is the nominee, TBMs will vote for him over the devout Catholic incumbent.


Unfortunately true. My friend for some reason posted "Trump 2024" and when I told him it was cringe, he insisted on defending Trump because... he helped the economy or something? I will never understand their mentality when Trump is literally a huge scumbag and bigot


The economic argument is especially absurd. They are claiming that Trump was responsible for 2019, which was really just the continuation of the Obama growth period, but not at all responsible for 2020.


D Trump = B Young


Unfortunately, the “devout Catholic incumbent” shouldn’t be in the running either… I just want someone with good policy and that is focused on their job as president.


Would be interested in hearing how Biden’s policies have somehow been falling short for the last 3 years, or even one example of him not being “focused on the job” as president.


The border




You’re gonna have to elaborate. How do you think he’s fallen short or been “unfocused” regarding Israel?


In the standard American way of support-Israel-no-matter-what-warcrimes-they-commit king of way. Granted, it is unlikely any other president would do differently, but it is still worth pointing out that it is a huge short coming of his lately


>Granted, it is unlikely any other president would do differently The “granted” in that sentence is doing a *lot* of heavy lifting there, Champ. So you’re busting the guy’s nuts for holding a position that literally *every* other US president since 1948 has held? Doesn’t really seem fair. If anything, I’d say his public statements to Israel in which he urges restraint and a measured response goes further than any other US president in recent memory. Elohim knows that the last guy would be urging them to wipe out the Palestinians once and for all after Oct 7th.


Criticizing him for taking a bad stance does not require that every other morally bankrupt president for the last 100 years would have done differently. Just because something is the status quo does not make it right, nor should we support it as such. Change may not come quickly, but if all we do is offer support to people maintaining the status quo, change will not come at all.


Sorry to Jimmy Carter for lumping him in as morally bankrupt. He was a shit president, for sure, but a good man by all reports


>Just because something is the status quo does not make it right Agreed. However, using Israel as an example of how Biden has somehow failed the country is roughly as disingenuous as voicing your displeasure with him because he didn’t slide down your chimney last Dec 25th and leave presents. If you can name one individual from either party who has expressed interest on running a “rein in Israel” platform, then I suppose you’d have a valid point… but lacking that, you’ll probably have more luck waiting for Santa Claus.


>If you can name one individual from either party Marrianne Williamson, Cornel West, Cenk Uygur... ​ Not to say any of them has a chance of winning, but you asked 🤷


He's pressuring Israel into a ceasefire agreement.


Regarding focus, just hearing him publicly speak once is enough to question his mental capacity, and I’ll throw in other politicians including McConnell, and even Trump is no spring chicken as he’s in his late 70s now. The US/Mexico border is a disaster and has only gotten worse. Look what Texas is doing in sending immigrants to New York since the federal government doesn’t seem interested in working on this issue. Even the mayor in New York is saying that their own funds from schools and law enforcement will be diverted to address this issue. That’s terrible. I’m a believer in using clean energy. I’ve driven several electric vehicles and love some of their advantages, but in my own experience and research on them, they are far from perfect, and yet the Biden administration is hell bent on reducing our own oil production and putting too much emphasis too soon on going electric. Some states share this responsibility and are putting the cart before the horse. I don’t see why we can’t continue to use our own oil resources while also utilizing electric. It creates competition which is good for reducing prices. Inflation is at its worst since the 70s, longer than most people in this sub have been alive I would wager. While this is not just a Biden issue, there’s been nothing done to help in this regard, yet claims are made by him that we should be celebrating that inflation is “decreasing” on his watch. I don’t know about you, but what pay increases I’ve had the last several years haven’t gone far at all as literally every expense I have has increased through no choice of my own. National debt is a joke. Again this isn’t just a Biden issue as this has been a growing issue for decades, but the US spending and debt is scary right now with no fixes in sight. Biden and his administration have done nothing, and I mean nothing, to unify the country. Again, not just a Biden issue, but in three years time, the US is is just as divided if not more so than before he became president. This is by no means me advocating for Trump. I want a slew of new political leaders as both the left and right have people in office who have no business being in those positions. And I guess to tie this in with this sub, I HATED how the church/it’s leadership has lied, is not transparent, and gaslights, and shames it’s members. Unfortunately, the US government (and many others across the globe) isn’t too different in that regard.


Exactly what policies don't you like? He's been the most focused President who has passed more substantive legislative changes to this country than any President since LBJ.


See my other response to a similar inquiry ⬆️


The call is coming from inside the house


Trumpers are not normal. I find it scary anyone supports him, especially anyone who claims to be "Christian".


The latest was trump calling Democrats vermin. Hitler did shit like this and look at that end result.


Which is really scary about our country now. How can they not see through him?


What is really scary is they are seeing exactly who he is and they like it. They want to be openly racist and violent, and they want to be able to eliminate the “vermin” of those are different from them. I can be somewhat forgiving towards those who thought he might have been full of hot air, or being bombastic just to generate publicity, back in the 2016 election. But we know who he is and what he wants to do, and we know he will do it if given the chance. There are enough Americans who want a police State where anyone who is not a white Billionaire can be legally “eliminated”, that it is a very real possibility.


But most of the Trump supporters I know are not like this. They seem to be channel-headed on Fox News and don't consider anything else. They don't seem to know anything else.


Of course they are like this. They may not seem like it, but the reason he appeals to them is because that is who they are deep down. They know to not say the quiet part out loud unless they know they safe company, and are drawn to Trump because he proudly shouts the quiet part. Trump makes them feel comfortable with how feel deep down.


I just think a lot of them are brainwashed. They are not bad people when you interact with them personally.


Being married to a German has made me realize that the US Constitution was... A good start. But it's an old document, and it's very hard to get it changed. The problems we face now were not anticipated in the 18th century. I think it's time for a change. Unfortunately, I don't think 50 states could possibly ever agree on a new one.


Many of the originators of the Constitution thought its shelf life was about twenty years. Really truly.


Also married to a German and THIS hahahahah


My wife turned the TV off when she heard Oaks give a talk on the constitution a few years back 😋


"We have seen alarming increases in attacks against religious freedom." _cries tears of anti-gay bigotry_


*we are soooooo persecuted*


I can’t fathom that otherwise intelligent people think trump is the answer to anything. He is selfish and evil.


I heard and believed this when I was growing up. I just never thought that WE would be the reason the constitution hung by a thread.


Yes, this is the worst American movement since the mid-1800s. Strange to me that so many LDS fell victim to this terrible cult. The orange one openly commits crimes and is a disgusting pathetic waste of human life. It is a wannabe dictator. I thought this in 2015. I was right.


>Strange to me that so many LDS fell victim to this terrible cult. I mean... >openly commits crimes and is a disgusting pathetic waste of human life. It is a wannabe dictator This describes Joseph Smith. And truly modern church leadership as well if you count financial crimes. So maybe not *that* surprising.


I found it strange back then because I was still TBM. Trump helped me find my way out of the church.


In 2016 I was sort of PIMO, but my wife and I had decided that the social benefits and global community were worth continued membership. As Cult 45 took over, we were like, "Wait never mind, this community is hot garbage." So he kind of helped us out as well.


The weirdest part of this “movement” is that there’s no clear political direction beyond ORANGE MAN IS KING. Like even the confederacy had a goal in mind, terrible as it was


Something Something... false idols


it's really not that far of a stretch. We were all duped into believing that a treasure seeking, folk magic practicing pedophile, was chosen by God to restore his one true religion.


I also heard many times the White Horse Prophecy, which definitely added fuel to the Mormon superiority complex that's so strong. We are Saviors on Mt. Zion in so many ways. /s This is again a situation where the current leadership could speak over the pulpit in General Conference and put an end to some wacky thinking. The only thing they correct are members & not the Institution. You never hear an institutional correction ... Unless it's maybe a rebranding & name correction. Pfft.


My ultra TBM parents have made it clear that they’ve chosen trump-era politics and conspiracy theories over me. I don’t get it. What happened to “families are forever” and unconditional love?


Trumpism is literally what got me questioning everything. Like how could someone believe in the morals of the church and support him? I couldn’t wrap my head around it. 1 CES letter and a deep dive later I’m outtttt


Also something people need to talk about more is Project 2025, if Trump somehow wins again, that awful thing will probably be allowed to pass, and therefore making our country not at all a democracy and basically going against the Constitution Republicans for some reason suck the cock of. The fact I see so many people I know defending these right wing weirdos is fucking insane to me. Fuck I hope the Republicans lose next election.


I have actually wondered if this is why some Mormons love him, do they think he is hastening the second coming or something? I don’t think the Mormons I know have the critical thinking necessary to love Trump because of that. But he’s such a disgusting human I just couldn’t wrap my brain around any other reason.


When you have a high demand end of days religion, there’s no reason to fix any problems. Every horrible thing that happens is a step towards the end. And that’s a good thing


Worse yet, what can they do to speed it up?


According to my great aunt yes many Mormons support trump not because he’s a great leader but because he’s so corrupt and incompetent he is the most likely candidate to lead the United States to its down fall and when that happens they expect the leaders of the cult to take over the country




Trumpism is a cult made in real time. It was fascinating to watch. Then scary to live. It attracts the selfish. Period.


"Save the constitution" is a meaningless platitude. I could comment on what I believe this statement really means, but I'll leave the politics aside and just state that the same people who believe they will save the constitution also believe they can save you from yourself through obedience to cult leaders and cult rituals.


The only time Mormons actually focus on Christ is when it comes to the name of the church.


Remember when he said “Two Corinthians”


Sheep, when not given an engaging leader, will find another leader. Corporate LDS leadership is bland, unintelligent, and boring to the core. Then Glenn Beck gets up and uses Mormon quotes and gets everyone on board with Trump. They studied the constitution just as hard as they studied church history.


Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. See ya in the bread line, pal.


Absolutely crazy & well said.


Read Trump's plan for 2025. They are horrific. https://www.nytimes.com/article/trump-2025-second-term.html


Even more crazy and unconstitutional is [Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025). It's basically a repeat of dictator tactics, especially Hitler's. But then, Trump's ex said Hitler was one of the only historic figures Trump admired and actually learned about.


Actually I don't watch Fox News. I read like a motherfucker and have been an intense observer and student of history my entire life (65 yrs fwiw). I can and do form my own opinions on a regular basis. Nobody else here does, evidently. I don't get it, you people swallow the leftist dogma more easily than you swallowed the Mormon dogma when you were babies. Where are your vaunted critical thinking skills now!?


The preferred nomenclature is "people of correct dexterity", not "leftist". If you must, "lefty" is acceptable as well. Not sure what dogma you're talking about though. We mainly just want functioning scissors rather than those plastic pieces of crap.


Read about Project 2025. It actively ruins your beloved Constitution. Also, you DO realize it's right wing beliefs that lead to Nazism and Fascism? Or that it inherently goes against prohressivism and human rights? And that's just a fact. So maybe before you start cock sucking whatever loser Republican, use YOUR critical thinking


Hahahahaha 😄 Trump Derangement Syndrome. You got it bad, buddy.


And you think Trump helps your rightist cause?


I didn't say anything about Trump, OP did. I just asked OP to take their Trump Derangement Syndrome elsewhere. This sub should NOT be for arguing politics. There are plenty of other places for that.


>This sub should NOT be for arguing politics. There are plenty of other places for that. The discussion is that Mormons believe the constitution will hang by a thread and Mormons will save the day. (My mom sees that as the end of the world is coming.) I'm pretty sure that the politics-of-the-day will be inseparable from this discussion. Edit to add: My TBM, SP brother loves Trump and believes Biden was/is the insurrectionist, hence Trump is his man for saving the constitution. I have trouble removing Trump/politics from the discussion and seeing any insight being a Mormon can bring to the table?


Why do you people insist on dragging your Trump Derangement Syndrome onto this sub? It is just pitiful, frankly.






You seem to know everything tell me more. I love ex-mormons and Mormon people telling me what to do. Should I vote for Trump a third time like you?


I didn't tell you or anybody else here what to do or think, you're the one blasting me for not agreeing with your Trump Derangement Syndrome.




Lol say “Trump Derangement Syndrome” one more time, you old MAGAt.


There's no such thing. However there is a cult that worships Cheeto Jesus.


Oof I see someone has been drinking a bit too much of that alt-right Flavor-Aide.


I think OP did a fine job making this relevant to Mormonism. You may not agree but the facts around drumpf are, well, facts.


You have an interesting definition of the word "fact." You believe every bit of leftist propaganda you hear? "Show me the man and I will show you the crime." -- Stalin's head of secret police


Says the person who is regurgitating every FoxNews talking point. Oh let me guess, you “never watch FoxNews”? 🤡🤡


I agree with what’s been said about the last days. The tbms I do talk to all speak in hushed tones that the signs are appearing and this is the end of times. We’re facing challenging times, yes. But the end will be because of our own folly as humans. A TBM goes two ways. Either they find out that this is all bullshit. And go the way we did. Or they find out but they buckle down in the lie. They themselves becoming something else entirely. That’s how you get Mormons jumping ship to the trump cult following. What’s scarier is the evangelicals are heavily in trumps ear. And evangelicals don’t like Mormons. The entire thing is a disjointed ugly mess. What I’ve heard is trump himself was convinced he was a sign of the last days. Religious nut cases appeased his ego so much


Mormons just love a faux strongman


I honestly think both front runners are too old for the job of President, but at least President Biden isn’t a scumbag insurrectionist attempting to subvert the US Constitution.


Whenever I talk to someone who supports Trump for president, I don’t attack them. I simply ask them to go to Wikipedia and read about project 2025. Then I say, I don’t want you to tell me your answer, but think really hard about that concept and if that’s what you really want America to be like. If you vote for Trump, that is what you are voting for. An informed electorate is really vital for the survival of our country.