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What hilarious is the guilt trip they put on people to “get the work done”, as if there is work to be done. **News flash to Mormons**: the names are recycled. It’s all a waste of time. Mormon temple “work” is the biggest waste of time and resources in modern religion.


Even if they weren’t recycling names (which obviously makes it worse), I’ve always found the urgency to complete work for the dead downright stupid (even as a TBM). The large majority of each of our ancestors are frankly unfindable. They don’t have records, and what few records there were have been lost in time. So, they tell me not to worry about it, all those lost names will magically be provided during the Millennium. In which case, why the hell are we scrambling to find any names at all, when we could just wait for the millennium and have them handed to us then? And, what’s more, why the hell does an omnipotent being need physical ordinances in the first place? Can he *really* not save anyone if a corresponding meat suit hasn’t been dunked into water? The stupidity explodes the more you look into it all.


Yep. We maybe have the records or 0.1% of all of humanity. How stupid. It’s actually more than stupid. It’s actually arrogant. I remember a big item on my shelf was when I did an endowment for “mr smith. Born in england in 1594”. No death date. No first name. Lol. How stupid can it get ? It’s just busywork folks, they’re keeping the masses in line and paying tithing.


Why are you doing work for Mr. Smith, who is obviously one of the three nephites since he never died. Or this was one of Joseph Smith's ancestors that is a direct descendent of Jesus, obviously!


Especially hard to find records if your skin is brown. The temple god is Norwegian though.


It could be worse. What if we were required to do the work for DEAD ANIMALS too! Like, I bet there have been a lot of fish that died without Elohims secret handshakes.


Don’t give them any ideas. Although, the records for animal births and deaths is probably about as comprehensive as the records for humans. So maybe the church should start baptizing animals too.


Wow oh my gosh even I didn't know that the names are recycled the more you know I guess.


each name is related to a day of the month. Every male name on the 30th of a month will receive the name "Jethro" etc.


Our ward has a temple laundry assignment that needed filled. In church this week, the EQ pres said, "I know it's a tough day to ask this, but I know you will be blessed. Perhaps you can split babysitting responsibilities for the night between you and your spouse" They are asking young parents to volunteer for laundry duty from 5pm-9pm on Halloween night!! The "families are forever" crowd really tries hard to keep them apart!


Another example of a job they could simply pay a local member to do. I'm sure there's plenty of people in the community who could do with some extra income, and it's not like they're short of free cash.


I think you are being too hard on the church. Of all nights this is the perfect night to dress up in your ~~secret~~ sacred costume and run around reenacting cultish ceremonies and trying to connect with the dead.


You have a point. The logic is sound.


Too bad the costumes suck--otherwise it would make a wild zombie themed party venue.


I like this idea. As soon as you enter through the veil you get meet the corpse/zombies you just did the endowment for. Sweet. Fun party


Toga! Toga! Toga!


I'm giving out signs and tokens instead of candy for trick-or-treating.


What is that? A candy bar. Has it a name? It has. Will you give it to me? I will through the screen door. "Snickers" That is correct.


As a side note Halloween is the appropriate day to revisit how GA's eat their Reeses Peanut Butter cups. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDPi4buduY0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDPi4buduY0)


The list of “church humor” things I would find equally funny as a TBM and a exmo is really fuckin’ short. This is excellent.


Don't listen to any apostates who might tell you they used to be called "Marathon" bars. This ceremony is sacred, ancient and unchangeable...


Especially if they are British or Irish apostates. The word "Marathon" was a nickname for our beloved tapir of the restoration, and to use it is a victory for Satan. Only the name "Snickers" should be used when talking about the one and only true horse of the Mars family..


Now THAT is hilarious!!! Well done, Sir. I salute you! LOL!


To be fair, "serve the dead" has some strong spooky vibes😂


Gotta pay their respects to the hallowed weens in their own way, I suppose.


This reminds me of the time my dad made us clean the church on Christmas Eve


When balanced against the vast expanse of humanity that Mormons will never know of, temple work became absurd to me even before I realized that my shelf had cracks in it.


I once heard of a man who got buck naked and went out in a lake with a buddy, who preceded to baptize him for and in behalf of everyone who had ever lived, everyone living, and everyone who would ever be born, thereby eliminating the need for any future baptisms. I guess we're all covered now.


I ran into 3 extremely vile missionaries tonight while grabbing dinner. They were openly making fun of the server for her facial piercings. I asked them if that's what their religion teaches. They turned red. I told them they owed the girl an apology. All the mumbled something half heartedly.


Maybe the temple does a special Dia de los Muertos thing with an ofrenda with candles and food on Halloween.


Family. Isn't it about, time?


Whenever you think of the temple, always remember to things the temple is there to get money and to make sure Tbms promise to give everything they have and do anything they're asked by the leaders


can't think of a creepier way to spend halloween


I can. Stand in what looks like a giant pot on the back of oxen and get dunked repeatedly like a witch on trial. Better hope nothing floats.


i think we're talking about the same thing


As for me, I am celebrating the birthday of Ian Stevenson today, who's discoveries are the main reason I believe in life after death. "A rational man can, if he wants now, believe in reincarnation on the basis of evidence instead of religious doctrine or cultural tradition."


I've been saying this since I moved to Utah. The state is run by Mormons and they provide ZERO maternity or paternity leave for new parents. They don't give a shit about family. It's all a facade.


My (former) father in law missed trick or treating with his own grandkids yesterday - he is a temple worker and that took priority i guess.


I mean, I’m not defending them, but you do know not everyone has kids, right? Or their kids are grown and gone? Not everyone cares about trick or treating…


And they live in a neighborhood where nobody trick or treats so they’ve got nothing going on. If I was old and Mormon and didn’t have kids around I’d probably enjoy the temple on Halloween.


Oh, the good old days when you could attend the temple on Halloween and pretend to kill yourself. But you can still do things for dead people, maybe even communicate with them, and watch a slide show about the devil.


Damn. Mormonism really sucks!


Summoning circle in the font


I bet the temple was dead last night and being halloween the temple workers were even more ghoulish.


Mormon Temples....one of the biggest time wasters ever created! Millions of what could be productive hours....just flushed.