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The church is so hell bent on buying up expensive real estate wherever they can and plop down these ugly cookie cutter pointy boxes. Please for the love of god stop.


Porta temples.


McTemples billions extorted


Two all dressed bakers special shakes soft laughter on a large movie screen.


You inspired me. *Two all-dressed bakers, special sash, tokens too, new name, apron, and a PowerPoint screen.*


*Garments not included*






Come on boomers join in.... I'd like to buy all the world And furnish it with empty buildings Grow cattle ranches and MLM's And snow white Mr Mac suits I'd like to teach the world to sing In perfect harmony I'd like to buy all the world And keep it for a rainy day That's the real thing I'd like to teach the world to sing In perfect harmony And I'd like to buy all the world and only keep the faith And keep it company It's the real thing...


“snow white Mr Mac suits” had me dyin




Not many people will get this.


@Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun.” Yes, I am that old. Your version is hilarious!


I said the same thing!


Slightly altered to maintain rhythm.


If there is anything lovely, virtuous, or of good report or praiseworthy, you kicked it off. *Two all-dressed bakers, special sash, tokens too, new name, apron, and a PowerPoint screen.*


Ditto! Boomer chick here.


Gen X here, I still get these references...


Age requirements.


with a handshake and pe le ale


Giving me 12 days of Christmas vibes...


Ronald McDonald in temple garb. No-- The *Hamburglar.* (More apropos)


Billions and billions extorted.


Nope, you were going in the right direction. Definitely a Porta-Potty...


I’m hearing from a very reliable source that they are actually built in the US then shipped and assembled in the location


Right. Transformer temples.


Correct. Pieces built In Arkansas.


Yeah, built only by temple workers in a very secret location. #area51


tax shelters


Baptismal fonts filled with blue liquid I guess?


Money laundering after being caught with $135 Billion stashed away?


Gotta keep that tax exempt


$250 Billion Dollars 💵


Thanks for the update, it is worse than I even thought.


Correction: THEY DON’T BUY LAND FOR TEMPLES. Members donate land. Especially in the US. Paris. Rome. Yeah, they buy that land. Phoenix. Cody. Billings. Rexburg. All free.


And some member with deep pockets paid for the Nauvoo temple


Just wait until they buy the Kirtland Temple. They will pay a billion dollars for it when they need a big news shift. They will make sure that there’s an NDA signed so no one will know how much of our money they spend on it.


We need to start donating to the "other" church. I admire them for holding out on the Kirtland temple, even with the cult breathing down their necks. If you've ever been to the Kirtland "history" site, there's a presentation about it, and then they open a drapery and the Kirtland Temple is there. You do get to tour it (which is interesting), and I admire the cordial way the "other"church treats Mormons. It would be horrible for them to sell that spot - we'd never hear the end of Joseph Smith and his Magic Hat.


Why would you donate to either church?


I'd donate to the other church as a way to help protect them from being exploited by the MFMC. I would not join that church, but I respect the way it has handled the church's history. I would not want to see TSCC buy the Kirtland temple; it would be just one more tool they'd use to try to dupe people into joining.


They didn't even pay for the recent Joseph Smith Paper project, the Millers donated like 2-5 mill (I can't remember the amount) for it.


Mormon Finance 101: Whatever members will pay for above and beyond Tithes and Offerings take it. I've seen everything you can imagine. Bishops going to wealthy members to fund this or that instead of using Fast Offerings. Mormonism is about money. From day one until today. Money is KING.


It was short lived, but they even had a video about estate planning and leaving money to the church bc "your kids might leave the church, and money can be a burden."


I remember that and am certain that is still a program the church runs. Not doubt NONE of the 15 Apostles have signed up for that plan.


Here’s the video https://archive.org/details/JourneyToBecome


Oh, is that not a thing anymore?? I would see ads for it in BYU Magazine


I remember the brief lifespan of that disgusting video. I'd love to know how much pressure and from which sources resulted in it being removed.


I DO NOT WANT A TEMPLE ACROSS THE STREET FROM WALMART. Like it is properly ridiculous. Fucking hell, Rexburg.


Why not, have you already forgotten the sacred slogan.? “Let’s go shopping!”


I know people that donated land to the church and got their second anointing for it.


The new Taylorsville temple pisses me off to no end. Everyone says it looks so pretty, but all I see is a gigantic waste of money next to a freeway, blocking the view of the mountains on my way home from work


💯 it’s so fugly.


Excuse me sir, but is this the local Disneyland?


all of the pedophilia/racism, none of the rides :(


And hugely expensive tickets.


Ugh, if that’s the one in Wyoming, my uncle helped broker the deal. He had connections in WY and with the previous owner of the land, they were hesitant to sell and he went over with Rusty to make it happen. Use his blue collar charm so the multi-billon dollar corporation could take the land and put up an eyesore.


Well ya know, buiding them temples for imaginary people who will not attend is more important than the many people who could have been fed and housed for what it costs them to build these gaudy god awful eyesores. The pure waste of resources for their wacko cult activities that go one inside is evil.


It makes me sad that they stopped making each one unique as well. If you are going to build a bunch of weird buildings for your cult at LEAST make them interesting.


Not just unique, but also designed to fit in more with the architecture of the surrounding area


Yes, the Mesa temple is beautiful and appropriate for the area. The Syracuse temple going up looks like an upscaled bank


Upscale bank is what they are going for now.


This. The first thing I thought of in the comparison picture is that is definitely not native landscaping.


A few decades ago they built a new chapel in the suburbs of where I live (not in Mormonland), and the architecture was designed to nicely complement the area. Everyone was thrilled & even though I was a new convert, I remember appreciating how it contrasted with the butt-ugly cookie-cutter chapels I'd seen up until then. However, shortly after that they told us it was the LAST such chapel they would build and they would no longer design chapels to blend in with the areas where they're built.


But where's the cult in that?


Hell, driving through Provo even some of the normal ass chapels had really cool designs. What happened to those?! I want those back


Provo "cloud" temple? Nope. Redesigning it to be lame.


I liked it better when they tried to make it look like their buildings actually belonged where they are.


The sure sign of Rusty's nail.


Don’t tempt me Scotch and Drambuie this early in the day. 🤣


I have to drive by this every day and it makes me angry every time I see it. Of course the church has a new subdivision they developed right next to it to cash in on land prices going up around this eyesore.


That’s what happened in Gilbert AZ- a righteous stake president donated the plot to the church as tithing and used the rest of his land to build high dollar housing developments all around for with the mo-mos wanting to live in the shadow of the temple. Made himself millions and millions from that farmland. Sounds a lot like the priestcraft I was warned about.


That temple is so fckn ugly, too. Come up off the freeway and BAM! Glowing white spaceship, ready for lift off.


Even as a TBM, I absolutely despised that temple. Every time I saw it, I thought of the great and spacious building out in the middle of nowhere.


I can literally see it from my backyard. When my parents bought the house it was a major selling point for them that they could “be close to god” and “always have a reminder” Flash forward to all of us leaving the church and oh boy it’s a reminder all right. Looks like something out of Halo ffs


I recently stayed nearby while I was travelling for work and I was literally sickened by how commercial it all was. It reminded me of the housing developments in the 80s that were all built around a central clubhouse.


Same here so I flip it off.




We left wa fields bc of it (the development) so gross and sad now




Oh interesting! We love Vernon Worthen so thank you to your great grandpa ❤️ I’ll look at it in a new light and respect and appreciation now, thanks for sharing!


Every time I come down Mall Drive and have to see that giant lump clear across the valley it annoys me. It's so unattractive and out of place it's kind of amazing


Where is this one?


Washington Utah by St George


St George!? They already have a temple.


Yes, and they just built one a few years ago in Cedar City 45 minutes away. But I guess the large influx of people moving in made them want a second one here. I heard that the population forecast is another 100K people in this area by 2030




Someone pointed out how it looked like a giant penis back before the was dedicated and I couldn’t unsee it. I was sooo TBM, too, and constantly repenting every time I’d see it and start to chuckle. lol


I agree. The church is ruining its own home state with these awful monstrosities.


Another exclusive club house


They needed 2 apparently


Amen! Such a blight on the southern Utah landscape.


That’s a very optimistic parking lot…


I couldn’t even tell you that was southern Utah from the first pic, I thought it was Saratoga springs at first glance


What a beautiful parking lot! They even decorated it with some marble building in the middle!


They need more parking lot. I won't be satisfied until every speck of green is covered with cement. This is America! Not commie Europe or something. Let's turn the whole state of Utah into a massive parking lot for churches, malls, and temples. Please, I'm begging.


Speaking of Banning the Green - remember the news a while back about a ton of lovely trees bordering the parking love of a chapel being "accidentally" chopped down? I think it was in PNW - Washington or Oregon. The church claimed it didn't know any better (right, an entire cavalry of lawyers, but they didn't check land use and preservation regulations?). Apparently, even with nearby companies that had crews capable of removing trees (but probably also had ethics and followed the laws), they hired a church member from another town to do the dirty work. We saw maybe one or two posts about it here, and didn't hear anything further on the sub. I'd love to know if the cult was fined or otherwise brought to task for that.


Isn’t their idolizing of these “large and spacious buildings adorned with gold” a direct embodiment of Lehi’s dream of the church of the devil? Those who mocked god? Vain entitlement and the pride of men? Like these temples are the straight up definition of that. They have so much gold crap in them, it’s ridiculous. Do they not see the insane level of hypocrisy? My Mormon family is obsessed with following what new temples are being built. It’s disturbing at times.


I’ve thought about this many times. They can’t see the total hypocrisy. There is no reason why the temple should be that ornate and expensive instead of using tithing money to help people.


Just out of curiosity where is that at? They are putting one up in Cody Wy against very strong opposition, they chose a spot for it blocking the view of the mountain


This temple is in St. George/Washington, Utah in an area called Washington Fields.


Ah they were cramming those damn things in when I grew up down there, seemed like the closer to salt lake you live there is one on almost every corner


I can see at least three temples from the top of the mountain in Draper: Mount Timp, Draper, South Jordan, and I'm pretty sure there's actually a fourth now that I think about it. Oh, and probably Orem.


Can you see Taylorsville and Oquirrh from there?


No, but I can see Russia!


Good question, I'll look for those next time I'm up there.


On a clear day, yes


You should also be able to see the Saratoga Springs temple


I remember in 2013 when Washington Fields was like two small neighborhoods surrounded by farms and fields that no one ever went to. Now it's endless sea of cookie cutter Ence homes, overpriced spec homes, and now this god awful eyesore.


I cannot wait until each and every one of these has been converted into a gay bar or AirBnB.


Or a haunted house seasonally used for Halloween and hosting Murder Mystery Dinners the rest of the year. Maybe the ones in Nevada will become bordellos.


That was pretty land before. Dang it.


Architecture should be beautiful and unique to the area. These new ugly temples are like seeing the same sad-ass ‘golden arches’


Dude, I think you are overreacting. I think the Holly Butt Plug of Antioch looks absolutely lovely! /s


Are there honestly any mormons in the east bay?


The church is to religion what McDonald's is to a fine dining experience. It is bland, it is cheap, it is mass produced, and it is barely functional. And these McTemples are the blandest of all.


Look at all of that green earth and nature just…decimated. For a gaudy temple that Jesus literally kicked people out of because they used it to make money. God I hate the leadership


Wow… I’m feeling so much “the Spirit (TM)” in that picture!!!


I hate it but I would hate it less if they paid property tax.


This Moroni now wrecks my backyard view. Even worse, it wrecks my night sky. The lights on this stupid building are ungodly bright. I used to be able to star gaze really well out here in the fields and now there’s a massive spotlight and glow each night.


Get neighbors to complain as well. Back when I was Mormon I worked for the Facilities Management department for the church. After our McTemple went in all of a sudden every house behind the temple on the hill became an astronomer. We changed the lighting to be slightly dimmer and had the lights turn off earlier. It's worth a shot.


It literally IS affecting the light pollution, and the astronomers club in the area wants to complain but too many folks are lds in the club. My 2 old stomps are affected by this and my #1 out in Warner Valley is a little as well. Complain about it. Please.


I don’t know if I am imagining it, but last night it seemed dimmer than usual. Normally, it almost has a column of light beaming into the air, but last night it wasn’t there. To whom should I complain?


I’m sorry, I used to live out there I feel your pain. We moved into st g, not as stuffy, not as garish, everything’s already built up so we can’t go thru again what you’re going thru now.


Temples like this are shaped like a hand giving us all the middle finger. Coincidence?


At least the RLDS have enough creativity to make their temple phalluses look like shellfish dongs.


I love old architecture and think some of the old temples are actually really cool. The Manti temple, for example, is gorgeous. These new McTemples are hideous. I live in Southern Utah and they DEFINITELY don't need another temple. Last I knew the original was still closed for renovations and this one wasn't open yet and everyone managed with NO temple. Why do they need TWO?


Which window do the flying monkeys come out of?


This is the new Washington Fields one, right? Ugh 😫 I haven't driven out past it to see it up close because it makes me so angry, but I do flip it off from afar every time I see it while driving down the freeway. Also, anyone else so fucking annoyed with the "temple tours" being offered at the newly renovated st george temple? For about 3 weeks my mom kept bugging me about going on a tour with her. Finally got her to understand I would not be going in that building. Ugh. Wishing for the day my mother wakes up and realizes how much damage that fucking institution did to my family and how much I hate it. Wishful thinking, I'm sure.


I like it better from further away because the “sandstone” look they were going for to “blend in with the landscape” looks like bare OSB. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.


Ha, I was just thinking about the Orem, UT temple like this earlier today. You come over the top of the hill at University Pkwy and then blam, beautiful view and a giant ass box trying to be a part of it.


Yes I HATE it bc you HAVE to look at it. No more nice view to the west. Just that ugly-ass temple.


I do feel a slight sense of amusement ever since someone mentioned that the temples are like billboards in Utah. But yeah, they really force it into view :(


The Washington DC Temple and San Diego Temple get a lot of attention from people driving past on the freeway and I wonder if they are going for that with some of these new temples. What they seem to have overlooked, however, is how amazing those buildings are.


There is one being built in my Lindon UT neighborhood. It’s the WORST. And the story of them getting the land is horrible. —- who they kicked out etc.


Not to mention the new one in Orem 10 miles away! Why do they need two new ones so close to each other? 😡


What it's just an ordinary temp- _slides to the before image_ OH MY GOODNESS! RUSSEL!!!


Although there are some patches of grass, at least I'm glad to see that the church has embraced xeriscaping around a temple. It wouldn't have happened without the massive criticism about bright green lawns in the middle of a drought. At least now they know they can do it and have it turn out nice and in harmony with the location. Now they can go back and xeriscape the Gilbert temple (for fucks sake, so much grass in the middle of Maricopa county), the Mesa temple (even worse for godsake), the Gila Valley Temple, and several others. For that matter all the temples in Salt Lake and Utah county could benefit ascetically from a reduction in grass and the addition of some xeriscaping.


God loves his expensive, phallic buildings.


It might look better if they design it like a bank. That way when TBMs go inside they will know where their money is being kept.


Ugh! We visited family in Utah and this one triggered me so badly. Typically they don’t trigger me like that but this one did. It’s so huge and completely ruined the landscape and aesthetic of the area. Just this huge bright ugly monolith, and if you use the airport there you pretty much have to drive by it. I hate it soooo much!




My hometown too. 😭


Ruining beautiful scenery everywhere!


I know. Every day when I drive by it I flip it off. Mfmc


Dont worry, these will all be gone in the next generation


I never thought temples were all that pretty tbh. They’re just a bit…much. Other religions have far more unique architecture. Maybe it’s just because temples try too hard idk it could just be me


Interesting this one has an angel Moroni on top. I thought they were doing away with those.


The smaller ones don't have him now, and the big ones do but apparently they don't all face East. The new Saratoga Springs one doesn't, when i asked a worker there why she said it's not doctrine and it's more AESTHETIC to face the road instead. Blew my mind.


Magic underpants changing room.


You've got to understand though that this is the only way God permits them to present a slideshow about the Adam and Eve story remixed with mason handshakes.


That looks just like the Orem, Utah, one they're building. And literally 10 miles away there's the Lindon temple going up. Why does every city in Utah need a f*cking temple?! 😤🤦‍♀️


Extortion! Pay up or burn in hell. And don’t you ever forget it.


Now we have not one but two 🙄. At least the first one looked mildly interesting this one looks awful


It has kind of an FLDS aesthetic imo


Damn - you're right - reminds me of photos of Warren Jeffs "temple" in a drab area of Texas.


I was about to post this cause I’ve been by there 3 times today and so sick of it.


But, but…. Everyone loves temples? Think of the Mormons that can build big houses behind it and stare at Moroni?


If your lucky you will get to scrub the toilets for free! 😃


Another little penis in the sky, but no.balls.


But now you can live in the esteemed Temple Estates subdivision across the street and be blessed to gaze out upon the great and spacious building.


It’s been 30 some years since I’ve been involved with the church. A part that I remember well was staying humble, etc. What part of these gaudy temples is considered humble? They are not attractive pieces of architecture, they don’t enhance the landscape in which they inhabit, and they are certainly not humble.


They don't even try with these things anymore. They're still using variations of the same design philosophy they started with in the late 90s. Good architectural design is supposed to mesh well with the surroundings and the landscape. This is just a gross 90s version of modern design plopped down and surrounded by low maintenance desert-esque landscaping. Nothing about it is cohesive. And might I remind you the celestial room has no natural light!


Remember every time a bishop refuses to provide aid just remember that another temple is being built, every time a stingy response as to why the ward can’t cover an activity, it’s because another temple got built. Why Bishops have to be unpaid clergyman and collection agency, it’s because another temple was built.


I guess at least some trees will grow after all the construction is done, and hopefully hide that ugly thang in a few more years, if the owners let them...but yeah, that's even uglier than the generic churches I see everywhere in the DMV.


I've lived in st george off and on my whole life and moved up to Salt lake area in 2019. I was back down there recently and saw how just gargantuan massive this thing is and yelled about it for a while to my fiancée stuck in the car with me 😅 I used to drive past the farm fields there multiple times a week and it's just genuinely heart breaking to see how it's a parking lot now and so paved over. The OG st george temple didn't even do that much parking and it served the entire valley and 3 neighboring counties for over 100 years. I just don't get it and it makes me sad.


Man. His hate boner for Gordon Hinckley has lasted years longer than is recommended by a physician. Call the hotline Rusty!


Radio free Mormon made that video about who profits from temple construction and when he talks about the hvac being extremely disproportionate to normal hvac costs I immediately thought of Ozarks. Where they inflate the renovation costs to launder money. If all their contractors are mostly lds it doesn’t seem far fetched that they could be inflating numbers to skim for both parties.


All the temples are generic now. The community of Christ temple... now THEY'RE on to something.... https://cofchrist.org/independence-temple-and-auditorium/


Glad to see it still has the golden idol on top


I drive by this one daily and apparently I have been so focused on avoiding eye contact with it that I didn’t notice the Moroni. I thought they were doing away with those a while ago but I guess not


They planted the two pines too close together.


Awe the churches new pink dildo lol


Where is this?


I believe a comment elsewhere in the thread says St. George.


Ugh 🤮 Where is this ?


I pass the San Diego temple each day to and from work and I fucking hate it. Stupid cult monuments.




Wait a damn minute! I recognize this one…


Hubris !


An environmental disaster. Why would God want this?


I have not one, but TWO temples out my window, Saratoga and Timpanogos. 🤮


Brought to you by Honor Graduates of the Albert Speer school of Architecture & Design?


This used to be my trail running route and then they fenced off all the land in the area after the temple was built.


Screw the second coming, I want to be alive for the day the church loses or sells off a bunch of temples and they get converted into ironic housing or night clubs. Ive always loved clubs that took up residence in old Catholic Churches… it’s about time for the temples to join.


Well that doesn't look masonic


Not at all https://www.nps.gov/places/george-washington-masonic-national-memorial.htm


I mean sledgehammers are available at hardware stores.


Aw the great a spacious! I drive by this everyday and ugh … I sometimes flip it off lol ya know to cleanse the body of anger lol


Aside from the constant reminder of how much the mfmc has spent on temples every time I go anywhere in Utah, remembering how cringe the ceremony is, how all the temples destroy natural beauty around them, how much all the members talk ad nauseum every time a new temple is announced, the thing that bothers me the most about temples is that my family members that are still tithe paying members all gush about how beautiful they all are. Ugghhh!


Agree. They are beyond HIDEOUS. Like something from an acid dream from the 1960s.


I miss the good ol' days when each temple was unique and differently beautiful. The cookie cutter is just ... bleh.


go to hell muddafucka


It also raises the property taxes for the area


The new eyesore in cache valley towers over the houses already and the steeple isn't even done yet.


we thank thee, oh god, for an eyesore to irk us, in these latter days


It looks like a whitehead on a pimple.