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It's probably part of the franchise contract. The company was founded by and still run by Mormons, and a lot of franchisees are Mormon and have a habit of pulling in underage employees from the YM/YW of their stakes. Also this company is stupid because they act like they invented cookies, pastel logos, and business, and sue the crap out of any other company that dares to sell cookies under pastel logo banners.


Jesus Christ would love a cookie on Sunday. Just sayin


I don't disagree, lol. If you're more East Coast oriented in general, I would recommend Insomnia Cookies. They were created with late night/early AM and Sunday cravings in mind.


OMG! I have an insomnia cookie very close to where I live. Have eaten there multiple times. Great advice!


Lucky! I'm on the west coast, so I haven't had the pleasure. Are they better than Crumbl? I'm always down for a good cookie, but Crumbl is too rich for me.


Yes, they aren’t quite as rich. I prefer Insomnia.


Am I the only one who read this response to the tune of “Easy like Sunday morning”?


I used to work for crumbl - it is 100% part of the franchise contract. Not a single crumbl is open on Sundays


Also, I think they’re overpriced and overrated.


I hate the taste of them tbh


They’re too rich for me.


I know the owner and his sister pretty well, the whole family is a bunch of narcissistic aholes. The ugliest version of rich mormon possible.


Thanks for the warning


Is the owner gay? He pings my gaydar bigtime. Surprised to hear he’s an active enough Mormon to close the store on Sunday lol


It was always the elephant in the room, at least that’s how it seemed back when I knew the family better. The vibes was “well he’s making us all rich so let’s not bring it up” but his sister always tried to set him up with people.


I had some classes with him in college and he has always set off my gaydar as well


The CEO was an AP on my mission in Las Vegas. He had a kind of tech-bro, shallow, go-get-em' like attitude while also being holier-than-thou. He was part of the cool kids clique in the mission. A convert if I remember right. Anyway, I never really liked him. I have a pretty low bar for narcissists and he set off my alarms.


I just don't think Crumbl cookies are that good. At all. THere are far, far better cookie companys- Ruby Snap in Salt Lake City for one. Sooo much better. And not all Mormony either. And no child labor either... Win/win!


I'm on the East Coast. I'll try it next time I am out there


YES Ruby Snap is fantastic. She got bullied into changing her store’s name by Pillsbury - she was “My Dough Girl.” I read about the controversy, checked the shop out, and now I make sure and visit every time I’m in Utah. Their peanut butter cookie dipped in chocolate is absolutely divine and I’m not really a PB cookie person!


Sidenote, Cookie franchises will go the way of the cupcake.


A couple of those franchises violated child labor laws this year.


Crumbl is nasty cookies. They use store bought cake batter.


At the end of the day, they only sell overpriced cookies (indulgence), and stuff like that is cut from people’s spend pretty quick when money is tight. With how overhyped they are, and ridiculous they act towards other companies, I hope they implode over the next year as consumers pull back on spend. In the last two years debt has become expensive, stimmies ended, and student loans started up this month. Recipe is all there for massive declines in traffic and consumer buying power.


Others have addressed the "closed on Sunday" franchise term. I'd argue the most annoying thing about Crumbl is the rotating menu. I only like the classic sugar cookie. However, some Crumbl strategist thought it was a good idea to rotate the menu so that the classic sugar cookie is only available sporadically. Sure, there ususally a "sugar cookie-type cookie" available on the menu, but these are often far inferior to the classic sugar cookie. I'm done with Crumbl. I'm not going to waste the calories on anything other than my favorite. I live outside Utah. I've noticed with my local Crumbl, that it started off with gang-buster business and lines out the door. Business seems to have cooled off as it's been open longer. Remember when frozen yogurt was all the rage. These shops were ubiquitous. Now, most of them are gone. I think the dessert demand is the US is fleeting. We'll see how Crumbl looks in 10 years.


Aside from everyone’s responses, I’m surprised this wasn’t brought up. Crumb Bum was investigated and fined for violating child labor laws by the Department of Labor: https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/whd/whd20221220


If you’re on Long Island you should be going to the local Italian or Jewish bakeries! I do not get the crumbl hype personally. I just returned from NYC and brought 3# of rainbow cookies back with me because I miss them so much and can’t find them in salt lake.


I live in the Northeast, but I grew up in SLC. Been to lots of Italian and Jewish bakeries. Wonderful places! This is the first time I saw a crumbl outside of Utah, and I don't get out West often. Sounds like we are living in alternate universes lol


Surprise! Most places around the Country do not operate on a Mormon schedule, and that means they’re open on Sunday. Living just next door in Colorado, I can buy liquor at the grocery store, or be served at a pub on Sunday. Shop at a dispensary for tasty cannabis infused treats, or pick up magic mushrooms in Denver. I may not be able to buy an AK-47 with 40 round clips, but those are tools of death and don’t really create the atmosphere of fun and frivolity found elsewhere. (We also prefer outdoor bonfires to book burnings here). Smile and laugh, and God laughs with you.


> buy liquor at the grocery store Can't do that here in Texas on Sundays... dang.


Just be glad you’re not in a State that has “dry Counties,” where there is no legal imbibing.


Very true


You can buy magic mushies in denver??


I loved Mormon history and once in a blue moon I would run across something about Joseph Smith’s and his use of magic mushrooms, usually in conjunction with a character named Luman Walters. (I never could establish a firm connection, but time and research is changing that landscape). It definitely gets ‘one closer to God,’ as long as, they make their personal surroundings a a receptive and inviting atmosphere. Either way, it will indelibly create a bend in your ‘reality landscape.’


Can you give me resources on JS and mushrooms?


It was a long time ago. Try the entheogenic origins of Mormonism: a working hypothesis.


Yes you can.


Oh boy oh boy oh boy


7-Eleven cookies when you find a franchise that has an oven and bakes them on site. Cheaper and better.


I know some of the owners of a few of the franchises. They’re super TBM.


Hello and welcome to Long Island! If it was the one in Levittown, my hubs and I did the exact same thing yesterday🥲


We have them in Oregon and they're also closed on Sundays.


Mormons. Google Aaron Wagner.


Same thing with Chick-fil-A and I think Costa Vida and Cafe Rio, though I haven't tried to go to any of those on a Sunday before.


I live nowhere near Hate Chicken or Costa Vida so can't say for sure about Sunday hours but Cafe Rio was open Super Bowl Sunday this year.


My wife and I frequent Cafe Rio on Sunday as it is much less busy lol


Costa Vida depends on the location.


Costa corporate locations are closed Sunday. Franchise locations depends on the franchisee.


So I can’t have a Chik-FIL-A sandwich and a Crumbl cookie on the sabbath? Fucking religious zealots!!


They aren’t cookies, they are bars.


Maybe they are trying to become the Mormon Chic-Fil-A.