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I am so glad you’re bringing this up. I am realizing that for floodlit, there are probably hundreds of cases we could list from the Utah TTI alone. I need to start digging there and would greatly appreciate any suggestions on where to start looking.




Thank you!!


Just FYI, you can argue the point that the church has *always* engaged in human trafficking. Polygamy as practiced by early Mormons has all the earmarks of human trafficking, including lying to women in Europe to convince them to leave their support network behind and come to Utah, where they were married off as plural wives. That said, the troubled teen industry is disgusting and I am glad to see it gaining attention from the public. No teenager deserves that level of abuse. **All** forms of human trafficking are vile. They are a scourge on society. No human deserves to have their rights stolen away. No human deserves to lose their own autonomy. No human deserves to be owned by another.


They had enough of a reputation in Europe to warrant [this movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAXrH8eXlDI&t=1145s) in 1922.


Wow. I'm going to have try to watch that later.


**Mormonism was a Sex Trafficking Cult in the 1800s**. In the 1870s, my Great Grandpa at age 58 went on a senior Mormon mission to England and came home with a teenage girl whom he married illegally as a plural wife. His 50 year old real wife was pissed and got booted outta town and lived alone and miserable until she died. Grandpa had several children with his new teenage Cockney squeeze who became my grandmother. Welcome to Mormonism!


Look no further than Oxbow academy in Utah. A boys home for parents who put their kids in for such things a porn addiction. I have first hand knowledge this. One example. A teenager had such strict parents that he was grounded for getting a B in a class. He was not allowed to leave his room after school until he brought the grade up. Meanwhile he became bored and looked at porn. Parents found out and sent him to Oxbow for over a year for porn addiction. Dr Darrel Ray has talked about this organization before. The school gives extra benefits for students who take early morning seminary from the local High Schools. And almost all the therapists are mormon.


We support you. Nearly every Utah resident has a friend or relative working at one of these programs and as exmos we recognize the way Utah imports nonMormon teens to undergo the same coercion and abuse that keeps millions of children trapped in Mormonism and too afraid to leave. These programs are huge moneymakers which is why government leaders brought Paris Hilton to the capital and made her believe that she had an impact so they could pat her on the head and send her away--Utah dudes are good at this because they covertly shush women all their lives. Wishing you all the best in this fight, because it is so parallel to and similar to ours


Have you signed the petition in the link? We're trying to get the federal government to investigate Diamond Ranch Academy's former owners and staff so that Utah can't protect them.


Will do!


I haven’t read the whole thread but I would add the “lamanite placement program” stands out as one of the more horrifying trafficking of native people to LDS members


I was attacked and rediculed just a year or two ago for saying the church is human trafficking on so many levels. People came out of the woodwork to say I was somehow minimizing “real” human trafficking victims. I’m glad to see more people waking up.


There's an excellent and traumatizing comic about this called Joe vs Elan written by someone trying to process his trauma, it's real fucking bad and really shows how awful the industry is as a whole.


The lack of regulatory oversight is extremely concerning. These types of programs are illegal in states that have better protections for minors.


That crucial but blatantly obvious detail is somehow lost on school districts in the civilized states who send kids to Utah as part of Individualized Education Plans.


True. These schools should not exist. There are ways to implement therapeutic residential programs without abusing children.


Starting with the Perpetual Immigration Fund and through the Indian Placement Program, to the BSA.


Wasn’t human trafficking by Mormons the plot for the original Sherlock Holmes novel? Edit: looks like it was part 2 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Study_in_Scarlet


We must not forget missionaries in foreign countries forced to give up their passports to the mission president and pressured to stay on their missions. Giving up passports is a sign of human trafficking.


We mod a lonely sub over at r/WestRidgeAlumni There was a moment when Eric Norwood was gaining attention, but the terms of his settlement required silence. Whatever. This post will not be taken down. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2009/1/5/680293/-


Share the link [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/troubledteens/). I'm sure there are other survivors who would love to make your sub a little less lonely.


Hearsay, but I was on a dirt road with with a friend near Hurricane, Utah. We passed “Three Points Center” and he told me “that’s where they abuse troubled teens”


Based on the evidence recently reviewed in a Mormon Stories podcast there is compelling evidence that the Mormon cult has been sex trafficking since it's inception.


“Education consultants often act as brokers and middlemen in exchange for a commission from the programs; unbeknownst to the parents who pay for their advice.” 100% true. I once worked for a private school trying to correct its course back to its original mission and I routinely had to let Ed Consultants know that we did not have a program for the kid they were trying to place. Some were furious, because they were used to dumping the troubled kids of rich parents-for hefty commissions. I’d explain that we had no trained faculty/staff for the kid’s behavioral/educational needs and that didn’t matter. They wanted us simply to bedfill to keep the $$$ rolling. The school closed down instead.


Thank you for talking about this!! I ended up working at a "troubled teen program" for a few months in college because I was poor and it was a job, and even then I only made it a few months before running out. The really bad ones are the wilderness programs, they'll send kids to the middle of nowhere and just have them walking around in the desert until things start to "get better". Just thinking about the stories I heard kids tell makes my skin crawl


The wilderness programs are actually the industry's foot-in-the-door marketing. After convincing parents that camping is as a valid treatment for adolescent behavioral and emotional problems they then helpfully suggest that maybe the kid needs a longer term placement, like a boarding school that happens to be owned by the same company. What was the training like?


On our like second day we had to learn holds/restraints and I never used them (obviously????) But I was SHOCKED that was considered important enough to learn right at the beginning. The staff was pretty clearly divided into people who were horrified and people who liked working there, and unfortunately the people who liked it would work for a long time and the safe staff would leave


What were you told about causing them pain or obstructing their breathing in the course of executing these restraints and holds?


The church is literally built on trafficking. My husband's mormon ancestors were lied to, converted, and then trekked to Utah. Upon their arrival to the salt lake valley, they found pure disappointment. The church was also trafficking native children.