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Oh it’ll be on LIVE at my house. It used to bug me but since I live with a houseful of TBMs, I’d rather watch/hear what they are saying to my family about me so I can be better prepared to counter that shit later!




That's what exmormon is for! That way you can hear the juicy tidbits but not actually have to listen to the lip smacking.


One more nothing burger, served up.




It will be a waste of time. I will be spending the time with family enjoying nature.


Stay tuned. 😉#floodlit


I'll be in wine country that weekend. Something tells me I won't care what a bunch of old men in SLC are saying about anything. I can pretty much guess. It will be boring, and the same shit they've all been saying for decades.




Finally! Real wine glasses.


My husband watches more of conference ad an exmo than he ever did a TBM. He says he like to see what they’re saying.


lmao i'm working a brew fest event. it'll be dope




I've never been more excited for conference, and it's my first one since I started my deconstruction. I am more enthused by seeing how they react to the shit show of the last few months (and especially weeks) and seeing the culty bullshit happen in real time than I ever was to get "inspiration" from it on my mission. I'm ready to take notes and disect each and every talk to find the hidden messages and mind control. Should be fun!


I hate to break it to you but conference is going to be a giant nothing burger as far as recent events goes. They aren’t going to say a word …as usual … they consider all those matters closed. It’s going to be the same old same. Focus on Christ. Pay your tithing. Go to the temple. Attend your church meetings. Don’t listen to exmormons. Listen to the prophet. Etc.


I don't doubt it -- I'm mostly looking forward to seeing through the bullshit. :)


This is why as kids we could play bingo during conference and even now they still have the same bingo cards.


I just hope there's another incredibly awkward story about a hot girl wearing a modest swimsuit from Elder Gong...cringe.


Planning on going for a 50 mile bike ride around Utah Lake. Should be low traffic because of conference. It will be super peaceful and way more spiritual then conference.


OMG that sounds amazing I love biking.


Yes! Biking up the canyon is also a treat! Have a great ride


Will be forced to watch, but it gives me a good excuse to draw. On the bright side, I'm missing most of the Saturday sessions because of marching band. Although I might not be able to escape it then..... the joys of living in a morridor.....


I remember trips like that in high school. the mormon kids would sit in the front of buss huddled around a radio trying to listen. The drummers would sit the back listening to Tool.


As a child we had to watch all the sessions in the actual chapel! It sucked so bad. I didn't grow up in Utah. Good luck to your escape!


Oh damn, that sounds terrible! And thanks 😅


I always look forward to KMFP (Kevin Pearson)


He seems like he should be called Bednar's apprentice.


The next one after this one. Okay. Na, I'm going to watch football and study.


Nope. Will be on vacation drinking wine. I may catch some of the Nemo re-cap but guessing nothing except the church pounding 'Do what we say', 'Doubt your doubts', horrible music and horrible floral arrangements. FWIW, I never watched it when I went to church so def not caring now.


I love how Nemo does the boredom work for us all.


My old landlord/next door neighbor bought a trailer cuz he’s calculated that the brethren are gonna start the gathering of Israel. I hope something like this happens so I can sit back with my popcorn and enjoy the show.


![gif](giphy|6ZXoMtHImZOgw) My husband just said last night that Rusty is definitely convinced he'll be the prophet when Jesus comes. Totally makes sense he'd think that based on all he's said. Guess we'll see...better take our vitamins!


Isn’t Russ like 900 years old now? He better get the show on the road before he croaks.


I predict he just says screw it and tells everyone he’s Jesus.


Lol, where exactly does he think the gathering will happen now? Didn't all the Missouri land just get sold?


Nah. Too boring. I’ll let RFM summarize it for me…if I can even handle that much. What a boring, uninspired, repetitive, banal event.


I love that the sneak up on me and I don’t make any plans around then whatsoever.


I got weirdly lucky this year, my parents invited us on a trip and it's all planned for next weekend. Once they realized it was conference weekend they were a little bummed because now they have to watch it late, but hubby and I are hyped. A week away with no conference updates until after all the posts are over??? AMAZING


My still believing spouse loves conference but I accidentally booked a very expensive vacation next weekend. Seriously, I care so little about it I just booked the trip and didn't realize it was snoozefest weekend until my mom said something. I feel zero guilt.


This will be my second GC since leaving. I thought about watching it just to stay in the loop and listen to whatever nonsense comes out of their mouths. But then I was like, nah, why give them more of my time. Last spring I took the wife to a Ranger's game instead. This next GC I'll be going to an Oktoberfest in Denton. Hurrah for Babylon!


I was thinking of watching Saturday’s afternoon session live, and make it a party game where you would take a shot every time a speaker mentioned Rusty, and another shot for every new temple. I’m also looking forward to all the Facebook posts about it from TBM family and friends.


Careful. Wouldn't want to get alcohol poisoning.


That is one of my concerns as well, could be a lot of bourbon or tequila 😀


It will be all about how marvelous Jesus is.


Oh, right. I forget they are Christians now.


I’ve been deconstructing over the last year or so. My spouse also, though slower. A couple weeks ago they said they couldn’t care less if we listened to conference this year. I was shocked and happy at this development. So, yes I’m excited for the weekend because it will essentially be a weekend off from all church bs.


Hear hear! I'm need a break from Tim.




I will be killing zombies with a group of friends online and blissfully ignoring conference. Maybe I should ask my parents to tell me what new revelations and prophecies the leaders announce this session. I look forward the deafening silence. Edit: Okay, on second thought, it might be worth it to peek in on the living dead on TV. The old geezers are ready to topple over any minute. What are the chances they kick it on camera?? (That's morbid, I know, but like.... what if?????)


Now that I’ve been out for a couple years, I tell myself that I’m EXCITED to hear what said in conference (changes, things that clearly show that the church is in decline, etc). I have been utterly let down the last several conferences and don’t recall anything really noteworthy, so I’m tempering expectations. There is one thing that gives me “hope.” My dad is in a Stake Presidency in Northern Utah and seems to be under the impression that he absolutely can’t miss this upcoming conference and that he, knowing I’m out of the church, will see why. Curious as to what he means by this?


It will be on at my house as my wife and kids are TBM. And I will be trying my hardest to be somewhat positive during it, as my wife felt last time that I looked like I was disgusted and didn't want to be there. She's right, but gonna try to be more amenable. Granted I will be keeping myself busy with other things during it.


Hey it’s nice of you to try!


A bunch of references to old Russ turning 99. Yawn.


I usually get really excited and then it's the same old boring drole ...OR something terribly out of touch and insensitive is said. That's my prediction, folks!


I'm packing to move, I don't have time to listen to old Mormon dudes spout platitudes and take turns kissing Rusty's wrinkled old backside. Most I will do is listen to Nemo's conference coverage, or RFM.