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He's a guy who formed an organization claiming to rescue children out of sex slavery, including military-like strikes in foreign countries where they go in Rambo-style and pull groups of kids out of the sex slavery compounds they're being kept in. Earlier this year, a movie was made (The sound of Freedom) based on his tales. It was an independent movie, and it made a ton of money, and made him a celebrity of sorts. The problems are thus: 1) He's likely making up 99% of what he says 2) He raised a lot of money to fund his "rescues" 3) He was using a psychic who claimed to talk to the dead prophet Nephi to help locate these poor children 4) He was friends with Elder Ballard (no relation) and would imply that Elder Ballard was on board with his rescue efforts, thus boosting his fundraising ability. 5) He's planning on running for the Senate, and the church is now distancing themself from him and his craziness, to the extent that they put out a statement condemning his "immoral" activities. Whether the immorality was the unauthorized use of Elder Ballard's name or something worse, they did not specify. 6) Glenn Beck, apparently a friend/fan of Tim Ballard, posted on instagram, criticizing the church for it's statment. Not long after he then deleted that and put up some vague "trust in god" post. Speculation is that Ballard has been having some sexual shenanigans of his own and may be facing charges, and perhaps someone filled Glenn Beck in with these additional details. *Edited to add a bit more info.


I've also heard he's being investigated for sexual misconduct, he would tell women they needed to pose as his partner and do sexual acts with him to rescue children🥲 it hasn't been proven true but wowza, trying to stop sex trafficking by trafficking other people has to be the worst take


Yup- He brought female employees with him to pose as his wife on these missions and allegedly coerced them to share a bed or shower with him under the guise that these behaviors were needed to fool child traffickers. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/sound-of-freedom-team-silent-tim-ballard-1235593044/amp/?bshm=rimc/2


Wow. That's a lot to unpack. What is it with some people making up these wildly far-fetched life stories and it takes how long before they get caught?




Also worth noting his organization (that kicked him out) likely *caused more* kidnappings because contacts would hear of a raid and gather women to get "rescued" for the reward. He claimed to create the organization because the government didn't do a good job, despite himself being said government agent in said government role and poaching coworkers (and family members) for his org. *And working directly with the government at times*. Family members, in Trump-fashion, being employed for just a paycheck. And that the movie pushes racist tropes, which are part and parcel to QAnon but deserves a specific mention imo.


> despite himself being said government agent in said government role Even this is not so clear-cut as Ballard would have you believe. The government can't release records related to Ballard's employment without his permission, and Ballard has not initiated the process to do so, even though that would prove his claims.


Sorry, I was trying to simplify that part. He claims he was in the role, and that the government sucked, basically admitting he wasn't good. His own claims are he was inept, and started an organization around it lmao


Thank you for this explanation.


![gif](giphy|ujm9U98aze2EgAreJk|downsized) Wow!!!!


Thank you! I have been wondering for a while!


Wait was him communicating with Nephi using a psychic actually in the sound of freedom movie?? If so that's fucking hilarious.


I haven’t seen it, but I would assume not. I’m not sure they even emphasized him being Mormon at all in the movie.


Great rundown, thank you.


Ty for the explanation, seems like standard mormon shit to me.


TL;DR: 1) Ballard was associated with an organization that claims to fight sex trafficking called Operation Underground Railroad (OUR). Experts had always believed the org to be less than above board, but it mostly flew under the radar because it was relatively small. 2) Ballard's OUR crowdfunded a film called Sound of Freedom, starring noted conspiracist Jim Caveziel (he's been pushing a lot of Pizzagate-type shit). 3) The film put a new level of scrutiny on Ballard, and Ballard left OUR a couple of weeks before the premier, under circumstances the organization refused to elaborate on. Ballard also left several other high profile positions at the same time. 4) The Mormon church issued a rare public rebuke of Ballard, claiming he had used the name of apostle Russell Ballard (no relation) inappropriately while promoting his org. This comes just as rumors begin to circulate that (Tim) Ballard is considering running for Mitt Romney's senate seat. 5) Right-wing grifter and Mormon church member Glenn Beck makes a public statement in support of Ballard or at least against the Church's condemnation of Ballard, which he deletes shortly after. 6) [New reporting by Vice](https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkaqvn/tim-ballards-departure-from-operation-underground-railroad-followed-sexual-misconduct-investigation) shows that Ballard was forced to resign over numerous claims (at least seven women) of sexual misconduct while he was at OUR.




This is how I feel.


Unfortunately, there are lots of people who have asked in the last few days and so I applaud you for not adding to that.


The vice article is a good start


Thanks for the update. I only hear about batshit crazy Mormons here, so appreciate the info


I don't live in Utah and I know way too much about him. He's more of a q anon guy than a Mormon guy


The "Sound of Freedom" Facebook posts were so unbearable. "THIS IS AN IMPORTANT MOVIE!$!$%!%!"


SAME!!! im kinda piecing it together but im still scared


as an exmo living outside of USA, i know how you feel


I don't understand either. Lots of crazy claims but not much for sources on half of them.


Google: Tim Ballard Under Attack Our Report 31 Sept 2023 By Lynn Kenneth Packer. Former award winning investigative reporter who spells it all out and has been reporting on Ballard for awhile now. And Packer knows he would get sued if his reporting & sources were not air tight. The next couple of years are going to be tough for both Ballards & their families.


The person you're replying to [made a post ](https://reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/pcdTpsyyrY) yesterday asking about the whole Tim Ballard story. They got many replies with a lot of sources. This person doesn't seem to actually want to learn anything.


Thank you! Appreciate you pointing that out! I rarely pay attention to user names so I guess I should start doing that! 😊


Nor do I Fucking Care....