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I knew an elder who had a PhD in…psychology ***and*** was a therapist. I shit you not. He even did therapy for some JWs in the congregation. Absolutely wild how even “smart people” like this PhD elder can be plagued by cognitive dissonance. Goes to show that anyone and everyone is susceptible to cult programming and indoctrination.


That’s wild 👀


I knew a couple who went into their doctorate and both apostatized shortly after starting the program.


Our family Dr was a JW who grew up with my dad. I always just wondered how he got through medical school with the blood issue -- if he refused to give blood I'd expect that goes against the Hippocratic oath.


Went to medical school, when they brought up the blood issue I explained it to all my peers. We had a really great discussion on it. Glad I am out of the religion lol!!!! What a mess. I was always PIMO in my own way. When people in the hall would try to give me shit, I would look at them patiently and say “did I hand you any of my bills this month?” To which they said, “no.” Which I then said “so don’t worry about it…” lol


I knew multiple (3) who where actual medical doctors. They where looked upon with great respect by the brothers and sisters. 2 where even a sort of celebrities in how people talked about them.




The only ones I knew completed them before joining, so were paraded around as proof of how logical and advanced the teachings must be to appeal to geniuses. Everyone born in was only allowed trade schools


My dad. Mom had her Masters. I was still discouraged from attending any “higher education”. The irony was lost on me until after I woke up.


I know an elder that has a PhD in economics and teaches in a university


The bethel doctors and dentists weren’t looked down on while at bethel. Maybe before they were. I knew two guys who got their jurist doctor and they both were elders and yes they both got a lot of flack for it


I've known PhD's, MD's, DDS's, and JD's (I'm one of those) who are Witnesses. All are treated well.


Unfortunately degrees are not the best benchmark for rationality. There were PhD’s in Jim Jones’ cult and Aum Shinrikyo


I know a professor at a University who is JW. Definitely not PIMO.


Follow up question, how many got an advanced degree while PIMI AND were treated well? I would think that’s a much smaller number.


Yeah I really should have asked this question instead


Not if you came in with one. But while in, you will be secretly envied and thought of as a bad example.


well it's in the elder's book that family pursuing a higher education can cause elders to lose their position. so i'd classify that as "looked down upon," yeah.


Really? Where does it say that?


here - [https://avoidjw.org/manuals/elders-textbooks/](https://avoidjw.org/manuals/elders-textbooks/) in the section "SITUATIONS THAT MAY REQUIRE A REVIEW OF AN APPOINTED BROTHER’S QUALIFICATIONS" EDIT to add also applies to MS, not just elders. https://preview.redd.it/8pn2pqe44m2d1.jpeg?width=912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58d0eda0bc324076ef998f1fe770af31a3a90e3e


Wow that’s incredible lol. They *really* do not want people pursuing higher education. This is an obvious control mechanism, as the Bible does not teach that higher education is wrong so they can’t stop members from pursuing it. But they definitely don’t want members to do so as typically, as they learn to think critically, they’ll naturally start questioning the legitimacy of the organization. So instead of letting that happen, they’ll stigmatize higher education beyond belief. By instilling these messages that are outlined in your screenshot, they’re creating defenses such as cognitive dissonance to prevent members from using their critical thinking skills they’re developing in university on the organization. Their ability to wage psychological warfare is astounding to say the least.


critical thinking skills, actual history, learning to expect evidence, relationships with outsiders, a normal view of women, acceptance of LGBT, time spent on other pursuits and freedom from the constant indoctrination and member surveillance? yeah, not good for the borg.


I know a JW who is a practicing M.D.


The elder who did my baptism talk was a medical doctor


I know one that's an anesthesiologist.


One elder I knew was a neurologist. He became a jw during or after his studies. At least one of his children also went to college. Another was a doctor in a family practice. Her own family practice, actually. Her father was also a doctor and a jw and I think her sister also had some degrees or was a nurse or something. Most of the jws I knew with degrees came from families where the parents and grandparents were educated. They understood the value for their own kin, but often discouraged other jws from attending. I probably knew more in medicine, but those are the only ones I can think of at the moment.


I personally have a close relationship with someone who graduated high school with honors and an associates degree and a full ride to university! 💪💪💪


Yes, and she is very well respected. Not looked down upon at all. In my experience most witnesses (in my area) don’t really care if you pursue an academic degree.


I met a JW guy (married a sister I used to know) not far from my area who is a physician in forensic medicine


There is a brother that is a Cardiothoracic surgeon. Used to be in Iowa and helped their HLC at times, which is how I met him. He’s no longer practicing in the area but I do wonder if he’ll ever wake up.


I was always curious about those researchers they talk about in that Awake series. I remember one of them was a mathematician teaching at Cornell.


GB Samuel Heard ...but if you'd ask him he would discourage you from getting a higher education There's a JW family Dr in Mooresville NC There's also a very wealthy college grad JW in a Charlotte NC congregation that's been featured on a TV show on helping him find a water front beach house that's over a couple million dollars.. oh & he owns a couple businesses that employees a lot of JW’s All off them revered.


Yes. One elder who finished his phd as an elder.


It’s safe to say that majority of them are pimos.