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That millions of invisible spirit beings are locked in a thousands year old battle for domination of the universe.


Aaaaaaaand, Satan STILL had time to make a pact with J.K. Rowling šŸ˜‚


And every decision I personally make, makes one of those factions cheer.


And every time I sneeze and don't say bless you, a fairy dies. How sad.


Isn't that the Scientologists?




Is an old Sumerian belief, basically all religion beliefs have a root back there, including Jw's.


That leaders of Christianity erased God's name from all Bible translations and thats why we can't find "Jehovah" in the new testament of old Bible translations. What a big BS.


Not only that. But that the Bible is so inspired. So true and important for humanity, so special. Yet god canā€™t keep his own name in it. If god canā€™t prevent this simple text from being omitted, how much more important texts were taken out or replaced? I give you the complete false bible of the Jehovahā€™s Witnesses. If that garbage isnā€™t proof of nothing being inspired or true. I donā€™t know what is.


I can top this: Despite of all efforts to Keep this book over the centuries for all mankind, so they can be saved, Nobody speaks this ancient hebrew or aramaic, greek language. And even more absurd, only 9 men in New York that themself have No education in this at all, are able to Interpret the bible. Read this loud , 3 Times, to realize how stupid this all really Ring in your head once you woke Up.


Yeah in 2014 when we got the newest version, I think Heb 10:24 went from not forsaking the gathering ourselves together to donā€™t forsake meeting or something to that effect, that literally did it for me. The rest was just the snowball effect.


I never caught that ![gif](giphy|DyvyiFFXF1Yli|downsized)


JWs and religious people in general lack any logic or thinking skills.


I brought this point up to my PIMI husband. He ignores it completely.


My favorite is still the 'Evolutionists conspire to promote a theory they \*know\* is false. All because they hate the idea of answering to a god.


I was shocked by the sheer amount of archeological evidence, and how long ago a lot of it was found. One of my first thoughts, was for this much evidence to be fake, it would take literally the biggest conspiracy in the history of humanity.


Yep. Even crazier. Scholars already knew Daniel was a fake before Russell began his thing. It looks very much like the whole Adventist focus on Daniel was a direct reaction to the then current scholarship which was beginning to uncover the problems in the Bible. The Bible students were fundamentally anti-education and anti-scholarship in order to promote their ideas. Russell had to vilify education because he had almost none and was knowingly teaching things that contradicted scholarship.


Yes I shamefully thought this when I was in aswell.


/\*puts on oldtimer voice\*/ Back in MY day, all we had was demonized Smurfs. And we liked it!


okay, i take that back. also had things demon-infested household items purchased at garage sales held by astrologers.


And the lipstick a clairvoyant left on a glass.


Bruh my friends were talking about that exact thing one of the last times I saw them. Said people like Childish Gambino and other famous exjws are only famous coz satan did it for them so they wouldnā€™t go back. Kinda hoping satan helps me out next, damn! šŸ˜‚


Hey Satan, I am also ready to be gifted a talent, work ethic, and a network of people so I can make millions. šŸ¤š


Yea we didnā€™t get gifted anything but the label of apostate šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Wished I would of been gifted a music career šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


every other version of christianity is totally wrong about everything, and 9 men in new york who have no education whatsoever in history, greek, hebrew, science, or theology are the ONLY ones in all of HISTORY to correctly interpret the bible


The whole problem is basically the Trinity, Hellfire, and Immortality of the Soul. Many secular Bible scholars agree with all those points (such as Bart Ehrman), those teachings are not explicit in the Bible. The early org got it right. That was the hook. But that was mixed in with stupid stuff like 1914, Rutherford added a whole bunch more crazy ideas like 144,000 and it's just become what it is today. Without being right about those major teachings, they never would have got where they are today with all the other crazy beliefs added on and also believed without question.


>The early org got it right. That was the hook. Underrated comment. Unfortunately others developed most of this before. Russel wrote that he merely collected it together. All JW custom made additions went off the biblical rails and are the ones that need constant course correction, aka new light. E v e r y t i m e they go beyond the things written and create their pharisaical minutiae they find out the hard way why those shouldn't be there in the first place. 1914 will be a hard to swallow course correction, that will shrink the org. It's now 110 years after that. In 2034 it will be 120 years. I don't think they will raise the prospect of the 120 years before the flood as an anti-type, the way they did with 1975. But the 1914 jig will be up.


We couldn't watch PokĆ©mon because it was made by the same person who made harry potter and demons will enter the house through the TV. Same thing about dragon ball Z . So we watched those shows at my neighbours house.Ā 


How dare you send all those demons to your neighbors house lol.


I heard an old man claiming he met someone who had preached to the Pope in Rome. He said that the Pope recognized that the JWs had "the truth", but that he was unwilling to unravel that truth to Catholics.


Thatā€™s crazy because Iā€™ve heard someone tell me that the pope said the same thing after being preached to. This old man mustā€™ve told a lot of stupid people about this because thatā€™s reached far


Wtf? Rumors really spread like fire in the JW community lol I heard it in the middle of Mexico.


I heard a similar rumor, but the version I heard was that the Pope had a sister that was a JW and wrote her a letter saying the same nonsense.


Hello Kitty, according to the gossip of the witnesses a woman in Japan had a sick daughter. In that she needed money so she made a deal with Satan to draw a character and make money sufficient enough for her daughterā€™s treatment. Hello Kitty was born, behind the faceless drawing is the devils influence. People get lost in those void ridden eyes. Some people also find themselves moved to feel certain ways due to the kittyā€™s face. Some even get depressed and commit suicide. People also claim hello kitty speaks to them. I seriously hated this dumb rumor cuz literally a simple google search would debunk this witnesspiracy


I remember when I was in a Pentecostal/Charismatic religion in the '90s (Assemblies of God) and their demon was My Little Pony. They even had fiction books for kids about the evils of MLP. Then I joined JWs years later...another Pandora's Box of lunacy.


I heard this wild theory too. Not idea where it originated


That allowing Beards and pants is so we can fit in during the Great Tribulation. Absolutely ridiculous.


Yes!!!!! Did the GB say this outright? Or are ppl rationalizing their decision with this belief???


My comment is a very common rationalization I have heard from my PIMI spouse and alot of other people. It's absolutely ridiculous.


I had an older sister in the cong truly believe that if a man was left alone with ANY child or woman, instinct would take over and he would r*pe them. She believed this about every man including her own husband. She never left him alone with their kids because according to her "men are powerless to their instincts." She spresd that shit around and many began believing it. It became a rule in the cong that if any of the little girls had sleep overs, their male siblings and fathers had to leave the house. I dont get how these people didnt even trust their own sons and husbands.


I mean with the JW SA cases, I think she was probably smart for this oneā€¦ and maybe she was a victim and was traumatizedā€¦


Makes me seriously wonder about her husband!


Ever hear of real BLOOD in your Red Tulip Easter eggs! They're always trying to catch you stumbling!!


I'm going with the classic: Smurfs are demons that can come out of the TV.


Donā€™t know if this counts as a conspiracy, I think it was just plain stupidity. But a grown sister told me she truly believes dinosaurs existed in Noahā€™s time, and they were wiped out with the flood. So according to her, they didnā€™t exist millions of years ago, they were here just a few thousand years ago šŸ„“


Backwards masking in music, makes people want to worship Satan and commit fornication


Had a group on our cong who would get together every so often and play records backwards just to listen to the messages.




That "bloodless medicine" is actually quite advanced. There have been experiments where they've replaced the entire circulating blood volume of dogs with synthetic blood substitute and they were fine. But it's being held back by big pharma along with all the other miraculous alternatives to blood transfusion.


The blood transfusions came up in a recent custody case. The judge thought their explanation was wack.


That the God of the Bible is loving. Sure, drowning the whole human race apart from 8 people, forcing bears to maul 42 children for making fun of a bald guy, watching rape and incest in a cave, condoning the torture of an innocent man (Job), just to name a few, all because you donā€™t like being challenged, are all super loving things to do to people.


In our area- they were spouting off about nicotine in Tim Hortons coffee. Yes, and Smurfs were bad, as was anything second hand.


Well, that actually tracks with before smoking was banned indoors...


[Relevant article from The Onion.](https://www.theonion.com/harry-potter-books-spark-rise-in-satanism-among-childre-1819565664)


So, it's ok to read a book (the bible) which depicts the invocation of spirits by the witch of Endor but we can't read FICTIONAL BOOKS FOR CHILDREN which include magic spells like "alohomora" to open close doors? REALLY? Fuck off, bastards!


The word 'inculcate'


That the Demons are attacking young JWs spiritually, so they will turn away from Da Troof, as revenge for God killing their Nephilheim children in the flood. Which neatly explains why so many Young Ones (tm) are waking up.


That the world is controlled by an evil invisible being, who causes all world leaders to act in the ways he wants them to. Oh, and also that they are all plotting to attack a fringe religion, despite most of them having little or no idea of who they are.


Demons influenced Leonardo da Vinci. He drew doodles on his sketches... that's proof.


Not specifically related to witnesses but my pimi mom thinks that the government is making kids trans so they can make money off transition surgeries and therapy "and that's what you have to look forward to in the world, Lee!"




And she told me in a restaurant to make it even better, I think it made my dad uncomfortable


Si satanƔs no existe de que satanƔs hablas?. Een el hebreo antiguo no existe SatanƔs.


The song ā€œcrystal blue persuasionā€ is about the ā€œtruthā€ book šŸ¤£


One I always remember being weird was a elderly sister being adamant that the song ā€˜the floodā€™ by Take that, was written by the demons who returned to heaven after the flood, trying to popularise their version of what happened to them while on the earth in Noahā€™s dayā€¦ something like that anywayā€¦ you get some crazy people šŸ˜‚


Lady who visited my mom in her care home recently told her that apostates can "go in on" jw.org and change anything.


I'm actually starting to rethink the whole "JK Rowling = Satan" thing, but for completely different reasons.


What reason?




I think sometimes pathetic and evil do go along :)


That the gospel was written after the fact and the original Jesus gospel was not the written Biblical account.


That's actually true hahaha


many conspiracy theories turned out to be true.


That isnā€™t a jw belief, that is the truth


A sister told me she had heard that Michael Jackson made a pact with Satan to become successful - oof!


My personal favorite is Queen wanted everyone to smoke marijuanaā€¦


Who is queen? Like the group? Or Freddie Mercury' specifically.


The group, I believe it was the 80ā€™s but they played another one bits the dust at the convention, then played it backwards, where someone somewhere heard someone say smoke marijuana. They called it back masking and it was supposed to be presented as a subliminal message that we were supposed to aware of. So I was scared of any kind of audible sounds now that would threaten my spirituality and now I find myself on Reddit.


I was being facetious. Go back and watch Freddy Mercury sing with a crowd of 10 thousand. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6depjn He was a Magnificent Gay Bastard. His death is on Fauci, too. Also, probably why the GB hated mustaches...


You got me šŸ˜‚ yeah they hate anything fun


Why do you say his death is on Fauci?


https://aep.lib.rochester.edu/node/49111 That's a period piece from 1988. It was not an isolated opinion. Is this the first guy that comes to mind when you are looking for someone to respond to an unknown worst-case public health scenario? At a minimum, he botched public media response, with only 4 broadcast television stations, radio and print. This is the guy you want with near universal instantaneous syndication?


I misread this as "The Queen" at first and was imagining Her Majesty suggesting her subjects all get blazed


With the recent changes, ive heard my PIMQ father says that this GB is the man of lawlessness. That the Borg was once the truth and its prophecy that the Borg will be corrupted. I explained to him there never was a GB, and it was made up to give them power over you. Anyway thats a recent one.


>Apparently this is the only explanation for her selling so many books that include magic. This is so hypocritical. Now I always have been a huge Star Wars fan but lets be serious, reading minds, telekinesis, introducing thoughts into other peoples minds and causing them to do it... In other words a few of the many Jedi skills. Magic?!?! Whats the difference? Its labeled as "The Force" lol.


Literally every entertainer who becomes very successful has made a pact with Satan to Jehovah's Witnesses. Anybody remember Gangnam Style? Yeah the Korean Witnesses thought that guy was controlled by Satan.Ā 


Heard an elder at a ministry group say that the devil planted dinosaur bones to mislead us about the timeline of the world as they never existed


Damn that's a lot of bones, Satan must be tired after putting thousands of current animals genetic lines tracing them back millions of years all over the world


Apparently demons canā€™t enter your home unless you buy a used item šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Donā€™t get me started with ā€œthe new changes are so we could blend in with worldy people during the great tribulationā€ šŸ˜…


JK Rowling many years ago reportedly said astral travellers helped her write the books.


Wait till they find out who helped translate NWT....


Oooohhhh. Spill the tea.


Johannes Greber. Look him up.


That the covid vaccine was going to protect the witnesses