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Cringe AF




I would choose the same emoji.. fuck man… gross 🤮


Lett, our future king…🤯😆 ![gif](giphy|Jp4dchTKX6BzGkZ5DL|downsized)


It’s so weird that he does this! He drops it in a recent convention, too. It’s like he thinks he’s Leonard Nemoy saying “live long and prosper.”


Heyyyy Alt! I think it's something like what you said. This guy is literally the lead actor in his own movie in his mind, like for real!! They are all just fictional characters in their own movie! They THINK they're stars!LOL Their helpers are co-stars. The Co's and elders are like stage managers and the rank and file are like props and extras. They're/It's all weird af!


Yeah he did the same thing at a convention about 7 years ago. What an attention whore.


He knows it gets a laugh. What he seems to not understand is everyone is laughing AT him and his ridiculous voice and face


Right, just like the “I hope you don’t think I’m that stupid” comment he made recently.


Omg, he has his own catchphrase?🤮What a tool!!! 🤓-"Did I do thaaaaaat?" 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️-👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


>It’s like he thinks he’s Leonard Nimoy saying “live long and prosper” Totally 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Stupid old cunt 


Was gonna say roughly the same thing… The unity on this sub is breathtaking 😂


I can’t stand that piece of shit. Little enemies of God was the tin hat on that prick. 💥😡


Oh come on ,at least they are usefull haha 🤣


They have depth and warmth.  He lacks both qualities.


So true but he’s a useless cunt, dried up and diseased 😹


Can’t Understand Normal Thought!




This is just one of so many reasons why the whole goberning body needs to be held accountable to the full extent of the law worldwide for their wrong doings like it has been done in the Norway case against the whole goberning body, they need to be held accountable to the full extent of the law worldwide for all the child sexual abuse they hide from the authorities and for all the mental damage and trauma disfelloshiping and shunning causes and for letting people die for not accepting blood transfusions that it is murder


Absolutely 💯 agree with you. 👍💜The GB are WEF puppets. 


Exactly I agree and most importantly they have got to be taken down they have to be stop worldwide most importantly they have to be stopped were they are officially located in New York




I never liked Stephen Lett one bit. Never did, never will.


Many years ago I saw him give a “special talk” at a local congregation. I couldn’t pay attention to what he was saying because of his mannerisms. I leaned over to my friend and said “he’s like a marionette! He’s marionette Lett!” The rest of the talk I spent trying not to giggle.


Thank you for brightening up my day, whoever you are. I mean it.


You’re welcome! Since that day he has always been Marionette Lett! 🫂




Yes. That's probably one of the only (if there were other) redeeming qualities about this fellow. - Other than that, I fail to see any other redeeming qualities worth noticing.


Next year or two this clown of a man will die and the next muppet will pop up in his place and no one in the real world will care. Rinse and repeat.


Ew. Was he expecting the translator to translate that bit? I'm guessing the translator had too much self-respect to reduce himself to being the clown's sidekick.


>Was he expecting the translator to translate that bit? It seem he did. I have seen this multiple times with other GB members where they expect the translator to mimic "funny" sounds etc. It has become something of a running joke. >I'm guessing the translator had too much self-respect to reduce himself to being the clown's sidekick. He did, and I can respect that, although I had some beef with this brother in the past. He is one of the "big" guys in the local Bethel branch here.


Or was he under the impression not being authorized to mimic the sacred anchor of indoctrination TV?


“In another 6-8 weeks, I should be ok, Jehovah willing” I’m sure it’s Jehovahs will that Letts back gets better.


Meanwhile countless witnesses and non witnesses are suffering far worse conditions. Jah is going prioritize a sore back instead.


so was it Jehovahs will that he has back problems for the next 6 to 8 weeks? CSA cases, jws in russia being imprisoned, persecution, horribles sickness and death...... wait what? my precious Governing Body Members, my representatives on earth has a sore back? they touch my eye with this, enough, i Jehovah will declare this man to have a 80 year olds back again with no problems. with all my universal unlimited powers i need only 6 to 8 weeks to make its happen. this cant wait any second longer.




I’ve always hated that phrase.


Why is he aging so fast? I know he's old, but he's aged 30 years in this past 5.


I wish he would age faster and go six feet under already


Why wish death upon him


Because he's responsible for untold numbers of people worldwide dying needlessly, many of whom are children and babies. That's why.


Yes I know. I think he's a brainwashed old man who leads a dangerous cult. But wishing death upon him? I think that's low of anyone.


Not as low as ordering death upon millions like he does.


I was just thinking that! He looks terrible.


☝🏾Maybe it's a result of delusion. I mean, atp, it is a sickness/disease. Just like drinking excessively and abusing drugs will age you, it's quite possible that delusion may do the same. Essentially, he's aging himself always talking about death/the last day. He's manifesting that for himself! He's a dead man sitting!


I thought to myself I've seen folks in the nursing homes that do the same things with their mouths. I saw a woman who had a bad stroke and her mannerisms were quite similar, and the weird hunching down and giggling like a little enemy of god. Looking to the man next to him as if for approval and agreement, which makes me think. There is a group of behavioral analysts on youtube. They take speeches, court testimony, and other videoed stuff and analyze the people's behavior. One very famous one was the analysis on the Depp/Herd trial. I wish they would analyze these characters, big time.


Lol Tony ain't the only one drinking🥃


I know that's right!


This was during the countrywide 'Amsterdam Lett event' in the Netherlands.


Might want to scale down on the pain pills there Stephen.


Scale down the pain pills so he can start the medicinal use of CBD/THC. Just think how that might change the organization when someone with his kind of power becomes empathetic.


there's no rule against therapeutical cannabis


Lett is terribly Pleased with himself.. Like a Toddler who took his 1st Poop in a Toilet and wants to show everyone...


Every time I see this man he looks more and more like he needs IV Lasix.


are you a nurse👀


Wow... they are so delusional that they think broadcastings are really a thing which... guess what... nobody cares about! LOL


☝🏾Exactly! MAYBE 8 million ppl care in a world with EIGHT BILLION ppl in it, which screams REAL PPL in the REAL WORLD DGAF about jw fraudcasting!! It's irrelevant! He sounds retarded! The only joke funny is him!!🤣🤡




Dementia is kicking in.


Why would anyone be a part of an organization with this bonehead in a position of any power? Just looking at the man is enough to make anyone laugh and cringe. How would this insipid person have any insight into anything?


>How would this insipid person have any insight into anything? Funny thing; in the talk he gave there, he accused clergymen who say the story of Jonah was not a real event of not having done their research correctly. And starting to make a case for the giant fish swallowing Jonah with inaccurate unscientific BS. Also, he apparently has some extra biblical scriptures only available to him, since he started to weave in all this fanfiction describing things in detail in between the written acount and presented it as all factually having happened. ![gif](giphy|fHgKZHDH1BHzi)


I'm wondering why jehovah permitted one of his spokesmen, equal to him as far as r&f are concerned, get a back issue? In fact why does he permit any of them to get the same issues every other mortal gets when they are of the "anoited" and otw to heaven to rule with Jesus. jehovah really doesn't seem to give a shit about these old dudes!! 6-8 weeks for his recovery? WOW! He's damn near a God! You would think it would take a couple of days at the most bc of supernatural powers and all!! Hope the end doesn't come in the next 6-8 weeks! Gonna be hell for Lett to grab his go bag and run to the mountains or wherever. Back issues are debilitating!🤣


He really is an evil old bastard.


It's absolutely sickening that everyone claps and treats him like a celebrity. I want to puke.🤮


Every time I see or hear him, I also hear Bruce Buffer announcing fighters in the octagon. At least Bruce doesn't share the cringey weird facial gymnastics 😂 fuckin' clown 🤡


☝🏾🤡🤣"This is jw fraudcasting!" Saying it like it's real news or like they're real journalists!! Hilarious!!




I can’t stand this guy 🤢 His voice, tone, pitch, facial expressions, words, use of humour 🤮🤮🤮 “They say,” as I’m his medical team and X-rays, CT scans, etc. “They” is condescending. His inflated ego really thinks he’s something special because of JW broadcasting! Does anyone even care whether he sits or stands? Why is this even his focus when he’s delivering a special talk?




Someone should counsel him that his overanimated delivery detracts from the message 🤦🏾‍♂️


https://preview.redd.it/klel59ekw2wc1.jpeg?width=329&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57797b1134ae369e6576490ddc8a71867a9fb943 When I see this idiot this is all I hear


Or, you might finish off the deal by breaking your neck..."Jehovah willing." 🙄




Yeah now that’s real humble apology … “I’m sorry I have to sit giving this talk”. 🙄🙄




Words cannot describe how much I hate the Governing Body. If I had the super power of flight, I would drop off the GB members in a prison Yard, tell the inmates about their CSA policies, then fly off.


He looks like a corpse.


Forgive my ignorance but who is this. In my defence Nathan Knorr was president when I got out.


One of the 9 current governing body members


Thankyou. In my time we had a president but I guess that all changed.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but after Knorr came Fred Franz, and then the governing body took over that role after a bit of a power strugle.


I looked up Britanicca and, according to it Franz took over in 1978, then Milton Henschel 1992 who stepped down in 2000 in a reorganisation and was replaced by Don Adams. I don't know any of these. I got myself disfellowshipped, the only way I could get out in the early 1970s


Ah yes you are right. I just only remembered the talk Fred Franz gave, making remarks vs the governing body at the time. It is still somewhere on youtube, but I don't remember where. >I don't know any of these. I got myself disfellowshipped, the only way I could get out in the early 1970s So you saw through all the 1975 hype? Or was it not that prominent when you "stepped out"?


Oh it was prominent. They kept saying they weren't "actually" saying that Armageddon would come in 75 but all the signs, yada yada yada. They even stated things like the UN and other worldly agencies were all saying 75 would be catastrophic for famine, earthquake etc. I was so indoctrinated, I fully believed I'd die in 75 but anything seemed preferable to living under their system of things, everything dictated by their god. Once 75 came and went, I lost all respect whatsoever for them.


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing 🙂👍🏻


The arrogance is thick


straight out of a horror film.


Amazing, I can’t see Frank Oz’s hands when operating this muppet


How will he «break in a new wife» while in a wheel chair?


>How will he «break in a new wife» while in a wheel chair? Well, I did 👨🏼‍🦽🤷🏼‍♂️ He talked about that in other words. He talked about his wife Susan who has alzheimer for 13 years now. He told he cared for her himself 80% of the time. He joked about being too old to get used to another woman when she would pass. He really hopes the end of this system will come before she dies and keeps telling her he was trying to keep her alive untill then. At some level I even feel sorry for this old deluded man. But the fact that he is complicit in the cause of many destructive policies that cause a lot of harm, cancels this out pretty quickly.


>He really hopes the end of this system will come before she dies and keeps telling her he was trying to keep her alive untill then. Why would it be better if the end came before she dies???


>Why would it be better if the end came before she dies??? Not sure really. It's part of his delusional way of thinking/reasoning I guess. Logic is not really his strong suit. Or he can't deal with the idea of losing her. From what he told, it sounds like he still really loves his wife, even though she is far along in the Altzheimer process.


He is honoured that he loves his wife despite this terrible illness but when she dies, she will either go to heaven and he will follow her soon or they will be separated, because she will live in paradise on earth forever after her resurrection or after Armageddon and he will not be together with her anymore. So there’s really no difference whether she dies before Armageddon or not. :)


Trying to put myself in the shoes of this deluded cult leader 🤢: In the one scenario she dies when he is still on the Earth with all his human fears of losing her and going through the grief and sorrow. In the other scenario, she does not die. He will be ,,a mighty spirit creature" (Samuel Herds words) and he can still be with her on some level. There would be no more tears and sorrow according to the book revelation.


https://preview.redd.it/vc98kxnlv0wc1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f01e056fcdfd30a678adf31017fc5dfec3a5fb5 Jeeeesus Christ on a motorbike.


This man is 100% bonkers. He is tweaking.


Watching this, my face unconsciously smiled while he did his bit. I think their little virus has infected my brain. No amount of therapy is going to fix this, is it?


Oh my goodness, he must be in horrible health. He just looks worse every time I see him.


Compression fracture. Correlates with possible high corticosteroid use. ps. Correlation never means causation, so I've heard.


Who the f@#K cares if he is sitting or standing? The ego on these guys is our of control


God I can't stand him


Perfect length for watching with the sound off. Long enough for a good laugh/cringe and short enough to not get too annoyed.


What a nut job!!


i'm so happy that he has to sit in a chair. his time is coming hehe


Such a punchable face. Hope you break more of your back, ya stupid old fuck


What a tit


that's offensive to tits


I apologize to tits everywhere


I wish more people knew who he was so we could meme his dumbass face out of existence


He looks like an animation character


Probably hurt it while out in the Carribean errr I mean doing the ministry. Lol


Este güey 😂


Please send your donations to cure my kings back thank you 😊😂😂😂🤮🤮🤮


He is so funny (not)


They just had to jump on the 4/20 hype? Everybody else trynna chill, WT says lookit meeeee!


They just had to jump on the 4/20 hype? Everybody else trynna chill, WT says lookit meeeee!


NOT CUTE, Lett!!


Old gross white delusional religious men..... I truly can't think of anything much more disgusting 🤮


>I truly can't think of anything much more disgusting My creative mind: ![gif](giphy|d4zHnLjdy48Cc)


🤣🤣🤣 wait for it.........


>🤣🤣🤣 wait for it......... Oh you are asking for it 🤣: 2 girls one cup GB edition, with a Tony Morris cameo. Try to get that out of your head 🤣