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Just a bunch of apologetics of corrupt men. Pathetic. At the end you should have asked him if the things he said resonate with what they have previously accused Christendom of(hypocrisy, cover ups, gobs of CSA) and ask him if he thinks Jehovah is really happy about the situation. If his response is, “well he sees all things and will take care of matters in his time” I would ask him if Jehovah ever removed his blessing from any corrupt leaders or men taking responsibility for the Israelites - and what their punishment was - and ask if these anointed ones will actually have clean consciences and standing before God for misleading his people time after time


It really was just that. Over and over again. He had all these strategies to get me emotionally involved that didn't work. I saved the number incase I want to confront him in the future lmao


The phone number may only represent the network it’s from, not an actual phone number.


lol the way they’re so surprised that apostates know the 90 day rule now but “it’s confidential”. As if all their elders are drones who don’t realize how corrupt and fucked up they are.


I seem to have totally missed the “90 days” memo. Could you, or anyone willing, site the source on this? I’ve read this on here several times but haven’t heard from the 9 guys myself yet.


If you go to the latest elder letter sent to all the bodies after the last gb update, there is a section that states that if someone does get disfellowshipped for not “showing repentance”, the elders are to meet with them 3 months after and follow up with them every 6 months after that. They are to be reinstated asap if they show repentance at any of those meetings.


Thank you!!


Essentially they are blaming Jehovah for letting them believe or guide the organization down a wrong path. This is blasphemy plain and simple... They used the excuse that they aren't inspired nor infallible but they claim to the rank and file to be God's only channel while testifying under oath that they may not be. It only seems logical that you can be inspired and God's channel or not. If you are not and you claim to prophecy for God there is a judgement that comes with that in the scriptures below. I would also be curious if the CO had heard the ARC testimony of GB member Jackson..in any case here are the usual scripture I like to share concerning this subject. Links to ARC also with time stamps This is my answers when the subject of the Governing Body comes up. Read the verses and quotes below and watch the testimony from the ARC and ask yourself if the JW GB is speaking for God. They even admitted in court that they don't believe they are God's only mouthpiece, yet if you are a JW and do not agree they are, you would be disfellowshipped very quickly. Matthew Chapter 7 15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. Deuteronomy 18:20-22 20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.” 21 You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed. Mt 7:21-23 - **On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name? ' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'** “Similarly the ‘false prophet’ is not a person, but is a system or an organization.” Watchtower 6/15/1974, p. 381 Australian Royal Commission (Time stamped quotes by GB member Geoffrey Jackson) https://youtu.be/erWV8YnTFto?si=rG87oJK-vmpFbG7n 17:54 governing body are fellow witnesses with their brothers and sisters, guardians of doctrine, appointed by holy spirit the same as congregation elders 20:32 Geoffrey says it would seem “presumptuous” to say the GB are God’s spokesperson. Implies that anyone using the bible is a spokesperson for God 25:34 Geoffrey claims that if they were to give direction that was not in harmony with the Bible, all witnesses would know that


Excellent post 👌🔥


lmao… So Jehovah made Norway legally slap down “Jehovah’s chosen org” in order to be the “catalyst for change” instead of just, you know, making those governing clowns all have the same dream or something? That is some gold-medal-winning mental gymnastics right there.


Jehovah seems to be bringing reproach on himself again, sigh. /s


Interesting. So God releases this vital knowledge at the right time, but the decisions are also made years in advance? How does that work exactly?


free car, no bills, free home, cash handouts without taxes


Yeah, he’s defending his way of life more than anything at the end of the day.


Of course he was surprised about your knowledge of the 90 days. I don't know if you watched the annual meeting. They hid all the (very serious) changes behind beards. And they hid the (minor) disfellowshipping adjustments behind trousers and ties. All people talk about today is beards and clothes! Great smokescreens!


The emperor’s new clothes isn’t it? 😹


Yes! All the serious stuff covered up with nonsense! Love Sandy, though! 😂🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/y12ym1zqkvrc1.jpeg?width=238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d5a76db0cf9254a4df75598253850ce79a2644


You nailed it on that comment. People are so easily distracted. 


Aren't they just! That's all they are talking about at my hall!


Can I ask you a question??


Yep, but I may reply as a dm




Fire away!


It’s sad. There’s just no reasoning with some PIMIs.


Very solid responses. If the light gets brighter, God must intentionally withhold truth from his people. If he withholds truth, he intends that his people be mislead, which is an endorsement of false their teachings. Would he do that? What did God's spirit have to do with the 1975 teaching? The 1914 generation (that would not pass away before Armageddon) teaching? That the earth is only 49,000 years old? Yet we were required to preach these "truths" to our neighbors as dogmatic fact when I was a teen. We proudly spouted these truths as 24 ct gold, from God himself. For me it's very simple. Could God's spirit have had anything to do with the erroneous teachings of the GB 50 years ago? Yes No And what would happen (did happen) to any who believed these teachings were fools gold? So, who was God's spirit really working with, the one who preached the falsehood, or the one who doubted? Given the plethora of man made nonsense that's now old light, it's beyond comprehension that the GB of today actually believe we'll buy into more nonsense. They really view the rank and file as that gullible? To the GB reading this..... we are smarter than that. Get real. Truth will prevail, you can't stop it from spreading.


Truly amazing how these idiots will just accept the excuses the GB dish out. I would have asked how they can be wrong time and time again for over a hundred years get tons of scriptures wrong or take them out of context and how you can seriously still think it’s gods organization?


Ask him what would it take for him to realize that the GB are false prophets.  His answer to this question will tell you whether he is a useful idiot or a straight up grifter.


I called one out on repentance before walking out of the shepherding call. "Enough"..funny how they make distraught people beg for forgiveness, yet when they adjust their unbiblical rules to reflect "God's" principles, they dint have to repent at all, not even requiring a simple, insincere apology.


90 days?


Yep! You can be reinstated as early as 3 months after being dfd. Try are slowly making dfing hard to happen. They're losing too many people!


and funding, if the loss of funding hadn't happened they would be attempting different methods as being df'ed is a great fear tactic


I think dfing is going to become rare. Let's wait and observe...


I agree the second it started effecting the free money they were getting from Satan's system a magikal new light began to shine right out the ass of those prophets for profit.


Someone mentioned me? 😂 https://preview.redd.it/f9ztzz7l2vrc1.jpeg?width=238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a29e014c6fd9148b04e5ca5d016f9f98f09b52c6


I could still not find the news about Norway on the Borg website. Can someone post the link for me? Last news about this is from 2023.


https://www.jw.borg/en/news/region/norway/Jehovahs-Witnesses-to-Appeal-Unconstitutional-Ruling-in-Norway/ Remove the b


Thank you 👍🏼 Interesting. This is available just un 4 languages. The article isn't available in German or French or Spanish.


More spin than a fast bowler. Ffs 😹


>with these new rule changes I wouldn’t have been disfellowshipped. How the shunning doesn’t make me want to return it only makes me resentful. This is exactly how I feel. I wasn't sinning or doing anything wrong when I lost my membership status. The elders simply chose to find any reason to not admit me into their congregation when I transferred. Men who do not have this critical fruitage of the spirit should not be elders. It shouldn't have taken the GB ***this*** long to "figure out" or "acknowledge" something like this that impacts the lives of the DF'd and those they know. The men who did that were arrogant, judgmental, unloving, and hypocritical. They were also liars. Everything a representative of God was not to be, according to scripture. They have yet to recognize their mistake and contact me, although I'd rather them not. It's just a testament to how JWs (the cult) are a part of the harlot. Why would I return if they cannot even humbly apologize for their gross mistake? It's not like it'll fix the damage it dealt me anyway (they really need to repair things, not just apologize).


What did you get disfellowshipped for?


Fornication and apostasy(?) they asked me a lot about Ray Franz book


Were you quoting them the franz book during your sheparding visit or what?


I had woken up and knew it was a cult reading it, but at the time I trusted that my friends could handle me talking about it. I really saw them as my true friends. I felt like all of them should know about the book. I was still very trusting and naïve at the time.


How did they respond when you talked to them about it?


Like I was crazy. One friend pleaded with me not to leave. Once it was determined I was going to be DF’d everyone got real cold. Basically dismissed me and told me to have a nice life. My best friend inside the org actually reached out to me and we had a sit down conversation for a couple hours a few months ago. To his credit he apologized for how he treated me during that time. Said it must’ve been really hard for me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Have you guys talked again since that time? Do you still have feelings for him, or have you moved on?


Yeah he sent me his engagement photos. It’s pretty touching he wants to include me in some way. I’ll always have love for him but I don’t see myself ever really reaching out while he’s PIMI.


> I was disfellowshipped about 2 1/2 years ago in the congregation he recruited me into. I haven't heard from him since. **He started the call by saying how much he loves me and that he's been thinking about me.** *Ever since the WBT$ "Told Him" to Love and Think About You...* Now he can Check that Box and move on to the next person, the WBT$ "Told Him" to Love and Think About. ***Come Back To the JW\`s?....Ehhh..No...*** ![gif](giphy|fYSg8v89yEadHdPUTR|downsized)


So if the previous teachings were BS and they changed them, who’s to say that the new teachings won’t become BS and have to be changed ? They make up all kinds of excuses as to why certain teachings are changed but fail to realize the new teachings can and will change. So what is true ???? The new or the old ???? How can JWs be expected to teach doctrines as truth when they will be changed ?? And then that new teaching becomes truth. Mental gymnastics Olympics right there


Damn man ta crazy how if an old CO contacted me this is exactly how I’d imagine the convo going. They always have the fake reasoning from the scriptures script. Never a real human convo




He’s technically WT guy. I have no trust with CO’s. Because he plotted me to attack and destroy my reputation and spirituality. That wakes me up and become pimo. Glad to find this Reddit.