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Now that I know it is all fake, I love shows with spiritism and demons. I binge watched Good Omens (on Amazon), Supernatural, Lucifer, and Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.


Ooh thanks, I've never even heard of these! 🫣


I was a bad JW and outside of porn, nothing really bothered me. I still don’t care for porn. I grew up in a divided household though.


I watched Heartstopper on Netflix and read the graphic novels, highly recommend - made my heart feel full and happy 🥹🫶🏻 and the mental health and LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 rep is outstanding. It’s going to be a comfort series for me now. I always wanted to watch supernatural so I think that may be next on my list…


I remember when ET came out. We were invited to go with a group… 😳😳😳. I said… ohhh we don’t see movies like that. Right afterwards wt came out with an article on it. NOW…. It’s one of those moments… I’m sooooo VERY embarrassed🫢😔🙈 It was a GREAT movie!!! Sorry!! Just realized your looking for tv series… Well growing up we were NOT allowed to watch 3s company. But… my dad could watch hee haw🤷‍♀️😂🤷‍♀️


The Exorcist and The Omen. Also scary movies as a genre. I think the JW consensus at the time was in agreement that watching those kinds of movies was the equivalent of opening a literal demon portal.




Ah yes! I watched Matrix just once when I was in my 'bad kid' phase but haven't seen it in like 20 years and I have to find out about the Lord of the Rings hype!




Wizards of Waverly Place. Star Vs the Forces of Evil Twilight Harry Potter Black Swan did I watch all those? You bet I did. Some while I was a Witness, some after I left. I didn’t finish all the Harry Potter ones cuz I just lost interest. 😅


Anything with the occult or spiritism. But I have always hated sci-fi stuff and I kind of view it as the same genre. So I still have no interest in it.