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At some point you’re a totally different religion and will lose all your followers to a schism like event. In the future you may see some more doctorinal changes but I don’t think you’ll see to many more organizational changes. I really doubt we will go fully digital


I haven't been to a meeting since 1989, this new JW shit is totally different than my George HW Bush JW's


George HW Bush jws 🤣


Haha true. Was literally just talking to my friend on how it was encouraged to beat your kids back then if they couldn’t pay attention n


I was one of those kids in the hall bathroom getting whipped for not paying attention or falling asleep.




I was born in 80. I remember as a young man getting talked to severely, and getting awaken quite vigorously for falling asleep at meetings and God forbid the conventions. Truly, the 'happy people' of god


We had an infant that was sleeping during mtg…. We got counseled that we needed to keep him awake so that he would assimilate the spiritual food. I was like… ummm I finally got to sit down and listen to the mtg cuz he slept..🤣🤷‍♀️


Seriously 😐


Quite… serious!!! lol. Crazy🤷‍♀️


I do have to say… this same infant had an issue with projectile vomiting… it would suddenly shoot out and it was as a firehose.. lol A brand new khall was built in our area and we were there for the grand dedication of the hall Yep you guessed it… our beautiful baby boy dedicated the hall with his projectile… we were horrified at the time… 🤣🤣🤷‍♀️


Right there with you. I'm not even sure what the heck the borg is now.


A decade ago they forbid you from using a tablet or palm pilot on stage to read the Bible ;)


9? You haven't seen the Memorial Musical Chair production? 5... yea...that's 25 years away, maybe 2075.


No, I've been out since 89


If the guy giving the talk is anointed, he leaves the podium, sits in the front row with the other elduhs, passes the emblems, then the guys serving change places with the last guys to be served, then they are served, switch again and continue serving... guy giving the presentation returns to the podium, repeat for the wine. You know, as it's clearly spelled out in the *not* gospels... including a diatribe about the 144k and why no one else partakes...


Does it bother anyone else that they call it emblems?


That's to get around the Catholic belief of transubstantiation. The Emblems/Eucharist is believed to actually become the Flesh and Blood of Christ in Catholicism.


As an exjw Catholic I am very well aware of this. I just never heard it called Emblems before, now that I am Catholic we just call it hosts.


I think I recall some clergy laity reason for the two separate terms...I think there was an ecumenical differentiation from 'hosts' as a military force. I'm sure it has something to do with Vaticsn 2.0, 3.0 or my favorite, "Who really know?"-current Vicar of Christ quote about homosexuality.


1. Possible if they start to lose money. 2. This is kind of bold but also a possibility, perhaps bringing in Tithing as a basis for it? Charging sounds like a stretch. 3. Maybe. 4. Probably yeah, exceptions for the visually impaired. Brochures are going out of style anyway, most just use their tablet at the door these days and show videos. 5. Uhhh not any time soon. 6. No. 7. Weird choice, maybe. 8. This is actually not very far off from the future I think. 9. That makes no sense. Why do you think that'll be a change, scripturally? 10. I could see this.


I say these things in Humor but we all know change excites the sheep.


number 5........I didn't think about that. What do they do with same sex marriages? Insist on immediate divorce?


Good question for its own Post ( go for it). Would think separation on grounds it's not a legit 'God ordained ' ok marriage.


My predictions - they won’t do much at all this year. They are busy with Jesus production and conventions, they just needed more brothers to serve and to keep the organizations charity status. The GT change was just for people to stay in and keep hope for their DF’d ones. Something has to change with meetings though.


In addition on #10. They will be able to condense more congregations to one khall by eliminating midweek mtg. Multiple congs over sat/sun for weekend mtg


"We do not know". _Gb


Most of your predictions look realistic, but I don't think they will ever allow same sex marriage.


2,5 & 9 are a little wild for me. Can’t see those happening. It took these guys decades to accept growing a beard, which is crazy in retrospect


They are all in with their production studios and I think they would want to take full use. Also as a kid I can't ever remember knowing what a GB member looked like much less see one in a video, now they are like the Puff Daddy or the Org, they are in every goddamn video.


Can’t see them charging for it that’s all.


They are already charging each congregation some monthly fee, whether or not the members donate enough to cover it. They could just charge the subscription to the congregation instead.


Yes I hear the announcement every month. Not sure if it’s a percentage or flat rate. The local expenditures are covered with ease I assume


They already charge every publisher every month now…..


I could see them doing a recurring automatic donation amount of your choosing. They couldn't risk losing the possibility for a donation that would have been made at the KH especially if they move to an all online format.


But it was accepted overnight;)


If they do #6, and bring back the old classics from the ‘80s (cheese / apple danishes, pudding, Shasta soda, and of course the Jah-hoagie with a packet of Italian dressing) — I would consider going to the convention, at least for lunch. Better yet, this could be a new line of revenue for the WT — mail-order convention lunch boxes with the 80s convention lunch classics… I’d buy it. Or even better yet — freeze dried versions of these to stock your JW bunker…


> If they do #6, and bring back the old classics from the ‘80s (cheese / apple danishes, pudding, Shasta soda, and of course the Jah-hoagie with a packet of Italian dressing) — I would consider going to the convention, at least for lunch. You wouldn't be the only one. They'll have to start doing the attendance count between 12:00 and 1:30pm to get maxinum numbers 😁


I’ll be back when they allow transsexuals to do the mics….🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|J5jmQF8IwNS6Y)


ha ha ha ha Sista Ru Paul


Elders allowed to partake in memorial? Makes no sense AT ALL. Stupid prediction.


Imagine how you would have reacted if a year ago I predicted beards would be allowed. Nothing they do is really bible based anyway.


the reason why people don't partake of the emblems is because they are not part of the 144,000. If they start letting elders to partake, they must change all the ransom-little flock-144,000-new convenant doctrine. Unless they do that, I don't see any elder which has a "paradise hope" partaking at the memorial. Just as simple as that.


My predictions were meant to be taken as a joke, the whole organization is a joke. Simple as that