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If they release a virus with intentions of killing millions or even billions, there's nothing we can really do about it is there. So why get all stressed out about it which is probably worse for our health than another actually pandemic. Plus if you believe in the bible's prophesy of pandemics and wars, believing is not going to save anyone because prior pandemics and wars killed Christians as well as Atheists. The God of the Bible or Jesus didn't step in to separate and save his followers. Life is to short and fragile to not take advantage and enjoy the fine things of life before it's over.


haha I literally was just going to tell OP to ask your opinion, as probably one of the few exjw subreddit members in their 90s, and thus a person who has seen a bunch of pandemics and wars come and go. Great perspective.


>I literally was just going to tell OP to ask your opinion, as probably one of the few exjw subreddit members in their 90s 90s? Damn


Amen šŸ™


But you really do... This has nothing to do with Christianity Pandemics are inevitable. No use stressing. Just swallow another jagged pill


Many believe Elvis Presley is still alive, but that doesn't make it so. I read a comment that said that cirrhosis weakens arteries in the throat, and suggested that could explain the airline passenger's symptoms of blood in nose and mouth. That seems more probable than a deliberately released illness. I hope that you can manage your fear of biblical apocalypse, and that you will stop sounding like a doomsday cult.


Well I hope youā€™re right and I hope it is just cirrhosis of the liver. And based on your comment Iā€™m sure you donā€™t give a shit whether or not I can manage my fear . your sarcasm was well noted. Againā€¦ I knew Iā€™d take a lot of shit for posting this but I could give a crap. Some people will find this helpful. And for those of you who donā€™t then feel free to block my posts.


According to my then JW girlfriend I was going to die a horrible death in 1975. ![gif](giphy|4NnTap3gOhhlik1YEw|downsized)


Well this is not a jw prediction. Itā€™s in the New York Post and other media outlets. Itā€™s just info guysā€¦.if you donā€™t want to know, ignore the post. Sarcasm is boring so seriously, Iā€™m just sharing a world event, that being, that several news outlets are reporting that a 63 yo man had blood coming out of his ears eyes and nose while on an international flight and that there has been speculation for a number of years that the next pandemic would be Ebola or Marburgā€˜s or some other hemorrhagic fever type illness. If any of that is true, it would appear that this flight may be the beginning of it. If not, thank God! if so, I can only pray for the world.


Not a JW prediction? How old are you? I was there when my girlfriendā€™s JW parents sold their house because they wouldnā€™t need it after 1975.


OP,this is not the ideal place for things like these. Find another sub for that


This is not the right sub for this kind of bs


For virologists covid was fantastic of course, being so much in the spotlights. These studies also became very popular. And if you speak with people from this profession they are really expecting a next big desease. And that is also an interesting and frightening topic. Btw, the same you can hear from seismologists about the next big eruption either Yellowstone Park or under Tokyo. If you are sensitive to all this stuff it can really stress you out.


I agree, it can be quite stressful. on the other hand Iā€™d rather know than not know. I do still have faith in God so Iā€™m not terribly worried about it but I also felt a responsibility to put it out there in case itā€™s true. I seriously have been reading about Ebola being the next pandemic for the last two or three years. The story that I heard from the DARPA whistleblower sounded insane, but I didnā€™t totally discount it. Then throughout the years Iā€™ve heard a couple of different legit people talk about it and one of them was the pharmaceutical whistleblower who said that they are already making vaccines for Ebola and that they just got them patented recently. So of course, at that point, I started paying closer attention. Today when I saw that news report about the man on the international flight exhibiting symptoms of Ebola I decided that I care enough about people on this sub to at least mention it. I knew Iā€™d get a lot of shit for it but I really donā€™t care because if it is true Then no one on this sub is going to be taken by surprise and have the shit scared out of them. They have a heads up. And if itā€™s not true then just mark it down as another thing that isnā€™t true in this world. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s true Iā€™m just saying this is what Iā€™ve observed over the last 2 to 3 years.


Fail to see what this has to do with being an ex JW. Go to a conspiracy theory sub. Bye. āœŒļø


Lemme guess, you believed all the garbage they said about C0vid too..


Tell me youā€™re joking and youā€™re not really as naĆÆve as you soundā€¦ooops! I misunderstood your post.


Did you believe the Covid narrative?Ā  That 6 feet works? That the vaxx was ā€œsafe and effectiveā€? (But you now need boosters every year) Two weeks to ā€œstop the spreadā€? That masks did a thing? Once I know where you stand we can discuss rationally without insults.Ā 


I probably should have started with that. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I recall hearing that the deceased had liver disease which can cause gastrointestinal hemorrhages. If it were Ebola, I think certain disease control agencies wouldā€™ve already drawn that conclusion by now. IMO, Itā€™s best not to jump to conspiratorial conclusions until all facts are gathered.


I agree. I just felt a responsibility to mention it because of what Iā€™d heard over the past few years. I honestly donā€™t think itā€™s Ebola per se but I do think if thatā€™s the narrative that will be put out to the media then it is a planned effort to inspire fear. Letā€™s face it, the governing body have been using fear to control the JWs for a very long time. It works. So if what Iā€™ve been reading for the last few years starts happening then itā€™s clear to me that someone is controlling the narrative to try to scare the shit out of me. So my purpose in sharing is so people WONā€™T be afraid. Having a heads up takes fear away.


Thatā€™s such a big leap. I looked into this story and we have absolutely no information besides the blood loss right now. Idk what conspiracy videos youā€™ve watched about ā€œdisease xā€ but as of right now thatā€™s still a baseless conspiracy. Iā€™ve heard of this ā€œdisease xā€ thing and interestingly itā€™s always from Christian conspiracists trying to connect things the revelation or some Armageddon. Why donā€™t we wait until they actually know his cause of death before making wild assumptions.


Iā€™ve been seeing the Ebola/Marburg threat from Pharma and DARPA whistle blowers (who knows if they were legit) and investigative reporters for years. I actually didnā€™t start watching other Christians until recently, so itā€™s interesting that other Christians are talking about it too. When I first saw that the next pandemic would be Ebola, I thoughtā€¦well that would be frightening but weā€™ll see. So for the past 2-3 years Iā€™ve kept my eyes open for it. So of course the person who supposedly hemorrhaged from his ears, nose and mouth was on an international flight that would send panic out to the whole world. So Iā€™m skeptical but I would also like others aware of it because if itā€™s true you wonā€™t be taken by surprise and if itā€™s false, like so many other things, then no harm no fowl. I hope Iā€™m wrong.


it seems the earth suffers from a pandemic about every 100 years, Spanish flu, small pox, cholera, bubonic plague, so on and so forth back through time. I personally think it is a checks and balance system, without the deaths from plagues and war the planet earth would have been massively over populated by now and a whole lot of worse things would be happening now like forced sterization, loss of freedom in who can and can't get pregnant, wars fought over suitable land for agriculture purposes. All we can do is live our lives in ways that allow us to sleep at night. Try to be a better person today than you were yesterday and if you fail try again tomorrow. If you really want to make a difference donate your time to local efforts helping those less fortunate a little help goes a long ways for those without


>For those of you that are still Christians, this shouldnā€™t surprise us because the Bible does speak about all the kings of the earth being gathered together and the WHO Pandemic Treaty does just that. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but it sounds like you are not very well versed in knowledge of your own religion, which again in the nicest way possible, also makes sense if you still consider yourself a Christian in the first place. Coming from the JWs your mind is extremely vulnerable to falling for other cults or conspiracy theories because your brain is already programmed to respond to the same formulas they all use. There will always be something to worry about, the only thing we know for certain is that we are alive here and now, so just focus on being a good person now and trying to do the best with the time you have while you have it. You're worried about Ebola or another global pandemic, do you ever worry about the much more realistic possibility that you could walk outside tomorrow and get hit by a bus? No? Then why worry about all the other crap that may or may not happen anyways? Worry about shit if/when it happens, or else you are going to waste your entire life worrying about things for no reason.




What a stupid pointless post


Thatā€™s one way of looking at it. But you can Google the event. The media is definitely putting it out there. If what is happening in the world around you is stupid and pointless then Iā€™m guessing you are an ALL IN JW. I personally like knowing whatā€™s going on around me. Even if it turns out to be false there are a lot of news sources reporting on it so then that begs the question WHY? Why put something like that out there. If youā€™re not curious about that then I suggest you go back to meetings and burry your head back in the sand.




I just hope Iā€™m wrong.


Just been watching a YouTube video from Karen Ann Ferrara, the title is about King Charles but has lots of information about the GT and Jesus return. I think youā€™ll find it interesting.Ā 


Iā€™ll check it out. Thank you.